Psy 2012 Exam Three Review

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- Know what the term abnormality means (away from the norm)
- Know the criteria of abnormality (distress, impairment, risk, etc.)
- Know the theories or models of abnormality (medical, cognitive, behavioral, etc.)
- Know what is the DSM-5

I. ANXIETY DISORDERS: be familiar with a general description of each disorder:

A) Specific Phobias: Know the various specific phobias from the defining
Abnormality power point.
B) Social Anxiety Disorder: How long must the symptoms last?
- What is the most common social phobia? (public speaking)
C) Generalized Anxiety Disorder: How long must the symptoms last?
- It is the most common of the anxiety disorders
D) Panic Disorder: What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
- How long does a person feel concerned of having another attack?
- What other disorder is commonly diagnosed with panic disorder?
E) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: What is an obsession? Compulsion?
- What is the goal of a compulsion? What is the aim of a compulsion?
- How much time is taken up daily by the symptoms of OCD?
- When do symptoms of OCD tend to appear? Does OCD appear equally among
- What is the average age of onset for OCD?
- What is a risk factor for developing OCD later in life?
F) PTSD: What are the symptoms of PTSD? What is a flashback?
II. MOOD DISORDERS: Know the difference between mood and affect
- What is the most common of all the psychological disorders?
- Out of 100 people, how many men and women will develop a major
depressive disorder at some point in their life?
- Who gets diagnosed more often with major depression?
- What is the lifetime prevalence of MDD?
- How more likely are women than men of experiencing a MDD at some point in
their life?
- What is the average age of onset for Major Depression?
A) Major Depression:
- What are the symptoms of major depression? What is anhedonia?
- How long must the symptoms persist for a diagnosis? Treatment-No treatment
B) Persistent Depressive Disorder: What characterizes this disorder?
- How long must the symptoms persist for a diagnosis in adults? In children?
- When symptoms go away, they do not stay away for more than how long?
C) Bipolar Disorder: What is the characteristic feature of bipolar disorder?
- What are the symptoms of mania?
- Know the difference between Bipolar I and Bipolar II
D) Cyclothymia: What is the characteristic feature of this disorder?
- What is the symptom pattern for adults? For children?

II. Schizophrenia:
- What does the term psychosis mean?
- What is schizophreniform disorder?
- What is a delusion? A hallucination (the most common)?
- What is the hereditability (chances) of a child developing schizophrenia if one
parent has the disease: (13%), if both parents have schizophrenia: (46%)
- Know the age ranges for first diagnosis of schizophrenia in men & women
(15-25 for men and 25-35 for women)
- How long must the symptoms last?
- What does the Active phase of schizophrenia mean?
- Schizophrenia and Dopamine
-What does the term psychotherapy mean?

I. Psychoanalysis: What is the goal of this approach? What does it focus on?
- What are the techniques of psychoanalysis (free association, transference,
interpretation, etc.) -This therapy approach analyzes the client’s dreams

II. Behavior Therapy: What is the goal of this therapy approach?

- Be familiar with the techniques of behavior therapy (reinforcement,
association, token economy, behavior contracting, etc.)
- Know what systematic desensitization is and what disorder is it used for?
III. Cognitive Therapy: What is the goal of this approach?
A. Rational Emotive Therapy: It is associated with the Cognitive approach
B. Beck’s Therapy: What disorder is this form of therapy used with?
- What is the negative triad composed of?
IV. Humanistic Approach: What is the goal of this approach?
- Be familiar with the three necessary and sufficient conditions for growth
V. Gestalt Therapy: What is the goal of this approach?
- What is the aim of the various techniques for this approach?

VI. Existentialism: What is the goal of this approach?

VII. Be familiar with the various alternative forms of therapy: couples,

biomedical, group, etc.

Is psychotherapy better than no treatment at all?


- What are attributions?
- What is cognitive dissonance?
- What is conformity?
- What is obedience? Be familiar with Milgram’s study on obedience (What was
actually being studied?).
- What is prejudice? What has shown to help in reducing prejudice (Sherif’s study)?
- What is altruism?
- Standards for attractiveness and cultures (same or not the same?)
- What is proximity?
- Be familiar with the Triangular Theory of Love

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