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New Westland Whirlwind HAR 1 kit released
ISSUE Phantom RF-4C conversions and F-S Profile

This 1914 Dennis Fire Engme is still

maintained in perfect working order
by the manufacturers and IS now
available 8S a 1/ 32nd scale AirliK
model. The 144-part kit makes a
detailed model wi th complete chassis,
engine, gearboxes, pumps, removable
bonnet and detachable body. Th e
separa te wheeled escape unit
has operating extension ladder.
And the whole kit COStS only 7/6.
There Bre over 200 A irfix kit s coveri ng
13 different sefl OS. And al 2/- to
17/ 6d you can well afford to make
all your models just like th~ fea' thing I

Just-like -the real Thing !
From model and hobby shops, toy shops ar'ld F. W. Woolworth
ltAmn .lONOOI(
You Too Can Become A Fearless Exponent of
CATALOGUE See what is doing in the
Car Racing Field. Full
of Prices. (acts and CHINESE KUNG-FU KARATO
illustrations with lots of •• the authentit Chinese Self-Defence Art that
price list.
2/- rerund lIoucher .... ith
each catalogue.




S... plo Roll 1/9. GIaDI Roll 15/_


111, II ICII It OLBOaN. W,C.I (op,.;" lIoIbonI Ta SUotiooo).
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ac; •. • OD ....Y 1I:r"~!!_-,,.MD s'!!!!..!.o.
Ben.... II.UPfc.,U
I'll .......... UIIIJ~ "'_~
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...,.et .... _IQJ _ _ 1I lna oUpa

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U. ~ ..... T ...n \SIo0I>I:
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FISH ING WITH FLOAT ..... I••" u.. 0r1.ea1 In .15 u_ W_ ..... I .
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Whether you already go fishing
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, _ _ _ ..... n . . . . . nut I
1... ', .... D ..... . . -
, ..... 100 ... run, clotb.d. 1'1 .. ,
11 "ul """et.., ..... man .. loo pu, DU'
of ~_ ..111o'n • I. . . . lnul_ 20 IIIncl-plekccl _ _ cro of lIe
or would like to take it up as a f ....... UU'ItRI ... t. QU ... RD,
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Child. Notes on how to fish

""""0' NOTIIINO CAN SCA II.E YOU .nd )·ou ean lIy. . . ub full
""nftd,nee In the kno.I ..... ''''t J"D.i Oln clel ..... r::Utl.lf. p.olee,
with float and fly, when and i":vTl'::P; .... ..
:N~ ~I~~~';II'... ~~~ ::.jW~~~E .... .);t~AS.~tl~::.TrJ
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Illustrated. some in colour. Ideal m. 1>, AIR ..... IL Ind I .'11 _Cl 10"
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for fishermen of any age. 155 ne t Send In tII. «tu"",,n TOO"'YI NOWn Thl. oil.. m., n.... Da
Now available. the 1966 edition of this renowned
Observer Book by L. A . Manwaring. World-
(hpt. PE/ l).
wide coverage of the models of all manu- 119 ANDERSOH RD., IPOH , HAUlSlA
PI_M HIId by D/, frH detfJlI. of I
facturers. Company histories and badges,
profusely l11ustn.ted. 6$ net I CHINESE KUNG-fU KARATO ro:-
NAME .................................................................. . I
1-4 Bedford Cou rt. London WC2 I&...: ... ~ ....=. .=. .=:....:.:.;:....:.:.;:...
ADDRESS ............. ................................................ .

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Jllly. 1966 l29


The 18 beautiful colllemporary colours,
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See in the dark to provide a wide range of colours.
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Tins: 1/2; 2/ -; 3/ 3; 5/ 6
Luminous Top
Coal. Also available In a special pack containins
6 bottles and brush. 3/6 complete.
Paon 2/ 6; 4/ 6.
All colours are lead free and are &afc to use on
children', to)'J, de. ......~~;.iII"""

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PLASTIC WOOD. 1/ 3; 2/ 3.
BANANA OJL. No. I. Thick;
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rlwu _ ,.. ,..~ttMd ,..,,111 ..Il~ ,nen. STICKING, STAINING, POLISHING, PAINTING
]]0 NRFlX m'luine
Volume 7, Number 11

July, 1966

NEWS FROM AIRFIX Westluld Whirlwind H.... R I kit introduced m
NEW BOOKS Some recent titles reviewed with modellers in mind ]J)

IN TH E AI R Al a n W . Hall reports from recent Air Shows and discusses some of the alrcnft on display

PLASTIC MODElll NG Try your hand at building :l 1:32 scale virllace lorry with Mike Bryant 316

MILITARY MOOElll NG c . O. Ellls describes three A lnl)( AFV ki t convtr'5lons 118

BASIC RAilWAY MOOElLI NG A mlniuure coal handling depot described by N or man Simmons for station layouts ],40

MAKE A HOT ZODIAC B. K. Lest"',. shows how he motorised an Airlix Ford Zodiac with MRRC components 34'
- ' - - -- -

The RF-'4C version oft"" Phantom made from the buic kit; Al an W . H all shows how 1 ....

More aircraft pictures from rude,... piu, a set of rare firefly sllou preunted by M. J . F. Sowyer .,,.
PROFILE M. J. F. Sowyer tell. the story of the Northrop f·S Freedom FI,hter

NEW KITS AND MODELS New releues reviewed for modellen;

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The pqe where your views and ideas can win you a free Alrfix kit '56

5ifh~t(ed ofo/nS( the sun this {lifht o( Kcure/s (rom the tripcutite VTOL squodron 01 Wen Roynham. Nor(ol., 1001< astonishinfly like
humminf birds, who,e {llfht chorC/clcr/stles they emu/ote. Formed /11 October. f96<f, Ihe tripartitc squadron Is composed o( ~rsOllnel (rom
8rltish, US, ond Gcrmon {lY'"f scrvlces. Thc aim was to evo/uate the Vj STOl conccpt ullder scrvlcc condllions, and 0 lorfe ordcr (or 0
produClion vCrllon o( this o/rerort wos ofllloullced ill lhe lost 8ritish de(ence estimalu. (illustration by courtesy 0/ Hawker Siddeley Ltd.)

AIRFlX mo,oz/". if pub".hed (or trn. proprietors, AlrfllC EDITORIAL OFFICES

Producu led, by Knl,hubrld,e Publlcolion, (,H2) Ltd,
on the fourth Wednesdoy o( _ch morrth. Mlluol Brancb Hatch . F.wkham, Dartford. Kent
.ub,crfptlon rO'le 24. (Second Clo., porto,. fHJld G't New Te lephone: Wen Ash JJ6
York Port Offlc., NY.)
Editor ... ... ... ...... . ....... . ........................... CHRIS ELLlS J.4 St Andrew'. Hili, London. Ect
Tele phone: CITy G88
AdvertlMfMnt H.napr .. . ............... . .. .. . PETER MACER

Sur,ld,e, Da w.on (Prod uction s) Ltd,
136/ 142 New Kent Road, London, SEI
NEXT PUBLICATION DATE : July 17, 1966 Te lephone: RODney S480
July. 1966 III

Tile II~M' Air{i:r Royui NUl'')! Whi,IIl';lId H AR I Irdic0pfer, sun above will! op/iQ/w/ (loa/ bllgs.

New kit of
version of a favourite AirfIX model the West-
The ..... o rld·s great est VlIlue In c:onl truc:t ion ki ts
Navy's well-known ice patrol ship >Ahieh is specially em-
plo)'cd in the Antarctic supporting Brilish interests in that
barren polar area. Apart from cruising ill the Antarctic seas,
land Whirlwind he licoptcr, is the lates t release in kit
P,o/«lOr carries suney and exploration parties. plus stores
for other British outposts, and her two Whirlwind helicop-
form in the Airfix Series I aircraft range. Most modellers ters arc in continual use fot day-to-day wor~ in areas which
.... iIl be familiar with the original Westland S-.'iS Whirlwind arc sometimes quile inaccessible except by air.
model 10 1:12 scale which was onc of the earliest Airfix
kits produced and portra}'cd a SEA machine. This is now
replaced by the new model and Airfix have chosen 10 pro- SUMMER ATTRACTIONS
wo special attractions of interest to Airlix model motor
duce a different variant in the shape of a Fleet Air Arnl
HAR I, the Royal Navy's 'maid-of-all·work· in the heli·
copter age.
T racing rans are to be held in July and e\citing pri..:cs
arc being olTercd for those who can show their skill on a
The new lit differs in many respects from the kit it fast electric motor racing circuit.
supcrcedcs, not least in that the fiAR I has sc,cral fiUings Gamages, the famous London store, which is situated
not found on the commercial S·SS. These include a naviga- in Holborn, Eel (nearest Underground, Chancery Lane),
tional beacon and a radome. And in ~eeping with the high is 10 hold a special Summer Motor Racing Competition in
standards of eurrent Airfix lit), much additional detail is the toy department, third noor, commencing on J uly 24 and
carried that was nOI found in the earlier model. A fully running fo r a month. Racing will take place on a large and
8la1.ed cockpit and transparent side windows are included, tcsting Airfi.t circuit and the entrant with the best time
the pilot's side glasses being bulged authentically as on the round the circuit recorded for the duration of the com-
n::al aircraft. Recesses on the transparencies allo>A pene!;tly petition will win two free tickets for the Guards Inter-
Ilu) h fiuing, thus preserving the correct bulbous outline national RaCl':s meeting at Brands Hatch Circuil on August
chara!;teri~tic of the Whirlwind. 29, 1966. The pri7,C will also include a lOUT 'behind the
I':mcl detail is fully represented and fi~ mesh is en- scenes' at Brands Hatch and a meetina with Pien Courage
graved in the eooling grille on the nose. The internal the racing driver.
p)lon rovering the gearing has a quilted fini5h and this is The other opportunity to win a pril.c ror your racing
visible through the transparencies. Two pilots are supplied skill i, at the Dorset Trade and Industry Exhibition which
in flying suits and 'bone dome' helmets, and they each h:ne is held at We)'mouth from July 2- 16 next. Here Airfb:
a tiny cun1rol column and a dashboard. The main roto r and arc exhibiting a big sit-lane, 140 (cct long, coin·operated
tail rotor hoth revolve and the rolor heads are fully detailed. circuit. and will be r unning a Championship competition
The mar~ings supplied with the kil arc for onc of the throughout Ihe duration of the cthibition. The winner here
Iwo Whirlwinds carried by H MS r,O/ulOr, the Royal wi11 receive an inflatable swimming pool.
3J2 AJRFIX maguine
more closely related to water craft than had prc\ iously been
accepted. Many of his findings are of a sensational nalUre
\lhich makes this bool. an interesting and revealing \lork well
worth considerable study.

Railway working
NEW SINGLE LINt! RAILWAYS, by O. S. Nock. Publi5hed by Dm·it/ &
Chadu (Publishers) Lld, Salllh DeI'Oll 1I0IISt, Rai/way
Sl(lIioll, Newloll Abbol, Del'oll, ami dislribllltd hy M(/('dollo/(/
& Co. (Pllblish~rs) Lld, Glllf I/ollse, 1 PorlllwlI SI, Lom/oll
" I. Price 50s.

