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I really hope this book/program helps you. I spent years trying to overcome my
own internal struggles with self-image, self-doubt, and discipline, and FINALLY I’ve
reached a point where I respect and admire my own lifestyle and I know where I’m

I want you to reach the same place, and reading this book will help you do that. I
appreciate you taking the time to read this and again, I really hope it helps you.


Self-belief, limiting beliefs, a growth mindset, and self-image.

There’s a few things we need to cover before we get into the actual program. If
you don’t take care of these things first, the program will be useless for you. I want
this to be something you take and use in your everyday life, and for that to work
we can’t just jump in. We need to talk about a couple things first – self-belief,
limiting beliefs, your mindset, and self-image.

If you’re going to achieve ANYTHING, first you have to believe that you can. It’s
cliché, but it’s true. I’m lucky – and I don’t like to use the word luck – because I
was born into a family that taught me anything is possible. You don’t get to
choose your parents, and because of that I’m LUCKY that I was born with the
parents I have. They were never ones to put me down about anything I wanted to
do, and because of that I grew up with the belief that I can do anything I set my
mind to.

That is an EXTREMELY important core belief that we need to instill in you. Maybe
you didn’t grow up in a situation where anything and everything was on the table,
but I PROMISE you that you can do anything. You can become anyone. Everyone
is born with the same capability to do and become whatever they desire, no
matter how unrealistic it may seem.

People will often write-off anything they want to do as “unrealistic” before they
even give themselves a chance to try. I’ve done it, you’ve done it, and so have
some of the most successful people on the planet. Everyone – at some point –
faces self-doubt and self-sabotage. The root cause of self-destructive behaviors
lies in your beliefs about yourself, your circumstances, and life in general.

If this program is going to work for you, you have to break through the beliefs that
you’ve ACCEPTED AS FACT throughout your childhood and adolescence. The

best way to do that, at least in my own experience, is through self-awareness,
mindfulness, journaling, and self-questioning. On a daily basis, do your best to
stay aware of the thoughts your mind is thinking and constantly be questioning
them in order to identify limiting beliefs. It’ll be tough, and it’ll take a long time for
you to get good at recognizing those thoughts, but KEEP GOING. Keep
recognizing those thoughts. Over time, you’ll start to notice certain thoughts about
yourself or your circumstances that keep showing up OVER AND OVER AND
OVER again.

When you notice those thoughts, write a little note or reminder about it in your
phone. Later that night (or whenever you find/make some time) journal about
where you think that thought originates. Who told you that? Why is that belief
there? Why did you ACCEPT that as the truth? This is a long, slow process and in
all honesty – it never ends. You will always be uncovering limiting beliefs and
identifying things that you never knew you thought about yourself, and that’s a
good thing. It means there is always room to grow, no matter how much you
progress. How you perceive that is based on – again – what you believe about
yourself and life in general.

There’s so much nuance in this topic because every person is an individual, and
that’s why no one will ever be able to tell you EXACTLY what will work for you. All
they can do is share what worked for them, and hopefully you can take something
from that and make it work for you.

In order to make it work for you, you have to adopt a growth mindset. There’s a
whole book about this – Mindset by Carol S. Dweck – but I’ll go over a brief
summary here.

Basically, there’s 2 different mindsets. A fixed mindset, and a growth mindset. A

fixed mindset outlines someone with very strong limiting beliefs about who they
are, who they’re not, what they can and cannot do, who they can and cannot be,
what they can and cannot learn, and so on. Someone with a fixed mindset

believes “yep, this is just who I am” and never really goes past that.

“I’m so bad with money”

“My metabolism has always been so bad”
“I’ve just never been a morning person”

The list goes on. A fixed mindset is someone fully trapped inside limiting beliefs.

A GROWTH MINDSET is what you need if you want to achieve anything beyond
what’s considered realistic and average, and based on the fact that you’re reading
this book you probably want to do or become something more than average.

