KRAUS SP 2 Vol.57 2015 pp.135-145

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STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2 135



Jakub KRAUS1, Michaela PORUBANOVÁ2

Katedra psychologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova Univerzita
Joštova 10, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Farmingdale State College - SUNY, Farmingdale, New York, USA

Abstract: The research explored the effect of binaural beats on working memory capacity (WMC).
When the binaural beat beats with the frequency that corresponds to the state of alpha wave
range, then it is believed that the overall brain activity changes accordingly. Brainwave activity
within the alpha range has been generally correlated with many cognitive functions along with
working memory improvement. Therefore, in this study it is assumed that binaural beat corre-
sponding to alpha wave range will enhance subsequently WMC. In the following study, partici-
pants were divided into two groups. One group underwent a binaural beat stimulation while
listening to the sound of the sea. The other group was listening solely to the sound of the sea
without binaural beat stimulation. We measured baseline and post-stimulation working memory
capacity using the OSPAN method. As expected, only participants from the binaural beat group
showed an improvement in WMC.

Key words: binaural beats, working memory capacity, Operation Span Task, alpha frequency,

2003). For instance, an increase in the capac-

Introduction ity of working memory (a greater number of
retained and recalled items) was accompa-
It has been suggested that cognitive and nied by a higher amplitude of alpha oscilla-
executive functioning is accompanied by tions (Sauseng et al., 2009). Also, according
specific brain wave oscillations. Overall, the to some authors, the oscillations in alpha
brain activity within alpha rhythm (7.5 – 12.5 rhythm indirectly enhance performance in
Hz in adults) has been associated with vigi- working memory capacity in such a way that
lance, inhibitory processes, attention, work- they filter out irrelevant information and pre-
ing memory, perceptual abilities and infor- vent disruptions caused by conflicting
mation processing speed (Braboszcz & stimuli (Klimesch et al., 2007; Rihs et al., 2007;
Delorme, 2011; Clark et al., 2004; Freunberger Tuladhar et al., 2007).
et al., 2011; Lachat et al., 2012; Oprisan, 2004; Other studies looked at the extent to which
Palva & Palva, 2007; VanRullen & Koch, the induction of specific brain waves can al-
ter subsequent cognition. One way of en-
suring induction of electrical activity in the
The authors thank David Brocker for helping brain is through binaural beats (BB) (e.g.,
with the rea lization and administration of the Kasprzak, 2011; Nozaradan et al., 2011; On et
experiment. al., 2013). BB are defined as subjective audi-

DOI: 10.21909/sp.2015.02.689
136 STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2

tory sensations caused by presenting tones long 10 and 18 Hz BB stimulation sessions,