U NLlKL most railway books written by and for amateur

enthusiasts, this book is a text book intended for the
auidanc:e and inspiration of railway management. It has been
prepared by the UK Railway Advisory in conjunction
with the Coonomic Commission for Asia and the Far Ea.'>t (a
regional organisation of UNO), as a result of in\'estigations
into improving operating conditioM in that area. Onc of the
most urgent problems \lhich receh'ed particular attention from
the UK delegation was increasing line capacity on single line
railways and this handbook is one of the remedial tasks the
delegation was set.
The book aoes far beyond its title since every conceivable
Colourful fighter problem facing railway management is discussed; economics.
co-ordination, engineering planning and survey, construction.
8oEJNO P-12, F4B. PubfisMd by A~ro Pub/isM's Inc, 329 track, motive power, rolling stock, timetables, telecommuni-
A~kllion Rood, FaJlbrook. California. AY(l[/ab/~ in UK from
cations, signalling, staffmg, to quote from a few of the chapter
W. E. JlerJOlfl Ltd, Arrh.,.·o), Road, J1/gltgau, London N6. hcadinp. It is ~ery readable and the average railway student
Price 1J$ 6d. will find it both absorbing and interestin,. Though primarily
NOTHER in tbe series of historical a, ialion books from intended for the overseas market, and this is relkcted in the 56
A Acro Publisbrni, this volume deals with a period of US illustrations, railway enthusaists at home will find much in the
Navy and US Army Air Force history .... hich is getting more book that will help them pursue their hobby ..... ith greater
and more publicity. This is to the good, but one .... ould hope undentandina and interest.
that 11 1:72 scale model would appear so that the model maker
..... ould be able to benefit from the IitctDture h 'ailable. Light railways
The Uocilll P·12 and its US Navy equivalent the F4B were
highly colourful lIircmfl bOlh in career and paint work. They L IGltT RA ILWAY Guto!! AND T IMttADLt!, ~dil~d by G. IJo<lyalld
were the sltlndard fighter in both services for many years and R. L. £osll~igh. Pub/iwd by Darld & CIUlrles (Pllblis~rs)
Ihis book adds much to OUT kno .... lcdae on the subjecl. It is Ltd, Raleigh Press Lld, South De"on 1I0UH. Rtli!II,oy Swtion,
ideally suilablc for the model maker as the le'(l is kept 10 the NU'lolI Abbot, Devon. Prjc~ Js &1.
minimum and the photographs arc both large and compre-
hensive. NOI only does the book have full photoVllPhic details I Nfultime: for the 1966 season, the latc:5t edition of this most use-
auide has been considerably enlarged. Forty-nine pages
of the interior and exterior of both types but there arc: some: of text, maps and photographs describe nearly t\\'O doun light
e.x~llent 1:48 scale colour drawings of paint schemes which rail\l'llYS and tramway systems, 17 miniature railways and all
arc of a ~'Cf}' high standard. cliff l'IIil\l'llYS operating in Great 8ritain. There are also up-to-
The book is obviously v,Titten for the man wishing to model date surveys of the latest C'ncouraging acthities of most of the
the aircraft and a chapter at the end of the book deals with preservation societies. An eight-page ~ntre supplement con-
making the only model available in plastic form, that by veniently lists all published timetables and a further 20 pages
Aurora, in some detail. of advertisements give much useful information. Without
doubt an absolute must for any railway enthusiast who is out
Ov.r the water and about this summer.
AEJ.OMARtNI OIUGINS, by H. F. KU/K. Pubfjsh~d by Plllnam and
Comf1OllY Lld, 42 Gri'lll R~1f SIred, Lt;nuloll WCl. Price J()s. Useful introduction
ITII Stowing interest and, we hope, increased production DBCOVEIUNO FUGIIT, by N. D. Smilh. Pllbliwd by Ihe Unjl'crsjly
W of bo~'ercrafl, this book comes as a timely reminder of the oJ London Press, SI Pallls HOUR, War .. ick Lo~, Lomlon EC4.
oriains of some: of the contemporary examples. The thought of Price 11s 6d.
having a craft trayelling 00 a cushion of air, it seems, is not a H IS is I delightful book, precise in definition and a worthy
I'l.'O::nt one. Designs of this nature and the hydrofoil were going
on many yean ago.
T entrant for the best book wrillen as an introduction to
a\iation. It describes by scyeral stories in the first part some of
One of the remarkable facts to cmerge is that the hydrofoil the mOllt important adventures in the history of night and in
boat appc:an not only to have been a Urltish invention, dating part two aoes on to explain how to find out more about the
back over a hundred years but that British ideas and techniques subje<:t. Unlike so many other books of this nature it does not
were used by some of the earliest experimenters abroad. set out to be the complete answer to everything. No book can
The author shows that the science of aeronautics did not
develop as it is commonly supposed, but that aireral't arc: far conllnuM 011 pag~ Jj8
July. 1966 J33
S year seems \0 be a \intage one for the spoiler in this
T Ulcountry. Apart from the Royal Aeronautical Society's
Centenary )CtlT celebrations, the now bi-annual SBAC show
will be held at RAE Farnborough and lhere arc an increasing
number of minor air shows all of "hieh are of interest.
The 5Cason is now traditionally opened by the Air Tra\'cJ
Fair at Billsin /-1111 . This show gets beller every year and seems
to be blessed by fine weather. The orga nisers, 10 their credit,
kcpllhe public away from the aircraft this year which, although
10 the spoIler was a disadvantage, produced a beLler programme
with less confusion and lessened the considerable risks of
One needs to be at BiUin HIli for the fout days of the show
to get a completeoovcragcofthe flying, as events seem \0 change no change in the aircraft's spectacular performance.
considerably each day. For example, the French Air Force I particularly liked lhe WIly in which the pilots look their
aerobatic tearn ....'ere only performing for the first two days aircraft into the vaUey althe end of their show and disappeared
and the Red Arrows were missing on the Sunday. Throughout (rom view. J believe they were ..... arned off on the last two days
the show a \'ery load performance ....-as put up by the na\'lll of the show for fiying too low. It seemed to the cro .....d that they
Wesscx helicopters and their Commando cargo. The show was musl surely ha\'C crashed, but 'Uioin on the Bump' lived up 10
enlin:ncd by a neatlnd .....ell·timed performance and the spolter ilS name by providing a natural exit from the airfield ·stage'.
noted that two of the aircrart were of the revised nose: variety I felt very sorry for the Aircral"t Prc:scrvation Society who were
now being filled 10 Wessex helicopters, incorporating a sand promised a Mill IS by the RUMians for their collection of
filter for the engines. This new change of shape gi\"es the Wc::ssex historic aircraft. This society is doins a great deal for posterity
an e\'en morc ungainly appearance but there was obviously by looking after old and historically important aircraft, and
they ....'ere told by the Soviet Government that they could have
8dow: Tile Rtd .A ffOI<"S III MildenllQl/ abollll 0/111 0/ '''11 one of their obsolete fiahters for preservation. It was due 10
KC·JJj Slw/()/allktrs based 11111111 jlmioll (USAF pholo). arri\e at Diggin II IU during the show and should ha\'e come with
a delegation of Russian aircraft and helicopters. Russian parti.
cip.1tion WIlS, however, cancelled at the last minute. The society
still hope that they will be able to have their promised Mig IS
later, and are also hopeful of being able to bring back to this
country an F-86 Sabre from Ita ly.
Mention of the Air Fair cannot be concluded without a few
.... orus on the civil aircraft that were on show, both in the air
and 0 1' the ground. Perhaps the most important visitor was the
Jet Commander which, for an executive aircraft, provided the
crowd with fighter like performances. British United and
lcelandair ..... ere among the principal exhibitors and DUA
brought both a VC-IO and a BAC·]]] on \"arious days. The
Channel Airways' Viscount looke<l very smart in il$ black and
gold colour scheme and I hope did something to promote the
use of air tra\'el 'Which, after all was the object of the event.
On the flyins side the Dove con\ersion 'Wlth its Lyeomi ng
engines pro\<;ded a spectacular display and added .....eight to
the argument that this aircraft could .....ell do with an increase
in power to prolong its usefullJrc. Onc of the cr.u:iest pieces or
fiyins I efcr secn WIlS put up by the demonstration Rallye.
Although the performance .... ell controlled- by .... hich I
mean thal the pilol knew what he ....-as doing- it lookcd on
5evenll occasions that the aircraft would make uncomfonable
AJRFIX magazine
contact with the runlOoay. To cap it all the pilot, when he laxied
back 10 the dispersal had, I saw, been smoking "hilst shins
hi, display!


WONDLR how many spotters, like me, got caught by Ihc
I USAF authorities at Mlldenhall who staged thei r nying
display for Armed Forces Day during lhe lunch hour. Like
most I chose 10 do IWO slalions during tlte day and the most
eomcnicnt appeared 10 be Akonbury and MlldenhaU. Alcon-
bury's displ3Y of bmnd new RF-4Cs was \'ery imprcsshe al-
though they only really hOld the one type on show. The noise
of a squadron of lhese aircmrt all laking off al once needs to
be heard 10 be belie\ed. I imagine thal local resi<icnts are miller
pleased that Ihis sort of thing only happens once a year.
I arri\ed at Mildenhallat Ihree o'cloek, only 10 be told that
the show was o\er and that the public were now asked to le3\e.
Who c\er heard of an air show which finished at three o'cloe"!
A quick look rou nd, hO\\c\cr, provided a lot of interest for the
camera, mcludlng Ihe \'ery mre C- 1I 7 Super Dakotas of the
US Navy and a p.) Orion of VP-IO. There wcre also a large
number of Globcmasters and KC·I)S Stmtotankers around
which made up for the Iou of the air show. Mildenhall is cer-
lainl y a station lOoorth watching, and local residen ts tell me
that they ha\e been havi ng a fair proporlion of cnmounagcd
C- 1lO lIercules trn nsports through just lately. Mildenhall is,
after all, the Europe3n te(Olinal for mosttmns-Atl3n tic military
trank and has many mre visiton durins the course of 3 year.
No eJlplanal ion of lhe e3rly closing of the station was madc
apart from the usual 'operational reasons'. The fact wasn't
advertised and it brinas me 10 wonder if the organisers of these:
shows quite realise how many of the people who visit their
displays come from all over the British Isks to see their ""lIres.
Per head of population this country is the most air minded in
the world, but most of these arc of lhe avialion enthusiast
\'lUlCty "ho cannot afford the costly luxury of actually bei ng
able to ny Ind Ire content to study aviation from the ground.
To foUow thei r hobby they Ire prepared to trn\'e!long distances,
and at Mlldenhall I met friends from Hull, Bristol and as far
away as Glasgow.
Take these enthusiasts away from an air show and )'OU a rc
lefl wit h only about half of the normal numbers attending.
Organisen ..... ho charse admission would certainly do well to
remember these enthusiasts ..... hen preparing their shows and,
although I don't a5k for a free hand to ro..1ffi all O\'er an airfield,
I do think that considemtion should be liven for the photo-
graphen amonast us and for those seeking out odd registrations
and serials. We take Our hobby V(:ry seriously, far too seriously
in a numbtr of cases, and to tmvel some 120 miles to visit a
display only to be told that the station is closed when you "
IIrrive is not good for the temper!

CHANGE OF MARKINGS Abon, lOp 10 bolt o m : Camo/IIII/ged " /rOll/Onl was one of
Ni:. of the most interesting thinp that came to light at bot h "·1
O Biggin 11 111 and Mildenhall was a new paint scheme for
/>1"0 airrrall at Mtldcllhall i/l Ihi:SlllllU. A Ori011 abo at
Mildcll/rall. NOlc lire 'paddle blMc' fJ'0p:s. Olle of the FAA
RAF Fighter Command aircmft. Since the "111' these ha\'e Wc:sst"l' l,elicopl('f:J at Higgill /fill wilh a :salld filter on Ihe
b«n increasing in interest o\er the yca.n until !be markings IIO:SC. Thc It! Commalldrr txecmj,·c aircraft 011 public :show
ill Britain for fhe firM timc al Billg!lI. Ughmillg of 2J Sqn
on Lightnings ha\'e, to my mind, reached a very colourful and
at Mildcllhall :showillg lilt rt'l'i:scd ltIar/.;i"K5 dc:scribt-d hctt'
attractive climax. What now appean to be a retrograde step
(lower three photos, R. L Ward).
was KCn on both a Lightni", from the OCU nl Coltishall and an
aircraft of No 23 Squadron. Gone is the all ..... hite fin on the return to camounase followin, the lead ,iven by the Americans
latter, and lhe eagle has bC'c: n reduced in size and nowapJ)Ca1'S •.. the only advanta.., I can see in this is that the application
in a smaJl white circle. The squadron co\oun are retained o n of camoul\agc coloun on a model is much easier than painting
either side of the fusclaae roundel. I suppose the DeJl.I step is a it silver.
Ju ly. 1966 J3S
R EADING R. A. Whitehead's book, 'Garre11S of Lcislon',
will gi,"c modellers plenty of ideas-lhe traction engines
with some modirlCations. Obviously the pump a.nd the pump
drive are not required so the Airfix instructions can be follo ....-ed
and steam wagons lhe firm prodootd would make fascinating for Itages I to 4], omillina parts 9, 10 and 22 to 39 II'Iclush·e.
models. Two photovaphs in the book, of one of their less In addition, the main chassis frames, para 16 and 17, are
IlIOCeSSful ventures. resulted in this month's model. These wcre modifiod by culling from each tbe rear footplate stay just
orllle Cakdon lorry, one chain drh"cn, the other wilh the morc ahead (01 the rear spring and the turned down end just behind
modern shaft drh·c. the la... ,~ t ing hole. The bent end or the exhaust pipe is also
It so happened that I had an Airfi", Dcnnis Fire Engine kit cut off 10 that the short length of straight pipe extends to the
in hand and a quick check of its contents showed that it had all rear rrom the silencer. 8y now you have a bare chassis without
the basic, hard-to-modcl parIS necessary to produce 1iI typical cab, bodywork or splasher. I also lert the headlights to the
\,l olaiC lOfTY ...... hich would arnce any I :32 scale road layout. last they are very delicate.
Readers ha,"c often written to the Editor ul"ling Aim)!. to
produce more foad \'ehides to go wilh the 'DIe Bill' bus. so THE CAB
here is your chance 10 diversify and to have something a bit
original. The only additional materials I used were some This is whcre the real conversion beains. It is beller to
0.03 inch plastic Sheel and some channel and T'seclion StruclO discard the dashboard, part 59, and to cut a new one rrom
material. As wilh all my pla.~nic models I used liquid plastic plastic sheet; modification is diffICult and the result looks
cemcnt applied with a fine pointed brush which I find gives me botched. The cab parts required are drawn full ·size here; the
a much neater finish than the more coo\'cntiona.1 tube cement. only trick y prooesses lire the cutlin& out or the windscreen
opening and the rear window. I find it helps to prick through
the corneTS with a compass point before commencing to CUI.
THE CHASSIS Tbe U.shapcd openina in the cab side sheets can be traced 00 to
This is, as the photographs show, the basic Dennis chassis the plastic sheet and theo cui out carerully usilll only light cuts
JJ6 AlRFIX ma,allne
with a sharp J..ntfe. A clean-up "ith a half-round file will
rcmo\e any 'whisJ..en'. These arc diffICult but so
characteristic that it is worthwhile perse\er;ng to achle\e them.
Start the cab assembly by cementing the cab front in the
front of the chassis 51015 and butt the floor up against the cab
front. The hole in the floor for the pump gearbox is co\ered
with an oblong of plastic card and the cab internal details can
be added. A new inst rument panel, held al an angle by tri-
angular brackets, can ha\e dials and gauges drawn on. and the FR.ONT
odd instruments made from scraps of plastic sprue add to the - CUT
effect. The steering column, part 61, had to be shortened AND
slightly before being cemented in position. Add horn, side- TWO BA.c.K.
lights and gear and brake-lever.
The sides and the back can now be added, the sides being
ouall/e tOe back and fronl. The two extension pieces of Ihe
1100r are fiued in position, the notched one filling round the
brake and gear le\er, and a seal and seal bad, made and filled.
The roof can now be glued on. Note that there is only olle door
- on the near or passenger side-the le\e~ pre\ent access
from the drt\er's side. The nmning boards are cut to form
separate front mudguards/ ru nning boards and rear mudguards:
the photographs show the idea. A short length of the dIscarded
running board is then cemented \ertically from the rear of the R.OOF
cab to the open end of the running board.

