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Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

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Evidence of gold related to Neoarchean alkaline magmatism in the Abitibi

greenstone belt (Canada) from mineral parageneses and microscale trace
element geochemistry on pyrite
Christophe Azevedo a, b, *, Michel Jébrak a, Dominique Genna c, d, Daniele L. Pinti a, e, f
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal, CP 8888 succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada
GEOTOP, Research center for the dynamics of the Earth system, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada
Centre d’études sur les ressources minérales (CERM), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555, boul. de l’Université, Saguenay, QC G7H 2B1, Canada
CONSOREM, 555, boul. de l’Université, Saguenay, QC G7H 2B1, Canada
Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources, Gansu Province, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Gansu Talent and Intelligence Center for Remediation of Closed and Old Deposits, Lanzhou 730000, China


Keywords: Most of Archean gold deposits are classified as orogenic gold systems (OGS), precipitated by metamorphic fluids
Gold deposit during compressional deformation at convergent plate margins. However, Neoarchean gold deposits are also
Alkaline magmatism found spatially related to post-collisional alkaline intrusions such as syenites, suggesting a genetic link between
gold and magmas. To bring novel evidence on this relation, ore parageneses related to Bachelor/O’Brien, Beattie,
Douay and Golden Arrow gold deposits were studied together with trace elements distribution at micron-scale in
Abitibi greenstone belt
Au-bearing pyrites. Further, the δ34Spyrite signature in the Beattie deposit were compared to epithermal Phan­
erozoic analogues in post-collisional tectonic settings. Except for Golden Arrow, results show a paragenetic
assemblage of K-feldspar-albite-anhydrite-barite-celestite-apatite-rutile-calcite-dolomite which is also common
in Phanerozoic magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Gold-bearing pyrites are characterized by a higher abundance
of most trace elements compared to OGS. Positive Au-Ag-Bi-Te-Tl-W-anomalies – which are not observed in OGS
– suggest deposition from highly oxidized fluids, while Au precipitation in OGS is mainly controlled by reduced
fluids. The presence of highly oxidized environments is also confirmed by very low δ34Spyrite values ranging from
− 17.3‰ to − 13.9‰ VCDT found at Beattie, in the range of those found in Phanerozoic deposits of Tuvatu and
Emperor in Fiji. It is proposed that Archean gold related with late alkaline continental magmatism is deposited
both at the top of porphyritic system and in epithermal environment, before the acme of deformation and

1. Introduction settings, possibly accounting for as much as 20% of the extracted

Archean gold (Rowins et al., 1993; Robert, 2001; Ispolatov et al., 2008).
Most of the Archean gold deposits are usually described as epigenetic Many Phanerozoic gold deposits are also related to alkaline rocks (e.
orogenic gold systems (OGS) (Goldfarb and Groves, 2015; Dubé and g., Sillitoe, 1997; Richards, 2009). Typical examples are Ladolam (Papua
Mercier-Langevin, 2020). Formerly called “mesothermal” due to their New Guinea (PNG); Sykora et al., 2018) and Cripple Creek (Colorado,
depth of emplacement (at moderate pressures and temperatures) and to USA; Kelley and Ludington, 2002). Among the different types of
the association with metamorphic terranes of all ages, OGS deposits alkaline-related gold deposits, epithermal and syenite-associated sys­
formed during compressional to transpressional deformation processes tems are particularly prevalent. The latter belong to the intrusion-
at convergent plate margins in accretionary and collisional orogens (e. related gold system (IRGS) subtype (Jensen and Barton, 2000; Müller
g., Groves et al., 1998). However, a significant number of these deposits and Groves, 2018), which encompasses a group of deposits with broad
are associated with alkaline rocks emplaced in post-collisional tectonic mineralogical and metalliferous characteristics produced by local-scale

* Corresponding author at: Département des sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal, CP 8888 succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC
H3C 3P8, Canada.
E-mail address: (C. Azevedo).
Received 29 October 2021; Received in revised form 27 March 2022; Accepted 6 April 2022
Available online 12 April 2022
0169-1368/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