A growth mindset is a mindset that assumes the position that anyone can do or
become anything, so long as they follow the right blueprint and are willing to put
in the work. Right now, you might be an awful public speaker. In 2 years, you could
be a great public speaker, so long as you learned about it and practiced it. That
goes for any skill.

Discipline is a skill. Listening is a skill. Writing is a skill. MOST THINGS in life are
skills, and you will get better with practice. How good can you get? I guess it’s up
to you to find out. People discount their ability and their potential because they’re
scared of the possibility of failure. They want to do or be something, but they think
“I might fail at this” so they make up any excuse they can think of to not even try.
You MUST try. Think in terms of “oh well” instead of “what if?”.

If you can adopt the mindset that anyone can achieve or become anything or
anyone so long as they’re following the right blueprint and putting in enough
work, you are miles ahead of 98.314159% of people.

Now we can talk about self-image. Self-image is what you believe about yourself,
and what you believe OTHERS think about you. Your self-image is formed
throughout your childhood and adolescence based on what you’re told and what

you experience. You can never rise above how you see yourself, so it’s important
to make sure you see yourself as someone with unlimited potential and ability, so
long as they’re putting in the work (again, a growth mindset).

In the next part of this book I’m going to go very deep into the actual practice of
building a self-image, but first let me explain that if there is any type of short-cut to
achieving what you want to achieve and becoming who you want to become, it
starts with self-image. Remember – YOU CAN NEVER RISE ABOVE HOW YOU SEE
YOURSELF. You will never be able to consistently implement any habit if you don’t
see yourself as the type of person who has that habit.

If you see yourself as a gamer, you will always struggle to stop playing video

If you see yourself as a stoner, you will always struggle to stop smoking weed.

If you see yourself as the fat kid, you will always struggle to lose weight.

If you see yourself as ANYTHING, you will always struggle to become something

There’s no point in trying to change what you do before changing who you are.

And with that, let’s dive deep into changing WHO YOU ARE.

Before we begin: I want to thank you again for deciding to read this book, and I really hope it helps you. I
wrote this as an outline to help you define and identify who you want to become, and then give you a
program to help you actually put it into practice. With that being said, none of this will work if you just
think/write about who you want to become. I wrote this on the presumption that you’re willing to ACTUALLY
put in the work it will take to become the person you’re about to outline and create a vision of. If you want
personal 1-on-1 help and daily accountability, you can apply for my coaching here, and if I truly think I can
help you then I will get in contact with you. Some people will be able to do this on their own, but if you want
extra guidance I’m more than happy to help you.

This is the most valuable practice I’ve ever implemented in my life, so I’m excited
to share it with you. The higher self journal is an outline of the person you want to
become in terms of 4 key categories that make up your identity. This is to be read
EVERY SINGLE MORNING right after waking up. Usually I wake up, weigh myself
& take a progress picture, then go and read this journal. Wake up 15 minutes
earlier if you have to. This is meant to be done BEFORE YOU START YOUR DAY.


Each category will get its own dedicated paragraph in your higher self journal, and
keep in mind that this is not a FIXED journal. Keeping with the growth mindset, this
journal can and SHOULD evolve over time, and because of that I try to re-write
and update my own journal every 2-4 weeks.

In this section I’ll be guiding you through writing this journal and explaining how to
use it, and I want to start off by helping you with HOW to actually identify what you
should be writing in each paragraph.

The best way to identify what to write in each paragraph is to think about (and
maybe write down some bullet points) the things that you respect and admire in
other people. When you see someone and feel some sort of jealousy/envy toward
them, try to identify what exactly you’re jealous/envious of.

Is it their body type? Is it their discipline? Is it the way they carry themselves? Is it
their tattoos? Is it their ability to articulate themselves?

Whatever it may be, those are the things you need to cultivate in yourself.

If you’re able to cultivate those qualities in yourself, you will begin to respect and

admire yourself. Self-respect and self-admiration leads to an intrinsic sense of
self-confidence, and that’s EXTREMELY valuable.