This can be 10 your own choosing: mine is a low-sided, open
platform tyJ!C which was \ery common. 1 used Structo U- FLooQ..
section channel strip to form the main le ngthwise beare~ on E.xTENS'ON~
top of the chassis sides. The channel will clip o\er the lugs on Trace Ihese full-si:.c II'mpla/I'S for al/ thl' parIS nl'cessary in
top of the chassis sides (parts 16 and 17), if the lugs are thinned cab SfrtlClllre. Of/tl'r dimellS!Qlls gh·l'lI ill ttXI.
with a file. T"o 3l inch lengths were therefore stuck in place "cre all of 0.03 inch plastic sheet, the platform being 3; by
and the 21 inch lengths of T-section Structo were stuck across
at equal spacing as body cross-beare~. The platfonn and sides
2; inches. The platform sides were "* ioch high, the front
board ; inch and the tailboard t inch. All were scribed back
and front at t inch spacing to represent planking.

To those who would like this to be a free-running, ballery
drh·en \chicle, I offer the following ideas on the undentanding
that I ha\'e not, contrary to my normal practice, act ually
motorised one myselr. I should be inclined to follow the method
J used with my Garret! Steam Wagon, with an Orbit IS motor
under the bonnet driving a layshaft through 1:2 gean (Ripmax
IO-tooth on the motor shaft, lO-tooth on the Jayshaft). Final
drhe would be by worm and worm "heel 10 the back axle.
This would mean losing nearly all the excellent plastic detail
in the engiDC and the transmission, but you cannot have every-
thing! The battery cOlJld be housed in a dummy packing case
on the platform or you could opt for a van body. The revening
switch could be as described in my Bread Van of a couple of
months ago.


EXT London Area open meeting wiIJ takc place on
N Friday, June 24, 1966. at St. Mark's Church Hall ,
BaldeTlon Street, London, WI , commencing al 7.30 p.m.
A s is customary. the open meeting is open to non-members
should they wish to see for themselves the advantages of
belonging to the IPMS. Apan from the monthly meetings,
we produce a monthly magazine for membe~ only dealing
Top: Ulldersidc 11tW sho..-s how Ihl' {ire cllgine cllanis is with all aspects of plastic models.
{«lap/cd OIld ,.sed. Thollgh T-sectioll S/ruc/o is luilised on. FUTlher delails can be obtained from the H on Secretary,
I/Iis model for cross-bearers, 40 /holl plastic card COllld be R. R. Wainwright, at 23 Cbadville Gardens, Chadwell
I/Scd illSll'atI. Ab-me: Rea r ~1ew of Impainud modt/. Heath, Romford, Essex.-R.R.W.
July, 1966 337
Th(' MJZ rteol·try I·thiclt (Itlt), Jho..",ing the modifitd rttlr t/ld. and tire ClruTclrill 7 AVRE.


Military modelling
by C. O. ELLlS
H ,\V lt>oG mastered the lasl of con\ertrng the Airfix MJ
half-tracl to a White Scout Car (June issue), one 01
troops and had three radio sets Hnllng the ,ehicle to local
battalion or brilade headquarters, di\islonal headquarters,
the more interestrng adaptatrons of this vehicle is to an and the air parrol. Requests for air support could, there-
ASSU IIIlrelcss car as used b} the 8rltl~h Ann} In the NW fore, be passed , appro\cd. and IllIliated in a matter of
Europe campaign of 1944-4~. minutes, the notorious destruction meted out b} r)pboon~
The Inllrals ASSU stand for 'AIr support signal Unit', in Normand) and else",here bel", "'itneS!! to the effecti_,:·
IIIhich comprised mixed arm} RAF pef1.Onncl IIIho fonned nes! of the S)~tem.
the crelllS of scout cars spcciall) modified for Signal and With the basic White Scout Car model ready to hand,
obsenauon duties. ASSUs IIIcrc the ground hnl in the the con\ersion to an ASSU car talcs _cry little additional
'cab rail!.:' s)stem of tactieal air ~upport IIIhe reby patrolhng "'orl. T he onl) Slructural alteration lIl\olves the remo\·al
ground allad,; ai rcraft (such a~ T yphoons) lIIere called in (or omission) of the un ditching ro ller from the front
to dea l lllith specific targets in the lIIay of ad\ancrng ground bumper, and the su bstilution of a cable reel On the centre-
forces. 1 he ASSU cars lept rig ht up 'Nith the fO/VIaw line. The reel Ln the Airfb: Ccnlurion lit is just the fight
size and appearance for this, and )OU ma) hale onc lefl
o_er from a comersion. If nOI. a cable reel can be scratch-
built vcr} quiclly from discs CUt from card "'Lth a spmdle
of scrap plastic; use the Ccnlurion reel as a pallem. The
reel 15 fi\ed to the bumper by a brac!.:et On each side.
measuring 5 mm x 1.5 mm In modcl form . These are
cemented as shollln in the picture, ensunng a square set
The olher \isible additions a rc merel) three ho lde rs for the
radio aerials, and these are best made from 2 mm :I; I mm
pieces of plastic ca rd or post card "'ith a ho le drilled or
pierced wi th a pin in the centre. The holde r~ arc so small
that it is best to mal e the hole before cUlling out.
Now cemcnt onc holde r on each side Immediatel) behind
the cab doo rs and about 2 mm from the lOp. The Ihird
holder lOtS On the left-hand side of the bonnet just ahead
of the JCrncan bracket and a lso 2 mm do"'n. For aerials
I use soft broom bristles-from an unwom broom-and
t",o are required about It inche~ long for the aftennoSi
pair. The forward aerial was of the extending type. aOOm
40 fect hilh, but retracted 10 about 12 feet lonl (48 mm )
"'hcn nOI in use. So a thicler bristle, if )·ou can find one.
should be used here.
A spare III heel and extra jerricans were usuall)· carried
Abo,·e: Complcud ASSU car show;"g radio ruriais and at the rear and the lilt "'as invariably tilled. so ob,iating
holdus twd I/le AVRE willt stowage box, !'alise, cable the need for interior detail on the model. The tilt needs
, rut, and smoke discharge", ell'. shorlening to fit .
3J8 AJRFIX mquine
ASSU cars carried a crcw of the-an RAF liaison officer.
an arm) omter, an army driler, and 1"0 RAF "irelcS5
operatollo. :-lo marlings "ere tarried on thc Ichic1e. and
e\':ten'lle camouflagmg "ilh local foliage "as a usual
feature - easil) reproduced m miniature "Ith scenic


LR mned bag Ihis monlh no" mOlCS 01110 a US Army
O rccO\ery lehlde, the ,\In . deri\«I from the M4
Sherman lank and introduced in Ihe latter period of World
War:!. It was also "Idel) used post-"ar.
At first glance the conlcrsion "01'1.: may lool complicated.
but. in fact. the Jib confuses the issuc and if )OU leave this
to last there IS no real difficull). I hale drawn all that I
can. bUI I suggest lhal you stud) my sl.:etche "ith Ihc
l'ele\1Int pans of the Alrfh Sherman kit spread before you.
Start by as~mbling the hull according to the UI in-
structions. but omlttmg and relaining the rear of the hull
He. the engine access doors) for future reference. Ob~er­
\anl readers "Ill spot at once Ihat Ihe model Illustrated
has suspension differing from that supplied in the kit. the
ans\\er to this being that I hale lalen the complete tracl
and suspension from a Roco-Minitanl'S M40 sp aun. M ost
\132s had the later I)PC: of horizontal volute suspenSion so
the ~f40 fills the bill nicel). Il o\\e~er, a ll the earl) Mns
had the \ertical lolute suspension as sup plied in the ~ it. so
If you do not hale the II1\ur) of a sparc M40, 80 ahead
and male your model ",ilh the suspension in the ~It.
SlnCC the MJ2 "IS on a laler M4 chassis, the rear end of Top: D~/{/i1 ,·ie ..' ..I AVRE 7. )/1O" 'j"g /lIrrl'l (i1li!'gs-rlOtI'
the model mUSt be fin ished "ith an extended engme com- abseilCl' 01 co-(uj(,/ m/g. A hoH': Comp/eud /1131 model
partment. This is representcd by cutting out an cnd from ..·ill, la/er Iype sllspension.
card to fit acrOM the ntreme huIJ rear, the full "idth of
the I·ehicle. Then a 5 mm wide extension, also cUI from fitted inSide the spac.! formerly talen b} Ihe turret. 1\01e
card, is cemented at the hull bottom. The onginal hull the 1"0 hatches and a shea\C at thc fronl.
rear is then lal.:cn and Cui 10 lcave only the lower section, At the extreme rear of the hu ll. an angled jib is fitted,
incorporating the doors, .... hich is ccmen ted in position made from two gIrders I mm apart. The lo"er 8 mm is
bel\\een the hull rear, tOp and bottom. Dra"i"g C shows filled JO solid, all the "or~ being done "ith scrap plastiC
"hat it lools lil.:e. or plastic ca rd of about 2 mm deep cross-section. This rear
Wilh the hull complete, the next lasl IS to mnl.:e a super- Jib su pports a hrngeu A·frame boom "hich, in the tl'll\cl1 in8
structure, which is fixed on the hull top wi th Its pointed or to\\;ng position, is lowered to the rear. Plastic cocktail
front end louchin. the coamlng moulded round the turret sticls are JUSt ri,ht for the boom, "jlh the ends tapered
position. Dimension! and shape can be talen from dra .... mgs 10 hold a ca rd 'sheale·. 1 he other ends are prloted on
... and O. The underside of the ol'erhang must also be filled triangular brackets tilted al the forv.ard brea!.. JO the hull
m, but Ihe rear face al the bottom incorporates a horizontal shape. On the model it is really impractica l to pivot Ihe
roller acro5S the joint between superstructure and rear ded- booms. so the) can be cemented in the lo\\ered position,
ing. This takes the tow rope inside the lehic1e to a winch cOlllinued on pogt: 353
Full-size drawings 01 Al12 pans. A-top vie .... IJ-side I,ie.... C rear cnd. D-frw:k cover.

r- ""J
I: D
July. 1966
but a sample mod;:1 a'i ilIustrilted in
these pales was built OUt of 3/32 inch
thid.. sofl wood. This bunker measures
7 Inches by 2t inches. Raih~ay sleepers
in 00 lauge are approil:lmatcly 11
inch lonl so assumina the sleepers
are placed vertically and allowing
for a suitable depth for the ends of
lhe sleepers to stand in the ground,
the bunler walls "'111 be about an
mch in height. The .... 000 should
therefore be CUI into in~h stripS and
'icored at intervals of approximatel)
I inch to represent the vertical
'ileepers. Score on both sides and also
on the to p edge. I found it best to
do this ... ith the bad. edge of an old
p.:ur of scissors and .... hen doing the
top edge, used the sharp edle of the
sci~ors 10 li\e an e\tra deep V
shaped cut. The plilnls can be cut
unc\en at the top if desired since

many of them get damaged over the
nted sidillg, b", il m/ut Ira.'/,
0111)' IIIII'/' Oil/' years.
bUllkers for lht! " loads, IO'lri/l' 11 hopper is also Imwl /lIeu days.
There are, and ha~e been, many
A boH~: coal bmrA.trs lmdu COtlstrllclion.
mlenious ideas for aniticial coal bul
I can ncver undef!itand .... hy modellers
BASIC RAIL WA Y MOOEllING-hy Nonnan Simmons don't lUst use co;!.1 -it is readily
a\'allable and. for the minute quanti-

A coal depot lies In\'ohOO, so much cheaper, I

ha';: used real coal on models smaller
Ihan 2 mm scale and found it per-
feetly satisfactory. The thing 10 do
is sift the very 5mall coal at the

for a station
bottom of lour coal bunler, wash
out the dust and rollect all the small
nicely shaped pteces, A strainer
bolTo .... ed from lhe luchen helps
... hen domg this.
Fourteenth of a regular bi-monthly series catering A.s a base for the load or coal I
u ed PIeceS of insulatIOn board
specially for newcomers to model railwa roughly shaped to gile a heap of coal
Ioi!::::''''~ eITect. The bunker .... as bUilt up by
I Nallthestations
pre-Bceching era practlcall}
had a coal yard. Even cementinl the .... alls and in5ulation
board pieces on a card base as sho ..... n
in these post-Be«hin, da)'s, .... hen
goads yards and depots afC closing In one of the 11Iustl'llltions_ Men-
down all o\er the country, facilities tiOning cardboard remmds me that I
(or handling domestic coal remain lIke to build up a collection of card-
where other services are withdrawn. board-pieccs of shoe bo\e$, bach
In many ilUtances coal mcrchants of writing pads, packinl stiITeners
atc modernising their coal handling from shir1J, in fact any nice piece
faci lities, closing down small depots that come5 along, To quote the old
and concentrating the latest handling phl'lllsc, )OU ne\er lno........ hen it might
equipment in new and larger sites. (ome in handy!
All thi! is leadinl up 10 the inescap- The bunker can now be painted
able ract that in \\halever period )'Our malt black and when dr)", the Hoor
model l'lIIilway is set, you cannot and tops of the insulation board
ilnore the need for a coal ya rd. Some- PIeces are liberally coated wit h glue.
where where you ean receive coal T he washed an d prepared coal should
walons and store the coal. then be sprink led o,cr the glue and
Dunken for storin. coal ha\e allowed to d ry. Leave a few stray
altered little over the yean and are piece! lying a round and bUIld up a
mostly built of old l'lIIilway sleepers. A dQIt ~·jew Qf the hQPpe r shQWlng
ils CQnical Qurlet and Ihe angle iron line of coal dust alonl the edges of
They can be made to till whate~'er SUPPQrt,. I nside mUSI be poinled the rall ...... y aacl .... here it can be
space you have avaI lab le on your black or QlherwiH darictned IQ auumed it fell from ....-agoru being
layout and using almost any material repruent coal dust. un loaded. The ground round and
'<0 AlA,FIX m1l u lne
about can also be sprinkled with fine
sand or ashes and coal dUll with a
low tufts of green noel to represent
grass in the less used pam.
Many modem coal )'Irds ha\'e
hoppers as shown here. These stand
about 12 feet high and are used for
filling sach. My model \OilS bUIlt
from plastic card Itarting with the
hopper body \Oihich was 0.010 inch
thick \Oirapped round the edge of a
disc of 0.040 inch card. The bottom
cone shape .",11$ (ormed of 0.010 inch
card , using the template sho.",n in the
dnwings, and cemcnted to the bottom
of the disc. A i inch square hole was
cut in the base of the cone and a
piece of i inch SQuare balsa wood
sha ped to represent the hopper outlet
was glued in place. Nut the angle
section legs we re cut from 0.020 inch
card, cemented in place and joined
by the various bracing pieces. The
finishcd model was painted grey.
The scales and scoop into ",hich
the hoppe r un loads and "'hich are
requi red for weighing hundredweight
loads for the sacks we re made from
scraps of plastic card. 0.040 inch
thick for the bed of the scales and
0.010 inch fo r everything else.
The Airfb: leD) Excavator can be
used around the )'3rd for bulldozing
coal into the bunkers and perhaps
for small loading and unloading jobs
but it is not really ideal for scooping
out "''3gons or filling the ho ppers. A There arc. of coursc, many other
useful model for this purpose is the aspects of the coal yard that can rc-
Jumbo Crane in Lcsney's Malchbo'C ceL\'e allention. Road \'chides, both
series. I fitted a mechanical grab to horse-d ra"'n and mecha nica l, coal
the hook at the end of the jib. The saels loaded and unloaded, sho\eI5,
gnb was built from plastic card using \Oiorl mcn, and of course the coal
0.040 inch thick material for the office. Here Airfix come to thc rescue
straight sides and 0.010 inch fo r the with the Trachide Accessories kit
curved bottom. In reality, of course, and straightforwa rd assembl y of the
the grab is in two ha h'cs which dose coa l order office contained in Ihis kit
like jaws la bite a load. pro\-ides all thal is required.


