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4/19/23, 8:44 AM OneNote

Monday, November 29, 2021  9:23 PM 

1. ‘Democracy is the ideal form of government but it is very difficult to achieve.’ Assess this
2. ‘Freedom of the media is important in a democracy.’ To what extent do you agree? 
3. ‘When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations.’ (John F.
Kennedy) To what extent do you agree? 
4. ‘It is difficult to justify spending money on space exploration while poverty exists.’ To what
extent do you agree? 
5. ‘Music is a universal and unifying language.’ To what extent do you agree? 
6. An uneducated society has never existed.’ Discuss.
7. To what extent are the problems of traffic congestion being effectively dealt with in your
8. To what extent are pictures more powerful than words?
9. ‘Genetically modified food is the only solution to world hunger.’ Discuss.
10. ‘Mathematics is the language of science and art.’ To what extent do you agree? 
11. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of free health care for all.
12. To what extent has the world become a ‘global village’?
13. Should euthanasia be legalized?
14. "Animals matter." Discuss.
15. "Globalization makes the world a better place." To what extent is this true today?
16. "The prospect of a global village is a depressive one." Discuss.
17. How far do you agree that war is a necessary tool for peace?
18. 'Discrimination against women is still a global epidemic today.' Is this true?
19. How can Mauritius meet its energy needs in the future?
20. Society has become less inclusive.' Do you agree?
21. What makes a great book? Illustrate your answer.
22. To what extent are the problems of traffic congestion being effectively dealt with in your
23. How far do you agree that war is a necessary tool for peace?
24. Discrimination against women is still a global epidemic today.' Is this true?
25. "Social media divides more than it unites." To what extent is this true?… 1/2
4/19/23, 8:44 AM OneNote… 2/2

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