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Semester IV
Advertising campaign: definitions & the campaign principle; concepts of
inter-relatedness & inter-connectedness; client brief, stages, types, basic
principles. Objectives of production-promotion and institution-promotion;
campaign theme.

Advertising testing: importance & objectives; objectives as related to
functions of an ad a campaign and step models; need for & uses of
pre-testing & post-testing; important testing methods.
Ethics of advertising significance & role; code of advertising ethics & its
application to contemporary advertising.
Topics Covered in this Presentation

• Advertising campaign: definitions & the campaign principle

• Concepts of inter-relatedness & inter-connectedness

• Types of Campaigns

• Objectives of production-promotion and


• Stages in Campaign Planning (Concept of Campaign Theme)

• Client brief
Advertising Campaign
• Advertising - a paid, non personal,
promotional activity
- objective is to increase sales or
build favourable image
- a single sporadically appearing
advertisement might not be able to
• Campaign - a series of planned actions
Advertising Campaign – Definition and
Campaign Principle

• An Advertising Campaign can be defined as an organized

series of related advertisements prepared and placed in media
over a specific period of time to achieve specific advertising

• A planned program using advertising aimed at a particular

target market or audience over a defined period of time for the
purpose of increasing sales or raising awareness of a product,
service or idea.
Advertising Campaign – Definition and
Campaign Principle
• Advertising Campaigns are based on the following principles
- Establishing goals
- Executing the campaign
- Selecting the media

• Basic requirements for a campaign

- Formulation of a persuasive idea
- Design fo the message to convey the idea
- Series of advertisements embodying the idea
- Media to transmit the message
Concepts of
Inter-relatedness & Inter-connectedness
• Advertising Campaign is an organized set of related
advertisements having the same theme

• The series of advertisement in the campaign are related with

- common theme/ thought
- unity in design

• The various ad copies are self contained and independent ads by

themselves and are yet related theme wise

• Campaign theme lends a psychological continuity and the design

lends physical continuity
Types of Advertising Campaigns

• On the basis of Purpose

- Product Promotion Campaigns
- Institution Promotion Campaigns

• On the basis of Area

- Multinational Campaign
- National Campaign
- Regional /Local Campaign

• On the basis of target audience

- Consumer Campaigns
- Business to Business Campaigns
Product Promotion Campaigns - Primary objectives
• Increasing the sale of the Product
- Direct sell/ Active Sell concept
- Focus is on product attributes
- Increasing frequency of usage of the product
- Increasing the target audience /market segments
- The campaign revolves around how the product can help make a consumer’s life
better or solve a predicament
- Can include sales promotion campaigns to push immediate sales of the product
• Creating or shaping the image of the Product
- Indirect Sell/ Passive Sell
- Focus is on image building for the product
- The campaign revolves around building favourable and positive associations with
the product
- Positioning of the product
- The objective here is to create a favourable attitude towards the product even for
future sale
Institution Promotion Campaigns - Primary objectives

• Building a favourable image for the company/organization

behind the product
• Creating awareness about a family of products that belong to
a company or an organization
• Recreating the image of the company after a crises
• Informing the target audience about important
landmarks/achievements/ news about the organization
• Announcements about merger or separation of the company
• Recruitments in a company
• Stand of a company during a social/political crises
Stages in Advertising Campaign Planning

• Situation Appraisal – Consumer and Market Research, Company

and Product Research , Competition Research
• Situation Analysis - SWOT Analysis and finding Competitive
• Strategic Planning- Setting of Objectives
• Creative Planning- Finding the Campaign theme /key note idea and
devising a creative strategy (Concept of Campaign Theme)
• Media Planning – Media Scheduling and Media Buying
• Implementation – Preparation of Ads, Placement of Ads in media
• Coordination – Coordinating with other promotional activities
• Evaluation – Pretesting, Concurrent Testing and Post Testing
Concept of Client Brief

• Document issued by the client to the agency,

which outlines the tasks that the client wants
undertaken or the objectives they want to

• Client Brief contains the background information

the client feels essential tot he task, such as brand
name and the nature of the product, the
company, the desired market and segmentation
strategy, the price , the distribution channel and
1. Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans
By Donald Parente, Kirsten Strausbaugh-Hutchinson
Reference for Advertising Campaign / Stages in Campaign Planning / Concept of Campaign Theme

2. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications ... By BELCH

3. Advertising and Promotion : Communicating Brands

By Chris Hackey
Reference for concept of client brief

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