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Make or Do

13. The children are ___ too much noise.

1. I have to ___ an important telephone a. doing
call. b. making
a. do 14. It was a pleasure ___ business with you.
b. make a. doing
2. She didn't ___ her best in the exam and b. making
she knew it. 15. I must ___ my homework before I go to
a. do bed.
b. make a. do
3. It was the first time she hadn’t ___ the b. make
beds. 16. Why does he always ___ promises and then
a. did break them?
b. made a. do
4. She was late so she didn't ___ b. make
breakfast for the children. 17. A famous writer is going to ___ an
a. do appearance here tonight.
b. make a. do
5. He ___ his homework, but forgot to b. make
bring it to school. 18. I’ll ___ the washing-up if you like.
a. did a. do
b. made b. make
6. She has to ___ the housework before 19. Can you ___ the coffee, please?
going to work. a. do
a. do b. make
b. make 20. You are going to have to ___ some changes
7. There are so many decisions to ___, I here.
don’t know where to start. a. do
a. do b. make
b. make 21. He ___ a lot of money in his new business.
8. Did you ___ a reservation for tonight? a. does
a. do b. makes
b. make 22. Can you ___ me a favour please?
9. Has he ___ the doctor's appointment a. do
yet? b. make
a. done 23. She spends too much time and money ___
b. made her hair and nails.
10. He was busy ___ the shopping so I a. doing
didn’t stop to talk to him. b. making
a. doing 24. I think he is trying to ___ trouble for you.
b. making a. do
11. He ___ a lot of research before putting b. make
something on the market. 25. Please hurry up and ___ a decision.
a. does a. do
b. makes b. make
12. The people wanted to ___ peace, they
were tired on endless wars.
a. do
b. make

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