of slightly different frequencies separately and they found an improvement in Raven’s
to each ear. As a result, a listener perceives a progressive matrices and in a subtest of au-
sound with an amplitude that changes with ditory sequential memory (Carter & Russell,
a frequency equal to the difference of fre- 1993). McMurray (2006) assessed the effect
quency in the presented tones (Kasprzak, of 7 and 11 Hz BB on alpha brainwave activ-
2011), and these two frequencies are inte- ity, working memory, and attention in healthy
grated at the cortical level into the above- elderly people, who are known for experienc-
mentioned binaural beat (Ozimek, 2002). Spe- ing gradual decrease in physiological alpha
cifically, BB can alter the functioning of the activity. The 2 minutes exposure to BB re-
reticular formation, a neural network system sulted in an altered electrical activity in the
in the brainstem responsible for regulation brain. Concretely speaking, the changes oc-
of vigilance, concentration and attention curred within the alpha brainwave activity.
(Wahbeh, Calabrese, & Zwickey, 2007). Bin- Moreover there were improvements in For-
aural beats stimulation can, through changes ward and Backward Digit Span Memory
in the reticular formation, enhance the pro- Tasks, and in a version of the Continuous
cessing of presented information (Wahbeh, Performance Task. Contrary to the previous
Calabrese, & Zwickey, 2007). Following this results, Wahbeh et al. (2007) documented a
logic, if the difference in the frequencies of significant deterioration in the Rey Auditory
the two tones, which produce the resulting Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), as a conse-
binaural beat, corresponds to a certain quence of stimulation by a 7 Hz frequency
brainwave state (e.g., 130 Hz – 110 Hz = 10 BB in durations of 30 minutes. It thus appears
Hz = alpha range – 7.5 – 12.5 Hz), then the that BB’s possible positive effects on cogni-
overall brain activity should subsequently tive functions depend on many factors.
maintain that state (Sornson, 1999). Some re- These factors may be the specific frequency
searchers call this process hemispheric syn- of BB; the targeted population - because it is
chronization and assume that, by means of known that older people have different qual-
exposing an individual to binaural beat, the ity of brainwave activity than, e.g., young-
electrical activity of both hemispheres merges sters (Bazanova & Aftanas, 2008; Clark et al.,
to one synchronized activity with an overall 2004), and the tests used to detect the pos-
frequency that represents the difference of sible changes in working memory capacity.
the two originally presented tones (e.g., Fos- Based on the research showing a positive
ter, 1990; Kennerly, 1994). impact of alpha-range BB on cognitive func-
Several studies have looked at the possible tioning, specifically attention, auditory se-
effects of binaural beats within the alpha quential memory, working memory, working
range on cognitive abilities. A significant memory storage, reasoning ability, cognitive
improvement in cognitive processing, as processing and hemispheric synchroniza-
measured by the Stroop Effect exercise, was tion, (Carter & Russell, 1993; Cruceanu &
found by a BB stimulation of 10.2 Hz fre- Rotarescu, 2013; Foster, 1990; Kennerly, 1994;
quency (Cruceanu & Rotarescu, 2013). McMurray, 2006) as well as on the wealth of
Carter and Russell (1993) exposed 8 to 12 year research documenting the important role of
old boys with learning disabilities to 8-week alpha brain wave activity on vigilance, in-
STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2 137

hibitory processes, attention, filtering out The experiment was approved by an Insti-
irrelevant information working memory, the tutional Review Board (IRB) at Farmingdale
visuo-spatial component of working memory, State College, NY, USA.
perceptual abilities and information process-
ing speed (Braboszcz & Delorme, 2011; Clark Instruments
et al., 2004; Engle et al., 1999a; Freunberger
et al., 2011; Klimesch et al., 2007; Lachat et Automated Operation Span Task
al., 2012; Oprisan, 2004; Palva & Palva, 2007;
Rihs et al., 2007; Sauseng et al., 2009; The Operation Span Task measures work-
Tuladhar et al., 2007; VanRullen & Koch, ing memory capacity as defined by Engle et
2003), we believe that BB of a frequency that al. (1999a). Unsworth, Heitz, Schrock and
corresponds to the alpha range of brain ac- Engle (2005) developed a computer-admin-
tivity has a temporary effect on working istered AOSPAN which works automatically.
memory capacity. The test consists of a training period and
In our study, subjects were exposed to 9.55 the actual test. The training allows for the
Hz BB stimulation while we measured their elimination of the testing effect.
working memory capacity through the Au- During the task, a person is asked to retain
tomated Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). randomly presented series of 3 to 7 defined
The goal was to explore possible temporary letters (F, H, J, K, N, P, Q, R, S, T and Y). The
improvements in working memory as a con- letters are presented one at a time for 800
sequence of alpha-range BB stimulation. milliseconds. After the presentation of each
letter, a simple mathematical equation ap-
Method pears on the screen. Here is an example equa-
tion: (2*3) + 7 = ?
Participants The participant has to assess whether the
proposed solution is correct. The mathemati-
In total, 50 university/college students cal operation is presented to each partici-
participated in the study. Each participant pant for a specific amount of seconds calcu-
was randomly assigned to either an experi- lated from his/her individual tempo as mea-
mental or control group. Ten participants sured during his/her individual rehearsal task
were rejected from further analysis for either + 2 SDs. Afterwards, a letter comes up for
failing to reach an 85% limit of correctly 800 ms. This process is presented anywhere
solved mathematical operations in AOSPAN between 3 and 7 times. Afterwards, a set of
or achieving 0 in the Ospan score. The rejec- letters (a table of all possible letters) is pre-
tion of these participants is fully in accor- sented to the participant. The participant has
dance with the instructions from the authors to choose the letters that were presented in
of this method Unsworth, Heitz, Schrock & that trial.
Engle (2005). The whole task consists of 3 series of each
The final sample of participants included set size. The set sizes range from 3 to 7 let-
40 students (M Age = 21.63 years; 29 (72.5%) ters plus the mathematical operations. In to-
were women) with an effect size of d = 1.06 tal, 75 letters and 75 mathematical operations
and statistical power of 0.95. are administered to the participant.
138 STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2

