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Proforma for Proposal for MA Dissertation

Title of thesis:

Name of Student:

Name of Supervisor:

Name of the Centre:

The proposal should contain the following headings/subheadings:

1. Introduction (about 200 words)

2. Scope and Objective:

a. Broad areas under which the research problem falls (about 200 words)

b. Research questions or hypothesis (about 200 words)

c. Objectives of the study (about 300 words)

3. Survey of existing research literature in the area (about 300 words)

4. Primary source material to be used for this study (about 200 words)

5. Methodological approach (about 200 words)

6. Tentative chapterization (with a minimum of three chapters excluding

Introduction and Conclusion; the candidate should include a small write up for
each chapter as well as for Introduction and Conclusion, along with chapter
titles: about 400 words)

7. Select Bibliography (to include Primary sources and Secondary sources, as two
separate lists, in alphabetical order following the latest MLA style; for non-
English sources, an English translation of the titles may be provided alongside
the original in the respective language)

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