Dra ..... ln' s .. mm snole--full _si'l.c for model

All "«usary details to r modtl are sho,,'" heff!, Ihollgh dimensions may be I'aried it d~sircd.

July. 196& 3<,

Now to the construction. To start with take the chassis.
The chassis beam is cut to length, and quite a chunk has to be
removed as this unit is made 10 fil models over a big si«: range.
The axle beam is cut 10 size (see drawinl) in length and width
and nOle that it fits on lOp of the chassis beam. A self·tapping
screw holds it firmly in position. The strengthening ridges on
the ehassis underside ha\e to be cut away 10 clear the guide
shoe ...... hich I have found best to fit on the sa.:ond-from-rear
hole in the a:dc. Perfectly dear assembly instructions are
supplied by the manufacturer .... uh Ihis unil, so I won't bore
anyone by repealina them here!
Fit the chassis beam to the motor by the lower of the three
holes, cut the rear axle 10 match the front track, fit wheels
(ronl and rear, .... ire-up and that 's the chassis ready for testing.
Incidentally, I have used spoked .... heels as it gh'es a far more

Build this hot Ford

WANTED to build a competition car which, whi le having a
I reasonable performance, was both quick and cheap to make.
'sporting' look 10 Ihe car. I know Fords don't list anything
like this, but there are specialist firms .... ho ..... ill fit spoked
After looking around I decided 10 use M RR C components and ..... hee ls to almost anything. I have used, and shown on the
an Airfu: plastic kit, Items which are readily available to most drawing, It inch tyres all round, although the tyres as supplied
modellers. 10 set 691 would probably be Just as load.
The Tt.'Sult was a ear .... hich was fast and une.~pecledly good The unusual pari of the car is the way in ..... hich I ha\'e
on corners. on lhe Oakhurst Park track in Salisbury, where I incorporated lne sea", in part, plus the dash and rear pared
am a member. shelf. The acs;:onlpanyinl drawlnl sho .....s tne la)out together
To build the model, lhe folio .... 101 parts are required: with the necessary patterns. T .... o rear supports are required
£ s. d. from' Inch balsa and are spaced t inch apart. Use Araldite
MRRC Non-stteTlnl front end (No 816) 4 I (or aU joints and run a lJeocrous fillet along the joint betwoen
MRRC 3 pole mOlor .... lIh built-in 3.6:1 gear Hoor and body sides. The chassiS beam locates in the hole in lhe
(No 703)
MRRC .,\ inch .... heels with" Inch and
-tf Inch t)res (No 601)
Airfi,.. Ford Zodiac kit
" 3

3 •
Hoor pre\'enling fore and aft movement and t.... o 18 s ..... g piano
wire clips, clamped around the motor and scre.....ed inlO the ply
Hoor, make a rigJd yet quickly detachable assembly.
Abon: Idl ; The completed ",odel has 0 sporty look lO'j,h
Pills scrap ply, balsa. piano wire and one 01'"
t..... o BA nuts and bolts, ..... ood, screws and MRRC wire·spoked lOhetls. CClfef11/ pointillg tan pm the
model illlo tile 'sh o lO-case' dass. Bdo " ; All IlIIduside "ie'"
further opllonal t)res of the tompleted model showing its plywood floor, the
MRRC m otor and frOflt end, cutd the body clips af/ixed
£1 12 2 rOlmd screws. Tire rear supports call also be seen olld this
This is reasonable enough as regards cost, I think. m ethod of cOllstructioll ensures a strollg bIll fight chassis.

3<2 AlRFlX m.a,azine






-~--_~" ' I ~.,

FOR GUIDE SHOE .... ~ '1




( ~




TliAT ,\tecca for modellers, Reatties of London, has just
published a new moto r radng catalogue covering every-
livc introduction and much more in the way of notes and
details of individ ual items. The price is 2s and good value
thing stocked in the four Beatties model shops at Man- when it is realised tha t a set of catalogues [rom individual
chester, Holborn and Southgate, Virtual1y every item tha t manufacturers would cost considerably more than this. A re·
the kee n model motor racing cnthusiast could possibly fu nd voucher is also included. and the catalogue is available
want is listed and illustrated. Scallies ha\'e everything from by post f rom Beatties of London. 5 Thc Broadway, South·
complete propricta ry sets to sparc parts and molOrs for gate, London, N 14. As many readers will know, Scatties
scratch builders. Included in the catalogue is an infonna- also n m a mail order department !OI the same address.
July, 1966
.... --
recent visit to the USAF base.. Alconbury brought to
M ymind t
the facllhat it won', be 100 long before the Phantom
will be one of the main types of military aircraft in English skic3.
The aircraft is due 10 be issued 10 both the RAF arK! Royal
Navy and this, plus the eJ:isting USAF units, wiU make it com-
monplace for the spotter.
A large number of Phantoms are already stationed at Bent·
waters and Akonbury although, in the latter case, the aircraft
are of the RF4C photo-reconnaissance ve~ion.
The Airfix kit of the fighter scn'cs as an excellent basis for a
convcrJion and as the kit itself is basically accurate there is
link: 10 do apan from providing a new nose. This operation,
allhough it sounds simple enough does have a few problems
and I hope that my cllplanation of how I did lhejob will provide
the model maker with an interesting and practical example
of what can be done with a few pieces of baba ",ood and a little
ingenuity. STAGE 1 The rllSelqc. t.IU book Md coekpit dort.IU are .......bIed Md
len 10 cif)' IIIooroup!Y. Cu.t 06 Iba _ oectioo 00 tM liDo or the coekpil
RF-4C.s are standard equipment in all USAF. Navy and ~Y. The low ... "'ilia balv. t:I.II be aaemblcd GO 10 Iba rat or the mo<Icl
Marine squadrons. I ha\e. ho .....ever. chosen as the subject for . . t:I.II the caaioo iataka.
my conversion an aircraft that equips the unit based at Alcon-
bury mosdy because I was able to have a close look at this
aircraft recently.

STAGE 2 I fouad tlun .. _ CODe rrom tM A1rb Mlrac' III kit .....
IcIooll ror the PIIIIlIlOOll ",","";on. h aI.o hq the IWlYanIAte or .. ""* prObe
wbleb ",,- sboneotd Ilu lbe plaa cua1)". A block 01 balM Ia.ud; becweea
the Mlnp III _ and !be Pban«l<fl.l<cyiq ia both CDIb by carvilla .. "'~ ..
ImIJI pan Won ~ II Itr.lo the ~c poIilloo. It It belt 10 apcad
.. UtUe ~ 001 IhiI u tM .-11 wru make .. " ' - IIftcI IRON wOlI<abIe
IIIICtioo Tor btu operatiom. 1 !/MId pObstyraoc CCCDalI ror !be joiaL
AlRI/X ma,ozine
,.,.,. caI'M .... windows 0/1

~-:1::;oIoJ:... - 0/1 •

/ l ~cBi) @ 1::-) ',: USAf RF-4C Ise Sqn, 10th Tac Recce Wln"
- ......r Alconbury, Hunts, UK


• "

Gull Grn IIad: Whiq

Dra.l" •• 10, lUehard L. W",d

•..... • •
"- 'M

STAGE 3 1 IeftI1Iu.w_t.o~o.llfor
_ than ...... k belon: I ItatUd la wor1< GO il.
USHC 1tF--41 ....... co ... ThIs It probab!J' more lime IIwI is.-...ry. but
1 .. 1'10 151,.,50 .. !.be ...... llma I1 I. ImPOl1&QI to tet iotou
la ~ OUllboroclahlJ. Tbo INIJsr. is carved away
witb • kaifc rollcrwiaa the ""'Ib sbapo ..,quirN.
ThIs is lben ........,. la Iba sbapo tboWII iD tbc
pbotoarapb wllld:l Its IoQk:alIy 10 !.be ...aioa
"",.... DOlI aM WUCl &ad ..... bulp .........
u.. 1'IatoI.,. wllld:l _ ..... _ 0( eametaI.
~ 10 IoaVD D I\at turf..,., _ elICIt .ode
ollho _ ~ to lbo obapc tboWII

'" Iba ~ aod P'&A-

Continued <m next page
July. 1966 J4S

~ u.s.

Plctur .. of USAf and USHC II.f..4Cs by I'I<Oonn.1I Alr<:ra/t Corp.


STAGE 5 This i. ,he final poIWtina SIalIC. With ~aryi ... lI.adel ohand_
papo. I sJo,,·ly redu<;e<i lhe balsa and fin., to lhe requi red ..... pe. The lJIIalJ
in\.akcs in the ,ides of Ibe nMc are made with a needle file ~.,..,fulJy worked
in.n the oidet. Once ~ompl .... tile whole _ion i• .,~cn a _,inll of clear
dope! and 'ala.lm PO ....... allo ...·ed In dJy and Iben POli,bed. The o""'.'ion it
repoaled as _ny limeo., nceessary un.illhe 6nal ""OOIh shape i. ,udy for
paintinll. It i. here ,hal the nose prohe and the ..... of the modcl parU ate
finally addod.

MARKINGS Most of the markinp for Ihit con~roion ca_ from

thecollectioo lllal l llavebuillupOVc • • he )·.aB. T ... ·U.S. AIR FO RCE' for
cumple cam. (rom " Re~ll T bundcrcbjo,r kil. lhe ' R _ · markinp
STAGE 4 Two Met iorll or. ineh balsa .rc then Il""k to uc" side o(the on lhe nose came from lhe Airfi~ F,5 and .he remain"'" Includillll lhe
n.".., and anfllM. is placed unokr the f1~. Tbe ""ape of each ;. ,o"CnlW carne,a ports WU1I cui f«lm SI.ipS of""lour lran,fe,. The US ola. In"pia
by the: .ir intakes and camera bur.c shown in the plat!. T he photocraph show. ..,.,me from ,he on.,nal kit. The nUme,OUS "cncil i,,"lructions on tbe
that tMw look. linle roullh but Ibia .we.n', mauer .. the pit<:a arc much p,ototy"" .''''rafl ,.cre oimulated by lb. careful u'"" of a mappiI\iC pen
thicker than n«ded and are sanded dowo to the required shape.. It i. beue. and drawint in k.
10 hav. loo much Iban loo littk. At this staae an crack. and unwanted miuile
housi .... under tbe ",np arc filled ";th H .. rnb.ol fillet, The model i. now ... ,
"';de 10 dry lhoroualllY once

PAINTIN' The prototype for my modcl ha. the normal IfeY

10P .. <Iet and white undnncath. All P hantoms arc 10 be eamouftaiW la,e,
btu I p"'[erred at this ~ to model an &ira-an tMt t k ..... ,.the. than
...... which miahl bave varia,io", to , IN! "'~ al • late, da'e.
lMre', 00 tul '1tnia/lI-from-lbe.po,' colour 10 ",alch the "ey of
the USAF upper .urf..... -..4 Ihis has to be mixed. Tbe colou. of ''''';el
orifice .rea w&I punle.! a mixl ...... of black and ropper 10 ai,·. lhe .iabt
tOM. Wher... hne arcas well as lbe rudde, and " l... !IaP* appoar allainll
the .,ey I m..,k«l oll"tbe arca . equirfll wilh Sellot.po 10 tcl,lI.arp. ~Ioarly
... fined and mai.." lina. Similarly •• he ii."or lb. ap"",," on tbe ulil
uni t and wo ... loadi ... «111<'1 ... r. produced by mask,nl OUt .a,ber ,h.n
Iryina '0 do , he job &\raiJllt 011" ,.i,h a brush.

