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SOTA – Summits on the Air

CT- Portugal
Association Reference Manual (ARM)

Document Reference S64.1

Issue number 3.0
Date of issue 01-Apr-2023
Participation start date 01-Apr-2011

Authorised 01-Apr-2023
Association Manager Paulo Alexandre Teixeira, CT2IWW
Summits-on-the-Air An original concept by G3WGV and developed with G3CWI

Notice: “Summits on the Air”, “SOTA” and the SOTA logo are trademarks of the SOTA
Programme. This document is copyright of the Programme. All other trademarks and
copyrights referenced herein are acknowledged.
Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

1 Table of contents
1 Table of contents................................................................................................................... 2
2 Changelog .............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Association Reference Data .................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Association parameters................................................................................................. 5
3.1.1 Scoring system....................................................................................................... 5
3.2 General information ...................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Rights of way and access issues .................................................................................... 6
3.4 Maps and navigation ..................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Foreign Amateur Radio Operators in Portugal.............................................................. 6
3.6 Awards........................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 Safety............................................................................................................................. 7
3.8 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................... 8
4 Summit Reference Data ........................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Minho (MN) ................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Region notes .......................................................................................................... 8
4.1.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (TM) ............................................................................. 10
4.2.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 10
4.2.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 10
4.3 Douro Litoral (DL) ........................................................................................................ 12
4.3.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 12
4.3.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Beira Alta (BA) ............................................................................................................. 13
4.4.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 13
4.4.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 13
4.5 Beira Litoral (BL) .......................................................................................................... 14
4.5.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 14
4.5.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 14
4.6 Beira Baixa (BB) ........................................................................................................... 15
4.6.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 15
4.6.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 15
4.7 Ribatejo (RB)................................................................................................................ 16
4.7.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 16
4.7.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 16
4.8 Estremadura (ES) ......................................................................................................... 16

2 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

4.8.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 17

4.8.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 17
4.9 Alto Alentejo (AA)........................................................................................................ 17
4.9.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 17
4.9.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 17
4.10 Baixo Alentejo (BT) ...................................................................................................... 18
4.10.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 18
4.10.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 18
4.11 Algarve (AL) ................................................................................................................. 18
4.11.1 Region notes ........................................................................................................ 18
4.11.2 Table of summits ................................................................................................. 18

3 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

2 Changelog
Date Version Details
01-Mar-11 1.0 First formal issue of this document.
01-Oct-15 1.0 PT First issue of this document in Portuguese.
01-Feb-17 2.0 Second version of this document.
Modifications made:
• Corrections (terminology).
• Mods made to accommodate a more modern text.
01-Nov-18 2.1 Pedro Carvalho CT1DBS/CU3HF appointed as new AM for CT
association, previously was Manuel Marques, CT1BWW
Some new Regional Managers appointed (see under
Summit Reference Data for each region).
Website address for Portugal SOTA Award Program changed
06-Mar-21 2.2 Paulo Alexandre Teixeira CT2IWW appointed as new AM
for CT, previously Pedro Carvalho CT1DBS (SK).
New regional manager appointed for AL, BT and RB
01-Apr-23 3.0 Major revisions and updates to the text of the ARM,
including information about operating on areas protected
by communications authority ANACOM or conservation
agency ICNF. Major revision of all the summit locations.
New regional manager appointments. Website for the CT
Association changed to

4 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

3 Association Reference Data

Association: Portugal (CT).
Regions: AA, AL, BA, BB, BL, BT, DL, ES, MN, RB, TM.

3.1 Association parameters

Association manager: Paulo Alexandre Teixeira, CT2IWW, ct2iww (at)
Summit operation criteria: Operations must be within 25m vertically of the summit.

3.1.1 Scoring system

Scoring bands:

• Band 1, score 1 point: < 600m A.S.L.

• Band 2, score 2 points: >=600m A.S.L. <700m A.S.L.
• Band 3, score 4 points: >=700m A.S.L. <850m A.S.L.
• Band 4, score 6 points: >=850m A.S.L. <1000m A.S.L.
• Band 5, score 8 points: >=1000m A.S.L. <1300m A.S.L.
• Band 6, score 10 points: >=1300m A.S.L.

There is a seasonal bonus of 3 points for activations on peaks >=1000m A.S.L. in the period of 1
December to 15 March, inclusive. This seasonal bonus is attributed due to the winter period
raising the probabilities of activators encountering freezing temperatures and snow.

3.2 General information

The Portuguese SOTA Program is an extension of the original UK SOTA Program and similar
programs in other countries. Much of the initial list of summits was based on the work of Manuel
Alberto Marques, which was then adapted and translated into Portuguese by Pedro Carvalho,

The regions of the CT Association are based on the old Portuguese province system1. All regions
have the same points rationing scheme.

The qualification rules of a summit are determined by the General Rules of the SOTA
programme2. Any requests for qualifying a new summit should be accompanied of proof of
compliance with these rules. These should be independent, and verifiable sources.

The CT Association does not make any claims about its summit database completeness. New
summits can only be added after approval by the SOTA Management Team (MT). Summits
cannot be counted for points until a launch date and reference number has been allocated by
the Association Manager (AM) and approved by the MT. Activations on new summits are only
valid from the selected launch date.