fluids derived from magmatism. 2008; Mole et al., 2021; Fig. 1a) and summarized as follows:
A small group of gold occurrences and ores in the Archean Abitibi
greenstone belt (AGB) in the Province of Quebec (Canada) have long 1) Construction of a mafic crust during six main volcanic episodes be­
been known to occur in association with post-collisional syenites tween ~2670 and ~2750 Ma (Figs. 1, 2 and 3; Thurston et al., 2008;
(Cameron and Hattori, 1987; Rowins et al., 1993; Robert, 2001; Ispo­ Beakhouse, 2011).
latov et al., 2008; Fayol et al., 2016). These deposits were first inter­ 2) Emplacement of sodium-rich synvolcanic TTG plutons during the
preted as proximal to distal expressions of large magmatic-hydrothermal same period (Fig. 3; Beakhouse, 2011). This produced porphyry-style
systems centered on, or related to, composite syenitic stocks (Robert, Cu-Au mineralizations (Galley, 2003), such as those found at the Don
2001). Nevertheless, the genetic link between Neoarchean alkaline Rouyn porphyry copper mine near Rouyn-Noranda in Quebec
magma and gold continues to be a subject of debate (Müller and Groves, (Goldie et al., 1979) and the Coté Gold Project in the Swayze
2018; Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, 2020). The magmatic intrusions are greenstone belt of Ontario (Katz et al., 2021).
interpreted as having been active during the onset of these hydrothermal 3) Compressional deformation (D1) between ~2695 and ~2685 Ma.
systems or having served only as favorable structural traps for gold due OGS and calc-alkaline IRGS gold deposits were emplaced during this
to competency contrast with the surrounding terranes (Colvine et al., period (Fig. 3). The Kiena Mine gold deposit (pre-2686 Ma) in Val-
1988; Groves et al., 1998; Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, 2020). d’Or is the best-known example of a D1-related IRGS deposit
Although IRGS and OGS deposits were both emplaced in collisional (Morasse et al., 1995).
to post-collisional settings, they show several distinctive differences 4) Alkaline magmatism during the post-collisional history of the belt
(Groves et al., 1998; Pitcairn et al., 2021). Orogenic gold systems are (Cameron and Hattori, 1987; Rowins et al., 1993; Robert, 2001),
hydrothermal epigenetic gold deposits driven by crustal-scale faults and forming pull-apart basins enclosed by large-scale crustal faults and
metamorphic fluids that formed synchronously with the later stages of intruded by syenitic magmas (e.g., Duparquet, Granada; Daigneault
Neoarchean orogenies (Goldfarb et al., 2013). The OGS-related meta­ et al., 2002). Several depositional events in the region were sub-
morphic fluids responsible for gold transfer through the crust are typi­ contemporaneous with the alkaline magmatism (Beakhouse, 2011;
cally reduced, low-salinity, and CO2-rich (Goldfarb et al., 2013; Thurston et al., 2008), notably the volcaniclastic and turbiditic rocks
Mathieu, 2021). In contrast, IRGS-related hydrothermal fluids are of the Porcupine Assemblage dated between ~2690 and ~2685 Ma
typically oxidized, high-temperature, and high-salinity, with a more (Fig. 3; Ayer et al., 2005; Thurston et al., 2008), the clastic sedi­
complex trace element chemistry (Cameron and Hattori, 1987; Rowins mentary rocks of the Pontiac Group dated at 2685 Ma (Frieman et al.,
et al., 1993; Robert, 2001; Mathieu, 2021). The potassic alteration and 2017; Rehm et al., 2021), and the conglomeratic rocks of the sedi­
hematization usually observed in IRGS deposits are of magmatic origin mentary Timiskaming Assemblage dated between ~2678 and
while sericite and ankerite are predominant in OGS. Pyrite is a common ~2669 Ma (Davis, 2002; Ispolatov et al., 2008; Thurston et al.,
mineral in both IRGS and OGS deposits (Goldfarb et al., 2013) and is 2008).
used as a tool to record the evolution of fluids characterizing each type 5) Two compressional periods (D2 and D3) between 2673 and 2665 Ma.
of systems. Tungsten, bismuth and tellurium mineral phases are also Typical OGS deposits, such as the Sigma-Lamaque orebodies (Robert,
found in both OGS and IRGS deposits but are more abundant in IRGS 1994), formed during this period (Dubé and Mercier-Langevin,
(Goldfarb et al., 2013). 2020).
This study aims to explore the genetic link between IRGS and the 6) A long trail of late thermal reactivation (Dubé and Mercier-Langevin,
shallower epithermal gold deposits spatially-related to alkaline mag­ 2020).
matism, and if they have existed since the Neoarchean. Two microbeam
mapping techniques are proposed to test this hypothesis. SEM-EDX 2.2. Alkaline magmatism in the AGB
major and trace element analysis of thin sections was used to deter­
mine ore parageneses, and LA-ICP-MS analysis (transects and semi- Alkaline magmatism between ~2685 and ~2671 Ma is ubiquitous in
quantitative trace elements mapping) on gold-bearing pyrites was the ABG (Figs. 1, 2 and 3 and Table 1). Alkaline-related gold minerali­
used to determine the metallogenic environment and geochemical zation is spatially associated with oxidized quartz-monzonites classified
signature of mineralizing fluids. The analyses were carried out on as sanukitoid intrusions (Shirey and Hanson, 1984) and syenite stocks
samples from the Beattie, Douay, Bachelor/O’Brien and Golden Arrow and dikes (Robert, 2001). Sanukitoid intrusions, such as the Bachelor/
gold deposits, all spatially associated to Neoarchean alkaline magma­ O’Brien stocks in Quebec (Fayol and Jébrak, 2017) and Golden Arrow in
tism and thus considered to be representative of Neoarchean alkaline- Ontario (Fig. 1 and Table 1), also include the Kirkland Lake granitic suite
related gold deposits in the AGB (Fayol and Jébrak, 2017). The study (Levesque, 1996) and the “alkalic” series in Ontario (Beakhouse, 2011).
mainly focused on the Bachelor/O’Brien and Beattie gold deposits Such intrusions display high-K, silica-saturated, calc-alkaline to silica-
because they are better constrained in terms of metallogenic processes undersaturated alkaline compositions. Beattie (Figs. 1a and 2) and
than Douay and Gold Arrow (Lauzière, 1989; Bigot and Jébrak, 2015; Douay in Quebec, and Young-Davidson in Ontario belong to the alkalic
Fayol and Jébrak, 2017). To further test the hypothesis of the existence syenite series (Table 1). Bachelor/O’Brien and Beattie represent two end
of IRGS-like Neoarchean alkaline magmatic gold using independent members of several gold deposits.
evidence, the sulfur isotope ratios (δ34S = [34S/32S]sample/[34S/32S]std
− 1 × 1000) of gold-bearing pyrite from the Beattie deposit were 2.2.1. Geology of the Bachelor/O’Brien gold deposit
compared to Neoarchean and Phanerozoic δ34Spyrite values compiled The Bachelor/O’Brien Au ± Cu-(Zn, Pb, F, REE) deposit is spatially
from the literature. The results show that the hydrothermal fluids of associated with the Wedding-Lamarck fault zone in the northeastern
Archean IRGS and syenite-related epithermal gold deposits share strong part of the ABG (Fig. 1b; Table 1). It is located on the edge of an intrusion
similarities, suggesting a common origin and similar transport (quartz-syenite to quartz-monzonite to granodiorite facies) surrounded
mechanism. by a magnetic halo (Lauzière, 1989; Fayol et al., 2016). The main
mineralized porphyritic facies of the O’Brien stock was dated between
2. Geological setting 2692 ± 2 Ma (Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, 2020) and 2685 ± 5 Ma (U-
Pb isotopic data on zircons; Azevedo, 2022) (Figs. 1b and 3; Table 1).
2.1. Abitibi greenstone belt (AGB) Subprovince The 2685 ± 5 Ma age is contemporaneous with the Kiena (Au) and
Camflo (Au-F) magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the southern part of
The AGB is located in the southern part of the Archean Superior the AGB (Fig. 3). Gold at Bachelor/O’Brien is associated with pyrite and
Craton. Its magmatic evolution is well constrained (Thurston et al., related to alkaline Na-K metasomatism, together with fluorite- and

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 1. a) Simplified geological map of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt (AGB) Subprovince (modified from Thurston et al., 2008); b) Geological map of the Bachelor/
O’Brien gold deposit (Fayol and Jébrak, 2017).

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 2. a) Regional geological map of the Duparquet sedimentary basin (modified from Legault, 2004); b) Geological map of the Beattie gold deposit (Bigot and
Jébrak, 2015).

hematite-rich metasomatized zones in magnetite-rich volcanic host northern and southern margins where they are mainly hosted within the
rocks (Fig. 4e; Fayol and Jébrak, 2017). Dubé and Mercier-Langevin Beattie and Donchester faults (Bigot and Jébrak, 2015). Two different
(2020) suggested that gold mineralization is associated with late ENE styles of gold mineralization – lithology-controlled and structure-
to E-W and locally ESE deformation zones related to the main folding controlled – have been recognized at Beattie, each having a different
and shortening phase in the belt. Mathieu (2021) proposed that Bach­ fluid source. Lithology-controlled disseminated mineralization corre­
elor/O’Brien is an IRGS deposit overprinted by an OGS. sponds to a magmatic-hydrothermal process interpreted to be geneti­
cally linked to the syenite pluton (Fig. 5). It shows disseminated sulfides
2.2.2. Geology of the Beattie gold deposit and fine mineralized gold stockworks displaying epithermal textures.
The syenite-associated Beattie gold deposit is located along the north Gold, characterized as ‘invisible gold’, is mainly related to finely
side of the Destor-Porcupine fault zone in the south part of the ABG disseminated, porous arsenian pyrite (Bigot and Jébrak, 2015). The ore
(Figs. 2 and 5; Bigot and Jébrak, 2015). The deposit is intimately asso­ is concentrated along the northern and southern shear zones related to
ciated with a syenitic complex dated at 2681 ± 1 Ma (Mueller et al., the Beattie and Donchester faults. Structure-controlled gold minerali­
1995; Figs. 2 and 3). The syenitic complex displays five lithological zation are interpreted as a remobilization of lithology-controlled ones
facies (Bigot and Jébrak, 2015): 1) equigranular; 2) porphyritic; 3) (Bigot and Jébrak, 2015). Remobilization of ‘invisible gold’ to form ores
porphyritic with large K-feldspar phenocrysts; 4) mega-porphyritic; and in the crystal lattice structure of the early porous gold-rich arsenian
5) trachytic with 85% to 95% K-feldspar and albite laths. Gold ore pyrite has been proposed by Bigot and Jébrak (2015). Like the Bachelor/
bodies are found within the Beattie syenitic intrusions and along their O’Brien deposit, Beattie is also classified as an IRGS overprinted by an

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 3. Radiometric dating compilation summarizing the magmatic evolution of the AGB (modified from Workman, 1986; Corfu et al., 1989; Othman et al., 1990;
Corfu et al., 1991; Corfu and Noble, 1992; Corfu, 1993; Mortensen, 1993a,b; Tilton and Bell, 1994; Couture et al., 1996; Wilkinson et al., 1999; Ayer et al., 2002;
Davis, 2002; McDonald et al., 2005; David et al., 2006, 2011; David et al., 2007; Goutier and Melançon, 2007; Beakhouse, 2011; Zhang et al., 2014; De Souza et al.,
2015; Müller and Groves, 2016).

