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IC Approved WS Count 122

Furniture Schedule
Quantity Quantity

Quantity Quantity


Quantity Quantity


Useable Floor Area (UFA) 670.19 sqm

Corridor Area 133.8 sqm
Corridor Area as % of UFA 20%
Co-working Area 37.4 sqm
Co-working Area as % of UFA 6%
Accommodation Schedule
(A) Standard Private Offices
No. of No. of No. of
Offices (requested) Offices (actual) Workstations
1WS Private Office 7 8 8
2WS Private Office 15 12 24
3WS Private Office 9 14 42
4WS Private Office 4 3 12
5WS Private Office 3 3 15
(B) Suite Offices
No. of No. of No. of
Offices (requested) Offices (actual) Workstations
1+3WS Suite Office 2 0 0
1+4WS Suite Office 0 2 10
(C) Non-Standard Offices
No. of No. of No. of
Offices (requested) Offices (actual) Workstations
1WS HD Office 1 2 2
4WS HD Office 1 0 0
6WS HD Office 1 0 0
4WS Compact Office 1 0 0
5WS Compact Office 0 1 5
(D) Co-Working Space
No. of
Type No. (requested) No. (actual)
Workstations / Seats
Think Tanks 4 2 2
Booth Seats 0 0 0
Banquette Seats 0 0 8
Co-w orking Desks 1 1 12
Community Tables 0 0 0
Armchairs 0 0 0
Phone Booth 0 0 0
Café Seating 1 1 4
Lounge Chairs 0 2 2
(E) Business Meeting Places (BMP) Space
No. of
Type No. (requested) No. (actual)
10-pax Board /
Conference Room 1 0 10
6-pax Meeting Room 0 1 6
4-pax Meeting Room 1 0 4
4-pax 'Ghost' Meeting Room 0 1 4
Totals 45 48 140
Office & Workstation Schedule
External Offices Internal Offices
(External & Internal Offices)
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
O f f ic e s Wo rk s t a t io ns O f f ic e s Wo rk s t a t io ns Of f ic e s Wo rk s t a t io ns
1WS Private Office 0 0 8 8 8 8
2WS Private Office 1 2 11 22 12 24
3WS Private Office 12 36 2 6 14 42
4WS Private Office 3 12 0 0 3 12
5WS Private Office 3 15 0 0 3 15
1WS HD Office 0 0 2 2 2 2
5WS Compact Office 0 0 1 5 1 5
1+4WS Suite Office 2 10 0 0 2 10
Think Tanks 0 0 2 2 2 2
Booth Seats 0 0 0 0 0 0
Banquette Seats 0 0 0 8 0 8
Co-w orking Desks 0 0 1 12 1 12
Community Tables 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 21 75 27 65
As % of Total 48 140
(External & Internal 44% 54% 56% 46%

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