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Hacer la traducción al español en una hoja y realizar el aporte establecido al final

para presentar la próxima clase
Conclusions on Ethics

The restructuring of university careers and the mission of the 21st century university
offers an institutional opportunity to redesign
curricula according to these priorities, shaping this
institution as a life experience that contributes decisively,
the moral development of students. Whether competences are resources
At the core of these resources are values, even if they are
competition in a different order.

(1) If teaching action is to shift from teaching to learning, placing the teaching
dimension in university education and its quality at the forefront, it must include the
development of ethical education and
civic education in university education. However, it can hardly be
ethical learning of the profession if there is no development of
values within the institution itself.

(2) Professionalism includes, in addition to competencies (theoretical and practical),

personal integrity and ethical professional conduct,
as usually demanded (and trusted) by citizens or customers. Competence as a
professional entails, for the citizenry, the corresponding ethical professional conduct.
The redesign of
qualifications must include content of attitudes and values specific to the profession
and, more broadly, training for a
responsible citizenship.

3) Higher education institutions should help to ensure that

future professionals develop a vision and a sense of morality, which can
120 Mexican Council for Educational Research
guide your practice and reflect in your actions a set of values
(responsibility, solidarity, sense of justice, service to others).
This means preparing professionals, and especially educators, to understand the
ethical and moral complexities of their role.
to make informed decisions in their professional practice.

(4) Ethical and civic education should be part of the experience of university life,
being something very long term, requiring a gradual cultural change, for now, it is
more realistic to start with professional ethics. Lines have been identified to place it
Por favor de sus aportes en español, con respecto a la lectura:

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