Furthermore, the results are obtained only purpose of dealing with the possible prob-
from those participants who meet the 85% lem of participants concentrating only on
accuracy criterion in solving the mathemati- remembering the letters while ignoring the
cal operations. This criterion serves for the mathematical operations.

Figure 1. Illustration of AOSPAN task. At first, participant is presented with a mathematical

operation. After solving of the operation, participant clicks with a mouse button and an
offered answer displays on screen. If one thinks that the offered answer is right, than he/she
selects “true”, if not than he/she selects “false”. Subsequently, in the middle of the screen
appears a letter which remains there just for 800 milliseconds. Then the program offers a
matrix of letters, where the participant has to select letters, which he or she had to remember
in the correct order. At last, participant is presented with a feedback, where he or she finds
out about his/hers success in the concrete sequence (remembered letters and correctly
answered mathematical operations). The illustration of the AOSPAN task presented here is
adapted from Unsworth et al. (2005).
STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2 139

After completing the AOSPAN task, two

scores related to the assessment of working Binaural Beats Stimulation
memory capacity were computed.
The first score, the Ospan score, has an As stated above, BB is defined as a sub-
absolute scoring method, and it represents jective auditory sensation, which occurs
the sum of all correctly recalled sets of let- when two tones of slightly different fre-
ters in the correct order. So, for instance, if a quency are presented separately to each ear.
participant correctly recalls 3 letters in a set A listener then experiences a resultant sound
size of 3, 4 letters in a set size of 4, and 3 with an amplitude which changes with a fre-
letters in a set size of 5, his/her Ospan score quency equal to the difference in the fre-
would be 7 (3 + 4 + 0) (Unsworth et al., 2005). quencies of presented tones (Kasprzak,
The second additional score reflects the 2011). Two tones of the frequencies of 230
total number of errors made solving the math- and 220.45 Hz were generated through the
ematical operations. This score consists of Audacity Program via stereo headphones
“speed errors” and “accuracy errors”. Speed presenting a different tone to each ear. The
errors are errors made due to the participant frequency of the BB is equal to the differ-
not solving the task within the time limit. The ence between the used frequencies (9.55 Hz
accuracy errors score reflects incorrectly - alpha range).
solved operations. Two different recordings were created.
For the purposes of this study, the score The first contained a BB at the frequency of
used most in the analysis was the first Ospan 9.55 Hz, plus an overlapping sound (the
score. It is a score, which is stable in terms of sound of the sea). This overlapping sound
test-retest reliability when repeating the test is important so that the participants do not
after few minutes (r = 0.77 – 0.79; Turley- fully perceive the BB. Similar overlapping
Ames & Whitfield, 2002), weeks (0.82; Klein sounds are common in BB literature (e.g.,
& Fiss, 1999), or months (0.76; Klein & Fiss, Wahbeh et al., 2007). Further, the use of neu-
1999). Other sources in relation to this score tral overlapping sounds (sounds of rain,
present even higher test-retest reliability wind, water) seem more appropriate than any
(r = 0.83; Unsworth et al., 2005). recording meant for meditation, relaxation or
Further, when comparing two versions of other aims, which may themselves cause
the OSPAN task, which differ in the diffi- changes in cognition (e.g., Hodges, 2010;
culty of the mathematic operations, rela- Pelletier, 2004; Rickard, Wong, & Velik, 2012).
tively high correlations ranging from 0.7 to The second recording included only the
0.8 were observed (Conway & Engle, 1996; above-mentioned sound of the sea without
Lehto, 1996). This information is important, the BB component. Both recordings lasted
because in our study, participants had to 12 minutes and were, with the exception of
solve two AOSPAN tasks during a short the presence/absence of the BB, identical.
period of time. In McMurray’s (2006) experiment, partici-
In this study, the AOSPAN task used was pants could not distinguish between two
identical to that which was created and de- such recordings, though in her and other BB
scribed by Unsworth et al., (2005) and was studies, the authors do not explicitly describe
scripted in a MATLAB program (version 8.1). the exact volume of the BBs in terms of their
140 STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2

