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What is a drug?

A drug is any substance that produces psychoactive effects. That is, it directly
affects the nervous system.
Many people make the mistake of calling only illegal substances “drugs”, but
from this perspective we also see alcohol, tobacco or even coffee as drugs.
On the other hand, "drugs" also refers to the medicines that are sold in
pharmacies of a lifetime. They are all drugs whether you like it or not.

how many types of drugs does exist?

the 3 types of drugs depending on the type of effect they have on the
nervous system:

1. Stimulants: They will be the drugs that produce a feeling of euphoria,

energy, an accelerated flow of thoughts or even aggressiveness.

-Examples of central nervous system stimulant drugs:

-Nicotine (tobacco)
-Caffeine (coffee, teas, some soft drinks)

2. Depressants: They will be those drugs that delay the signals of the central
nervous system, causing a feeling of relaxation or even facilitating sleep.

-Examples of nervous system depressant drugs:

-Opioids (heroin, morphine, methadone)
-Tranquilizers (anxiety pills)
-Hypnotics (sleeping pills)

3. Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens will be those drugs that strongly alter the

perception of reality, making the person see or hear things that are not really
there. These substances are the most associated with possible psychotic
outbreaks and other schizophrenic symptoms if taken in large quantities or
-Mushrooms (psilobycin, and many other types)
-Cannabis (in large quantities)
-Synthetic drugs (ecstasy or MDMA, etc)

why do people get hooked on drugs?

In general, people use drugs for various reasons:
-To feel good: Drugs can produce intense feelings of pleasure. This initial
euphoria is followed by other effects that are For example, with stimulants
such as cocaine, the euphoria is followed by feelings of power, self-
confidence and more energy.
-To feel better: Some people who suffer from social anxiety, stress, or
depression start using drugs to try to feel less anxious. Stress can be an
important factor in starting and continuing use.
-To perform better: Some people feel pressure to improve their
concentration at school or work, or to improve their sports skills. This can be
a factor for those who decide to try drugs or continue using them, Out of
curiosity and social pressure. Teenagers in particular are at higher risk in this
regard, because peer pressure can be very strong.

Causes of drug addiction

-Much of the world's population uses soft drugs absolutely recreationally and
running moderate risks.
-people who want to take refuge in drugs to avoid difficult situations in their
personal lives, such as traumas, anxiety, etc.
-another cause may be feeling pleasure in these and continue consuming
Consequences of drug addiction
The consequences of drug addiction are devastating for the individual and
their social and family environment, and include:

-Inability to lead a normal life.

-Physical and psychological damage.
-Death due to overdose, due to complications derived
These are some fundamental points for the prevention of consumption in

-A good family education. Preventive programs for people with vulnerability

or family problems are another important way to reduce the use of different
drugs, since the greater the number of problems, the greater the probability
of drug use.

-The interrelation between the peer group, family and school is also essential
to detect problems.

-Promote leisure and healthy recreational activities in our adolescents.

-Report on the conception of the different drugs that influence their

consumption. Sometimes there may be biases about the effects of
substances, in one direction or another. For this reason, it is of great
importance to provide correct information and always bear in mind that the
objective of a person is to have the necessary skills to deal adequately with
their environment and to have a good adaptation to it.

-Get in touch with professionals, in case of suspicion or confirmation of

consumption, to assess the situation and carry out early intervention.

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