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The line graph illustrates the number of cotton bales produced by 5 nations from 2004 to 2018 and
is measured in millions of bales.


Overall, we see that, despite the many fluctuations, the nation that grew the most in cotton bale
production was India, while the nations that decreased their production were the United States
and China.

Body 1

In 2004, China was the largest cotton bale producer, producing 30 million bales per year, while the
United States and India produced 26 and 20 million bales and were the second and third largest
cotton bale producers. Over 10 years, India's production grew and equaled China's production of
30 million. Over the years, in 2018, India is the largest producer of cotton bales with a production
of 28 million bales, while China's production has dropped to 26 million and the United States with
18 million cotton bales.

Body 2:

Brazil was the smallest cotton boll producer in 2004. It produced 5 million while Pakistan produced
12 million. In many years Brazil increased its production significantly and Pakistan decreased,
achieving in 2018, Brazil produced more cotton bolls than Pakistan.


Today, websites can manage to have a large influence on people. Thanks to this, people express
themselves freely on different topics, but the disadvantages are that these expressions can be
used maliciously and harm a human being, as well as false news or misinformation can be given.

Body 1:

First of all, websites have been growing over time. Question and answer forums have evolved and
are now very well designed websites that give us information on many things. These websites help
us to be able to express our opinions on day to day issues or things that are happening nowadays.
For example family problems, problems at home, the life of celebrities or many other things.

Body 2:

Opinions on websites can be used maliciously towards a person or a celebrity. These opinions that
can be given on a website, have no limit and sometimes can be very harmful and can cause many
problems. One of these problems is cyber bullying. Some people would like governments or
companies that own websites to limit what users say online. Some countries and companies try to
limit the rules on the internet platform, and give fake news, trying to hide things or make a big
problem arise between people.


In conclusion, people from different parts of the world should respect each other's use of the
internet to discourage negative expressions that cause problems to others. While the Internet
remains a great way to communicate and find information, the future lies in focusing on the
present and developing new values that will make a positive difference to humanity based on the
examples we have been given.

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