Eng (CH 8-15)

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Short stories (ch 9-15)

1) So they seized him, being minded to carry him before the king.

(A) brought
(B) persuaded
(C) threatened
(D) grabbed

2) Thus exhorted, the unfortunate man, laboured away with all his might.
(A) punished
(B) urged
(D) stricken

3) They all stood and gazed.

(A) dazed
(B) walked
(C) stared
(D) gossiped

4) It was like the darkness of veldt fire.

(A) pungent
(B) grassland
(C) jungle
(D) wild

5) The old man said emphatically “We’re finished”.

(A) vehemently
(B) psychologically
(C) emotionally
(D) naturally

6) These animals are camels of prodigious size and strength.

(A) small
(B) enormous
(C) maximum
(D) minimum

7) You have been battered by the storms of persecution.

(A) oppression

(B) redemption
(C) winds

(D) storms

8) You have been the veterans of creative suffering.

(A) founder
(B) old masters
(C) bearer
(D) disciple

9) According to Martin Luther King unearned suffering is redemptive.

(A) purgative
(B) intolerable
(C) disgusting
(D) welcome

10) Let freedom ring from every hamlet.

(A) ghettos
(B) small village
(C) country
(D) slum

11) Your quest for freedom left you staggered by the winds of police brutality.
(A) shackled
(B) encouraged
(C) wobbled
(D) suppressed

12) The state of Mississippi is sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression.
(A) burning
(B) uplifting
(C) chilling
(D) soothing

13) They were throwing wet leaves onto the fires to make them acrid and black.
(A) dark
(B) unpleasant
(C) rust-coloured
(D) myriad

14) The stolid creature, scarcely feeling the blow, merely moved a step or two forward.
(A) appalled
(B) curious
(C) dismayed
(D) impassive

15) “Ah!” said the wretched man.

(A) unlucky
(B) understand
(C) unbiased
(D) unfamiliar

16) I heard behind me the slow, throbbing sound of wings.

(A) pinching
(B) hopping
(C) starting
(D) vibrating

17) He had a weary look; I judged him to be tired.

(A) gloomy
(B) active
(C) tired
(D) angry

18) It makes me yearn to borrow a collecting box and go round doing good myself.
(A) think
(B) return
(C) desire
(D) worse

19) There was nothing to grumble at.

(A) pounce upon
(B) be glad at
(C) complain against
(D) trust in

20) He examined the instrument with the air of connoisseur.

(A) a musician
(B) a expert
(C) a singer
(D) a foreigner
21) Not only the profligate ranged abroad, but even those who were usually content to live with their loneliness,
emerged from their hide-outs.
(A) serious
(B) wasteful
(C) careful
(D) pedestrians

22) The young man while smoking seemed to relish every puff.

(A) drag
(B) enjoy
(C) inhale
(D) exhale

23) The young man resumed his promenade on the Mall.

(A) window shopping
(B) jostling
(C) brisk walk
(D) leisurely walk

24) But I did remember the rummage sale to which I sent all my old clothes.
(A) regular sale
(B) bumper sale
(C) sale of antique things
(D) sale of second hand things

25) How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?

(A) strong
(B) chubby
(C) fragile
(D) plump

26) He held a short polished cane which every now and then he twirled jauntily.
(A) struck
(B) pushed
(C) rotated
(D) hit

27) I had a vexing dream on night, not long ago.                                  

(A) fantastic
(B) exciting
(C) puzzling
(D) noisy

28) He held a short polished cane which every now and the he twirled jauntily.
(A) sadly
(B) joyfully
(C) abruptly
(D) impulsively

29) Some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.
(A) troubles and hardships
(B) discrimination
(C) legislation
(D) interposition and nullification

30) The cream-colour rose which adorned the lapel of his overcoat had slipped and was about to fall.
(A) decorated
(B) stuck
(C) stitched
(D) entangled

31) The young man was lying on the road in a very precarious state.

(A) definite
(B) delightful
(C) uncertain
(D) safe

32) The youth was wearing black corduroy trousers.

(A) black
(B) silky
(C) rosy
(D) cotton fabric

33) The cream-colour rose which adorned the lapel of his overcoat had slipped and was about to fall.
(A) decorated
(B) stuck
(C) stitched
(D) entangled
34) People emerged from their hide-outs to join in the gaiety of the streets.
(A) congestion
(B) procession
(C) meeting
(D)  merriment

35) Locusts attacked in the area of ______.

(A) one mile
(B) fifty miles
(C) ten miles
(D) hundred miles


What did the quack pretend to cure?

 How did the camel man treat the camel?

 What are locusts?

Why are the locusts compared to bad weather?

What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr?


I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of your trials and tribulations. Some of you have
come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by storms of persecutions and staggered by
the winds of police brutality.You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith
that unearned suffering is redemptive

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