]01' A/RFIX magazine

Thi. co mple tely re-st)'led monthl,

LOOK ma,u in. Coy.... _n
aspects of the mod.1
motorln, hobby, with re,lIl.r Articles
OUT on slo t rael", can and c::ircults, kit
build' nr. co nyen' n, and custom'.in..
FOR military mod.III" • • K tateh bulldln,
IInd collect'n• • piu. up-tHate news and
THIS r e ""ewI of 'atel t producu.
Order 11 re,,,,., copy from ),our n'''''"Ient,
prlcels 6d monthty, or uk. out 11
EXCITING posul subscriptiOn, price 36s per rur.
from t he Subscription Department,
COVER Prltchard Patent Product Co Ltd.
Pecoway, Seaton, Devon.
AND SlJeClal offer to read.,. of Alrflx MOlo;u,..
You can obtain iI specimen copy of the
FIND Ju ly b .ue or Min iature Auto (or Is 6d,

OUT -------
Indudl", po. ta, •• by flllln, ln thll (orm.
"'-"'....., _ . cot>'oI .... Jul, ..... 0111 1001 ...... AulO
.. tlo .....dol _ \ ..,... prko. of 10 W .
BY NAME ........ .......................................... 0 ••

READING ADDRESS ............ ....... ............................ .

July, 1966
' Photop.lce' has now become a
reaular (" .. tu re, and further pictures
will be published as available.
We would be pleased to consider
any contributions from re;aders.
p;articul;a,ly of squadron aircraft or
in terestl", colour ,chemes, ilnd ..
free Alrfb: kit will be awarded for
each picture used. Would Intendlna
contributors please note, however,
ttl;at photOlraphs s ubmitted .hould
be prlnte topyr'aht.
Owln, to spOI.cellmltations, It m .. y
be necessary to hold pictures for a
fe w months before publication. T o
ensu r e n f t! return , pleasll write your
name .. nd add res. on t he bade of e41ch
print. W e ca nnot ust! press tuttlo" .

Captions: M. J . F. BOWYER

Last month we feawred some photo.

grap/rs from Gril/in Murphey, alrd
othus are sho ..... n Oil Ihis page. Top:
A P-47 D from the 346 Fightu Sqn,
350 Fightu Gp, of the 12 Air Forcc.
Just bclow the radio mast on both
sides of the aircraft thc squadron The unit ~'aJ known as the
'Cha:kerboard Sq.,odron' bec6use of

• • -. the b/ack-ol'u-sih'u checks on thc

mddu. Abo.'c: A camou/laged P-47D
thal W(I.J /10"''' by Col Schilli"g whcn
wilh Ihc J6 Fighur Gp. Colour
scheme is thouglll to be dark green
o l'er oIh'e drab, Note Ihe underwing
in ,'asiOIl slripes and a red front por-
lioll of the cowling,
Top: This 8-I7F-llj ~'as coded /I-P
QIId WIU at ont lime pown by General
Cur1is uM~ be/ort he rtuivtd a
rtp/(lCcmml aircraft. On the port side
"'us the legend 'We the People'.
Aoo'c: B·24s from the 464 BomMr
Gp 0/ Ihl! IS Air Force. White 'Nan'
belollged to 778 BS. while black 'Nan'
was the PFF ship of 779 BS. A
famous picwre shows black 'Non' OIl
its back with tfre port wing breaking
00. Like /'Io F s1lips in JJ AF,
she was ol'u,1I1 dull

Abo.'c: L1180; G9K W/lS 'hc Walrus

M/onging 10 H MS Shcffleld. Shl! was
pictured by L. WUlumllll just bcforc
'he lcut war.
AfRFIX mquine
Introduttion of the A irlht Flreny kit
and our two Prome articles on this
famous aircraft have aroused a ,ood
dui oflnterestand requ e u.formore
pictures. On this pa,e, M. J . F.
Bowyer prelenu some rare factory
shou of early Firefly •.

Top rill.hl: ZI816 tilt prOIQIY!H Fire-

/ly shortly altu its completion. Noft
tht rt,ddu lwIall~, IJr«n brOM'II
)'1'11010' finish. unt~ulur undtrcurriuge
luirillg pialI', CIIIUM'U)' lor reur "islon
behind pilol's canopy. RI"hl: Tht
sumI' aircralt btlore painting, It had
(111)' a small serial Oil tile fllu/agt
I'I'I/m pllolograplltd.

Abo.e : If coIo"rful con,'trsion and

/inish lor all Atr/iX Firefl), M'Ollld In
V T497:$91 of 718 '8' Sqll from
R NlfS H aJ Far, Malla. tarfy in 19$9,
This Inu u 'drollI" colII'usion Irom a
redlllldwu M" $. desigllated U9. These
aircrafl l'Ie,t ",aillly tued as fleet
guided miHile largtts,

Top: Z10J$ a Jate product/Oil Mk I

with Ihe 'semi - domed' forward
Ca/lOp)'. NOlI' 1111' aerial tXltIlSioll./or'
wani alld abJellct 01 call1lOIl lairlllgs.
Ab<ne: ZIt!7$, till NF 11 ....itll slate
tOllts / sky c(JltlolI{lage (Jlld Qlle 0/ ils
wdo",es yisible,

Abon: The first Fin"y M k J T rainer in bllle and sih 'er finish with FI in
black, k/ore becomill( M87j() once mono
Lerr: Flight UeldenUllt C. J. D , Scho~ld Stili liS Ihis "ieM' 01 a prestfl'ed
ex·R AA F M llslang which "ecamt «fOSS i" a /illillB sfaJion fo rtc-ourt, LaI'ertOn,
Victoria, while dri"ing from M ellHJllrne 10 Get/ong. Serial/I'd A68- IO$, the
aircralt has blad spinnu, anti-daule pond and code numkr on nose.
Inscription 'Fleet Wings" w/u painted in " d IIIIdu Ihe exhausts. In the bad-
yard of 'he garage M'/U a preserved Hafl'ard, Does anyont know m ore about
the hislory 01 ,his partiC1l/ar M lIs/(IIIgJ
July, 1966 H'
All F-SA of the Royal Norwcgian Air Forcc. f 'il! ~crinl is nl/Mtllcd ""i,hin USAF rtlllgc.
UE first military aircraft dClligned and de~eloped in the three N-156F protOt)pcs and a further machine fOr stalic
T USA specifically to meet milItary requlremenu and oon- tests. The firsl, 59·4987 ....l lh t..... o General Electric
ditions in the Free World beyond North America is the GE YJ 8S-GE- 1 engines wi thou t after-burners, made its
Northrop F-S. Carrying up to 6.200 Jb of e~ternal load- maiden flight on Jul y 30, 1959. Revised engines arld after-
bombs, rod-eu, missilC$-it MI5 more payload per pound of burncrs "'ere later filted.
aircraft than a ny other of toda) '5 supersonic aircraft. Mcan"'hile there had been cOn5lderable re-appraisal of
Furthermore it has demonstrated a high le\ el of comba t the entire project and the third aircraft was then cancelled.
effectiHme55, allo",ing more air- During 115 makers' and official
craft for more frequent sorties, trials the N- 156F had shown
fUllurn-round limes, 10'" main- great promise, and the changing
tcnance and manpowe r require- ",orld situation ""here the need
ments and an ability to operate for rU&l!OO fighters for small

0 rt h ro p
Crom rough short fields and 5OI1e wars was becoming in-
~ra5S strips. For the model cteasingly apparent led to re-
maler it offers itself in IWO instatcment of the -156F in
SImple fo rms and in the colours April. 1962. It was also clear
01 nine nations, that No nhrop'. initial Idea, of a

The F-5 "'U the outcome of a replacemenlt}J)e for Air Forces
tou r made b) Northrop officials supplied under the mutual
to NATO and SEATO countries defence Kheme, "'ould now be
in 1954. Their fi ndings .... ere likely to bear fru it If a suffi-
embodied in the N- 156F, a ciently enterprising sales pro-

F·I ght er
simple, rugged, \crsatile, twin- gramme were adopled . Follow-
jet IIrike-reconnaissancc-inler- ing the October, 1962, an-
ceptor fighter, also available as nouncemenl, the fighter became
the N-IS6T, a t ..... o-seat opera- known as the F-5, The third
ti0':llll tra iner. 1 ~ ..... as the laller machine was then completed, in-
",hlch first Interested the corporating modifications indi-
USAF. The)' ordered four as cated by trials. As 59-4989 it
YT-38s and placed production first new in J uly, 1963,
o rders for a development, the T-38 Talon. designated F-SA. Iu stronger ",in& could carr), a ..... ider
Enooul2ged by this, Nonhrop dccided to proceed "'ith the asso rtmenl of stores. It had a stronger undercarriage and up-
N-156F fighter as a private ,'enture in February, 1958, rated J85 en&ines.
Already the US GO\'ernment wu interested in the type as a The first production-t)·pe F-Ss, 63-8367 (YF-5A/N600 I,
possible replacemenl for ageing aircraft supplied to friendly fint flown September 12, 1963) a nd 63-8368 (NF-5A/N6004,
countries unde r Ihe Mutua l Security Programme, but it ..... as firSt flown October 19, 1963) were , ubjected to intensive
Oc1ober 22, 1962, before the USAF announced that it had lestS, Up to 6,200 Ib external load eould be ca rried, including
awa rded a 20 million dollar contract for F-S production. va rious combinations of bombs, rockets, Bull pup missiles,
At the end of 19S8 the American Go\'ernment ordered Sidewinders, drop tank,s and napalm tanks, Tip ta nu, pylon
3" AJRFIX m1luine
tanks, Slngh:'poinl in·f1'lhl refuelling and a dral chute for
Iandmg, .... ere other features, Two M-39 cannon .... ere filled
in the nose. Trials especiall)' centred on dlSCovertng \lhat
hmlted around support ",as nece~ry for the au'Cnaft.
A new \"C['5ioll appea red in Febmary 1964, the F-5B
(l"I800 1, first flo\lll as 63·8438 on Febmary 28) featurinl a
second cre'" place and e)(tra forward cocl.PIt replacllll the
t"'o-cannon installatioll_
After eV1lluating other'!e contenders the No{\\elian
Air Force decided earl) in 1%4 to acqUlTe r·SAs and F·S8s,
64 of \lhich ",ere ordered III Februar) to eqUip three
squadrons. The first a,rcrafl new in June 1965. and deh\er)
of the order-nO\l increased to 68-is currently un<lerway.
With an initial climb nue laking it to 30,000 feet in a
minute, a combat ceiling of over 50,000 leet and a lOp speed
of Mach 1.4 in clean condition, the F-SA ""IS seen to be a
fOnTIldable aeroplalle especiaU) .... hen these characteristics
.... ere .... edded to its roulh field capability and'" ide range of
possible loads.
The USAF recei\'ed iu first F·SA on April 30, 1964, the
4441 Combat Crew Tnaining Squadron at William:s Air
Force Dase being lhe rcclpient. Its all1:raft have included
63·8377, 63·8380 and 63-8445. In an effort 10 promote further
~lI les an FS toured 12 European and Middle East coun-
tries bet .... een JUrlC IS and September 15, 1964. WhjJst
this tour was undef'\llay the US Department of Ilcknee
announced that sales had been Ilegotiated "'ith seven n!tiOns
-Nof'\ll1l), mll, Korea, Gr=, Turke)-, the PhIlippines and
l"ationalist China. The Greek had decided 10 order 40.
sufficient for t .... o squadrons. On the da) before the tour
ended the fiT5t Allied pilots began trainlllg at \\ ilJiams AFB.
In February, 1965, Northrop signed a licence alreeffient
with Construcciones Aeronautics. SA (CASA) for the pro-
duction of F·Ss for the Spanish Air Force. Under the agree_
ment CASA will perform partial manufacture and assembly
or 70 F-Ss, deliver) of "'hich is to begm next )ear. l"Iorthrop
was able 10 announce that by February I96S sales of the
new fighter total1ed over 3S0, at a time when the British
Go\,emmtnt was nliSIUidedl) cancelling the revolutionary
PI 154, and vacillating O\'er the 1'1127 which could have done
all and more than the F-5 had a more intel1igent pro·
grammt been followed.
Februar),. 1965, 51'" the de!iv"ery of F·Ss to the first
Imperial Irnnian Air Force squadron to be equipped. at
Teheran. Ira n's order stands at 91 ai~rart, to equip three AooH', top to oollonl: 61-84/6 d~picts Ih~ Iik~/y look 0/ a
squadrons. Oimatic tCS15 "'ere completed in M a~h, &CV"en RCAI Cf·SA. mll~u ("omoufl(1g~ OUld(1I~J IlIiJ otlemp' ,
months after commencement, and particularly imponant 18448 iJ a F·58. and .JS4().I iJ 1/11 F-SA, botl! 0/ III~ ROK
now tbat the machine was to see world-",ide service. Ameri. Ai, I tJr("(". Third r,~~d/HII J-ighle, F-S, 59-4989. /lIlIy
can forces in the Pacific had ahead)' sampled an F-SD, and /(mdl'd ..·iIIl IIIIII.J and bombs. 1I haJ (1 blocl. all/i·da:;:;le
1111111'f. Two F·jAr wkl' otl /u, a wcti("a!missioll in Vielllom
on April 30, the first squadron of the South Korean Air NI'I"l'sl is /11/6 al/d bdliml is 11311. 8c1 o~ : A line 0/
Force to have F-Ss was equipped. In June and J uly, 1965 . ROWlllrunial/ Air I orr~ r-SAs ...ilh USAF uria/r. Nearest
COflfilIU~d 011 Ile;£1 page oircra/t is sub;uI 0/ A{rfix 1.;1.

