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THE ALPHA SCIENCE ACADEMY a KOT HATHIAL BHARA KAHU, ISLAMABAD. - First Test Name of student: Subject: English Class:_9 Date: Time Alowe 20 Minutes ‘Total Marks: 15, ‘NOTE: Section- A is compulsory. All parts of the section are to be answered on the question paper itself It should be completed in the first 20minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent, Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencils. ‘Section —A QNo.1: Circle the correct option i.e. a/b/c/d. Each part carries two marks. The train had already lf. Which tonse is -~) Present Present Post 1 Modine cele? O pees © Pastpertect CO) emtnvous ©) continuous Napoleon's arr was. finily deeded at 7 2 waterloo. The underined "word in an C) Commen noun C) Abstract noun C) Cale Proper noun example ot 1 an toaking for someone on ‘woieh my dog wile |-am am vacations 3 Choose the Dest answer to completa the © Whe Ott Own © wnat semence. ‘Ghose the best answer, mired | Have been veil be © Sertmechours. Hed stood OQ guayng” — O studprg © Saat His body was shaking with fury. Wie: ta a ss ‘eat antonym of te unceriinad word: Reg © Eaquake © Col Or Theesstofivinghas inewated se muchtnat 55 ig ve a tte of 5. he-fnds it cffcut to make both ends meet, Fvenitil ) uy food Spend maney Meaning of tia undarined Idiom O income o ° O vocuy vo ccken ane carr ace 9 ety. 7. nih eartonse ‘Chaka were Go) Aninnecent (C) Acowaedy —C) Anammiess Preset 2. Gorin pn O panics Aevere © Infritve © Past patie s . omgouns lacey inthe rans gare of Pasta) Corson Compound > Single pa Oxentonce © serene” © sentence © somal senlence ch hand asf fengere. The uncerned 15. fociean sqeonet Manner Number ually Time a THE ALPHA SCIENCE ACADEMY aon KOT HATHIAL BHARA KAHU, ISLAMABAD ‘Name of student: Class: _9% Date: Subject: English Time Allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks: 60 NOTE: Sections B and © comprise pages 1-2. Answer all the questions from Sections ‘B’ and G" on the ‘separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answors neatly and legibly. SECTION — B (Marks 40 Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer any FIVE questions including Question No. (i) appended to it. Note: Question (i) about summary writing is compulsory carrying 06 marks while rest of the _(6+4x3=18) question carry 03 marks each. Media helps people to share knowledge of the world, their feelings and opinions are expressed through it, Media attracts the attention of a very large audience. itis through media that the world has become a global village. Media plays a very constructive role for the socialy. It raises awareness about many social issues like cortuption, terrorism, drug addiction and violation of human rights. Media has become a mouthpiece of the downtrodden. It would not be wrong to say that media is the most viilant institution that keeps an eye on every segment ofthe society. Through debates, reports and talk shows it makes everyone accounteble and answerable. This Is why media has become an integral part of our lives. Mecia can play 4 positive role and has a corrective impact ifit works honestly QUESTIONS. () Write the surnmary of the passage. Also suggest a suitable title, (Compulsory) (i) Howhas media attracted the attention of a large number of audience? (ii) Doyyou agree that mecia has become part of cur fe? Explain your answer. (iv) Through media worl has become a global vilage, Discuss. (Y)__Whyis it important for media to be very viilant and honest? (vi) In today’s world media piays a very constructive role in the society. Discuss. (vil) Write down the meanings of the underlined words from the context Q.3a. _ Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas: (03) (@ wandered lonely as 2 cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hils, ‘When all at once | saw a crowd ‘Anhost of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze OR i (i) Whose woods are these | think | know His house is in the village though; : He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end: (08) () For off, when on my couch I lie Inyacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye ‘Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fils, And dances with the daffodis. QUESTIONS: (). What effect does the memory of golden daffedils has on the mood of the poet? “) (i) Which poetic device has been used in the last line of the stanza? (1) (il) Write down the thyme scneme of the stanza. a) (v) White the megnings of the underlined words (1) (¥) What do you understand by the term inward eye? (2) OR (W) My little horse must think it queer, To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year Qs a7 QUESTIONS (Why does the litle horse think improper to stop in the woods? (i) Describe the imagery used in the stanza. (ii) Wite the rhyme scheme of the stenza. (v)_ Write the meaning of the underiinea word. (v)_ Why is the evening dark them the usual? Q.4 a. Fill inthe blanks to complete a ctlme story. Use the passive voice form of the verbs given in brackets. Police were___(call) o the National Bank yesterday. The bank was _(rob), One billon rupees were (steal). No customer was_{hurt). Butone robber was (sho!) by the police. b. Use the Verbs given in the brackets as present and past participles. (any five) () Wemeta git a basket of flowers, (carry) i) Books: In the childhood seem like old friends. (read) ii) heard my mother (on the phone. (talk) (iv) We stood for the taxi. (weit) (wv) Having my passport, | applied for anew one. (lose) (vf) She nurtherteg while (vi) The letter was badly the rope. (skip) (write) c. Punctuate the following paralline(s): iknow every kid in practically tie whole school he says some of those guys in schools on TV don't even know the people in their own clas ECTION 20) Write an email to an American friend telling him/her about attractive tourist destinations in Pakistan briefly OR Write an application to the Principal requesting himvher to hold a “funfeir’ in your school Write a paragraph of about 80 to 400 words on any ONE of tho following: Kindness OR Examinations Translate the following passage into Urdu: Noe pollution causes not only environmental damage bus it also has negative impact on human health, it can cause aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing ss, restlessness, depression and insomnia. Insomnia can further lead to anxiety, bad temper and emotional stress. In addition, noise pollution can seriously affect the learrers, it gives them unnecessary mental and physical tension. OR Write 2 dialogue between discussing the importance of tree-plantation a) (2) () a a (05) (05) (03) (08) (08) (06)

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