There is an unwritten rule which that you should greet (“Hello”, “Good Morning/Afternoon”,
etc. (in Portuguese “Bom Dia”, “Boa Tarde”)) to other people that you meet trailing to the


5 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

3.3 Rights of way and access issues

When hiking to a summit, you should take a good map of the region where you want to hike
plus GPS and/or compass. Footpaths in Portugal are usually well marked, with a proper signage
scheme3. Never hike without a map and always prefer marked footpaths.

As far as the CT Association is aware, there are not summits in closed private property. However,
if one is found, activators will need owner's permission before attempting activation.

The Portuguese authority for telecommunications, ANACOM (Autoridade Nacional de

Comunicações) has special rules for operations near its remote monitoring stations. If a summit
is inside a radius of 500m of such stations, a special authorization is necessary. More
information, including a map of such stations, can be found on ANACOM’s website4.

Some protected regions like National Parks (“Parques Nacionais”) or Natural Reservations
(“Reservas Naturais”) have special access rules, which can include pre-clearance for vehicle or
even foot access. More information can be found on the webpage of the national Institute for
the Conservation of Nature and Forests (“Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas”

3.4 Maps and navigation

The main official source of cartographic data is the Portuguese army’s Centre for Geospatial
Information (“Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército” in Portuguese)6. You can buy a
printed map from them, or use the free app, available for iOS and Android7.

Many Portuguese municipalities provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS). These can be a
good source of localized information.

Another possible source is Direção Geral do Território8 where it is possible to use their online

Many fellow SOTA activators share their hiking paths in places like SOTA Maps9 or Wikiloc10.
However, these might not be entirely accurate. Remember, what’s in front of you is more
important than whatever the GPS navigation is saying.

Many areas of Portugal are covered by APRS. Digital APRS via DMR is also an option, as there is
a relatively good coverage of DMR repeaters in Portugal. Instructions can be found at the
website of the DMR-Portugal team11.

3.5 Foreign Amateur Radio Operators in Portugal

Portugal is a signatory to CEPT TR 61-01 and the recommendations of ECC/REC (05) 06. The
Portuguese SOTA association reminds operators that it is up to individual visitors to research
and confirm their own privileges to operate.


6 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

For holders of CEPT, CEPT novice, or HAREC licenses, the prefixes that should be used are:

• CT7/, for amateur radio licenses 1/A/Full, or other equivalent to HAREC license or a full
CEPT license, according to the CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01 (CEPT Radio Amateur
• CS7/, for amateur radio licenses 2, or any “CEPT novice” equivalent), according to the
CEPT ECC Recommendation (05)06 (CEPT Novice Radio Amateur License).

Operators must comply with their license and keep it with them. The Portuguese amateur radio
band-plan can be found online12.

Activators (portable stations) should add “/P” to the call sign (ex: CT7/G5RV/P).

Any amateur radio operators who stay in the country for more than 3 months should contact
ANACOM to obtain a Portuguese amateur radio license. An HAREC certificate will be needed.
More contact information can be found at ANACOM website’s contact page13.

3.6 Awards
There are SOTA CT Association specific awards for those activating Portuguese Summits or
chasing them. For more details, please consult the Portugal SOTA Award Program at the
Association’s website14.

3.7 Safety
Before hiking to a summit, always ask for weather forecast or check it on the Portuguese official
weather institute (IPMA)’s website15.

Portugal can be extremely warm during the summer, when temperature can raise over 40
degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), but it is worth remembering that all mountains can
still be inhospitable places at any time of year. Weather in these areas can change rapidly and
you should always be prepared for strong wind, intense sun, rain, or snow, especially over 1000
meters A.S.L.

During the summer, there is a considerable risk of forest or bush fires as the natural vegetation
dries out. Take care not to start fires, and always be aware of the dangers involved, especially at
times of high risk. The fire risk index is online on IPMA’s website16. If the fire risk index is high,
authorities can ban any activities in the forest or nearby, including – but not limited to – walking,
hiking, or camping. For more details, contact the civil protection service (ANEPC), the local fire
brigade, police station, or the city hall.

You should never venture into Portugal’s major mountains without walking boots, warm
clothing, map, compass and/or GPS and local advice. In the summer, it’s advisable to prevent
dehydration by drinking a lot of water and to use high factor protection sunscreen across all
exposed skin and wearing a hat.


7 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

In case of emergency, you should call 112 (European Emergency Number). This number works
in any mobile, even without roaming, and it’s free of charge. Operators can answer in
Portuguese and English.

Mobile phone coverage in mountainous regions is reasonably good on high ground. However, it
can be non-existent in remote valleys or on slopes facing away from major areas of population,
roads, etc.

3.8 Disclaimer
Hiking, rock climbing, or any other kind of mountaineering activities are potentially hazardous.

The SOTA Management Team, the CT Association and their representatives do not accept
responsibility from any death or injury occurring during SOTA activities. Each participant
participates in the programme at their own risk and must decide, based on their own skills,
whether an objective is achievable or not.

The inclusion of a summit in this Reference Manual does not indicate that it is safe or even
possible to access the summit. The Summit Reference data is not guaranteed to be accurate,
and no reliance should be placed upon it.

It worth seeking local advice for all but the simplest of expeditions.

