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Quiz: Electrostatics and Coulomb’s Law Name:______________

1.) Three spherical conductors, spheres A, B, and C, were each suspended from a
thread. The spheres had charges of -200µC, 400µC, and -500µC, respectively.
Spheres B and C were brought into contact momentarily and then separated.
The total charge of the system and the charge on each of the spheres after
spheres B and C were brought into contact and separated were

a. -300µC, -200µC, -100µC, -100µC

b. -300µC, -200µC, 400µC, -500µC

c. -300µC, -200µC, -50µC, -50µC

d. 300µC, 200µC, -50µC, -50µC

Use the following information to answer the next question.

During an experiment, Pablo touched the ball of an electroscope to ground the device
and then removed his finger. He then brought a negatively charged ebonite rod near
the ball of the electroscope. Pablo observed that the metal foil leaves repelled. While
the ebonite rod was still near the electroscope, Pablo touched the electroscope with his
finger. He then removed his finger from the ball, and then he removed the ebonite rod.
After removing the ebonite rod, Pablo observed that the foil leaves again repelled.

2.) What was the charge on the foil leaves the first and second time they repelled,

a. Negative, negative

b. Negative, positive

c. Positive, negative

d. Positive, positive
Use the following information to answer the next question.

Suspension head with scale to

measure twist of fibre


Charged sphere, which has been

lowered into the apparatus

Charged sphere and counterweight

mounted on a rigid, lightweight rod
that is suspended by the fibre

3.) The angle of the twist of the fibre is a measure of ___i___, which is directly
proportional to ___ii___.

The statement above is completed by the information in row

Row i ii

the distance between the

Coulomb’s constant
a. charged spheres

the square of the distance

Coulomb’s constant
b. between the charged spheres

the force experienced by each the product of the charge on

c. charged sphere each sphere

the force experienced by each the reciprocal of the product of

d. charged sphere the charge on each sphere
4.) A charged pith ball is hanging on a string beside a vertically charged plate with a
charge of 9.0C. If the mass of the pith ball is 6.40g and the angle of deflect of
the pith ball from the vertically charged plate is 14.2 o, calculate the electrical θ
force exerted on the pith ball.
5.) Three point charged objects are placed at the corner of a right-angle triangle as
shown in the diagram. Calculate the net electric force on q 2 due to the other two
0.60 m
q2 = 4.0x10-6 C
q1 = 3.0x10-6

0.60 m

q3 = 4.0x10-6 C
6.) Three identical spheres each have a mass of 250g. Sphere A has a charge of
-3.25µC, sphere B has a charge of -12.0µC, and sphere C has a charge of
6.50µC. All three spheres where brought in contact with each other. Calculate
the magnitude of acceleration of sphere B away from sphere C if both spheres
where placed 5.00cm apart from each other.

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