total inaudibility. None of the participants in Both the experimental and control group
this experiment reported an awareness of such were exposed to the same procedure with the
sounds when asked after the experiment took exception of the inclusion of BB in the music
place. in the experimental condition. Completing the
experiment took approximately 50 minutes.
All participants signed an Informed Con-
sent form and indicated no history of sei- We were interested in understanding the
zures and epilepsy. Participants were told effect of BB stimulation on the Ospan score.
they would be involved in a memory study The baseline Ospan score was subtracted
while being exposed to a break in which they from the post-BB/music exposure Ospan
would listen to music, and they were not score. The resulting score provides informa-
aware of the purpose of the study. tion about the change in Ospan score as a
The baseline measure of the AOSPAN was result of exposure to the music/BB. For clar-
obtained at the beginning of the experiment. ity, this score will be referred to as SOS
After the first completion of the AOSPAN, (Substracted Ospan Score).
participants were randomly assigned to ei- Additionally, the total number of math-
ther music with a BB or music without a BB. ematical errors in the AOSPAN was used in
All participants then listened to a 12 minute- the analysis. This score was obtained by
long recording of one of the recordings. Af- subtracting the total number of mathemati-
ter those 12 minutes they were asked to re- cal errors obtained in the first AOSPAN task
take the AOSPAN. from the total number of mathematical errors