REMINDER: Remember that each of these paragraphs should be written in FIRST PERSON and PRESENT
TENSE. Use phrases like “I am, I do, I wake up at, I don’t” as opposed to “I want to, I should, I would like to, I
shouldn’t”. Also, DO NOT self-censor yourself. This is a journal that no one else ever needs to read, so
don’t filter anything out. No matter how unrealistic something may seem or how much you think someone
might judge you for writing something, DO NOT FILTER YOURSELF.

For the appearance paragraph, write out everything you admire in someone's
appearance. Personally, I write about my weight, body fat %, hair style, facial hair
style, tattoos, skin & nail health, posture, clothing style, and accessories. Get as
detailed as you possibly can and try to build a very clear vision of what your ideal
self would look like. Remember, you’re going to be re-writing and updating this
every 2-4 weeks so if you forget something it’s not too big of a deal. You can
always add/remove things in the future.

This is a two-part section. One paragraph will outline the actions you DO partake
in, and one paragraph will outline the actions you DON’T partake in. This is
habitual construction. For me, in the DO section, I wrote out my ideal daily routine.
Wake up time, what I do when I wake up, when I go to the gym, how hard I push
myself at the gym, what I do when I get home, how I spend most of my day, when I
spend time with the people/pets who matter to me, what I do during my downtime,
and when I go to sleep.

For the DON’T section, I wrote about the habits I no longer indulge in. I wrote that I
don’t indulge in pleasure based eating, drugs/alcohol, or frivilous spending to
make myself feel whole. When you’re writing this section, think about the habits
you’d like to REMOVE from your lifestyle and write that you no longer engage in
those activities. Whatever you struggle with and feel regret after doing, write
about those things in this section. You can also just think about the things you

DON’T respect in other people and write about those things. The point is to start
respecting and admiring the actions you do and don’t take on a day to day basis,
so it’s all about what YOU IN PARTICULAR see as good and bad habits.

This was the most difficult part for me when I was creating my first higher self
journal, but it’s EXTREMELY important. This paragraph is about the FEELINGS you
want to experience on a day to day basis and the way you want others to FEEL
when you’re interacting with them.

Do you want to feel grateful? Excited? Powerful? Compassionate? Genuine?

Peaceful? Passionate? Self-assured? Confident? Think about the times you’ve felt
the happiest and most fulfilled throughout your life, and try to dissect the feelings
and energy that you felt during those moments.

The way you feel on a moment to moment basis will rub off on the people around
you, and their lives will be improved simply by the mood and energy that comes
with your presence. That might sound overly altruistic, but think about when you
meet someone with really good energy. If they exude confidence, you probably
feel more confident and uplifted in their presence (so long as you’re not
threatened by their energy). You’re constructing a way of carrying yourself that will
offer that to others, not by accident but ON PURPOSE. That’s powerful.

This is a really important part of the journal but I find that it’s also the section I
revise and update the most each time I re-write my own journal. Start with
whatever FEELS RIGHT, and go from there.

This is the most important paragraph. The reason being is that if you can get this
right, it will make the other 3 sections fall into place with way less internal
resistance. This paragraph is about the VALUES and STANDARDS you hold
yourself to. Pick your most important values (discipline, integrity, accountability,
authenticity, responsibility, selflessness, loyalty, humility, etc) and write about the

FACT that you hold yourself to those values. Write about how you always keep
your word to yourself and others. Write about how you always give 100% effort in
anything and everything that you do. Write about how you always tell the truth
even if it’s uncomfortable. Whatever values and standards you would ideally want
to hold yourself to should be in this paragraph.

Remember, these are all written in FIRST PERSON and PRESENT TENSE. That
means that when you read this paragraph you will be saying to yourself:

“I always act with integrity, authenticity, and responsibility in mind.”