4 Summit Reference Data

4.1 Minho (MN)
Naming format: CT/MN-###
Region manager: Carlos Gomes, CT1HIX, ct1hix (at)

4.1.1 Region notes

Minho is the west portion of the northernmost area of Portugal17. The boundaries of the Minho
region are: (i) North and Northeast: Pontevedra and Ourense, Spain; (ii) East: Trás-os-Montes e
Alto Douro (TM); (iii) South: Douro Litoral (DL); (iv) West: Atlantic Ocean.

The only National Park is in this region. It is the Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês.

4.1.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Alto da
CT/MN-001 1416 4646 41,9296 -8,2917 01/04/2011 - 10
CT/MN-002 Louriça 1359 4459 41,8130 -8,1952 01/04/2011 - 10
CT/MN-003 Cabreira 1262 4140 41,6391 -8,0436 01/04/2011 - 8
Corno de
CT/MN-004 883 2896 41,8678 -8,5184 01/04/2011 - 6
Alto do
CT/MN-005 825 2706 41,8116 -8,6967 01/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-006 Oural 722 2369 41,7288 -8,4594 01/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-007 Borrageiro 1430 4692 41,7587 -8,1190 23/04/2011 - 10
CT/MN-008 Pedrinho 1374 4508 41,9688 -8,3073 23/04/2011 - 10
CT/MN-009 Fojo 1294 4245 42,0079 -8,2559 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/MN-010 Picos 1256 4121 42,0687 -8,2032 23/04/2011 - 8


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Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/MN-011 Penameda 1268 4160 41,9879 -8,2378 23/04/2011 - 8

CT/MN-012 Pé de Cabril 1235 4052 41,7667 -8,1579 23/04/2011 - 8
Cruz do
CT/MN-013 1230 4035 41,8178 -8,1655 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/MN-014 Cerdeira 1209 3967 41,7398 -7,9478 23/04/2011 - 8
Chã de
CT/MN-015 1215 3986 42,0173 -8,1917 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/MN-016 Torrinheiras 1191 3907 41,5989 -7,9817 23/04/2011 - 8
Couto do
CT/MN-017 1184 3818 41,9902 -8,2014 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 8
CT/MN-018 Piorneiro 992 3255 41,7193 -8,2359 23/04/2011 - 6
Alto do
CT/MN-019 894 2933 41,5419 -8,1163 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/MN-020 Lapela 865 2838 41,5459 -8,0609 23/04/2011 - 6
Alagoa de
CT/MN-021 842 2762 41,9733 -8,4315 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-022 Monte Cotão 842 2762 41,9547 -8,4924 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-023 Vila Pouca 845 2703 41,4634 -8,0688 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 4
CT/MN-024 Penouta 830 2723 41,5004 -8,0481 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-025 Picota 824 2703 41,7577 -8,2067 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/MN-026 Alto do Gião 821 2694 41,8649 -8,3245 23/04/2011 - 4
Senhora da
CT/MN-027 796 2612 41,4882 -8,0264 23/04/2011 - 4
Castelo da
CT/MN-028 771 2530 41,7706 -8,3743 23/04/2011 - 4
Alto da
CT/MN-029 Senhora da 739 2425 41,6149 -8,1775 23/04/2011 - 4
Alto de São
CT/MN-030 Mamede de 743 2438 41,6280 -8,2464 23/04/2011 - 4
Citânia do
CT/MN-031 640 2100 41,4624 -7,9914 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/MN-032 Alto da Pena 638 2093 41,9216 -8,7147 23/04/2011 - 2
Monte da
CT/MN-033 613 2011 41,4295 -8,2687 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/MN-034 601 1972 41,5032 -8,2247 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/MN-035 Sameiro 572 1877 41,5418 -8,3695 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-036 Nora 574 1883 41,7149 -8,5978 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-037 Santa Luzia 550 1804 41,7627 -8,8081 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-038 Formigoso 516 1693 41,8366 -8,6139 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-039 Outinho 493 1617 41,4976 -8,3811 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte da
CT/MN-040 485 1591 41,6754 -8,6492 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte de
CT/MN-041 468 1535 41,5883 -8,6608 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 1
São Gonçalo
Penedo das
CT/MN-042 468 1535 41,4671 -8,4577 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-043 Aguieira 470 1542 41,7532 -8,7538 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-044 Antelas 431 1414 41,8032 -8,6183 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-045 Airó 412 1352 41,5191 -8,5210 23/04/2011 - 1
Alto da
CT/MN-046 410 1345 41,8352 -8,8323 23/04/2011 - 1

