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"What? there's a new jeepney?", "wow aircon", "it must be very comfortable", "omg! It's
like riding on a bus, kuya kondoctor will collect our fare unlike traditional jeepneys" ,
"this is very convenient", "oh no, it has an expensive fare?" what? Kuya driver?? It's
already full, why are you still collecting passengers?"

Have you all already said those things on your mind? Probably yes, because i have the
same reaction with you too! Have you noticed the changes of our reaction? From being
amazed of modern jeepney based on its feature to being irritated because it is loaded
with passengers? Who among you here is already the "suki" of a modern jeepney? So,
the majority of our audience here are the suki of a modern jeepney. Beep, Latransco
TSC, and Provincial jeepneys, these are the models that are usually seen everyday. Do
you agree?

Now that economic activities are returning to normal operations, more Filipinos are out
and about without the proper public transport system to support them. Time that was
supposed to be productive has now been wasted commuting from one place to another.

Hello world, hello Philippines! I am _____________ your speaker for today and let's talk

For Filipino commuters, particularly students and low-wage employees, jeepneys are a
lifeline. They provide a cheap form of transportation that helps thousands of
independent operators sustain their families. Yet, given its high emissions output and
outmoded design, ongoing usage of the jeepney has led to mounting environmental and
safety concerns. Transport organizations worry that the PUVMP may cause some
independent operators to fall into a monopolized debt trap due to consolidation and the
high cost of upgraded jeepneys.

In the Philippines, commuting has always been a major hassle. Filipinos have one of the
worst commuting experiences in the world thanks to hours lost in traffic, ambiguous
pickup and drop-off locations, a lack of pedestrian support on the roadways, and blatant
disdain for the welfare of the drivers.

The planned phaseout of Jeepneys in favor of more modern PUVs, which has been
postponed owing to strikes, the COVID-19 outbreak, and reviews, is causing friction
between Jeepney drivers, operators, and the government. PUV Modernization is a
significant revision to the way PUV franchises are awarded and routes are set up.
Although the Duterte administration's rail infrastructure projects were continued by the
Marcos administration's transportation department, it is still unclear whether this will
result in a major increase in transport capacity. that a significant factor in ensuring the
sustainability and vitality of cities is to emphasize modern transportation infrastructure.

Jeepney Modernization: Why Does It Exist?

The PUV Modernization Project is a government initiative that attempts to organize and
enhance the country's public road transportation infrastructure. The program, which was
announced in June 2017, intends to provide users with access to more regulated, safer,
and more efficient transportation options. The national government's plan to upgrade
jeepneys was opposed on March 6 by a number of transportation organizations from
around the nation, who labeled it anti-poor and a violation of the labor rights of
traditional jeepney drivers and operators. According to the LTFRB, the Philippines'
jeepneys underwent restoration in 2015. Through this program, the jeepney business
was intended to be improved in a number of ways, such as by reducing pollution and
making jeepneys safer. Since out-of-date vehicles frequently result in deadly accidents,
the government intends to replace poorly maintained and low-quality street cars with
new jeepney models. This upgrade program also addressed the environmental issues
caused by transportation.

This begs the question: why is the national government seemingly hell-bent on pushing
for the jeepney modernization program? Why YES TO JEEPNEY MODERNIZATION?
because it has its various Advantages

1. Reduce the negative consequences of outdated jeepneys on the environment

It is indisputable that our obsolete jeepneys have made a significant contribution to the
air pollution on our highways. Older jeepney models release a lot of carbon, which has a
negative effect on the climate and global temperature. Carbon emissions will drop with
future models.

2. Make our roadways more appealing by adding stylish, modern jeepneys.

Traditional jeepneys have lost favor due to aging and damaged exterior components,
notwithstanding their extremely long lifespan. These jeepneys need to be replaced, not
only for the sake of modernization but also for commuter safety in the event that these
ancient jeepneys break down while traveling
3. Environmentally responsible
Many nations have made an effort to raise PUV standards in order to make the cars
safer for humans and more ecologically friendly. These standards were also used in the
Philippines to modernize jeepneys. Because jeepneys create significantly more pollution
than many other modes of transportation, the Filipino government places a considerable
emphasis on their renovation. That is due to the obsolete technology in jeepneys, which
date back a long time.
By doing so, the modernization initiative hopes to offer the following:
● limiters on speed
● Comfortable seats
● accommodating of disabilities
● camera for closed-circuit television
● Dashboard imaging
● In buses, a maximum of five persons may stand.
● New jeepneys will be more practical and safe.

