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Cervantes Serrano Romina Paulina 612ª



Romina Cervantes Student


Women from Mexico march on International Women's Day

At least a hundred women marched this Monday, as part of the mobilizations on the occasion of
International Women's Day, to demand a stop to femicide violence and guarantee of human

The mobilization started around 3:00 pm and departed from “Parque Madero” to “El Zócalo”,
where the group read a pronouncement against feminicidal violence. After walking the streets and
expressing demands with paints on the walls and sidewalks, they expressed their outrage and
demand for justice for the more than 500 women killed in the current administration, as well as
for the 800 missing.

They also required training for judges and judges, translators for indigenous women, effective
strategies around alerts of gender-based violence, which until today in the state do not have
results, violence continues to increase.

During the march, some undercover police officers of civilians began throwing tear darts and gas
at feminists, covering up behind the cops carrying shields and protection.

Currently in Mexico, for every 10 women die 9 daily, we cannot continue to allow the corrupt
government to do nothing in the face of the facts, we need to raise our voice to be heard and in
this way, we Will be able to guarantee safety and justice for women and for those who are no
longer with us.

We have to be aware of the femicides that occur day by day, not just about how the monuments
were painted or how feminists caused chaos. Also we have to inform ourselves about the feminist
movement and what is the purpose, not just give an opinion of how they carry out their marchs.

We can not allow more injustice for women, we have to look for our security, be aware that our
voice and protests are being Heard. We are tired of pacific protests and marchs, we have to prove
that we won't be silent.

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