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(AOC 101)
Module 3

Method of Expressing Y

 Y has the sound of the long e, and when followed by a vowel is

expressed by the small circle. Ye, as in year, yet, is expressed by a
small loop; Ya, by a large loop.


The Signs for Ng and Nk

 The sound ng, as in ring, rang, is expressed by n written at a slightly

downward slant.

 nk as in bank, rank, is expressed by a longer stroke on the same



Prefixes and Suffixes

 The vowel is omitted in the prefixes en, in, un, em, im when the
prefix is followed by a consonant; when a written vowel follows the
prefix, the initial vowel is retained.
 Ex is expressed by es.

 The suffix ings is expressed by a left s and ingly by a small circle

substituted for the ing-dot.

 Negative words beginning with in, un, im in which the n or m is

doubled are distinguished from the positive forms by omitting one of
the doubled consonants and inserting the initial vowel.


Write the brief form five (5) times in your notebook.

1. Exceedingly 11. Unnecessary

2. Expense 12. noticed
3. Blank 13. examine
4. Sank 14. emphasis
5. Rang 15. evenings
6. Spring 16. known
7. Youth 17. innate
8. Yarn 18. embrace
9. Wrong 19. Excess
10. Impress 20. wing

Writing Practice
1. The couple were waiting at the club to meet the other members of the
2. For years we have been following this particular method of making
reports at our bank.
3. His answer to the unusual communication was, in effect, that his income
was too small for him to think of such a purchase.
4. The girl was wearing a new pale yellow sweater of soft angora wool and
a dashing green scarf at the
skating rink.
5. The men were weary from the long swim in the rough water of the bay.
6. After the wedding reception her uncle gave the couple and their friends
a banquet at the Hotel Tours.
Joined Prefixes and Suffixes

 The syllables per, pro, pur, are expressed by pr -

 the syllable ble by b -

 the syllable ple by p -

 the syllable ment by m -


 The left-motion th is used before and after o, r, l. In other cases

the right-motion th is used:
 The prefixes con, com, coun, cog, followed by a consonant, are
expressed by k.

 The suffix ly is expressed by a small circle.

 The suffix ily and ally, by a loop.


 In words beginning with comm or conn, the second m or n is



 When con or com is followed by a vowel or by r or l, write kn for

con and km for com.

 After a circle vowel, ly is written on the opposite side from the


 To express the plural of some brief forms ending in a circle and of

some words ending in a loop, a slight change is made in the manner
of joining s.


Brief Forms for Common Words


I. Choose and copy ten (15) words and its brief form from the above
examples. Write the brief forms of the following words five (5) times on
your notebook.

II. Write the brief form of the following sentences.

1. She makes settlement of her payment to her boss.

2. The boy perform a noble act on the stage during his performance.
3. The owner of the house gave her an ample time to pay her rent for his
4. The Speaker is a reliable source of the topic.
5. Danielle promise to pursue her dream to perform in front of the


 The combination of nt, nd expresses

 The combination of mt, md expresses


 The combination ld is expressed by giving l a swinging upward


Brief Forms for Common Words


I. Give the brief form of the following words and write five (5) times in
your notebook.
1. shield 6. Sealed
2. Child 7. Yield
3. Appealed 8. told
4. older 9. mold
5. gold 10. Field


1. The boy’s singing was enjoyed by his many friends who came to hear
him in the huge hall of the Armory.
2. His office was equipped with several filing cases and a new type of filing
3. The news of his appointment was announced over the radio at a special
coast-to-coast hook-up.
4. He reduced the output of his mill to a million feet of~ lumber per day
during the dull season.
5. His profits in oil were higher this month than they were in the month

Jent-pent, Def-tive Blends

 jent, gend, pent, pend expresses

 def, dev, tive expresses


Special Business Forms

Brief Forms for Common Words

Writing Exercises:

I. Write the brief form of the following sentences

1. Were you present yesterday evening at the reception to the new minister
from France?
2. We have failed to find in the inventory any record of the number of
batteries on hand December 31.
3. They discovered that the dispatch had not been delivered until after the
stock market had opened.
4. The factory promptly made the consignee a satisfactory refund on the
carload of goods.
5. It would be easier to replace those old buildings than to repair them.
6. I want you to change your window display every other day after closing

II. Write the brief form of the letter.

Dear Madam:

In the hope that we may be of some help to you in completing your

shopping list for the summer season, we wish to call your attention to our
mesh bags. Our complete line gives you a wealth of unusual pretty
styles at very reasonable prices. A visit to our Jewelry Department to look
at these bags will prove profitable to you.

Very truly yours


Ten-Den, Tem-Dem Blends

 ten, den expresses as

 tem, dem expresses as


 The syllable tain as in maintain and attain, however, is expressed by


Writing Exercise:
Write the Brief form of the letter.

Dear Margaret:

After the final meeting of our convention adjourned the chairman announced
that the estimated attendance this year was much larger than that of the
year before. I know you will be glad to hear this for you have worked so
hard to make this convention a success.

The next club bulletin will contain a full report of the concert. The success of
the affair warrants our retaining it as a yearly event. In no other way could
such a large sum of money be obtained so easily and quickly. The singers
deserved great praise and also the orchestra that accompanied them so
well. Their services to the club were donated gladly
when they learned of the purpose of the concert.

We are sorry that your illness kept you away from the meetings but are
delighted that you are improving rapidly. Write us whenever you feel able to
do so.

Cordially yours,

[155 words]

Frequent Word-beginnings

The vowel is omitted in the syllables be, de, re, dis, and mis:
 In many words containing ar, er, or, ir, as in the words large, serve,
warm, sort, firm, circle, and corner, the r is omitted.


*The syllables tern and dern are expressed by ten.

 The syllable ther, as in either and other, is conveniently expressed by

the sign for th:
*The left-motion th is used in father to distinguish this word from faith,
which otherwise would have the same form.

Writing Exercise:

Dear sir:

Let me call your attention again to the suggestion I made a year ago
with reference to the employing of individuals under 18 years of age in
our industry.

I have not changed the stand I took when I made my first suggestion
and you will greatly oblige me if you will appoint a committee to get this
problem seriously considered from every angle. Tell them to draft a
report that will enable us to better the present unsatisfactory

Yours truly,

[84 words]

Common Prefixes and Suffixes

 The prefixes for, fore, and fur are expressed by f.

 The suffixes ful and ify are expressed by f; self by s; selves by
ses; and age by j:



I. Copy ten (10) words and its brief form from the above examples.
Then write the brief form five times on your notebook.

Writing Exercises:

Dear sir:

I wish with all my heart that I might be present to take part in

honoring Mr. Edison's birthday. It would be a real satisfaction to be
able to say in public with what deep and genuine admiration I have
followed his remarkable career of achievement. I was an
undergraduate at the university when his first inventions captured the
admiration of the world and ever since I have retained the sense of
magic which what he did then created in my mind.

He seems always to have been in the special confidence of nature

herself. His career already has made an indelible impression in the
history of applied science and I hope that he has many years yet
before him in whichto make his record still more remarkable.

Very truly yours.

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