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Quiz Biomedical Instrumentation

Name:_________________ SAP ID: _____________________

Match the following ECG waves with their amplitudes:

P wave 25% of R wave
Q wave 0.1 to 0.5 mV
R wave 0.25 mV
T wave 1.60 mV
Match the following ECG intervals with their time durations:
P-R interval 0.35 to 0.44 sec
S-T segment 0.12 to 0.20 sec
Q-T interval 0.11 sec
P wave interval 0.09 sec
QRS interval 0.05 to 0.15 sec
Match the following EEG frequency bands:
Alpha 3.5 Hz to 8 Hz
Theta Above 13 Hz
Delta From 8 Hz to about 13 Hz
Beta Below 3.5 Hz
Pacemaker is connected to _________ node.
Which of the following is not a heart related disease?
a) Arrhythmia
b) Blockage of AV node
c) Bradycardia
d) Cerebrovascular accident (CAV) or stroke
Which of the following is a brain related disease?
a) Alzheimer’s disease
b) Bradycardia
c) Arrhythmia
d) Tachycardia
What does CAT scan stand for? _____________________
What term does not relate to EEG?
a) rapid eye movement b) paradoxical sleep
c) alpha wave d) glass electrode
What is the normal diasystolic blood pressure range?
a) 120 - 150 mmHg b) 100 - 105 mmHg
c) 60-90 mmHg d) 50-70 mmHg
Which of the following is not an electrode type?
a) immersion type b) suction cup
c) floating type d) paradoxical
Which of the following is used for measuring signals beneath skin?
a) surface electrodes b) needle electrodes
c) floating type d) metal plate electrodes
_____ is the name of instrument used for measuring heart rate.
a) stethoscope b) glucometer
c) pyrometer d) pacemaker

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