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Table 1
Main geological characteristics of the gold deposits discussed in this study (Cameron and Hattori, 1987; Davis et al., 1994, 2000; Mueller et al., 1995; Robert, 2001;
Bigot and Jébrak, 2015; Fayol and Jébrak, 2017; Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, 2020; Azevedo, 2022).
Deposit Grade and Intrusion-Related Setting of Nature of ore Metal Alteration Age Selected
tonnage composition mineralization association mineral References

Beattie 60.9 Mt @ 1.59 Porphyritic In composite stock Diss. apy-py-mt and As, Te, Cu, K-feldspar, ca. 2681.6 Mueller et al.,
g/t Au (29.7 Mt syenite and along its qz-ab-cb stockwork Zn, Pb, Mo albite, ankerite, ± 1 Ma (U- 1995; Bigot and
@ 1.51 g/t Au) margins to breccia zone, sericite, Pb) Jébrak, 2015
veins, shear zones magnetite,

Douay 45 t Au Porphyritic In composite stock, Micro-stockwork/ Au, REE, Cu, K-feldspar, ca. 2679 + Davis et al., 2000;
syenite along dikes and breccia and diss. py F albite, ankerite, 10/− 7 Ma; Robert et al., 1997;
lithologic contacts sericite, 2676 + 6–5 Robert 2001
magnetite, Ma

Bachelor 843 722 t @ 7.38 Alkaline complex; Stockwork and Diss. py ± cpy, po Au with K-feldspar, ca. 2692 ± Fayol and Jébrak,
g/t Quartz-syenite to replacement zone within stockwork, minor Ag, Au: hematite, 2 Ma; 2686 2017; Dubé and
alkali-granite veins and shears Ag = 9:1 sericite, calcite- ± 5 Ma Mercier-Langevin,
dolomite 2020; Azevedo,

Golden 1981–1982: 303 Trondhjemite Disseminated and Diss. py (2–3%), Au K-feldspar, _ Cameron and
Arrow 449 t @ 2.15 g/t along faults stockwork of quartz ankerite, calcite, Hattori, 1987
veinlets magnetite,

OGS (Mathieu, 2021). displays two habits: high-grade gold in metasomatized zones in volcanic
Field relations at Beattie demonstrate that alkaline-related gold de­ rocks intimately associated with satellite syenitic dikes, and lower-grade
posits in the AGB are usually overprinted by shear-hosted quartz and disseminated gold in the syenitic stock itself (Appendix 1Ag).
iron carbonate (i.e., ankerite) mineralization (Robert, 2001; Mathieu, The Golden Arrow gold deposit (Ontario) is located on the NE-
2021). However, near Beattie, at Central Duparquet, the Timiskaming trending Golden Arrow fault, less than 10 km south of the Destor-
sedimentary rocks (deposited between 2678 and 2672 Ma; Hewitt, Porcupine fault zone (Fig. 1; Table 1; Appendix 1B). The complex in­
1963) lie in angular unconformity above the Beattie syenite (Robert, trudes mafic volcanic rocks, and a magnetic halo surrounds the intrusion
2001; Fig. 2). Moreover, sericitized and mineralized syenite clasts are (McNeil and Kerrich 1986; Fayol et al., 2016). Gold is present in strongly
observed at the base of the Timiskaming conglomerates (Robert, 2001) metasomatized red zones along intrusive contacts, controlled by a pre-
but also clasts of epithermal quartz veins with palisadic texture existing NE-trending fault (Cherry, 1983).
(Lafrance, 2015) indicating that carbonatation, sericitization and
epithermal-style mineralization predates sedimentation (Robert, 2001). 3. Methods
This relationship shows that Timiskaming conglomerates slightly post­
date the emplacement of the Beattie syenite dated at 2681.6 ± 1 Ma 3.1. SEM-EDX major and trace element mapping on thin sections
(Figs. 2 and 14; Mueller et al., 1995), implying a possible gold endow­
ment phase directly linked to the syenite and predating the classic D2 The SEM-EDX analyses were performed on ten (10) thin sections of
and D3 orogenic phases of the AGB (Fig. 3). representative samples collected from the Bachelor/O’Brien (samples
#13241, #17142, #23838, and #23805), Douay (#13232, #13233,
2.2.3. Geology of Douay and Golden Arrow deposits #13235, and #13236) and Beattie deposits (#A1 and #A2). At Bach­
Two other IRGS have been considered: Douay (Quebec) and Golden elor, samples #23838 (mine level 6 at 270 m depth; Fig. 4g) and #17142
Arrow (Ontario) in order to compare them with the Bachelor/O’Brien were collected from the porphyritic facies of the Bachelor/O’Brien
and Beattie deposits. intrusion, sample #13241 (mine level 13; Fig. 4e) is from the main
The syenite-associated Douay gold deposit (Quebec) (2676 +6/− 5 mineralized zone, and sample #23805 represents the late aplitic facies
Ma; Davis et al., 2000) is located in a flexure of the crustal-scale, E-W, in the mine (mine level 6 at 270 m depth). At Douay, sample #13232
Casa Berardi–Douay–Cameron fault, in the Northern Volcanic Zone of (see appendices 1A and 2A) was collected from the main central
the AGB (Fig. 1; Table 1; Robert, 2001). Timiskaming sediments porphyritic syenite intrusion and is considered representative of
observed at Douay are composed of polygenic conglomerates with jasper porphyry-style mineralization in the deposit. Samples #13233, #13235,
fragments, sandstones and turbidites reflecting a flysch-type deposi­ and #13236 (see appendices 2A and 2B) were also taken from
tional environment (Appendix 1Ag). Syenite dikes – displaying equi­ porphyritic syenitic intrusions. At Beattie, sample #A1 was collected
granular, porphyritic, pegmatitic, and aplitic textures – intrude the from a lithology-controlled mineralized zone, whereas #A2 is from a
Timiskaming–Kidd-Munro contact. Syenitic dikes intersect all the pre­ structure-controlled zone (Fig. 5e).
viously mentioned lithologies. Mineralization composed of gold, copper, Backscattered electron images of carbon-coated (8.0 ± 3 nm layer)
fluorite and rare earth elements (REE) is intimately linked to lithological thin sections were acquired at IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc.
contacts in stockworks and hydrothermal alteration zones related to (Chicoutimi, Quebec) using a Zeiss Sigma 300 VP Field Effect Scanning
composite stocks composed of syenitic dykes (Robert et al., 1997). Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) equipped with an Oxford Instruments®
Related alterations are composed of albite, ankerite, sericite and Ultim-Max 170 mm2 energy dispersion spectrometer (EDS-SDD). The
magnetite (Appendix 1A). Gold is associated with finely-disseminated acquisition parameters of the SEM were as follows: field of sight of 1.79
pyrite and areas of intense alteration (albitization, silicification, carbo­ mm for the Bachelor sections and 2687 mm for the Douay sections; beam
natization, sericitization and hematization). Gold mineralization current of 80 μA; acceleration voltage of 20 Kv; collimator aperture of

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 4. Selected photos from the Bachelor/O’Brien

gold deposit. a) Complex stockwork observable on
level 6 (270 m depth) of the Bachelor/O’Brien gold
mine; b) Mineralized stockwork crosscut by late
aplitic dike; c) and d) Quartz-fluorite-pyrite vein; e)
Sample #13241 of the main ore zone of the Bachelor/
O’Brien gold mine. Gold is associated with pyrite and
related to alkaline Na-K metasomatism, together with
fluorite- and hematite-rich metasomatized zones in
magnetite-rich volcanic host rocks; f) Stockwork of
quartz veins crosscut by late aplitic dikes; g) Sample
#23838 of the porphyritic facies of the Bachelor/
O’Brien gold deposit. Photo courtesy of Michel Jébrak
and Noémie Fayol.