July. 1966 J5I

an F-~B loured Btllium and Holland in a further Slage of

the sales campaian and, on July I, the Iranian Air Force
declared its first F·j squadron as combat ready at Mehrabad.
A further milestone in the F-S IIOry came on July IS,
when the first Greek Air Force squadron equipped. On the
same day the Canadian M inister of Defence announced mal
the RCAF had selected the F-S for licensed production by
C&nadair Ltd, of Monlreal. After conSidering 14 types of
aircraft for the new 'Global-Mobile' Command for rnpid
o\erseas deployment the Clnadian Government chose the
F-S , to be built as the CF-S. About 125 are likely 10 be built,
20 of them GP-SBs, and the CF'-S will feature engines of
higher thrust, in-flipt refuelling, and other modifications.
The next major slale in the F-S', career came about in
September, 1965, on the first day of which the 106 Fighter

h ili
13,. 0 7\... 1'~:-_ _
..J l -~ . . --
= ;~'=
-_ '.'' •• ' :;=::::~~iJ
. =:::5, -T _-


Abou', lOP 10 bollom: A KC-I)j sllc4ln tl"u F·jAs m
rOlllt Jor Vie'"om. Aeores, machillt Is 6/-13)1 13331. All
art ItI JOllr-/O"e comOllpm:e. All r-jA oJ Tactical Air
Commalld drops iu bomb load Oil a tmill;IIg sonie. 38419,
eamoupagtd in the IIslml $1)'/1', drops bombs OIl u Viet Cotlg
positioll. Turkish A;r Forct F-js.
I)r""'ing rilthl, lOP 10 bollom: All F-jA ill CUIIlouflage mur/,;-
illCs, applied for sen'iee ill Viefl/ IIIII . All colo,lfs mall.
'lVhile' described as slightly oO-wlrite. All F-jA oJ Tactical
Air Commalld .... hose fin flas/r details call bt seell in the Drawl",. ~, A. H . Ald.non
1l«0l/l{l(lIlJilll diagram. All F-jA oJ Ihe Ti,rkish Air Force.

m NRFIX maeuine
Squadron of the Republic of Korea Air Force was declared
operational at SUlo,on AFn. On September 16, the American
Secretary of Odenee announced that combat evaluation of The A-frame \las ph-oted forv.ard tor hoisting operations
12 F-5s was to ta~e place in South Vietnam, and be con- on the real vehicle.
ducted by the 'Sloshi Tiler' 4503 Tactical Fighter Squadron. Right forward of the superstructure \las a 2 inch smoke
1 he latter arrived at Bien Ifoa Air Base on October 23, mortar "'hieh .... as fired , if ncCCM3.r~ , for covcr during
1965. and ne ... its first t ...o 5Orti~ on the tame day. T",o da)'s rccmery operations. Note that is is sla~ed agamst the
later more F-5s arriH:d in the Far Easl wilh the first superstructure. If your modcl has hori10ntal volute sus-
d ~ lheries bein, made 10 the l' hlliPPUlcs Air Force at Basa pension Me mine, )OU \1111 find Ihat the tracls arc wider
Air Base, Pampanga. Berofe 196~ ended Turle} had re- o\erall than the superstructure. They are cO\'ered br the
ceived its first F-~s , Ii~ewise the Rcpublic of o.ina. About track guard dra\ln at 0 which protrudes from the hull
700 F-Ss arc now on order or programmed for at lcast nine sides ... hen cemented beneath the hull. All that remains is
a ir forces. Ihe detailing and this includes a tubular steel to\l-bar on
In Vietnam the F-S has now been Htensively tested and. the left side, aft. There arc spare road ... heels at each
by early February. 2.000 sorties had been flown. The el(- corner of the hull and on the superstructure front, plus
amples based there ha\e ta~en on added interest in rC("('nt numerous spare parts and track shoe•.
months by acquiring four-tone camoufla,e which has, of late. Finally a tow rope is rigged from the roller in the super-
been e;\t('nded 10 many t)'p.t's of American tactical aircrafl_ st ru cture, o\er the shea\e in the A-frame, and a spare
With the coming of camouflagc the dcletion of uni t marlings tow rope is draped round the superstructure base.
~ems to ha\'c come about, although the Americans ha\'e
always bo.!en eager to decoratc their at':roplanes in bright
eoloun and unique st)'les, .ro Io,e may hope to sce almost a POST -WAR AVRE
return to the fascinating marJdngs of the wartime dars. INAl I Y this O1onlh, wc look at the post-war version
At fint glance the camouflaged fighters. bombers and
transports appear to ... ear a grecn-bro",n-\lhite finiSh , but
F of the AVRE (armoured vehicle, Roral Engineers).
I'his is a Icry suitable beginner's conver~ion for an}'one
closer inspc<:tion reveals this to be far from true. Two shades who has not tried mIlitary modelling before. The AVRE
of green arc cmplo)ed, officially dcsignated Dark Green and Ml 7. to use ilS omeial designation, was a conw:rsion of
Green. '!lle mid-bro"'n colouring is known as Tan, and the the standard M~ 7 Churchill to replace the older war-built
off-\lhite undersurfaccs like the remainder of the aircraft afe AVREs of the Royal Enlineers. They featured a much-
painted in 'cry matt colours. Paintwork has been sprayed improved 6.S inch demo lition gun, breech-loaded, in place
on and all but merges, making true model rcpresentation of the old I'elard mortar and \lere more versatile than the
e\'tremely difficult unless a spray unit is used-no small earlier desilns.
tas~ on such a model. A mixture of turps or turbs substitute The model is made as pet Ihe Airfix instructions, except
and ~I umbrol flallener might produce q:Jite an acceptable re- that the 7S mm gun is cui off from the mantlet, together
5uh. and should the colours O\'er-rlm their edges then they \lith its co-a~ial machine-gun. An 18 mm length of 2.S mm
would be reflCl;:ting Ihe resull$ secn on some real aircraft. dIameter sprue or scrap plastic is cemented centrally to the
Such numbering as appears seems invariably to be black, mantlet and tissue paper is \lrapped round the joint.
although it may be I very dark shade of blue on some A cable reel, as for the ASSU car, is cemented to each
machines. The size of the US national insignia has been sidc of the turret and held with triangular bracket. Finally
much reduced, as can be scen in the accompanying ilIustra- S mm and 3 nlm strips of I mm wide card arc stuck on
lions. Camouflale has been applied to prescrib.:d patterns, each side as sho\ln in the pictures to represent the do~r
however, and Ihese \I'ould appear to have been largely and ClRD fiUinls, Optional fillings arc a 20 mm x 8 mm x
adhered to, with the usual anomalies creeping in. 3 mm deep 5to....'3ge bo\' on tOp of the e.~haust manifold,
acarly this is a subject \lhich holds considerable interest and a piece of serap plastic to represenl a \alise on the
for model makers, and it is one to .... hich we shall be return- turret side 10 hold the crew's bedding. Smo~e projectors
ing next month. It would be interesting, too, 10 rcceive news were standard filling.
and comments on the re-introduction of ca mouflage from our These Churchills had the distinction of being the lasl in
readers. M . J . F. Bowyer senice in the Bri tish Army. They survived until last rear.

OPEN DAY On Jul y 23, next, the aviati()ll society is also taking part
in a transpo rt elhibition in conjunction with the school's
hear hom the Aviation Society of I-arnham
W EGrammar School. Surrey. that Ihey are to parlicipate
model railway club. and a laraer display will be staged.
Other attractions arc scheduled for Ihis date.
\lllh a model aircraft display in Ihe school's open day on Both functions take place in the school buildings and
Salurday. July 16 ne\'t. Their display win consist of a 32 visitors will find the necessary directions at the school
'ltjua re feet airfield la)out depicting the apron, control entrance.
tU\ler, hangars and mainlenance faeililies, etc. This provides
the selling for the model aempla~ constructed by STEAM TOUR
members. HE Bristol ,roup of the Great Weslern Society are to
Though the open day is intended mainly for relatives and T hold a steam rail-tour of part of the old GWR area on
friend~. Ihe sociely would welcome any AtRFtX maga1;ne Sunday. Jul y 17. Route will cover Bristol , Birmingham,
reader living in the area v.h o milhl lile to look at this Tyesly, Tutnell G~n and Stourbridge. with motive power
model aircrafl display. To ensure admittance, we recom- north of Gloucester provided by 7808 Cookh(ltn Monor.
mend that any intending visitor tale a copy of this mala- Full details of the tour can be obtained from A. Kippax,
zine to show at the door. 70 Coldharbour Road, Redlands, Bristol. 6.
July, 1966 J5J
New kits and models
Replica Decal's oriainal selS of markinp contained sheets of
GOLDEN MODEL both 1:72 and I :48 scales printed on the same p;!.per. This was
na\our of the Spanish Main is captured by the latest
ship kit released by Rc\'cll (GB) Ltd. They ha\'C chosen Sir
a mistake a5 few want to buy the same marking!l twice in two
different scales. The problem has now been overcome and this
Franci! Drake's Goldt''' Hind as the subject of their new model latest release contains individual sheets for the two scales
and \It arc, at the lime of going 10 press, engaged in the not costing six shillings each. The price is cxpcnsh'e but they are
ioconsiderabJe tllsk of assembling what turns Oul to be a kit worth the money.
in the 'super detail' class. The instruction booK provided, Apart from the pilots' liircrart markings each sheet has
",\iich includes a detai led history of the ship. has no less than swastikas and crosses of a better quality than those provided
12 pages packed with assembly details, and the hundreds of in any of the kits produced of the Fw 190 or Bf 109. An instruc-
tiny parts include minute accurate replicas of rigging blocks, tion sheet which aOCl with the tmnsfers gives eamounage
rigging tackles, belaying pins, and deadeyes. patlem instructions and positions for the markings.
Provision is made for running riuing that really works, and Hisairdec have also produced some new transfers this month.
other plcasint features include cannons with elevating b:mels Four small packs of British roundels and fin stripes arc provided
and recoil ropes, a IXlmp, y,hipsUlff, dog figurehead, and even at Js 6d per pack. The divisions are: fin flashes, early and late
oars for the ship's boaL In fact, the amount of detail is quite war, red and blue upper wing roundels, and two sets of fuselage
astonishina. and Revcll, who already have a aood reputation roundels, one pre-I942 and the other for the period following
for their saWn, iIlip kits, ha,e certainly maintained their this and immediately post-war.
standards with this one. They are all to the same high standard which is being main-
No scale is ah·en for this model, but since it is just over a tained by this manufacturer and have authentic colours and
foot long we reckon it to be in the DO/HO category. This is sizes. Modellen will appreciate the extra small si;al of fuselage
confirmed by the heiJht of the cre....- yes, fhe figures are side markinas which are not common in the available kits and
provided-who scale out at !I fccI 6 inches. Sir Francis Drake can be very difficult to reproduce for some conversions. BMW
is included amon, the fiaures, incidentally. Complete with Models ha\'e stocks of these latest Hisairdcc releases. A.IV.II.
display stand, sails, naas, decals, and rigging thread, the
Re\'ell Gorthff lIi"d costs 145 lid. C.O.E. BIG SHERMAN
military modclkrs will be familiar with the Shcrman
tank of World War 2 fame, and anyone with the
Airtix model will instantly recoanise the larger scale version of
R EPLICA Decal is one of those fimlS which printed several
sheets of Gennan transfers among their early releases. this verucle that has now been introduocd by Revell (G8) Ltd.
In fact, the Revell model is to 1:40 scale, and the manufacturers
Their latest sheets contain markings for several more Luftwaffe
aces iocludina Molders, Wick and Marseille. have. therefore, been able to incorporate a lot of fine detail into
AlthouJh a sliJht criticism is due for the somewhat repetitive this kit.
subject mattcr chosen, the transfcrs themselves are of the very The Sherman version representod in the Re'·ell kit is the
highest quality. They number amongst the best we have secn, M4A I type fitted with E8 type horizontal volute suspension.
and 'are all silk screen printed rather than Jithoed like those It thus has the rounded cast hull instead of the angular wclded
in plastic kits. The marking!l are also on individual slide bases hull depicted in the Airtix kit. The tracks are wider tha n the hull
which gcts over the problem of having to cut round each piece. with this suspension and the appearance differs considerably
from the Airtix version.
Revel!"s model is cleanly and accurately moulded in olive
drab plastic. Construction is quite straiahtforward with the aid
of a well illustrated instruction sheet. The turret can be
tr.l'·crsed and the aun eleV".Ited, while the wheels and track
revolve, and the bogies pivot. A tank commander is provided
as are two infantry figures. Cost of the kit is 10s 6d, good ,·alue
for the detail offered. C.O.E.

of the best model cars we'\'e scen for a long time has
LosI monlh we mtntiontd tflt ntw Gt-Gt SI/Iky racing sels.
just been released in the Corgi OasslC range. It is an
Hue (Ire two o/llIe Slllkits showing Ihe gllide JhtH:. British excellent replica of the 1912 RoUs-Royoe 'Sth·er Ghost', scaled
importtrs (In A B Kroner Ltd, 31 Mill Lone, Lolldon, NW6. to I :43 and replete in detail. It has a PuUman type limousine

,... who can supply trode only. body by Barker, full chassis detail, authentically treaded tyres,
AlRFIX maauine

a roof luuaae rack, full interior, plated li&hts, and the classic
R·R radIator surmounted by the traditional mascol. 1ne body
mouldIngs and windo ....'S are particularly well finished. This is a
real collcclors' piece and retails at 14s 6<1.
Also mtroduced by COl'ii is a VolLswaaen finished as a
German police patrol car, complete with two policemen and a
blue roof beacon. This fitting is used as a steering control to the
front wheels giving a turning cirtle of scale proporlions.
I lI1ishcd in green and while, this model sells at 7s 9d. CO.E,

