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Assignment 2: Qualitative data analysis

For this assignment, your task is to analyse a provided set of qualitative data with the help of
thematic analysis, as described by Braun & Clarke (2006).

The dataset is available in ilearn in the material for the week November 15-19.

Assignment instructions
Go through the data, as described in the six steps by Braun & Clark (2006). Observe that you
initially, e.g., in Step 1, also need to formulate a research question of relevance for the data-
set (transcribed interviews).

The following parts are to be included in the assignment. Use the appropriate template for
the assignment.

Formulating the research question [approximately 100 words]

Based on an initial reading, formulate a research question of relevance for the data-set
(transcribed interviews).

The research question must be clearly formulated and delimited as well as of general

The following aspects are also important when formulating a research question:
● Phrased as a question.
● Not a yes/no-question.
● Should focus on qualities, not quantities.
● Should not be a comparison between different phenomena.
● Avoid values (better, worse, etc.).
● Should be one question (no inserted clauses).
● Avoid causal relations (if - then).
● Avoid vague terms, metaphors, etc.

Method [approximately 500 words]

Describe (a) the method used for data analysis and (b) the application of said method.

Anchor the description of the method used on Braun & Clarke (2006), together with a
presentation of how you have conducted the analysis (the application of the method). You
are encouraged to also use complementary literature.

You need to describe the coding process (code, categories, themes) and if the material was
coded inductively or deductively (see Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Thematic analysis [approximately 2000 words]
Present the findings in accordance with the method. This should include a table summarizing
themes, categories and (examples of) codes.

● Compile and present the themes and sub-themes/categories generated by the

thematic analysis.
● Start the presentation of your findings with an easy-to-understand table or thematic
map (containing your themes and associated categories and codes - max 1 page),
which you also refer to in the text.
● Following this, present each theme, in accordance with Braun & Clarke (2006). Each
theme is presented in a separate section (and its associated categories/subthemes
as subsections to these). Use descriptive names for your themes and categories as
subsection-headings (not “theme 1”, “theme 2, etc.).
○ Give a short introduction for each theme where you summarize the theme,
what it is about including how it is related to the research question.
○ Use quotes from the interviews to highlight/illustrate each aspect or “point” you
highlight. Use block quotes if they are longer than about two lines. Shorter
quotes can be baked into the running text (unless it is extra important). After
quoting, indicate which interviewee said what (e.g. abbreviated/anonymised
as IP1, or use a fictitious name).
○ All included quotations must be described/interpreted in the text (narrative). If
you use several quotes to illustrate a point, they should highlight different
aspects/angles of approach.

Analysis tip: The narrative you build up here must be understandable and meaningful for the
research question (themes that do not have such relevance are excluded). Remember that
you can always adjust the research question throughout the work.

Summary [approximately 300 words]

Start by referring back to your specific research question. Then, summarize the findings
briefly, and discuss how it answers the research question. You could also include reflections
on possible implications of your findings.

According to APA 7th edition citation style.

Total word count at most 5000 words.

Assessment criteria
Pass (1p):
● The choice of a research strategy [thematic analysis] and research methods
[interviews] is clearly described and motivated based on the research question
● The application of the chosen scientific strategies and methods are clearly described
and the use of software tools is described.
● The findings are presented in an accessible manner and the narrative is constructed

Pass with distinction (2p), all of the above and):

● The application of research strategies and methods are performed in accordance with
the demands of said methods and strategies and that a clear argumentation exists for
● There is a meaningful depth to the data analysis and the interpretation of the findings.

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