9 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

Senhora dos
CT/MN-047 410 1345 41,4047 -8,3435 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte de
CT/MN-048 344 1129 41,9064 -8,7764 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/MN-049 Castro 334 1096 41,4183 -8,4037 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte da
CT/MN-050 301 988 41,4557 -8,5852 23/04/2011 - 1
Pico da
CT/MN-051 1541 5056 41,8249 -8,0411 01/04/2023 - 10
CT/MN-052 Giestoso 1336 4383 42,0398 -8,1030 01/04/2023 - 10
CT/MN-053 Outeiro Alvo 1314 4311 42,0069 -8,2229 01/04/2023 - 10
CT/MN-054 Pedreira 851 2792 41,4656 -8,0754 01/04/2023 - 6
CT/MN-055 Senhora do 851 2792 41,4119 -8,0628 01/04/2023 - 6
CT/MN-056 Pedra Alçada 742 2434 41,8296 -8,7454 01/04/2023 - 4
CT/MN-057 Santa Cruz 571 1873 41,6744 -8,3312 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/MN-058 Lajedas 556 1824 41,5176 -8,2426 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/MN-059 São Gonçalo 488 1601 41,5869 -8,6747 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/MN-060 Penedice 465 1526 41,4766 -8,4124 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/MN-061 Franqueira 297 974 41,4894 -8,6455 01/04/2023 - 1
Castelo do
CT/MN-062 189 620 41,6303 -8,7932 01/04/2023 - 1
4.2 Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (TM)
Naming format: CT/TM-###
Region manager: Paulo Teixeira, CT2IWW, ct2iww (at)

4.2.1 Region notes

Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro is the eastern area of the northernmost portions of Portugal18. The
boundaries of the Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region are: (i) North and East: Ourense, Zamora
and Salamanca, Spain; (ii) South: Beira Alta (BA); (iii) West: Douro Litoral (DL) and Minho (MN).

4.2.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra do
CT/TM-001 1527 5010 41,8804 -7,7204 01/04/2011 31/03/2023 10
Serra da
CT/TM-002 1320 4331 41,7173 -6,8554 01/04/2011 - 10
CT/TM-003 Vaqueiro 1311 4301 41,3395 -7,8392 01/04/2011 - 10
CT/TM-004 Armada 1279 4196 41,6940 -7,8484 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-005 Coroa 1273 4177 41,9151 -7,0038 01/04/2011 - 8
Serra de
CT/TM-006 1199 3934 41,4341 -7,0069 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-007 Padrela 1148 3766 41,5623 -7,5175 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-008 Cabreiro 1134 3720 41,4154 -7,6343 01/04/2011 - 8
Alto do
CT/TM-009 1013 3323 41,4708 -7,3327 01/04/2011 - 8
Serra do
CT/TM-010 912 3169 41,1803 -6,9520 01/04/2011 31/03/2023 6
CT/TM-011 Barrosã 1414 4639 41,8724 -7,8427 23/04/2011 31/01/2017 10


10 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/TM-012 Caravelas 1330 4364 41,3621 -7,7639 23/04/2011 - 10

CT/TM-013 Facho 1280 4199 41,7953 -7,8197 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-014 1231 4039 41,6569 -6,9126 23/04/2011 - 8
Monte de
CT/TM-015 1217 3993 41,8137 -7,7148 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-016 Minhéu 1203 3947 41,5492 -7,6882 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-017 Seixa 1174 3852 41,6042 -7,8956 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-018 Leiranco 1155 3789 41,7322 -7,6474 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-019 Igrejinha 1145 3757 41,9865 -7,1191 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 8
CT/TM-020 Coroto 1121 3678 41,8981 -6,7719 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-021 Escarão 1032 3386 41,3989 -7,5623 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/TM-022 Pedras 1002 3287 41,6263 -7,7043 23/04/2011 - 8
Serra da
CT/TM-023 997 3271 41,3918 -6,6071 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-024 Cabeça Velha 981 3219 41,8902 -6,5945 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-025 Bentozelos 958 3143 41,4433 -7,8639 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-026 Arrasca 922 3025 41,9138 -7,1515 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-027 Telégrafo 910 2986 41,5961 -7,6553 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-028 Mua 902 2959 41,1949 -6,9557 23/04/2011 - 6
Senhora da
CT/TM-029 898 2946 41,2592 -7,3080 23/04/2011 - 6
Cabeço do
CT/TM-030 884 2900 41,2108 -6,7590 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-031 Garraia 892 2927 41,4433 -7,3937 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-032 863 2831 41,2052 -7,6016 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-033 Carpinteiro 870 2854 41,1867 -7,1936 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/TM-034 Ansiães 843 2766 41,2030 -7,3294 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-035 Moaz 828 2717 41,8050 -7,0283 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-036 Corisco 810 2657 41,3774 -7,9009 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-037 Faro 821 2694 41,3659 -7,1914 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-038 Rebordondo 775 2543 41,6957 -7,6036 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-039 Paixão 771 2530 41,5099 -6,7756 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-040 Cumeada 766 2513 41,0582 -6,9999 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-041 730 2395 41,0568 -6,8192 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-042 Centieiro 708 2323 41,1025 -6,9377 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-043 Bezerral 704 2310 41,5587 -7,8038 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/TM-044 Cota 664 2178 41,2835 -7,3709 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/TM-045 Cubo 554 1818 41,4125 -7,1876 23/04/2011 - 1
São Silvestre
CT/TM-046 de Cimo do 530 1739 41,1492 -7,9022 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/TM-047 Abreiro 509 1670 41,3502 -7,3157 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/TM-048 São Pedro 442 1450 41,1844 -7,7706 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/TM-049 Larouco 1537 5043 41,8827 -7,7249 01/04/2023 10
Serra de
CT/TM-050 970 3182 41,3526 -6,6222 01/04/2023 - 6
CT/TM-051 941 3087 41,4164 -7,9159 01/04/2023 - 6
CT/TM-052 Figueira 918 3012 41,3173 -6,7325 01/04/2023 - 6