The mean differences in SOS between groups




Mean SOS 0



experim ental Group control

Diagram 1. The diagram shows mean differences in SOS between groups

STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2 141

obtained in the second AOSPAN task. The tion of the alpha frequency range of the brain
score informs about the improvement/dete- activity – had a temporary positive effect on
rioration in making arithmetic errors after working memory capacity in our sample of
participants completed the second AOSPAN healthy, adult university students.
task. This score will be further labeled as Lim, Quevenco, and Kwok (2013) state that
SNME (Substracted Number of Mathemati- in tasks testing higher cognitive functions,
cal Errors). such as working memory, increased alpha
In order to compare differences in activity is positively associated with quality
AOSPAN scores between the experimental performance (Doppelmayr et al., as cited in
and control condition, an independent t-test Lim, Quevenco, & Kwok, 2013). In the re-
was used. search of Lim et al. (2013), lower delta and
The variances of the SOS score in the ex- theta activities, which are associated with
perimental and control groups were equal, fatigue, were recorded in participants who
F(1, 38) = 2.16, p > 0.05. On average, partici- were given a break in comparison to those
pants from the experimental group received participants who were not. DeLuca (2005a)
a higher SOS (M = 4.60; SE = 1.95) than the defines fatigue as a result of intense and last-
participants from the control group (M = ing exertion caused by cognitive effort. The
-2.45; SE = 2.55). This difference was statisti- break prevented the effects of fatigue and
cally significant t(38) = 2.20, p = 0.017 (one- allowed participants to relax. Several stud-
tailed); representing a medium-sized effect ies showed a connection between alpha
r = 0.34. brainwave activity and relaxed states (e.g.,
Participants in the experimental condition Lagopoulos et al., 2009; Newberg et al., 2001;
did not differ from those in the control con- Stinson & Arthur, 2013). Lim et al. (2013) ob-
dition in terms of SNME; M = - 0.20; SE= 0.72 served improved performance in an auditory
versus M= - 0.15, SE= 0.65., t(38)= -0.05, p > oddball task (sustained attention and its ca-
0.05. pacity) in participants who underwent the
break, while the performance of the control
Discussion group deteriorated. These individual differ-
ences were correlated on one hand with the
The goal of the study was to observe the decreasing delta and theta activity, and on
effect of exposure to BB on working memory the other hand with increase in alpha activ-
capacity. As suggested by many studies, ity during the break (Lim et al., 2013).
BBs corresponding to alpha brain waves can In our research, participants were similarly
positively influence cognitive processing, provided a break from a cognitively demand-
namely attention, auditory sequential ing task, i.e., working memory capacity task.
memory, working memory, working memory The break was represented by the 12-min-
storage, and reasoning ability (Carter & utes of listening to the sounds of the sea,
Russell, 1993; Cruceanu & Rotarescu, 2013; during which the participants were sup-
Foster, 1990; Kennerly, 1994; McMurray, posed to relax. In our case, the break influ-
2006). enced each participant differently; in those
The results show that a BB of the fre- exposed to BB, we assume it supported the
quency of 9.55 Hz – which is a representa- alpha synchronization. Therefore, based on
142 STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2

the previous research (Klimesch et al., 2007; Unsworth et al. (2005) compared the score
Lagopoulos et al., 2009; Newberg et al., 2001; of 78 participants who solved the AOSPAN
Rihs et al., 2007; Stinson & Arthur, 2013; task two times over several days. Within the
Tuladhar et al., 2007), we assume that the Ospan score, he observed an increase of
alpha synchronization might have induced a about 1 point. On the other hand, the results
state of relaxation, which might have helped from the control group in our study suggest
to filter out irrelevant information and im- just the opposite trend. The participants’
proved participants’ performance in working scores deteriorated as a result of exposure
memory tasks while performance of the con- to only music. A possible explanation could
trol group deteriorated. be the above-mentioned effect of fatigue.
The results of our research support the Increasing fatigue subsequently affects the
findings of McMurray (2006) and Carter degradation of performance in cognitive
and Russell (1993). McMurray (2006) had tasks (Kato et al., 2009; Lorist, 2008). Partici-
older adults listen to a 2-minute track includ- pants spent approximately 40 minutes from
ing alternately BBs of 7 and 11 Hz and found the total duration of the experiment solving
a significant improvement in their attention the AOSPAN tasks. However, participants
and working memory. Carter and Russel exposed to BB just for 12 minutes, showed
(1993) explored the effects of BBs on vari- an improvement in their working memory
ous cognitive processes in boys with learn- capacity on average by 4.6 points in their
ing deficits. During several 25-minute ses- Ospan score.
sions, the participants were alternately stimu- As mentioned above, our participants
lated by audiovisual, as well as solely by showed an average 4.6 points improvement
BBs with frequencies of 10 and 18 Hz. Boys after the second AOSPAN task as a result of
exposed to BB stimulation showed an in- BB stimulation. If we think again of the scor-
creased performance in Raven’s progressive ing method used, we will find that individu-
matrices and in a subtest of auditory sequen- als from the experimental group improved by
tial memory. Huang and Charyton (2008) in- about one set from the total of 15 sets. Since
vestigated and evaluated the data from all of in the test sets of 3 to 7 letters (= 3 to 7 points)
the available research studies which dealt were used and the points were gained only
with brain stimulation of any form (not just when participant answered the whole set
BB). They came to the conclusion that just correctly, we can assume that the above-
one session of such stimulation may be ben- mentioned 4.6 points represent approximately
eficial for immediate states of memory, atten- one set. This represents an improvement of
tion, stress, pain, and migraine (Huang & almost 7%, which is a relatively decent
Charyton, 2008). Our work is consistent with growth since the participants were young
this finding. and healthy university students whose cog-
The results of our work expand on the nitive functioning is presumably at its apex.
above-mentioned findings. To the best of our One could surmise that patients with memory
knowledge, this was the first time a BB of the deficits could show even greater improve-
frequency of 9.55 Hz was experimentally stud- ment. In terms of the control group, we may
ied in the context of working memory em- assume that this group either remained un-
ploying the Operation Span Task (AOSPAN). changed, by means of measured perfor-
STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 57, 2015, 2 143