60 μm; target current of 3.16 nA; and working distance of approximately were analyzed using a 15 Hz laser beam with a beam spot size of 33–55
10 mm. Oxford Instruments® AZtec 4.1 software was used for data µm moving at a speed of 5–10 µm/s across the entire grain (Genna and
acquisition and processing. The integration time was set to optimize the Gaboury, 2015). A second set of results were obtained from semi-
balance between the spectral resolution and the acquisition rate. Other quantitative elemental mapping on pyrites from the Bachelor, Douay
parameters were: chemical resolution of 256 pixels (7-μm pixels) per and Beattie deposits: three grains from the ore zone of the Bachelor
field of view; analysis time of 300 microsec/pixel; treatment of energies deposit (thin section #13241; Figs. 6 and 10); one grain from the central
of 2048 channels; and acquisition speed of 200,000 effective counts per porphyry zone at Douay (thin section #13232; see Appendix 4C); two
second. Mineral phases were identified from X-ray maps using Aztec’s clusters from a lithology-controlled mineralized zone of the Beattie de­
AutoPhaseMap clustering algorithm. posit (thin section #A1; Fig. 11), and two grains from a structure-
controlled zone, also at Beattie (thin section #A2; see Appendices 4D
and 4E). A series of lines was ablated over each pyrite grain using a 15
3.2. LA-ICP-MS quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses of pyrite
Hz laser beam with a beam spot size of 15–19 µm and a stage speed of 10
µm/s. Both types of analyses were calibrated using the MASS-1 and GSE
The metal concentrations of pyrite were determined at LabMaTer
standards. Iron was the internal standard, using a stoichiometric value.
Laboratories (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi) using an Agilent®
UQAC-FeS1, Laflamme, and CCU-1e were also analyzed to maintain
7900X qICP-MS coupled with an ArF Resolution M-50 Excimer (193 nm)
precision and accuracy within 15% (digital Appendix A).
laser. A total of 76 pyrites (including transects and/or grain mapping)
were analyzed for 25Mg, 29Si, 31P, 33S, 34S, 39K, 44Ca, 51V, 52Cr, 53Cr,
55 4. Results
Mn, 57Fe, 59Co, 60Ni, 95Mo, 109Ag, 111Cd, 115In, 118Sn, 121Sb, 125Te,
Te, 130Te, 137Ba, 138Ba, 182W, 185Re, 197Au, 201Hg, 205Tl, 208Pb, and
209 4.1. Ore zone mineral parageneses
Bi. A first set of results was obtained from quantitative analyses along
transects through pyrites from the Bachelor (samples #23838; #13241;
Thin section maps obtained from SEM-EDX analyses, such as those
#13219; #13228; #13220; #23845; #23846), Golden Arrow (#17113),
illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7, were used to determine the mineral para­
Douay (#13232; and #13233) and Beattie deposits (#A1 and #A2).
geneses of the mineralized samples from the studied deposits. The same
Following a 30 s background acquisition of the gas blank, pyrite grains

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 5. Selected photos from the Beattie gold deposit: a) Mineralized stockwork; b) High-grade vein; c) Mineralized porphyritic mafic syenite; d) Semi-massive
polymetallic breccia from the Beattie gold deposit (sample #A2; 120 g/t Au); e) Mineralized porphyritic facies of the Beattie deposit (sample #A1); f) Local kao­
linization; g) and h) Interpreted epithermal veins (scale in centimeters, DIVEX card). Photo courtesy, Ludovic Bigot and Michel Jébrak.

assemblage of K-feldspar-albite-anhydrite-barite-celestite-apatite-rutile- coloradoite (HgTe), and lesser amounts of hessite (Ag2Te; >1%). Ten­
calcite-dolomite was observed in all the Bachelor, Beattie and Douay nantite (Cu6[Cu4(Fe, Zn)2]As4S13) has also been identified by SEM-EDX
samples (Figs. 6 and 7, Appendices 2A and 2B). (Fig. 7).
The mineralized zone at Bachelor displays Na-K alteration phases, Fluorite has been observed in all analyzed thin sections from the
and is characterized by abundant anorthoclase (up to 43.8%; Fig. 6). Bachelor and the Douay deposits (Fig. 6; Appendices 2A and 2B). It is
Perthites, identified by their chessboard texture (sample #17142; mainly found in quartz veins but also as fine disseminations in the
Fig. 6), have been recorded in the main phase of the porphyritic intru­ intrusive rock. The REE-bearing minerals like synchysite (Ca(REE)
sion. At Beattie, the porphyritic syenite facies displays a K-feldspar- (CO3)2F), monazite ((Ce, La, Nd, Th)PO4), bastnaesite ((REE)CO3F) are
albite-calcite-dolomite-apatite-titanite-rutile-monazite assemblage and also present, usually as inclusions in fluorite and carbonates (Fig. 6;
traces of arsenopyrite (Fig. 7). Alteration assemblages are overprinted Appendices 2A and 2B).
by chlorite, calcite and dolomite veinlets filling fractures (Fig. 6).
At Bachelor, iron oxides such as hematite have been found in all the 4.2. LA-ICP-MS quantitative analyses on gold-bearing pyrite
porphyritic phases (Fig. 6). Sulfide assemblages are polymetallic,
composed of chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, and galena (Fig. 6). Free Time-resolved signals of representative trace element profiles
visible gold is observed only in the mineralized zone (Fig. 6). At Beattie, through gold-rich pyrite grains are shown in Fig. 8. The distribution
the high-grade Au-Te rich epithermal quartz vein is mainly composed of patterns show whether the trace elements occur as lattice substitutions

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 6. SEM false color maps of thin sections (samples #13241, #23838, #17142) from the intrusion-related Bachelor/O’Brien gold deposit.

or nano-inclusions in pyrite (i.e., homogenously distribution), or if they #23838) and 4.28 ppm in the mineralized zone (sample #13241; Fig. 9).
occur in sporadic visible or invisible inclusions. Finally, pyrite from the mineralized zone yielded median contents of
The LA-ICP-MS results for gold-bearing pyrites from each deposit are 6.19 ppm Te and 0.96 ppm Ag (sample #13241; Fig. 9).
reported in Table 2. This study uses the median value for each element At the Beattie deposit, the median Au content for pyrite in the
per thin section because all elements display a log-normal distribution. porphyritic syenite intrusion is 18.0 ppm (n = 9; #A1; Table 2), whereas
At the Bachelor/O’Brien deposit, the median gold content for pyrite in the median for pyrite in the epithermal phase is almost triple that
the porphyritic host rock is 0.32 ppm Au (n = 4; sample #23838), amount at 50.3 ppm (n = 7; #A2; Fig. 9; Table 2). The median As
whereas the median for pyrite in the country rocks of the porphyritic contents are 7466 ppm for pyrite in the porphyritic syenite and 6331
facies is 0.63 ppm Au (n = 9; #13241; Fig. 9). The median contents of As ppm in the epithermal phase (Fig. 9). The median Bi contents are 31.19
are 678 ppm for pyrite in the porphyritic phase (sample #23838) and ppm or pyrite in the lithology-controlled porphyritic phase and 1.26
3.25 ppm in the mineralized zone (sample #13241; Fig. 9). The median ppm in the structure-controlled epithermal phase (Fig. 9). Pyrite from
Bi contents are 461 ppm for pyrite in the porphyritic phase (sample the epithermal phase also yielded median values of 7.68 ppm Tl and

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 7. SEM false color maps of thin sections (samples #1A1, #A2) from the Beattie syenite-related gold deposit.