CQUNTR Y church, complete ..... ith ,raves, is the latest
A addlllon to the lkllona OO{UO scale scenic model range.
It is in typical British style, with tile roof, tower, porch, and
e~en decorative hinges on the doors. The to ....1:r is buttressed at
the corll(:rs and has a clock face on its outer wall. No hands or
figures are mouklcd on this as modellers can draw their o ....-n
desired lime on il. 1ne windo ....'S are a lw blank, since they need
to be pall1ted with a 'stained' effcct.
The model is moulded in pliant, unbreakable, buff plastic
and comes unpainted. Ordinary plastic cnamels are not suitable
for the type of plastic used in IlcJlona models so the manu-
facturers produce a spec.:ial varnish which is mixed with poster
or water colours 10 give any desired shade. This must be
purchased separately. The lkllona church is an impressh'c
size, 6 inches high and 9 inches long. The gra\'cs form part of
the base, Doors on the model are moulded in the closed
position, but they can be made to open by cutting through the
edp with a craft knife. Price is /7s, poslaJe extra. C,O.E. Top: Btllomls lie", l'il/age clwrr/l. Abme: Corgis clossic
released this month from ReveU is a 1:72 scale kit together and ....'e enjoyed maling up this model even though
of a Lancaster which has obviously utilised some of the rubbing down the rh·et heads took some time.
Tral\!lfers are provided for the aircraft coded PO-S of 467
moulds already a\'ailable from the previous 617 Squadron
am:raftkit with the Wallis bomb. Squadron which now graces the gate at RAF Scumpton and
This model is a good one and has numerous features. The markinas are also included for the 5:1100 aircraft when it was with
bomb doors open, there are movin, elevlllors, rudders, ailerons 83 Squadron. The kit costs J25 6<1. A.W.lf.
0.11(.1 naps, and the underc:miage retracts,
The model is aocurate in most of its dimensions though the MORE FROM JAPAN
rivet detail is very heavy. So too are the representations of
fuselage windo\\-"5 ..... hich are best filled in when making the model. T wo new kits are available from BMW Models of Wimble-
don this month, imported from Japan. They are 1:50 scale
We sough t a Lane which did not have these for the sample kit replicas of the Ki44 Shaki 'Tojo' and the Mitsubishi A6M7
and, as the photographs show, found an excellent one in an Zero-Sen produced by Tamiya.
immediate post·war Lancaster belonging to 404 Squadron, Both of these kits ha\'e been secn before in 1:72 scale from the
RCAF. Modifw:ations had to be made in deleting the top turret same manufacturer and we thinlc that Tamlya oUght to be con-
and adding a H2S scanner under the rear fuselage, but these gratulated in the production of mod.-:ls in two scales for the
were ea5Y additions. cnthusiasts.
Like most of its contemporaries the Revel! Lancaster is well As usual in the larger scale kits, Tamiya ha~e provided a
m:lde and the moulds show vcry little flash. The 7) parts fit well means of motorising the propellors. The actual electric motors
are not included in the kits but the connections are. The Zero
has 47 parts and the Tojo 41 , Both nre moulded in dark green
plastic and are easy to fit together. Apart from the provision
for motorising the propellor, the kits have retractable under-
carriages and moving flaps and ailerons.
The price of each kit is 125 6<1. A.IV.H.