11 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/TM-053 Reboredo 913 2995 41,1667 -7,0181 01/04/2023 - 6

CT/TM-054 Bandeira 777 2549 41,7402 -7,5640 01/04/2023 - 4
Senhora da
CT/TM-055 776 2546 41,3486 -7,1803 01/04/2023 - 4
CT/TM-056 775 2543 41,6692 -7,5176 01/04/2023 - 4
CT/TM-057 Guieiro 771 2530 41,7873 -6,6901 01/04/2023 - 4
CT/TM-058 Freixiel 618 2028 41,3293 -7,2474 01/04/2023 - 2
Castelo de
CT/TM-059 553 1814 41,3544 -7,3495 01/04/2023 - 1
4.3 Douro Litoral (DL)
Naming format: CT/DL-###
Region manager: Nuno Freitas, CT2IUV, ct2iuv.p (at)

4.3.1 Region notes

Douro Litoral, meaning “coastal Douro” is the region under Minho that contains the Douro River,
one of the major waterlines in Portugal19. The boundaries of Douro Litoral region are: (i) North:
Minho Region; (ii) East: Trás-os- Montes e Alto Douro (TM); (iii) Southeast: Beira Alta (BA); (iv)
South: Beira Litoral (BL); (v) West: Atlantic Ocean.

4.3.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra do
CT/DL-001 1416 4646 41,2486 -7,8864 01/04/2011 - 10
Citânia de
CT/DL-002 570 1870 41,3236 -8,3861 01/04/2011 - 1
Serra de
CT/DL-003 374 1227 41,1716 -8,4935 01/04/2011 - 1
Santa Justa
CT/DL-004 Pena Suar 1239 4065 41,2956 -7,9165 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/DL-005 Aboboreira 971 3186 41,1957 -8,0284 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/DL-006 Chã de Arcas 952 3123 41,1869 -7,9600 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/DL-007 Alto de Lamas 670 2198 41,1137 -8,1352 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/DL-008 Brenha 593 1946 41,1884 -8,2321 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte de
CT/DL-009 577 1870 41,3099 -8,2968 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 1
CT/DL-010 Borrança 573 1880 41,3540 -7,9557 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra da
CT/DL-011 518 1699 41,0636 -8,3461 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/DL-012 Vandoma 519 1703 41,2001 -8,3906 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte de
CT/DL-013 480 1575 41,0976 -8,2273 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/DL-014 Serra de Pias 385 1263 41,1450 -8,4679 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/DL-015 São Salvador 381 1250 41,2366 -8,0946 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/DL-016 Outeiro Alto 344 1129 41,2926 -8,4884 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/DL-017 578 1896 41,3100 -8,2738 01/04/2023 - 1
Serra de
CT/DL-018 416 1365 41,0963 -8,4108 01/04/2023 - 1
Santa Iria
Serra das
CT/DL-019 320 1050 41,0917 -8,4425 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/DL-020 Cornadinho 320 1050 41,2410 -8,4846 01/04/2023 - 1


12 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

4.4 Beira Alta (BA)

Naming format: CT/BA-###
Region manager: Rui Oliveira, CT7ALW, ruimail24 (at)

4.4.1 Region notes

Beira Alta is the region south of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro20. The boundaries of Beira Alta
region are: (i) North: Trás-os-Montes (TM) e Alto Douro; (ii) Northwest: Douro Litoral (DL); (iii)
West and Southwest: Beira Litoral (BL); (iv) South: Beira Baixa (BB); (v) West: Salamanca, Spain.

4.4.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra de
CT/BA-001 1381 4531 40,9740 -7,9875 01/04/2011 - 10
Serra do
CT/BA-002 1052 3526 40,5808 -8,1763 01/04/2011 31/03/2023 8
CT/BA-003 São Macário 1052 3451 40,8756 -8,0613 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-004 Pisco 989 3244 40,7710 -7,4241 01/04/2011 - 6
Serra da
CT/BA-005 976 3202 40,8645 -6,9917 01/04/2011 - 6
CT/BA-006 São Lourenço 929 3047 40,8320 -7,8411 01/04/2011 - 6
CT/BA-007 Santinha 1595 5233 40,4723 -7,5393 23/04/2011 - 10
Corredor de
CT/BA-008 1301 4268 40,4389 -7,4921 23/04/2011 - 10
Cabeço da
CT/BA-009 1272 4173 40,4316 -7,4622 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-010 Pedra Posta 1222 4009 41,0075 -8,1026 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-011 Mosqueiros 1148 3766 40,4528 -7,3564 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-012 Candal 1119 3671 40,8425 -8,1830 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-013 Senhora do 1032 3386 41,0334 -8,1515 23/04/2011 - 8
Cabeço das
CT/BA-014 1018 3340 40,4250 -7,2226 23/04/2011 - 8
Serra da
CT/BA-015 1000 3281 41,0118 -7,4184 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BA-016 Mãe da Loba 985 3232 41,0728 -7,5799 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BA-017 Serra de Opa 867 2844 40,2860 -7,2126 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BA-018 Ladário 804 2638 40,7030 -8,2887 23/04/2011 - 4
Senhora do
CT/BA-019 814 2671 41,0930 -7,3279 23/04/2011 - 4
Senhora do
CT/BA-020 782 2566 41,1590 -7,4440 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BA-021 Cimal 780 2559 40,8810 -7,9841 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BA-022 733 2405 41,1368 -7,5246 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BA-023 726 2382 40,6680 -7,3071 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BA-024 São Gabriel 652 2139 41,0363 -7,0893 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/BA-025 Calábria 508 1667 41,0301 -7,0158 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BA-026 459 1506 41,1506 -7,1402 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BA-027 Caramulinho 1075 3527 40,5473 -8,2021 01/04/2023 - 8