1955 ppm Te (Fig. 9). In addition, the Beattie pyrite is unusually Hg- and distributed in gold-bearing pyrite (Figs. 8 and 9). The mapping results
Ag-rich, with median contents of 400.33 ppm Hg and 1768 ppm Ag in show that pyrites from the lithology-controlled facies are strongly
the epithermal phase (Fig. 9). enriched in Au-As-Ag-Bi-Co-Cu-Hg-Mo-Pb-Sb-Te (Fig. 11) and they do
At the Douay deposit, the median Au contents of pyrite in two not show any evidence of zonation (pyrites #A1-BEA1 and #A1-BEA2;
samples from the porphyritic syenite intrusion are 0.43 ppm (n = 9; Fig. 11). The results for the structure-controlled/epithermal facies
sample #13232; Table 2) and 0.20 ppm (n = 10; #13233; Table 2). The reveal similar results with much higher concentrations (see Appendices
median As contents for the same samples are 512.05 ppm (#13232) and 4d and 4E).
22.86 ppm (#13233). The median Bi contents are 3.03 ppm (#13232)
and 7.96 ppm (#13233). The median Te content for pyrite in sample 5. Discussion
#13233 is 12.92 ppm. Douay pyrite is also Ag-rich, with median con­
tents of 7.36 ppm (#13232) and 3.79 ppm (#13233). 5.1. Bachelor gold deposit: OGS or IRGS?
At the Golden Arrow deposit, pyrite from the porphyritic host rock
(n = 10; sample #17113) yielded a median Au content of 0.35 ppm, a Alteration assemblages in the mineralized zones of the Bachelor gold
median As content of 0.54 ppm, and a median Bi content of 0.16 ppm. deposit are mainly composed of albite, K-feldspar, Fe-dolomite, sericite,
Pyrite from the mineralized zone (sample #17113) has a median Te anhydrite, and fluorite, overprinted by dolomite veinlets (Fig. 6) which
content of 3.21 ppm and a median Ag content of 0.99 ppm. is similar for the Douay deposit. The presence of anorthoclase and K-
feldsar in the mineralized zones of the Bachelor/O’Brien deposit (Fig. 6)
is interpreted to be crystallized from high-temperature and saline
4.3. LA-ICP-MS semi-quantitative trace element mapping in gold-bearing magmatic fluids exsolved from the alkalic porphyritic phase, which is
pyrite characteristic of porphyry-type deposits (Sillitoe, 2010). Pyrite, sericite,
potassic alteration, high-temperature alkalic alteration, and carbonate
The results of 2-D trace element mapping of auriferous pyrites are alteration are all related to the porphyritic phase of the O’Brien intru­
presented in Figs. 10 and 11. For the mineralized zone at Bachelor sion. Intense albite alteration (#13241 and #17142; Fig. 6) prevails over
(sample #13241), the clearest evidence of zonation is observed in pyrite sericite alteration in the mineralized zones (Fig. 6). A late intrusion-
#13241-BACH1 (Fig. 10), which shows the following features: (1) a rich related mineralized event is evidenced by the precipitation of quartz,
Bi-Te-Au-Ag nucleus; (2) a zoned Co-Ni rim overgrowth; and (3) brec­ fluorite, synchysite, carbonates, chlorite, and gold under brittle condi­
ciation/fracturing at the right corner where traces of Pb occur as fracture tions (Figs. 4 and 6). This late fluorine-rich phase is crosscut by late
fillings (see appendix 4A). Pyrite samples #13241-BACH2 (see appendix aplitic dykes which is also observed at the Douay deposit (Fig. 4b;
4B) and #13241-BACH3 (Fig. 10) display two main growing stages Appendices 2A and 2B).
characterized by a rich Au-Ag-Te-Bi-Sn-W nucleus and an outer zone In porphyry gold deposits related to Phanerozoic alkaline magma­
consisting of a Co-Ni-rich overgrowth. tism, quartz-sericite-pyrite phyllic alteration is usually accompanied by
In the Beattie deposit, all the analyzed elements are uniformly

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 8. LA-ICP-MS time-resolved signals of a selection of trace elements in pyrites: a) Porphyritic phase of the Bachelor/O’Brien gold deposit (thin section #23838);
b) Bachelor/O’Brien gold deposit (thin section #13241); c) and d) Mineralized zone of the Beattie gold deposit (thin sections #A1 and #A2).

C. Azevedo et al.
Table 2
LA-ICP-MS trace element results for gold-rich pyrites from the Bachelor/O’Brien, Beattie, Douay and Golden Arrow gold deposits.
Deposits Co Ni Cu Zn As Sb Se Mo Ag Cd Sn Te W Au Hg Tl Pb Bi

Beattie #A1 (n = 9) Min 38.64 40.50 205.75 4.19 3770.55 23.79 5.91 4.05 10.80 0.08 0.09 3.73 0.15 8.94 11.13 0.34 437.57 9.78
Max 201.10 138.25 1349.95 101.48 13546.05 160.13 19.74 372.40 30.12 0.37 75.41 30.35 5.26 35.01 22.39 2.15 2513.70 119.17
Median 148.49 64.15 684.29 19.32 7466.62 59.12 16.29 27.46 15.45 0.15 8.84 15.92 0.88 18.01 17.08 0.74 949.62 31.19
Avg 129.62 72.75 625.32 28.85 8049.01 81.46 14.40 122.02 18.13 0.19 20.01 16.22 1.43 21.29 16.40 0.95 1264.50 43.92

Beattie #A2 (n = 7) Min 8.98 8.05 65.17 17.18 4655.00 8.47 16.48 1.14 293.27 0.07 0.29 279.30 0.43 18.85 89.38 0.33 29.79 0.22
Max 119.17 85.65 6470.45 2653.35 18713.10 1233.58 33.38 870.49 9123.80 6.33 22.34 8704.85 168.05 102.88 6935.95 18.90 814.63 31.19
Median 42.55 50.74 1135.82 153.62 6330.80 405.92 26.77 26.53 1768.90 1.91 2.65 1955.10 0.84 50.27 400.33 7.68 134.06 1.26
Avg 48.61 45.61 2066.16 590.65 9111.17 472.70 25.60 250.38 3086.93 2.79 5.49 3191.34 24.78 55.96 1376.35 9.22 212.67 5.23

Bachelor #23838 Min 6.61 0.80 375.19 148.96 377.06 0.07 4.93 0.10 61.73 0.99 0.03 0.62 0.04 0.30 0.26 0.07 1415.12 363.09
(n = 4) Max 39.57 11.54 592.12 10241.00 1159.10 4.79 14.01 1.72 165.25 87.51 0.23 6.19 0.28 0.34 0.94 0.24 2965.24 549.29
Median 28.23 1.50 480.40 684.29 678.23 0.13 10.75 0.25 87.75 7.49 0.15 3.12 0.18 0.32 0.47 0.07 1992.34 461.31
Avg 25.66 3.83 482.03 2939.63 723.15 1.28 10.11 0.58 100.62 25.87 0.14 3.27 0.17 0.32 0.54 0.11 2091.26 458.75

