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School Health Program

This programme was launched on 15th April 2010 by chief minister of Himachal Pradesh . The main
objective of this programme was to conduct a general health check up of all students . In addition to
general health check up dental ,eye and other ailments were also checked up . Another important aim
was to deliver health talks to educate students regarding prevention of diseases . Main Guidelines are
: 1 . The school health day will be a complete day for school health from 9 am to 5pm. 2 . Preliminary
screening will be done by health workers and school teachers jointly in each school from primary to

Sec. schools. The preliminary screening will be done in campaign mode and shall be finished up to
the month of Aug. 2010. There should be a health talk by the health worker on the local health issues,
prevention of diseases ,health and hygiene (clean toilets and safe drinking water ) 3. Medical camp
will be organized for health check up at middle school level (the children identified in the preliminary
screening in various schools shall be gathered by the school authorities to the middle school on the
camp day )as there are 4334 cluster middle schools.

4. The plan to cover all the middle schools will be prepared by the BMO concerned with the school
authorities keeping in view the local conditions and the manpower. 5. The medical team will comprise:
(a)Medical Officer (one male, one female ) -2 (b) Medical Officer Dental -1, Dental Hygienist/
Mechanic -1 (c) Ayurvedic Medical officer -1 (d Health Supervisor (1 male/ 1 female ) -2
(e)Ophthalmic assistant -1 (f) Pharmacist ( one allopath, one ayurvedic ) -2 (g) Male Health Workers -
2 (h) Female Health Workers -4 6.

The LCD projector will be arranged by the BMO to educate the students and parents through
presentations and movies where possible. 7. The arrangements for the distribution of spectacles shall
be done at school level. The distribution of spectacles has to be ensured at school level from the
Blindness control programme. 8. The IFA and De-worming tabs in the school will be provided by the
health worker from the existing supply of PHC and sub centers. And the camp level from the existing
supply at Distt/Block level institutions.

If needed CMO will procure the IFA and De worming tabs in advance from the HP state civil supply
corporation on the approved rate. Other medicine required will be purchased from the state budget.
BMO will work out the requirements in this regard. 9. The follow up shall be advised at the nearest
health institutions. The tracking of each referred student will be ensured by the nearest MO/ health
worker with the maintenance of the record of the referred student including contact no. of parents,
address etc. 10.

The mobility support and contingencies will be provided to medical officer and Health worker by the
BMO concerned. 11 The routine OPD slip/ health cards will used for prescription and referral etc. 12
The record of treatment shall be maintained at middle school level by the in-charge of the school in
the form of a register. 13. The report of preliminary screening shall be only as the no. of school
covered and the report of the findings of the medical camp shall be on the prescribed Performa. 14.
There should be a health talk at each camp level by the Medical officer on the local health issues.

REPORTS: a) The health workers need only to report the no. of schools covered on monthly bases.
b) The medical team will report on the Performa given below : |S. No. |Particular |No. | |1 |Total no of
schools covered during the month | | |2 |Total no. of students examined during the month | | |3
|Student referred to higher health institutions | | |4 |Anemic | | |5 |Skin diseases | | |6 |Dental diseases |
| |7 |ENT diseases | | |8 |Eye diseases | | |9 |Mental diseases | | |10 |Cardiac diseases | | |11 |Physical
disabilities | | |12 |Any special findings | |

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