13 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/BA-028 Janus 1043 3422 40,6418 -8,1206 01/04/2023 - 8

CT/BA-029 Rainha 976 3202 40,6057 -7,2291 01/04/2023 - 6
CT/BA-030 Pousadas 766 2513 40,5958 -7,6582 01/04/2023 - 4
Castelo de
CT/BA-031 704 2310 41,1008 -7,2909 01/04/2023 - 4
Cabeço de
CT/BA-032 653 2142 40,6744 -7,4270 01/04/2023 - 2
4.5 Beira Litoral (BL)
Naming format: CT/BL-###
Region manager: Nuno Freitas, CT2IUV, ct2iuv.p (at)

4.5.1 Region notes

Beira Litoral borders Douro Litoral and Beira Alta, comprising the coastal centre-north region of
Portugal21. The formal boundaries of Beira Litoral region are: (i) North: Douro Litoral (DL); (ii)
East: Beira Alta (BA) and Beira Baixa (BB); (iii) Southeast: Ribatejo (RB); (iv) Southwest:
Estremadura (ES); (v) West: Atlantic Ocean.

4.5.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
CT/BL-001 Serra do Açor 1342 4652 40,2317 -7,7798 01/04/2011 31/03/2023 10
CT/BL-002 Alto do Trevim 1205 3953 40,0895 -8,1789 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/BL-003 Rocha 1190 3904 40,1400 -7,8792 01/04/2011 - 8
Detrelo da
CT/BL-004 1099 3606 40,8852 -8,2547 01/04/2011 - 8
Serra de
CT/BL-005 618 2027 39,8286 -8,4111 01/04/2011 - 2
CT/BL-006 Serra de Sicó 555 1821 39,9225 -8,5446 01/04/2011 - 1
Serra do
CT/BL-007 563 1847 40,3686 -8,3584 01/04/2011 - 1
Serra da Boa
CT/BL-008 257 843 40,2015 -8,8823 01/04/2011 - 1
Picoto da
CT/BL-009 1418 4652 40,1816 -7,8095 23/04/2011 - 10
Monte do
CT/BL-010 1244 4081 40,2662 -7,8261 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BL-011 Chiqueiro 1086 3563 40,1465 -7,7747 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BL-012 Decabelos 1052 3451 40,1086 -7,9524 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BL-013 Gatucha 963 3159 40,1739 -8,0044 23/04/2011 - 6
Cabeço do
CT/BL-014 936 3071 40,0811 -7,8531 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BL-015 Vieiro 859 2818 40,1683 -8,0464 23/04/2011 - 6
Cabeço da
CT/BL-016 851 2792 40,0290 -7,9508 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BL-017 Cerro do Cão 720 2362 40,9634 -8,2397 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 4
CT/BL-018 Vale Grande 615 2018 39,5495 -8,8665 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/BL-019 Sacões 601 1972 40,1556 -8,1568 23/04/2011 - 2
Serra de
CT/BL-020 588 1929 39,5355 -8,7826 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra da
CT/BL-021 535 1755 40,2584 -8,3498 23/04/2011 - 1


14 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

Serra do
CT/BL-022 532 1745 40,0308 -8,5004 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BL-023 Monte de Vez 512 1680 40,0001 -8,4039 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra do
CT/BL-024 515 1690 40,8648 -8,4244 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra de Santa
CT/BL-025 492 1614 40,2112 -8,1507 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BL-026 Cômoros 458 1503 40,2241 -8,3081 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BL-027 Chãs 413 1355 40,1663 -8,3493 23/04/2011 - 1
São Pedro de
CT/BL-028 1342 4403 40,2156 -7,8180 01/04/2023 - 10
Alto da
CT/BL-029 Senhora da 720 2362 40,9372 -8,2200 01/04/2023 - 4

Senhora da
CT/BL-030 693 2274 40,0796 -7,7473 01/04/2023 - 2
CT/BL-031 Pega 328 1076 40,0773 -8,4617 01/04/2023 - 1

4.6 Beira Baixa (BB)

Naming format: CT/BB-###
Region manager: Nuno Freitas, CT2IUV, ct2iuv.p (at)

4.6.1 Region notes

Keeping the southern direction, next to Spain, we find Beira Baixa22. The boundaries of Beira
Baixa region are: (i) North: Beira Alta (BA); (ii) Northwest: Beira litoral (BL); (iii) Southwest:
Ribatejo (RB); (iv) South: Alto Alentejo (AA); (v) East: Caceres, Spain.

Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain in Portugal Mainland, is in this region.