Bachelor #13241 Min 0.99 1.42 4.98 1.03 1.95 0.01 3.67 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.02 3.10 0.00 0.16 0.38 0.00 1.96 1.49
(n = 9) Max 37.24 144.77 47.02 3.86 5.28 0.13 8.57 0.20 3.86 0.08 1.18 18.15 6.05 3.44 0.57 0.04 14.10 8.75
Median 23.97 49.34 8.47 1.31 3.25 0.05 5.95 0.03 0.96 0.04 0.43 6.19 2.09 0.63 0.49 0.01 8.10 4.28
Avg 20.67 57.26 14.97 1.54 3.40 0.05 5.92 0.05 1.39 0.03 0.48 8.41 2.37 1.17 0.47 0.01 7.37 4.51

Douay #13232 (n = Min 29.80 141.98 61.45 13.03 136.39 0.63 1.82 0.06 0.90 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.10 0.09 28.40 0.55
9) Max 1722.35 619.12 530.67 107.07 5492.90 28.86 5.73 4.00 74.02 0.36 1.28 0.00 34.91 14.34 0.53 0.45 488.78 9.64
Median 137.32 200.63 123.82 19.74 512.05 1.19 3.12 0.70 7.36 0.07 0.24 0.00 0.23 0.43 0.36 0.17 172.24 3.03
Avg 305.16 291.87 205.60 31.50 991.41 4.70 3.39 1.10 15.68 0.12 0.40 0.00 4.12 2.54 0.33 0.20 222.77 3.51

Douay #13233 (n = Min 18.43 47.48 43.76 3.77 8.24 0.25 7.12 0.02 1.34 0.01 0.02 6.24 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.01 9.59 1.96
10) Max 609.81 427.79 325.85 20.02 64.70 1.04 52.26 0.29 18.62 0.30 1.02 44.69 1.35 1.30 2.10 0.07 57.72 14.52
Median 63.77 140.12 94.03 10.45 22.96 0.66 15.38 0.06 3.79 0.11 0.09 12.92 0.22 0.20 0.00 0.02 39.57 7.96
Avg 155.80 180.57 136.25 11.76 28.02 0.65 18.97 0.09 5.80 0.12 0.20 18.23 0.44 0.33 0.00 0.03 36.94 8.30

Golden Arrow Min 8.43 5.17 2.60 0.89 0.15 0.00 6.24 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.02 0.93 0.01 0.07 0.82 0.00 0.17 0.01

Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

#17113 (n = 10) Max 96.36 261.15 167.80 26.07 42.83 0.10 19.60 4.38 64.24 0.05 0.04 49.34 7.40 13.97 1.65 0.01 12.10 1.29
Median 35.38 26.88 4.49 1.12 0.54 0.02 9.42 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.03 3.21 0.35 0.35 1.17 0.00 1.64 0.16
Avg 39.93 70.89 30.76 3.66 6.39 0.03 10.43 0.55 9.21 0.01 0.03 11.30 1.44 2.92 1.25 0.00 4.51 0.41
C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 9. In situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of pyrite from the Douay, Beattie, Bachelor and Golden Arrow gold deposits: a) As versus Au diagram. The black dashed line
represents the solubility limit for Au solid solution in pyrite as a function of As (after Reich et al., 2005); b) Au versus Cu; c) As versus Tl; d) Mo versus Hg; e) As versus
Tl; f) Au versus Te.

accessory minerals such as K-feldspar, anhydrite, rutile, and apatite forming Na-K-rich alteration phases in the country rocks at the apex of
(Pirajno, 2009). Alkaline-related gold porphyry deposits from the alkaline intrusive stocks (Cooke et al., 2007) which is observed both at
Phanerozoic also contain abundant fluorite, usually associated with the Bachelor/O’Brien and in a lesser extent at the Douay deposit.
barite-celestine and late REE mineral phases (e.g., Cadia, NSW; Cooke The event linked to F enrichment at Bachelor/O’Brien is the latest
et al., 2007). Ultrapotassic melts are usually enriched in halogens, event observed to affect the ore system, which makes it unlikely to be
especially fluorine (Edgar et al., 1996). During crystallization, F is par­ linked to subsequent overprint or remobilization process induced by late
titioned into the hydrous phenocrysts rather than remaining in the melt metamorphic fluids. The ENE-oriented brittle-ductile Waconichi struc­
(Müller et al., 2001) making volatile-rich alkaline magmas produce F- tures (WAC) that locally crosscut the O’Brien intrusion are thus inter­
rich mineralized fluids able to percolate in the surrounding host rocks. preted as contemporaneous with the emplacement of the O’Brien
Halogens allow K and Na to transfer into wall rocks (Pirajno, 2009), magmatic complex. The late-mineralized fluorine-rich hydrothermal

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 10. Semi-quantitative maps (in ppm) of in situ pyrite trace element distribution, mineralized zone at the Bachelor gold deposit (sample #13241-BACH 3).

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 11. Semi-quantitative maps (in ppm) of in-situ pyrite trace elements distribution, lithology-controlled mineralized zone at the Beattie gold deposit (sample #A1-
Pyrite 1).

fluids of the Bachelor deposit are therefore considered to be derived characterized by disseminated sulfides and stockwork veins and veinlets
from a sub-alkaline to alkaline intrusion, as observed in sub-alkaline to with variable orientations but lack the through-going quartz-carbonate
alkaline porphyry gold deposits from the Phanerozoic (Müller and veins usually observed in classic OGS deposits (Gaboury, 2019).
Groves, 2018). Furthermore, mineralized zones at Bachelor/O’Brien are The oxidation state of magmatic and hydrothermal ore fluids is an

Fig. 12. In situ La-ICP-MS quantitative results in pyrites from the Douay, Beattie, Bachelor and Golden Arrow gold deposits compared to Phanerozoic porphyry-
epithermal and Carlin-type gold deposits. The data for the Phanerozoic deposits (compiled from Pals and Spry, 2003; Large et al., 2009; Bigot, 2012; Sykora
et al., 2018: a) As vs. Au diagram. Black dashed line represents the solubility limit for Au solid solution in pyrite as a function of As (after Reich et al., 2005); b) As vs.
Te diagram. The black dashed line from a) is plotted for comparison.

