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The graph demonstrates changes in the number of monthly visitors to Tabard

Towers Theme last year. As an overall trend, it is obvious that the number of its
tourists rose gradually in the first 5 months, then fluctuated dramatically from
June to October before decreasing slowly.
From January to April, there was a constant rise from 30000 visitors to
approximately 450000. Then it was followed by a sharper increase in May, when
the figures surged about 40%, reaching 75 000 people before plummeting
significantly to 20 000 in June. That number went up dramatically to 120 000 by
July and then dropped again to 80 000 in the following month. By September, the
number of visitors was 140 000 people and reached a peak before steadily
declining by 20 000 tourists each month for the rest of the year, reaching 80 000
in December.
In conclusion, the graph shows that most tourists visited Tabard Towers Theme
Park in September, and in July, the figures hit bottom.

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