4.6.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra da
CT/BB-001 1993 6539 40,3219 -7,6126 01/04/2011 - 10
Serra da
CT/BB-002 1227 4026 40,0805 -7,5255 01/04/2011 - 8
CT/BB-003 Cabeço Rainha 1084 3556 39,8484 -7,9257 01/04/2011 - 8
Serra do
CT/BB-004 915 3002 39,9896 -7,7840 01/04/2011 - 6
Serra da
CT/BB-005 591 1939 39,6945 -8,1306 01/04/2011 - 1
Encosta do
CT/BB-006 1758 5768 40,2950 -7,5793 23/04/2011 - 10
Santo António
CT/BB-007 1193 3914 40,0774 -8,1627 23/04/2011 - 8
da Neve
CT/BB-008 Zibreiro 1097 3599 40,0289 -7,7090 23/04/2011 - 8
Mata da
CT/BB-009 1048 3438 40,3717 -7,4170 23/04/2011 - 8
Serra da
CT/BB-010 1007 3304 40,2328 -7,0713 23/04/2011 - 8
Serra da
CT/BB-011 1005 3297 40,0984 -7,6491 23/04/2011 - 8
CT/BB-012 Povoinha 970 3182 39,9409 -7,9628 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BB-013 Espadana 954 3130 39,8190 -7,8804 23/04/2011 - 6
CT/BB-014 Cabeça Gorda 908 2979 39,9942 -7,7414 23/04/2011 - 6


15 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/BB-015 Sarzedinha 899 2949 39,9484 -7,7668 23/04/2011 - 6

CT/BB-016 Marvaninha 839 2753 40,1889 -7,0512 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-017 Serra da Gorda 828 2717 40,0268 -6,9738 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-018 Santa Marta 804 2638 40,2052 -7,2399 23/04/2011 - 4
Serra do
CT/BB-019 799 2621 40,1513 -7,5881 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-020 Meal Redondo 791 2595 40,2193 -7,4345 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-021 Campo Frio 768 2520 40,0884 -7,0762 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-022 Canafichal 763 2503 40,1780 -7,1112 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-023 Monsanto 763 2503 40,0355 -7,1138 23/04/2011 - 4
Serra da
CT/BB-024 721 2365 40,3412 -7,3583 23/04/2011 - 4
CT/BB-025 Vergão 659 2162 39,7544 -7,9909 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/BB-026 Galego 614 2014 39,7725 -7,7749 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/BB-027 Murracha 580 1903 39,9634 -7,0257 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BB-028 Penedo Gordo 570 1870 39,6781 -7,7006 23/04/2011 - 1
Monte da
CT/BB-029 454 1490 39,7888 -8,2647 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BB-030 Castelo 457 1499 39,7278 -7,2879 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BB-031 Arega 462 1516 39,8397 -8,3289 23/04/2011 - 1
Cabeço de São
CT/BB-032 1008 3307 40,3514 -7,1808 01/04/2023 - 8
CT/BB-033 Moreirinha 681 2234 40,0614 -7,1160 01/04/2023 - 2
CT/BB-034 Alvaiade 541 1775 39,7046 -7,7190 01/04/2023 - 1
Serra de
CT/BB-035 509 1670 39,8901 -7,6939 01/04/2023 - 1
4.7 Ribatejo (RB)
Naming format: CT/RB-###
Region manager: António Cardoso, CT1MH, ct1mh.cardoso (at)

4.7.1 Region notes

The next region is Ribatejo23. The boundaries of Ribatejo region are: (i) North and Northeast:
Beira Baixa (BB); (ii) West and Northwest: Estremadura (BL) and Beira Litoral (BL); (iii) Southwest:
Estremadura (ES); (iv) South: Estremadura (ES) and Alto Alentejo (AA); (v) East: Beira Baixa (BA)
and Alto Alentejo (AA).

4.7.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
CT/RB-001 Serra de Aire 678 2224 39,5357 -8,6368 01/04/2011 - 2
Serra do
CT/RB-002 Bando dos 643 2110 39,6138 -7,9751 23/04/2011 - 2
Monte de
CT/RB-003 624 2047 39,6224 -8,0280 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/RB-004 Junqueira 451 1480 39,7570 -8,2579 23/04/2011 - 1

4.8 Estremadura (ES)

Naming format: CT/ES-###
Region manager: João Fragoso, CT7ABE, ct7abe (at)


16 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

4.8.1 Region notes

The Capital of the country, Lisbon (“Lisboa”, in Portuguese), is located in Estremadura24. The
boundaries of Estremadura region are: (i) North and Northeast: Beira Litoral (BL); (ii) West and
Southwest: Atlantic Ocean; (iii) South: Baixo Alentejo (BT); (iv) East: Ribatejo (RB) and Alto
Alentejo (AA).