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

important parameter for distinguishing IRGS ore fluids from OGS ore zircons; Azevedo, 2022). This age is coeval with the Re-Os age of 2685
fluids (Mathieu, 2021). The mineral paragenesis at Bachelor (Fig. 6; K- ± 8 Ma (Kontak et al., 2013) obtained from the Upper Beaver intrusion-
feldspar-albite-hematite-magnetite-anhydrite-barite-fluorite-apatite- related iron oxide copper–gold mineralization and the 2686 ± 2 Ma
rutile) indicates an oxygen fugacity above the magnetite-hematite buffer minimum magmatic age observed at Kiena, consistent with the
(Cameron and Hattori, 1987; Mikucki and Ridley, 1993) which shows magmatic-hydrothermal evolutionary model proposed by Morasse et al.
the oxidizing character of these ore-forming fluids. This specificity is (1995; Fig. 3). All these arguments argue for a pre-Timiskaming por­
found in all alkaline-associated gold deposits studied here. However, the phyry-gold or IRGS event in the AGB related to sub-alkaline and alkaline
ore-forming fluids related to OGS deposits are usually below the intrusions.
magnetite-hematite buffer, suggesting a reduced state (Mathieu, 2021).
The magmatic-hydrothermal model proposed for the Bachelor de­ 5.2. Beattie gold deposit: Epizonal or telescoped porphyry-epithermal gold
posit is also supported by the chemistry of gold-bearing pyrites in the system?
porphyritic and mineralized zones (Figs. 8 and 9), which are Te and Bi-
rich (Table 2), both elements being considered of magmatic origin Several studies suggest that gold mineralization hosted by alkaline
(Mathieu, 2019). Similar results are observed in the porphyritic phase of intrusions in the AGB reflects a late OGS event (Goldfarb et al., 2001;
the Beattie and Douay deposits and in the mineralized phase of the Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, 2020) or an IRGS event overprinted by a
Golden Arrow deposit (Figs. 7, 8 and 12; Appendices 2b, 3 and 4c). OGS one (Mathieu, 2021). Here, we evaluate this hypothesis based on
Silicate alteration may also participate to Bi-Te enrichments. However, our petrographic and mineral chemistry results.
if the leaching of silicate was the main enrichment process, all the pyrite The mineral assemblage at Beattie is characteristic of an
Ni-Co overgrowths should be even more enriched in these same ele­ intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposition. Tennantite
ments (Fig. 10), which is not the case. Further, given the volatility of Bi (Cu6[Cu4(Fe, Zn)2]As4S13) and coloradoite (HgTe) are present in the
and Te, the leaching of silicate by hot fluids that are not themselves epithermal-style ore phase (Fig. 7). Coloradoite has been found in
enriched in those elements would probably have caused their devolati­ several types of deposits, ranging from alkalic porphyry-epithermal to
lization rather than their precipitation. Finally, ore-forming fluids (and lode gold (Keith et al., 2020). Enargite (Cu3AsS4; Fig. 7), which is also
thus pyrite precipitation) are timely associated with all the other observed at Beattie (Bigot and Jébrak, 2015), is usually associated with
magmatic indexes (potassic alteration, F-rich minerals, etc…). locally advanced, acidic and oxidized epithermal ore-fluid alteration (i.
Gold is spatially correlated with Bi and Te in the LA-ICP-MS maps of e., high- and intermediate-sulfidation argillic alteration; Hedenquist
the Bachelor pyrites but is not correlated with the Ni-Co rim overgrowth et al., 1996). These minerals are typical of supra-porphyritic acid envi­
observed in the mineralized zone (Fig. 10). The relative enrichment in ronments in epithermal deposits, indicating vigorous boiling processes
Ni, Co and Au of the rim compared to the core (Fig. 8b) could be (Hedenquist et al., 1996). Such boiling, typically limited in scope, is
interpreted to be metamorphic in origin (Genna and Gaboury, 2015), commonly associated with low-sulfidation alkalic epithermal deposits at
even though recrystallized rim without new gold input could also be the apex of alkaline intrusions and could allow these minerals to pre­
possible. On another hand, the decrease in Bi concentration from the cipitate in the upper part of a low-sulfidation epithermal environment.
porphyritic intrusion to the main ore zone is interpreted as the pro­ Traces of hessite (Ag2Te) are also observed in the high-grade Au-Te vein
gressive decrease of the magmatic signal through the host rock during at Beattie (sample #A2), highlighting the presence of more reduced
the percolation of ore fluids (Fig. 14). This metallic partitioning over meteoric fluids (Keith et al., 2020) related to an intermediate-
distance is typical of IRGS and Phanerozoic porphyry gold deposits sulfidation-epithermal gold deposit (Wang et al., 2019). Such results
related to alkaline magmatism and could potentially be used in mineral suggest that ore fluids from the porphyritic and epithermal facies at
exploration as a vectoring tool towards the mineralized intrusions. Beattie evolved locally from less oxidized to more oxidized conditions.
The mineralized system at Bachelor evolved from ductile to brittle At the deposit scale, ore bodies and gold-rich pyrites related to
strain, allowing the exsolution of high-temperature alkaline magmatic- alkaline magmatism in the AGB are usually enriched in Au, Ag, As, Cu,
derived fluids enriched in volatiles (Lauzière, 1989; Fayol and Jébrak, Bi, Te, and Tl, with minor amounts of Pb, Mo, Sb, W, and Zn (Figs. 8 and
2017). Perthites are observed in the porphyritic phase of the Bachelor/ 9; Table 2). Beattie pyrites display strong Au-As and Te-As correlations
O’Brien intrusion (Fig. 6) and are interpreted as the result of slow (Figs. 8 and 9). Arsenian pyrites at Beattie incorporated larger amounts
cooling of the sub-alkaline to alkaline epizonal porphyritic phase of the of Au, Te and Tl than the pyrites from Bachelor (Figs. 8 and 9).
O’Brien stock. This was followed by late precipitation of quartz and Furthermore, gold is usually trapped in the lattice of gold-bearing py­
fluorite under brittle strain and low-temperature oxidized conditions. rites of the Bachelor/O’Brien system (i.e., substitution; Figs. 8 and 9),
Mutual crosscutting relationships between various sub-alkaline to which is common in alkalic porphyry and epithermal As-rich minerali­
alkaline intrusive phases and the main ore zones at Bachelor (Lauzière, zation (Sykora et al., 2018). In contrast, gold is usually trapped in po­
1989; Fayol and Jébrak, 2017) were coeval to the main magmatic phase rosities and fractures as inclusions in OGS deposits (Chinnasamy et al.,
of the O’Brien magmatic complex (Fig. 14). 2021).
The presence of Au-Bi-Te correlation in Au-rich pyrite and auriferous Gold-rich pyrites from the epithermal facies at Beattie (#A2; n = 7)
quartz-fluorite veins argue for the dominance of a magmatic-derived display median concentrations of 50.27 ppm Au. They also display
mineralized fluid at Bachelor (Figs. 4 and 6; Fayol and Jébrak, 2017). median contents of 7.68 ppm Tl, 6331 ppm As, 26.53 ppm Mo, 153.62
Late overprinting has been suggested (Mathieu, 2021) as a process ppm Zn, and 1955 ppm Te. For comparison, the average Mo, Zn, and Te
leading to Au remobilization. However, based on the high amount of F concentrations in gold-rich pyrites from OGS deposits are 5 ppm, 59.2
found in the quartz veins, interpreted as derived from magmatic fluids, ppm and 306 ppm, respectively, according to the compilation of Keith
and the continuum of the deformation state, we interpret this hydro­ et al. (2018). Thallium is a highly semi-volatile element found in high
thermal system to be fed by a single important magmatic event carrying concentrations in polymetallic VMS deposits (Genna and Gaboury,
gold in magmatic-derived fluids at the apex of the O’Brien alkalic 2019), Carlin-type deposits (Ikramuddin et al., 1986), and high- and
porphyritic phase. low-sulfidation epithermal systems (Halley et al., 2015). It is not
Based on all these evidences, we conclude that the main ore contri­ abundant in OGS deposits, often present in quantities below detection
bution to the O’Brien/Bachelor gold system was made during the pre- limits. Gold, Te and Tl are considered useful pathfinders for fluid boiling
Timiskaming period of the AGB during the magmatic-hydrothermal and vapor condensation as they act as volatiles under magmatic-
episode leading to the multi-phased O’Brien sub-alkaline to alkaline hydrothermal conditions at shallow depths (Holwell et al., 2019; Keith
intrusion dated between 2692 ± 2 Ma (Dubé and Mercier-Langevin, et al., 2020) which are characteristic of epithermal environments.
2020) and 2686 ± 5 Ma (porphyritic phase; U-Pb isotopic data on Therefore, the Neoarchean Beattie alkalic ore deposit has a metal