“I treat myself how I would treat someone I care about.”
“I hold myself to the highest standards I’m capable of in everything I do”

When you repeat these things to yourself on a day to day basis, it will become
PART OF WHO YOU ARE, and by living through those values and standards you
will have no choice but to become who you wrote about in the previous 3

Now that you’re finished writing about who you want to become, it’s time to define
what you want to achieve by becoming that person. In this section write out 10-20
affirmations about things you will achieve, the lifestyle you’ll live, and the goals
you’ll reach if you continue to consistently make your decisions through the lens
of your higher self. Again, this is done in FIRST PERSON and PRESENT TENSE.

For example, here are some of my own affirmations:

● “I am the best, most prominent, impactful, inspirational, and effective

self-improvement YouTuber/Coach available.”
● “I am the healthiest and most disciplined I’ve ever been.”
● “I have impacted and inspired millions of people through my content and
● “Everything I do is done with the intention of serving others as best I can.”

● “I always keep my word to myself and others.”

Write out as many of these as you’d like. I counted and I have 18, but the list
continues to grow as I continue to grow. One thing I’ve noticed through making
my own higher self journals is that the affirmations rarely change, the list just
grows. My paragraphs are revised and updated regularly, but the affirmations stay
the same. These affirmations should be about the END RESULT of living through
the lens of the person you’ve defined in the previous 4 paragraphs.


The final part of this program is a morning journal practice.

I always struggled with journaling because I never knew what to write about and I
never wanted to write a ton of pages because my hand would start hurting and I
felt like I was just writing to write because someone said I should. I created this
practice for that exact reason.

Right after you’re done reading your higher self journal (which again, is to be done
upon waking up), flip the page and start writing this journal entry. Usually this
entire entry takes up about ½ a page per day and takes about 5 minutes.

The first paragraph you’ll write will be about the things you regret or are proud of
from the day before. Did you mess up on your diet? Did you play video games
when you said you wouldn’t? Did you skip reading or meditating? Did you not give
100% in your workout or even skip it altogether? Write down anything that you
regret from yesterday.

Then write the things you’re PROUD OF from the day before. Did you stay sober?
Did you choose to read instead of watch Netflix? Did you do leg day when you felt
like doing chest instead? Did you do your homework when you felt like playing
video games? Write down anything that you’re proud of.

The second paragraph will be about how you can learn from what you wrote in the
previous paragraph. How will you push yourself to make yourself better today? If
you regret some decisions from yesterday, what’s your plan to make sure you
don’t repeat those mistakes today. Did you have a perfect day yesterday and have
no regrets? Then write that today is about stacking another perfect day and
remind yourself how good it will feel to string together a perfect week – or even a
perfect MONTH.

Life is a series of moments, and if you can string together a long line of moments
that you’re proud of as opposed to moments you’ll regret, you will end up in an
amazing place. You will end up happy, fulfilled, and excited to wake up the next
day. By constantly reflecting on the decisions you’ve been making and continuing
to reassess your plan for progressing, you set yourself up to consistently string
together perfect days with no regrets, and THAT feels amazing.


The last thing I want to mention is about momentum and motivation. Many people
assume that momentum and motivation come and go, and you should make the
most of them when they’re here because they could be gone at a moment's
notice. That is NOT how it works. You can control your own momentum and
manufacture motivation because they are RESULTS of taking the correct actions
(actions that align with your conscience) for an extended period of time,
regardless of how you feel. If you feel low right now, you have to FORCE yourself
to take the right actions for a week or two before you catch momentum and things
become habit. When you start noticing the results of taking those actions, you will
feel motivated to do it again. It goes ACTION > RESULTS > MOTIVATION, not
MOTIVATION > ACTION > RESULTS. Do NOT wait for momentum and motivation
to find you, you must go out and make them happen.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this ebook and I truly hope it helps
you become who you’ve always wanted to be. Again, if you want 1-on-1 help with
holding yourself accountable, figuring out what to write in each paragraph, staying
consistent, breaking habits, or anything else to do with discipline &
self-improvement, you can apply for my coaching program and I will help you as
best I can.

Good luck

Kolter | March Onward



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