4.8.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra do
CT/ES-001 666 2185 39,1736 -9,0487 01/04/2011 - 2
CT/ES-002 Cruz Alta 528 1732 38,7820 -9,3913 01/04/2011 - 1
Alto do
CT/ES-003 501 1643 38,4810 -9,0001 01/04/2011 - 1
CT/ES-004 428 1404 38,8958 -9,2382 01/04/2011 31/03/2023 1
Monte do
CT/ES-005 442 1450 38,9868 -9,1513 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/ES-006 Monfirre 401 1316 38,8699 -9,2478 23/04/2011 - 1
Senhora do
CT/ES-007 395 1296 39,0176 -9,2249 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/ES-008 Píncaro 381 1250 38,4466 -9,0493 23/04/2011 - 1
São Luís da
CT/ES-009 392 1286 38,5339 -8,9383 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/ES-010 Monte Serves 350 1148 38,8941 -9,0905 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/ES-011 Atalaia 431 1414 38,9158 -9,2425 01/04/2023 - 1
Cabeço de
CT/ES-012 409 1342 38,8983 -9,1941 01/04/2023 - 1
4.9 Alto Alentejo (AA)
Naming format: CT/AA-###
Region manager: João Fragoso, CT7ABE, ct7abe (at)

4.9.1 Region notes

The centre-south region of Portugal is known as Alto Alentejo25. The boundaries of Alto Alentejo
region are: (i) North: Beira Baixa (BA); (ii) West: Ribatejo (RB); (iii) South: Baixo Alentejo (BT); (iv)
East: Badajoz and Caceres, Spain.

4.9.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
Serra de São
CT/AA-001 1027 3369 39,3134 -7,3600 01/04/2011 - 8
Castelo de
CT/AA-002 868 2848 39,3970 -7,3799 01/04/2011 - 6
CT/AA-003 Serra da Ossa 653 2142 38,7392 -7,5842 01/04/2011 - 2
CT/AA-004 Fria 971 3186 39,3361 -7,3074 23/04/2011 - 6
Cruz da
CT/AA-005 654 2146 39,3033 -7,4503 23/04/2011 - 2
Alto do
CT/AA-006 642 2106 38,7375 -7,5415 23/04/2011 - 2
CT/AA-007 Caldeireiros 524 1719 38,8345 -7,5347 23/04/2011 - 1


17 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

Monte de
CT/AA-008 489 1604 38,8749 -7,2636 23/04/2011 - 1
Vila Boim
São Miguel
CT/AA-009 463 1519 39,5755 -7,6301 23/04/2011 - 1
de Nisa
Penha do
CT/AA-010 836 2743 39,3773 -7,4172 01/04/2023 - 4
CT/AA-011 São Sebastião 441 1447 38,5769 -8,1131 01/04/2023 - 1

4.10 Baixo Alentejo (BT)

Naming format: CT/BT-###
Region manager: António Cardoso, CT1MH, ct1mh.cardoso (at)

4.10.1 Region notes

South of Alto Alentejo, we find Baixo Alentejo26. The boundaries of Baixo Alentejo region are: (i)
North: Alto Alentejo (AA); (ii) Northwest: Estremadura (ES); (iii) West: Atlantic Ocean; (iv); South;
Algarve (AL); (v) East: Badajoz and Huelva, Spain.

4.10.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
CT/BT-001 Serra de Mú 577 1893 37,3708 -8,0807 01/04/2011 - 1
CT/BT-002 Serra da Adiça 479 1572 38,0081 -7,3093 01/04/2011 - 1
CT/BT-003 Serra da Vigia 393 1289 37,6150 -8,3864 01/04/2011 - 1
Atalaia de
CT/BT-004 325 1066 38,1692 -8,6456 01/04/2011 - 1
CT/BT-005 Santo Isidoro 372 1220 37,7620 -8,6918 01/04/2011 - 1
Serra de
CT/BT-006 523 1716 37,9650 -7,2852 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra do
CT/BT-007 403 1322 38,2463 -7,7842 23/04/2011 31/03/2023 1
Serro Alcaria
CT/BT-008 370 1214 37,7004 -7,7614 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/BT-009 São Pedro 424 1391 38,3327 -7,7158 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/BT-010 Serra Alta 400 1312 38,0638 -7,3359 01/04/2023 - 1
CT/BT-011 São Barão 306 1004 37,6696 -7,7536 01/04/2023 - 1

4.11 Algarve (AL)

Naming format: CT/AL-###
Region manager: António Cardoso, CT1MH, ct1mh.cardoso (at)

4.11.1 Region notes

Algarve is the Southern region of Portugal mainland27. It’s known for the great Mediterranean-
facing beaches. The boundaries of Algarve region are: (i) North: Baixo Alentejo (BT); (ii) South
and West: Atlantic Ocean; (iii) East: Huelva, Spain.

4.11.2 Table of summits

Height Availability
Reference Name Latitude Long. Pts.
[m] [ft] Since Until
CT/AL-001 Serra de Foia 902 2959 37,3150 -8,5956 01/04/2011 - 6
CT/AL-002 Pelados 589 1932 37,3071 -7,9617 01/04/2011 - 1
Cerro de São
CT/AL-003 410 1345 37,1017 -7,8311 01/04/2011 - 1


18 Document S64.1 v3.0

Summits on the Air – ARM Portugal (CT)

CT/AL-004 Picota 773 2536 37,3077 -8,5316 23/04/2011 - 4

Rocha dos
CT/AL-005 467 1532 37,2569 -8,1535 23/04/2011 - 1
CT/AL-006 Negros 474 1555 37,2607 -8,0489 23/04/2011 - 1
Serra da Rocha
CT/AL-007 480 1575 37,2567 -8,1010 23/04/2011 - 1
da Pena
CT/AL-008 Sela 353 1158 37,3195 -8,3869 23/04/2011 - 1
Cabeço de
CT/AL-009 227 745 37,1136 -8,0612 01/04/2023 - 1

19 Document S64.1 v3.0

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