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Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

Najaf Technical College
First semester lectures
First Stage
By Dr. Basil N. Merzah
Gas phase

Gas phase

Perfect gas Ideal gas Real gas

1) Very low density 1) Very low density 1) It is natural gasses as O2 , N2

2) Specific heat is constant and 2) Specific heat is variable and 2) His behavior not follow the
its independent on the its dependent on the equation of state.
temperature. temperature.
3) His behavior follow the 3) His behavior follow the
equation of state. equation of state.
Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Ideal - Gas equation of state:

Any equation that relates the pressure, temperature, and specific volume of a
substance is called an equation of state.
Boyles Law: the pressure of gases is inversely proportional to their volume.

Where: : the absolute pressure of gas. (

: the specific volume of gases (

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Charles law :
At low pressures the volume of a gas is
proportional to its temperature.

the pressure of a gas is proportional to its

temperature at its volume is constant.

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

R is called the gas constant

The gas constant R is different for each gas and is determined from:

[kJ/kg.K or kPa.m3/kg.K]

Ru : is the universal gas constant M: is the molar mass (also called molecular weight)

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

8.314kJ /( kmol.K )
 3
8.314kPa.m /( kmol.K )
0.08314bar.m3 /( kmol.K )
Ru  
1.986 Btu /(lbmol.R)
10.73Psia. ft 3 /(lbmol.R)

1545 ft.lbf /(lbmol.R)
The molar mass (M) can be defined as the mass of one mole of a substance in grams
or, the mass of one kmole in kilograms

The mass of a system is equal to the product of its molar mass M and the mole number

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

The ideal-gas equation of state can be written in

several different forms:

is the molar specific volume, i.e., the volume per unit mole (m3/kmol or
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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

For a fixed mass

the property of an ideal gas at two different

states are related to each other by:

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)
Example 1:

Determine the mass of air in a room whose dimensions are 4mx5mx7m at 100kPa and

The given P=100kPa, T=25oC, V=4 x 5 x 7 m3

The gas constant is R=0.287kJ/kg.K

And the absolute temperature is T= 25+273=298K

The mass of air in the room

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Heat Transfer
Heat is the form of energy that transferred between systems (or system and
surroundings) by effect of a temperature difference with unit kJ(Btu).
An adiabatic process: A process during which there is no heat transfer
The amount of heat transferred during the process between two states (states 1 and 2) is
denoted Q12 or just Q
heat transfer per unit mass of a system is denoted q and is determined from:

where the over dot stands

The heat transfer rate is denoted unit kJ/sec)(kW) for the time derivative, or
per unit time
Note: Heat transfer to the system is positive and
heat transfer from system is negative.
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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)
Is an energy interaction between a system and its surroundings with units such as kJ.
Therefore if the crossing the boundary of a
closed system is not heat, it must be work.
The work done during a process between states 1and 2 is denoted W12 or W

The work per unit mass of a system is denoted w and is defined as:

The work done per unit time is called power and is denoted
The unit of the power is kJ/sec or kW

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Note: Work done by a system is positive, and

work done on the system is negative

Q System W

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

First law of thermodynamics

conservation of energy principle
It states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only change forms.

   
 Net energy transfer   Net increase ( or decrease) 
   
to (or from) the system   in the total energy 
   
 as heat and work   of the system 
   

Q  W  E kJ 

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Q=net heat transfer across system boundary    


W=net work done in all forms    


= net change in the total energy of system

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Most closed system encountered in practice are stationary i.e. they do not involve any
change in their velocity or the elevation of their center of gravity during a process. Thus for
stationary closed system the change in kinetic and potential energies are negligible (
), and the first – law relation reduces to:

Sometimes it is convenient to consider the work term in two parts: Wother and Wb. Where
Wother represents all forms of work except the boundary work. Then the first law takes the
following form:

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

The first law of thermodynamics can be represented by unit mass:

The rate form of the first law is written as:

: is the rate of net heat transfer,
is the power, and

: is the rate of change of internal energy.

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Note: For a cyclic process, the initial and final state are identical

Then the first law relation for a cycle simplifies to

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

Internal energy, Enthalpy and specific heat of ideal gas:

The classical experiment done by Joule that the internal energy of the ideal gas is
function of temperature only.
u  u(T )
The enthalpy is also define as a combined property of internal energy plus the
product of pressure and specific volume.

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Thermodynamics First Semester by Dr. Basil N.Merzah(Lecture No.5)

du  CvdT  u  CvT  U  mCvT  (U 2  U 1 )  mCvT2  T1 

dh  CpdT  h  CpT  H  mCpT  ( H 2  H 1 )  mCpT2  T1 

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