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

assemblage (Au, As, Bi, Te, Tl, and Hg) that is similar to Phanerozoic (Mathieu, 2019). Its solubility decreases dramatically under reduced
alkalic intermediate to low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits related conditions (Grundler et al., 2013). Thus, oxidized magmatic fluids
to post-collisional geological settings (Halley et al., 2015; Holwell et al., involved in most alkalic porphyry-epithermal systems have the capacity
2019; Keith et al., 2020; Sykora et al., 2018; Fig. 13). At the mineral to concentrate Te more easily than reduced systems like OGS (Cameron
scale, processes involved in the incorporation and speciation of trace and Hattori, 1987; Mathieu, 2019).
elements within auriferous pyrites differ between syenite-associated Deciphering the timing of gold deposition related to alkaline mag­
gold deposits and OGS deposits in the Neoarchean. The elements Bi, matism is a critical observation to constrain the mineralization event. As
Te and Tl are considered of magmatic origin (Genna and Gaboury, 2019; previously noted, all the field observations at Beattie (angular uncon­
Mathieu, 2019) and correlate with gold in pyrite both at Beattie and formity, mineralized clasts in conglomerates; Robert, 2001; Lafrance,
Bachelor (Fig. 8). 2015), along with the geochemical results from this study demonstrates
The magmatic contribution in alkaline-related gold deposits is sup­ that the gold endowment phase is directly linked to the syenite and
ported by the uncommon abundance of magmatic-derived and semi- predates the classic D2 and D3 orogenic phases of the AGB (Figs. 3 and
volatile elements, such as Bi-Te-Tl, in the Bachelor/O’Brien and Beat­ 14).
tie gold deposits. Gold, Te and Tl are typically enriched in arsenian
pyrites, locally reaching economic concentrations (Keith et al., 2020). 5.2.1. δ34Spyrite signatures of Neoarchean and Phanerozoic gold-bearing
Alkaline melts are thought to have attained volatile (Te and Tl) satu­ pyrites
ration early during their magmatic evolution (Keith et al., 2020). To obtain independent evidence on the role of magmatic-derived
Alkaline-related intermediate- to low-sulfidation epithermal gold sys­ fluids in syenite-related IRGS-like ores of the Abitibi, we compiled 529
tems are characterized by neutral to alkaline pH (7–8). At these condi­ δ34Spyrite values from the literature for Neoarchean OGS deposits and
tions, Te, Tl, Hg, and As show a strong affinity with vapor phases Phanerozoic alkalic porphyry-epithermal gold deposits.
(Holwell et al., 2019; Keith et al., 2020). In the case of immiscible sulfide The δ34Spyrite signature of gold-rich pyrites allow to discriminate
liquid segregation, chalcophile elements with a volatile affinity, such as alkaline magma-related deposits from OGS. The results of the compila­
Au, Te, Tl, Sb, and Bi, strongly partition into the exsolved volatile phase tion are presented in appendix Table 3 and Fig. 13. Indeed, the frac­
(Holwell et al., 2019; Keith et al., 2020). The association of Au, Te and Tl tionation of S isotopes between sulfate and sulfide minerals increases
in gold-bearing pyrites is thus a key parameter to understand the source with decreasing temperature and is also dependent to the oxidation state
of gold and the processes leading to its precipitation in alkalic porphyry- of the ore fluids (Ohmoto, 1979; Rye, 1993). The δ34S values of sulfides
epithermal versus OGS deposits. Tellurium is soluble in high- (i.e., δ34Spyrite) become more negative when precipitated from a sulfate-
temperature oxidized ore fluids with variable pH and low salinity dominated (i.e., oxidizing) fluid probably derived from a magma. On the

Fig. 13. Compilation of δ34Spyrite ranges for pyrites from Neoarchean alkaline-related gold deposits and orogenic gold deposits compared to Phanerozoic alkalic
porphyry-epithermal gold deposits (data are from Ahmad, 1979; Richards and Kerrich, 1993; Jensen, 2003; Gemmell et al., 2004; Beaudoin and Pitre, 2005;
Scherbarth and Spry, 2006; Wilson et al., 2007; Micko, 2010; Xue et al., 2013; Gregory et al., 2016; Sykora, 2017; Godefroy-Rodríguez et al., 2020; Deng et al., 2020).

C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

Fig. 14. Representative schematic model of alkali-related gold deposits in the AGB.

contrary, the δ34S values of sulfates (i.e., δ34Sbarite) will be more positive hydraulic fracturing and hydrothermal phase separation. The ore fluids
(Rye, 1993). are then channeled by crustal faults to shallow epithermal levels. The
Fig. 13 indicates that the δ34S values of pyrite that precipitated under rapid fluid overpressures and consequent hydraulic fracturing then form
oxidizing conditions in alkalic porphyry-epithermal systems is usually Au-Ag-Bi-Te-rich epithermal extension veins, stockworks and breccias.
much lower compared to OGS deposits, with examples such as Porgera The sudden fluctuations in fluid pressure leads to phase separation and
(PNG), Ladolam (PNG), Emperor (Fiji) and Tuvatu (Fiji), where the massive oxidation of the ore fluids, inducing strong enrichment in semi-
lowest δ34Spyrite values range from approximately − 15 to − 7‰ VCDT. volatile elements (e.g., Au-Ag-Te-Tl-Hg) in the shallower hydrothermal
The δ34Spyrite values at Beattie range between − 17.3‰ and − 13.9‰ fluids, which triggers rapid high-grade precipitation of gold accompa­
VCDT (Xue et al., 2013; Fig. 13), similar to alkalic low-sulfidation epi­ nied by Ag- and Hg-tellurides (i.e., Coloradoites; Fig. 7). This hypothesis
thermal stages of Phanerozoic deposits such as Emperor (PNG; δ34Spyrite is supported by the sharp increase in Ag concentrations and the high Ag/
values are from − 15.3‰ to − 4.2‰ VCDT; Ahmad, 1979; Fig. 13), Au ratios observed in the epithermal phase (#A2) compared to the
Tuvatu (Fiji; δ34Spyrite values ranging from − 5.8‰ to − 3.2‰ VCDT; porphyritic phase (#A1; Fig. 8; Table 2), arguing for an epithermal
Scherbarth and Spry, 2006; Fig. 13) and the Fimiston phase of the process driving gold and silver deposition. The δ34Spyrite values suggest
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C. Azevedo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 145 (2022) 104878

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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial effectuées dans la Sous-province de l’Abitibi en 2005–2006. Ministère des
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec, 2007-01.
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Acknowledgements 02.
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Support for this study was provided through an Natural Sciences and Volcanic Zone, Abitibi Subprovince Canada. Precambr. Res. 115 (1–4), 261–290.
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant to Professor
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Lucie Mathieu (UQAC), Professor Stéphane De Souza (UQÀM) for their tectonics. Precambr. Res. 115 (1–4), 97–117.
constructive comments on previous drafts of this manuscript. Also, we Davis, W.J., Lacroix, S., Gariépy, C., Machado, N., 2000. Geochronology and radiogenic
would like to greatly thank the editor of Ore Geology Review and the isotope geochemistry of plutonic rocks from the central Abitibi subprovince:
significance to the internal subdivision and plutono-tectonic evolution of the Abitibi
three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. Analytical belt. Can. J. Earth Sci. 37 (2–3), 117–133.
support from the LA-ICP-MS technician, Audrey Lavoie (LabMaTer – Deng, J., Wang, Q., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Liang, Y., Yang, L., Zhao, R., Yang, L., 2020.
UQAC), was also greatly appreciated. The assistance of Venetia Body­ Remobilization of metasomatized mantle lithosphere: a new model for the Jiaodong
gold province, eastern China. Miner. Deposita 55 (2), 257–274.
comb for English editing was also appreciated. De Souza, S., Dubé, B., McNicoll, V.J., Dupuis, C., Mercier-Langevin, P., Creaser, R.A.,
Kjarsgaard, I.M., 2015. Geology, hydrothermal alteration, and genesis of the world-
Appendix A. Supplementary data class Canadian Malartic stockwork-disseminated Archean gold deposit, Abitibi,
Quebec. Targeted Geosci. Initiative 4, 113–126.
Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., (2020). Gold Deposits of the Archean Abitibi Greenstone
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi. Belt, Canada. Economic Geology. Special Publication, no. 23, pp. 669-708.

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