4. A New Franchise System to Manage

While jeepney drivers now oversee the franchise system, the franchisee will be entirely
under the supervision of the Philippine government.
In 2019, the minimum number of jeepneys that might be franchised was raised from 20
to 40.

5. educating drivers of jeepneys

Because they would be the ones operating and maintaining future-standard jeepneys,
the rules for the jeepney modernisation program place a strong emphasis on training
jeepney drivers. They will learn proper passenger behavior, safe driving tactics, and
traffic safety measurement in this training session. Thus, it increases employment
opportunities for new drivers and workers Since the jeepney modernization would
necessitate skilled vehicle manufacturing workers for the creation of newer jeepney
models, as well as new drivers, this means giving our countrymen new employment
These are the factors that make the Jeepney Phase-out an important modification to
how PUV franchises are granted and routes are planned. The PUV Modernization
approach as a whole only makes up a small percentage of the Jeepney Phaseout. It is a
multi-stage program that begins with the elimination of antiquated vehicles that are no
longer roadworthy and compliant with emissions regulations. Next, the routes,
franchises, and functions of the involved vehicles are examined and reorganized.
Finally, new systems and standards are implemented for vehicles that will serve the
general public. The vast variety of public utility vehicles is intended to be condensed into
just four consistent classifications.


Because of its adaptability and endurance, traditional jeepneys are a common form of
transportation in the Philippines and are referred to as the "King of the Road." Jeepneys
are a cultural backbone and inspiration for inventiveness in the Philippines, where they
have been in use for close to 80 years. They are based on a nearly 80-year-old design
that was modified from Willys General Purpose Vehicles (GPs), which were left behind
by the American military during World War II. These vintage jeepneys are not only a
means of transportation; they also represent our culture and heritage. It has been
assisting the Filipino people for many years and is regarded as the foundation of our
public transportation system.

You may have seen in the news that the jeepney renovation program has both
advantages and disadvantages because it may have an effect on many people's
financial and personal situations. The upgrade of the jeepney has a significant financial
impact, and the following are some drawbacks: Cost more money: When the program
is implemented, not all drivers and operators will be able to afford to buy brand-new
jeepneys. Although while upgrading is essential, jeepneys shouldn't entirely disappear
from our highways. We will only improve the traditional jeepneys that are still in good
shape, where we can only put cameras, air conditioning, and a window glass, in order to
keep the costs of doing so down. Right?

By keeping their traditional appearance while complying to the fundamental

requirements for a public transportation vehicle, we can make an effort to modernize
them. The government must also understand how crucial it is to protect the livelihood of
jeepney operators and drivers. Due to the phaseout's enormous financial impact on the
affected parties—from the expensive cost of the replacement cars to various
supplementary costs like gasoline, maintenance, and repair—there has been
opposition. I implore the government to act right away and stop the jeepney phaseout
until a workable resolution that benefits everyone is found.
The main point of this talk is that, After learning about the debate over jeepney
modernization from numerous perspectives, it is evident that any big changes will have
a significant influence on various groups of people. The country should give this idea
careful thought because it has several benefits for both the people and the environment.
The fundamental point of this discussion is that while we should welcome the upgrading
of jeepneys in our country, we should not completely phase out our old jeepneys
because they are a symbol of our culture. Therefore, Yes to modernization but No to
total jeepney phase out.


Metro Manila public transportation among the worst in the world: study
Franco Luna -
November 25, 2022 | 11:58am

The Public Transport System Dilemma of the Philippines

By: Renzo Guevara

Jeepney Modernization Pros and Cons

14 March 2023
The Jeepney Phase-out Explained
Mar 11, 2023 12:43 AM

Jeepney Modernization Debate: Advantages & Disadvantages

Jul 29, 2021

Modernization, yes; jeepney phaseout, no

Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:10 AM March 14, 2023

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