mance, or deteriorated by the maximum of It would be interesting to see what results

one set on average (deterioration of 2.45 would be achieved by individuals with
points). Thus, the ultimate difference be- memory or other cognitive deficits, older in-
tween the experimental and control group dividuals or people without university/col-
represents the difference of 1-2 correctly re- lege experiences. From the point of external
called sets, roughly a range of 7 – 13 %. While validity, it is important that any other future
the experimental group improved by an av- research in this area should be realized in as
erage of slightly more than one remembered heterogeneous population as possible. Also,
letter, the control group deteriorated by al- it would be appropriate to extend the time
most 3 letters in total. The overall mean dif- period between the solving of the two
ference between the two groups was, thus AOSPAN tasks to some extent, so that the
on average, 4 correctly recalled letters. potential effect of fatigue or an immediate
For an assessment of working memory ca- training effect would be minimized.
pacity, it seems crucial to be able to recall the
whole set of letters. For a participant to be Conclusion
successful in this task, s/he should be able
to actively navigate his/her attention, and to The results of our study illustrate that BB
store and activate the presented information frequencies corresponding to alpha range of
(letters) while solving each set (Engle, brain activity had a temporary positive ef-
Tuholski, & Kane, 1999a). fect on the capacity of working memory. Par-
Our results illustrate that although the par- ticipants undergoing a 12-minute BB stimu-
ticipants from the experimental group im- lation of 9.55 Hz frequency, achieved a sig-
proved in their capacity of working memory, nificant increase in the capacity of their work-
their performance in solving mathematical ing memory in comparison to a control group
operations was unaffected by the exposure which was not exposed to BB stimulation.
to the BB. However, one should not expect
a significant improvement in the mathemati- Received October 7, 2014
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J. K r a u s, M. P o r u b a n o v á

Súhrn: Výskum sa zaoberal vplyvom binaural beats na kapacitu pracovnej pamäte (WMC).
Pokiaľ aplikovaný binaural beat zodpovedá frekvenčnému stavu, ktorý je charakteristický pre
alfa frekvenčný rozsah mozgových vĺn, tak sa predpokladá, že by aj celková mozgová aktivita
mala následne v určitej miere udržiavať tento stav. Mozgová aktivita v rámci alfa rozsahu je vo
všeobecnosti korelovaná s viacerými k ognitívnymi funkciami, medzi inými aj s pracovnou
pamäťou. V nasledujúcej práci je preto vyslovený predpoklad, že binaural beat o alfa frekvencii
by následne mohol posilniť WMC. V tejto štúdii boli participanti rozdelení do dvoch skupín. Prvá
skupina podstúpila binaural beat stimuláciu počas počúvania zvukov mora. Druhá počúvala len
zvuky mora bez binaural beat stimulácie. Pomocou testovej metódy Operation span task (OSPAN)
sme merali východiskovú a post-stimulačnú kapacitu pracovnej pamäte. V súlade s očakávaniami,
len participanti, ktorí podstúpili binaural beat stimuláciu, preukázali zlepšenie v rámci WMC.

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