BOll1 cars and aircraft figure among the new releases
from Profile I'ublications. We ha\e just been reading Car
Profiles 9-12 \\-hich co\·er the Auburn Straight Eight, Bugatti
35, Alvis SpiX'd 20 and 25, and Ferrari 625 / 555 respectivcly.
Aircraft I'rofiles cover the D/-I 3, the Grumman F3F
(·Gulfha .... k'), Bristol Blenheim , Fw I09D / Ta1l52, F ·84F
Thunderstrcak, and DC·3.
1:72 La,',",UIl'f'. COIII'crtr(/ here I)rice of each ' Profile' is 25, and they can be had from
Hall 10 a ReAF "wc/ri/If. most model &hops and many bookshops. C.O.E.
July. 1966 m
Another average buyer Army ~ehicles (Cl lIrtlllery tractor1, ~hould al'<O be undcrtal.en, but these are
Ci[roc:n half.tracks) were painted dark ~erv tri~ial a nd probably not ",orth the
1 AM afraid Mc l'jltam In your May olive drab, almost dark Ireen. AFVs had Irouble,
LS5ue hll.$ ratbc:r let the cat out of the a ,rccn-earth-brown c:amouflaae st:hemc:. I l a~ any other rcader n:achc:d this
ba,. Yes, I am another woo atm051 Durin, the 1939-40 pcClod. numerous concius.ion, 1 wonder?
c.uctJy meets b4 spcgfication for Mc camoull.igc: scbc:me. wen: adopted on J. W. Sum.·an. Auc:klaDd.
Aver. Buyer. I am .00 acquainted r«(uisitioned ci~ilian vehicles .... ith IlSUllIy Ne~ baland.
WIth ICveral otbcrs bere in Montrclll. earth-arecD-brown colours Arterwards.
Howevcr----.od. I suspect ~ applies 10 Free French Forces and North AfrJC<ln
many of our hod-J was also a ~nool. Fn:nch Forces had Briti$h, American or Popski's Private Army
boy buyer. TbJs at a umc when the 1: 12 Canadian vehicles With thclr IChemcs, no A LEn'ER in the lut lS5ue of AI.FIX
tealc models of prototypu WIth retract·
uDdercarria&e5 were also 100 equipped.
I remember that an M e 109 1:11 at tile
Post-war, the: F~nch Army went hack
10 plain o"~e drab . .,imilar 10 thc p~scnt
magarine about SAS armed Jeeps
made me wonder if any other readcC$
time (1 938) notc(1 Utallhouah the would hlr.:e to add to tbcu collections an
US shade, The military models nlnge imcrcsting ~a nant of \.his type, The J eePs
modeller mi&hl experience difficulty With (rom OlOky Toys (Franu) worJ(s displays of 'Popskj'. Pri~ate Army'. which oper-
the:: operallon of the rcltac4na under- Ih" present ICheme: ated ID Nortb Africa and Italy durin,
carr~ae. I.bc pilots of the Luftwaffe were l\Iarc:d G:tbriel, K"'-le- D~, fo-r~.
ea:peneDtiq • ilaular problem I
lbe Luftwatfe wlved lhur problem. what
,ues!I Ihe last war, wcre armed with a 0.5 inch
Brownin, MO (from the M3 kit) on the
about the kit maDuCaduren1 Tale of a tail bonnet, and a 0.) inch Bro........iDl al the
ri,ht rear of the: vehicle. the: ,p.;Ire wbc:c:1
1 would. l.i.kc 10 enqUire throu&h your
journal If .nyone could .dvise me how H Aorl~~r a=lI:nt'e~~t~AbU~~l°i! bei"a mo~cd to the other side: to make
room for the rnountioa pillar,
to obtain lhc ribbed dIcel of fabrIC RNZAF colours, and madc !iOlnemin, The book 'I>rivnle Army' by V. Penia-
covered wings. Thil; js for wovenioll! of a mCSli of it, I ha~e intended ever kofr. who led the unit. has load photO$
where new winp have 10. be made up since: to construct anothcr one, When of Jl'CPS armed in thu way bolh on the
from wood, I have tried vaclOU£ combina. the Deccmber 1966 issue of 'Flyin, mo~e and in action. and ma~es inlen:slina
Liolll DC cotton let into ICOrc lines and Review International' arri~«I. therefore:, readina about the: ac[i~ities of such a unit.
varnidled over, but the dfe( <j I ~m to cOlltaining two plJCS or 1'-10 p~ofile d l"lw- PlluI 1. - . , Wallil!l&ford, Jkrt.s.
Jet Ire lac (rom realiWe. inlS. an R NZAF P40K (NZJ051) lDlODI
iOCldcntally. I don't .LoOill' how Mr than aupt my eye, and J duly pur-
P,tam orpD.IXS hia: purcbaJes, bUI J I:hascd Boother Io:il .... lIh NZ)()51 in Weathered look
rmd a amall IOn in tow on vis,its to the mind as a model.
model ahop pn:vcnts one beio& too Howevcr, a friend of mine, wbo is • I FIND that when J.cavin, an aircraft all
eo~pieuous ! UX:Ollli!;Cd authority 011 RNZAF aircra[l, sil~er If you pick out .11 the enira~cd
K. C. I'OO\-er. POUale Oalre, Canada. jlOlIllcd OUI tMt NZ30'7 was, as stated, dctall in black, It make. an ai rcra ft look
a N OK, whereas the kit reprc:scnted • much 1Il0re natural and wuthered.
1'.fQE.. wbicb MI.! " inches snorter thlIn Also when I display a moOdel with
On colour schemes the J( modd P40, When the tusc:laae of wheels down, I &cndy heat the base of
the wheell and HatteD 50 that the model
1 C.READ with pleasure the article by
0, E.l.Ii5. on camoullaac and ou.rk-
the earlier NOs Icnathcnc:d, tbe tail_
piano rem3ined where it was, while the loo~ IS if there i5 5Ome: 'iVCiaht pressing
mp, m the AIlFIX mapzme. April 1966 1nl was shIfted bad: " inches 11001 with down on the: tyreS.
~~. the rcar end of tbe f usciaae, 10 that !he R. W_ Oaapmaa. 8riahioa, s.-u.
J WWl to tell IOme particulars on Ic:adin. edge of the tailplane in the P40K
camouflage: schemes I have scen myself. was " incbes or so .hud of the kadin.
BriIWI tdI~lJlIJ9.40 edlle of the fin, instead of level with It Sailing model
DurlO, this period, an RAF air base: as in the E model. This is, oC course, R ECENTLY my mother, while dustin,.
was near my 10111'0, RAf vehicle. (lorries, Ihe a rl1lnaement in tbe kit. accidentally kooclr.:ed my model of
vans. busc., caTland ambula~ also) 'lbcn:fore: it seemed as if it would be 1he Endeavour oft the window-sill. Conse_
were p:unled medium ea rth wllh ~rcen llc:cessary to lcnltthen the fusc:ia,e 10 pro. quently various parts of It were broken.
JarJ;C palc:llCll Some: vehK:leI. prlnopally duce a P40K, However, 011 placina the As a model the E"dealiOur was now
!IQ car., werc blue Tllere were some: fuselaae ball from the kit 00 the drawin, hopclc:s.s but by the followinll mc:th,od
Rcuult VlIDIi, also blue.
M ostly, ambul~ (M orru Com-
mc:n:ialJ, etc.) were dart arcen with Red
find thal they -.Tre the .me
(which is 1:72 scale). I wa.t surprUcd to
leqth. it,
the fu§clage: of lhe kil aircraft is, in
I ",-u able to construct a 51l1p whICh
had the appearance of I yacht crossed
",ilh a JapallC!iC man-o'-wa rl This $hip
Crou emblem. length, [hat of a K or other late model was able to lloat and actually sail across
There: wa.t a RE detachment also. Tbc:ir 1'40, a pond,
lorrics ( Morris 4 li 4, Bedford. AIl$lIn) What you have in \.he kit, it seems, is firlit remo~ed \.he larlest hatch
were palOted mall khalti with dark IJCY, a P40K with the tailplane too far back, ",hich is in frODt of the main masl;
amOIl black, larac paLche!- On sides were ~nd all thal is needed 10 elIect a COll- rlC~t I poured apprOXimately thn:e-
WO numbers in white:. l... 0 Ellis sa1.' ~el"llion U to shift it forwa rd by about quarters of a jam jar of plaster of Paris
the vehicles sent to France wllh the Bl:::f " inch. 110111' this is to be done I ka~e: into thc hull. throuRb the hatch. and al-
were U5UAliy painted malt dark JfCCn to anyone who ures to Iry i[- I pro~ lowed it to dry. If you use a whole
With diirk earth p.;Itches (like the RAf to Cli[c:nd the slot forward by " IIlCh, F"d.. IJVOUf il is ~ 10 ri, and alue the
vehic:b I have seen. probably). ..uttina away the tailplane stump at the <;ails in place (sheet can be: used for this
. ' mte:k sclMma rur aCCOldin,iy, and fill up the rcsultin,; purpo§C). Iea~ing out the tOJ)rllO$t smaU
The pu-war ICbcmc: was usually oli~e pps with plaster or pLastJC filler. Some 'lail. As mmt people know, to keep a boat
drab, slightly ycllo-.'er than the finish. [JIoO(hflCf.tioll5 to the cockpit and canopy upri&ht you $hould ha.'e a keel. For this
'56 A/MIX maluine
you can use I shaped piece 0( wood Ihe years many kits ha¥e blocn ~it. are better mouldetl and deta~ed than
11.(00 10 the hull by plasta of paris. A .... ,tMra ... n and te-issual il'l im{lrO~ed and thO'iC in Airfi_~ '<Oldier ki". It 5C'C1I15 a
ludder mo.y now be Ipplir:(!, atchoulh differtnt fonn (Airfu SpItfire "Id pity that these could not be made 10 the
sttell"g can be done usin, I sail. IUl09. for cxam{lle) and thk proces~. same <talKiard.
Lastly. il is advisable 10 gM: the hun applied to ~ab"~t'd ty~ after 5Uffi- Referring. 10 C 0. Ctlis'~ il'lt~resti~
twO or evcn three coats 0( plin! to coent numbers ha\'e bttrl producrd to article on camouflage and mar~mlS III
)lulld .,aloM Imks in the hun. ~rla p,o~ide an adequlte 'reserve' ~od, the April i~uc of ArRFIX magazirJe. I
halla~t mav be needed 10 float the slu p on could rC5u lt in fresh inte'('<;t in, and re- do rl:"C3l1 that on quite a lot of U.S.
the w:lIc,hne but that is quite newed sale~ of. kits for ... hich demll'ld AI1I1Y vebic~ I saw dllrinl World War
remedied .. The resulting Ende;2vour is ha~ tapered off. 2. the identification letters "ere painled
qUIre plNSl o, when in the ""ater. though. To live some id ea of ... hat I ha~e il'l grc)' and not white as 5tutQ! in his
out 0 it, il looks rather awkward. mind. slight fuselage modification, Ill'ld art,cle.
A . " l!yne. Riddendcn, K",I . radial engin("s ... ould produce a Lon- St uart IsrIlC'I. RIttT)', Glam.
CII~tcr 11: a revio;cd noSe and enl!ine
Display board change and Do217E bccome~ Do211M;
evel'l ~maller change< are nc«Ied to re- Cry from the heart
B EING a model ai'crah r'~lic and ~1I1t il'l Beaufighter 11 or M~uito IV.
Ilnd'nlC room on Hat $u rfa~ in my Coumle-« other \lDriatiol'l~ ~ulttc~ them- V (,,-,'("RAN car modetlina enthusiast'
are londy fit;ures in the model P' es<)
bedroom d"'indhn&. , SQUghl for other ~h·C<I:. Mnd I belleve tbe cost of eom- at pre§Col. lIch month wc read enviously
methods of di5pbym& yoor ~t'l::lkl1l par.. ti¥cly small Ilteralion~ to niqin. of • F.lcat wealth of modem and milita,y
modeh. mould~ would be hal'lChomcl¥ repaid in \chic e, and aircraft (Ill rclea'IC but hndly
A ~ mv bedroom has been fairlv ~nll, \like:. I kno ... tRat the 'mod~' involved a single veletan or vintage car. The ~
cci!!ng produced rin
~.(Ieooralcd hanging models (Iom the
holes all over 11.
It was then that purcha~d I piece of
Ire not btvand the power of many
enlhu~iasts. but there mu,t be scorn of
u~ ... ho ~implv do not ha\ e the tinlC for
lecent appell1 10 be 'Ole Bitr-a tood
ilka marred by the card CUt out<. I dis-
pensed with the§C and boarded up my
",!,boI'd (ie. hardboard .... i1h II."Iula' oonYCr~ion, but who wi!;h 10 huik! a model with st"p~ of ,.turll wood from
ho cs ;n it). A piea: of wire of a suit_ large and varied collection. Further- a roll of wood strip ... all covering
able diameter al n be benl into an So mo re. me rely the sight of a new box·lid material. The whole vehicle i, paimt'd
~hepc. onc cnd beilla placed in the hole i, cnough to $('1] a kit to many model- matt d rob with relief of black tyre. an~
in the board and the other in the hole ler~, RA SC title and number in white stenc,l
pro~,dCd in the modd for Ihe stand . It S. J. lIutchluU. Taunton. SoulC'n;e t -very effceti~e COl'ltrnsl Ip inn a red!
,~ bc~t to painl the board mall ... hite white hi", glo., 'General'.
and fi~ il 10 the WlIII with picture Th~ Inlroductlon 0/ Ih,. Whlrl,,'/',d I have recent ly 'chopped' I Mercedc.~
h.:angef'. leayinfl a half_inch pp belween /fAR I kit announud Ihis ".{""h mobs ~nd Revert Pack.rd to make a 1909 h ala
the "'.111 and board. W ith a liule care Ihe 10101 01 A,.F,X tII~/I klls Ihol ha'Vt! I.aundaulct and a Cowl~ to make a
aircraft can be CllUily remoyQ! or re- bun romp/ddy "visrll lip In I".rr. In 191 3 O",ford. u,ing Lanche'ter whccl~
plaet'd. addilion. IJJ ,he ob~rvanl modrll" ",ill and R ou~ mudJUlrd'.
Dn ld Cart", London. S.W. II. "II~f' noted. many olhu Atl"'X kils ha"f'
Whm arc we lOin, to ~ more I; 32
bffn f"lnl;shed ..I,h added drlall o'"~ 'hI! Vintare and ve!ellln kit~-a ~eamer
Another theory (Northampton 8rcweric<;' 1900 Thorny-
crort or Gordon 1I0000'elJ's M ightv Alom
I TIIINK the airenft ~en hv leader
Chaffe on ~ptem!)er 3. 1939. wu Display method Fodenl---a commerCIal van ( IIarrod'$
Walker electric)? This type of kil-
mUM probablv lhe Glosler F9/37. it s ~O'Ice in m y room i~ ~e", limited, ~1ightly off the bealen Inek has heel'l
heinjl o~ of t~ few aircraft of similar
layout to the XF5F.I - ... hich did nOl fl y
A I had to find a way of di~playing ignored by III and only Ihe dieca~1
my model, in an atlmcti~e manner yet maker~ ~em to recogniJC the widespread
unlil April I. 1940. A~ it WIIS al'i() very in ~ ~mall ~pace. I overcame thi~ diffi- inlere't in commercials and ~team.
~imilar to the Br 110 it wa, probably
heing moved out of the forwa rd aroo. to
cully in Ihe following way. M . 11. Ponle. Sl r06ld. GIBS.
For aircl1lfl I d rilled ~i~ hol(:<l in Ihrce W~'r.-. dofng our bnt Mr Poo/~.
pre~ent the Klrl of confusion that rei,ned
throulhout the war_nd i5 still ,eilll'lil'l!!!
pieee, of ... ood about 18 :c 3 :c + inc~. Vi,,'ag.-. commercial ronVf'l'3/o"s apprllr
In bolh 'hiT Inu~ Imd last mon,h', anll
Into theo;e ho," I pul len,th, 0 ' metal
The ol'lly other I",io, we'e Ihe Whirl. <tloport!; for plant~. The~ are fairly ron • men are pla"nrd.-EDrro..
.. ind a nd the 8eaulill;hter-bolh incli.l.ib~ ' picuou< hilt Ihey pro~ide I \'('ry durdy
duc to ~inlle fi", (the twin fin DlofOl)[JC \U P!H><I. Hv thi~ mean. I hne made
of the latter IlOI lI y;nl unlil 1940~ il \CenC"i from World War I IrId' also from Those were the days !
~'Ou ld ha~e ~I'I French. but thal ill Ihe Cumpean arid' PacifIC theatre<! of ju~ rrad Mr 1I0ney', letter
unlilely at ~uch 11 tiny.
Such one off ~ (No 2 had Pcrc-
in thi!; month" Atlfll( magaZlIlC has
In the ca<c of q,rf.ce vehicl« T prompted me to lurn up an old Sk:ybird
Rrine!) are all thal ate left for hardwood cm'ert'd a piece of hatdoo.rd with papier
hac~el"l but ",1,,1 a ~, they .. ould make. price- li<l:. Ind th ... ha, brou"ht bad: to
m5th!!. made in the u~UII.I WlIy cxcepl mind th11 S""hird~ u<ed to sell ... hlt they
the Fantome. MB 2. 3. 5. 10.110. F5/l4 •. thal PolvfilLa i. u5Cd in.tead of I paste.
F7fJ!k Ind th e f9/31: aJ woultl lhe termed R evo1i~tic a increW5. These were
Thi ..... hen plintt'd. Il'V~ 11 ~erv Iload vcrv ,imilar to ll'OC~et and wri~t watches
.oilv roloured bet"'een-war~ I) ril~h. rough ground effect. I have 'eproduced
rrench Dnd Americal'l ty[JC!l. ~"rin~. and when ,ubstituted for the
a ~ctne from Ihe D-day landing.~, Ind aircm ft '~ propeller loo~t'd n. if il was
If Ihi~ i. published, could I appeal
for information on the 3-seat Oil%. lI.;cd
al.o a dew" SCI'Ile. revolving. I CIOn MSllre you that il gi~es
hy 20S and 3 Squadron~ for cN'Ia l Jobn H. 8m" -" . OllrHleC', Anl:U!. a vcry reali~tic effect.
reronnai,tance from Lellcha", nOl Ihe A~ "'ell IS 1;72 ~le IlImtd wooden
A W TldpoLe or the WC5lland Walru. ~il< they also produced I la~ range ~I
("hich replaced it)? Pa inting guns military equipn1C'nt includinjl: an AA Unot
I . T . C. LOOL FinninelcT, Ynrk.•• (C'O""istin~ of lorry. trailer. lun Ind
A L11IOUGH I am mainlvlI mode1air_
emft (an I haVC' built quite D num_ crew). l.IIInchC"lter armoured car, Whippet
tank and numelOU~ other item ...
her of the Airfix mintary mode] vchlea,
Conversion comer and mll'l ron,,11I1uble Aimx on their P. E. T . Ultk""Hod. ~Il:h. 8uet..5.
S OME time ago YOU were ~ind enoulth lat~t M3 lI alf-Trad. Thi, model really
to. (lUbli~h my vie .... t;Onttrnil\J. ~'" loo~< authentic .. bc-II completed.
last word
conta1l1lDl! part, to perm'l constructlOll OtIC ~m111 tip whicn T find u<cful
of vvenl \~",ion, of a particular lir- when naiming machine IIIIlS. such u the
cro ft. Sintt then. I have had furl her SO cal IlIn on the halr-tndc:, i, 10 SINCE
pUrcha,inll A,."'l( mlp-:r;ine I
<an contmuing cotre'pOndel'lce
rhouRht~ ahout thi~ OUr"Slion. and , can mi~ a ~man proportion o f sil vu 10 on the ~\lhject o f decnls. panicularly
<cc th e oh~iou, di~d~antagc~. borh for mall blac\: enamcL and when this hu method, of turning Ihe Ilos~ type mall.
manufacturer and purchaser. of ' mulli- dried on the "un to aoply n thin coat I 5Ugge~r that any modeller worth his pll
variant' kit, (added ~t. la rge number of of oil (I U'le '3-in-I' om. should always eover hb compleled model
unu.;cd part,. etc.). Dnd an al t emati~ I have often wondered why the Army with a mal! YlImi,h!
,ul!~tion may be of intere<t. figures included in the military vehicle s.
A. n lbu ry, l\fanch~tt',
JUly, 1966 l57
NEW BOOKS- Ct,mti,IlI.'tI company with lesser known lines such as those in Madagascar,
Moumbiquc:, Libya, Hawaii. Java, Manila, Central and South
do that. It does howeu:r gh'e a number of books that should America and Eastern Europe.
be read to find out more about the subject arter having studied Without exception all the photographs are cllher technically
its own introduction. Each SCCIion is w(ll illustrated by phot~ or pictorially meri torious and in the majority of cases they
graphs and line drawings. For the parent .... ishing to interest his manaac: to combine both qualities. The book is di\"ided into
youngster in aviation as a hobby there can be few better books COn\'enient gcoaraphical regiolls and whilst all the lines illu-
on .... hkh to start. strated are not necc:ssarily still functioning the pages of texl
which introduce each sc:c1ion gi\'e a useful summary of the
Irish line ctJmnt scene. Truly a must for the narrow gauge de\'otcc.
by 1::. M. PullrrJOn. Pubfisnrd by
TilE 8,,-LLYCAST'U R " It.w,,-y, Coach guide
l)(lI'id &. CJwrfrJ(Publisnvs) Ltd, SQulh Drl'(}" HoUSf!, IWi/II'ay R..\ILW,,-y C"-RIUi\C,1! ALBUM. by G. M. Kkbrmitk. P"b/ished by
Slation. Nrll'lon Abbol, Drvon uml distributrd by M acdonald l an Affo" Lld. Termi"al llouSf!. Shrpprrlon, Middx. Prire 50s.
&. Co. (Publishrrs) Ltd, 2 Porlm,,,, SI, London, IV/ . Prier 3Js. T is gratifying 10 see funher e\>idence or a growing interest
I in railway rolli ng stock other than locomoth·es. The main
T H E BallYC3Stk: Railway was opened in 1880 and c1osa;1 in
1950. Situated in Coullty Antrim and projected as a li nk pa rt of this 228 paac: book is a picture album of railway carriage
between the IWO marke:t towns of Ballycaslk: on the coast and photographs. approximalely two per page. They are grouped
Bal1ymone:y on the Londonderry· Belfast line it was one: of under the headings LMS, LNE R, GW R, SR. LT, Liverpool
several Irish 3 foot gauge lines Ihat were taken over by the Overhead, Mersey, Pullman, OR and narrow gauge, and the
LMS (NCC) Il nd finally passed to the UTA. tirst 40 or 50 pages are devoted to a historical su ...·ey. The
E. M . PatteT'SOn is no stranger to railway literature. liis two fol ding colour plale containing dra ..... ings of nine different
earlier works on the: County Donegal an d Londonderry & vehicles is \'ery well done and is a fea ture that should be ex-
Lough Swilly Rai lways set new standards in thoroughness and tended in further publications.
complete coverage of the subject. T he Ilallyeastle Rai lway
amply mai ntains the high standard. There are 154 pages of
text, maps, diagrams and tables, onc \'ery good colour pla te Pen-friends wa nted
and 20 pages of photographs. T il E folio"...... reade ... ha,'c rc.qualed pm. friend, : vi ..... tu A. Lui.:o;anov,
Mod:v. D-~l. SporIl,·naj. ul. d. 10 k.t k... 11. SSSR {USSkl. Ue if a ..
The text coven e\'ery conceivable aspect of the line's history; ."ltne ,P,tot i .. USSR who i. he .. 10 euhaqe R""';an and EaSt ~man kjos
promotion, construction, operation, timetables, economics, {or Bril,'" -nd. "-_rl<'1ln , Paul Pc.ry ...... Id Ilk. 10 uchan.. I :n ICIIIc:
.i..,..n kill .. ilh .n~_ in US,,-. Genn ... ~. « N_ Zuland . ,n .he 12·1.
locomothu and rolling stock, to men tion just a few. Many ..... <>up. H isaddrao ; The Old 0..0.... Medway s.. Ouolham. "enl.
people will perhaps regret the missed opportunity of getting to
know the 83l1YC3slk: but this book will go a very long way in
helping to make up the derlC~llC)'. w. h . . . "'.,,' I.n . ... ,.0", . . .d .... requ~.i .. ,
cop l.. of A I ~ F I X MA, GA,:ZIN I! COfttal"i .. , "'... ....1....
('0. ..,Id... a . d. copl.. o f ....... , i.. _ ara ..ill • • • iI •
• 101. lor .ha _ . of raada ... who "'., have m i•• MI
South Western saga a:: o r ",1.1.ld ear U... ... . For . .om "I., h. .... ar .
oem. 0 1 . ... "rII...iea l artle,*" w hich ha . . . ,,~r Ml
TilE loNDON ,,-NO SOU1'Il WfSf[RN R..\ILW"-Y, by O. S. Nod. LLI I .. ......... Il lu ...

Pllb/ishrd by lan Allon Lld, Trr",i"ol lIol15e, S/wpprrlon,
Middx. Price J5$.
H E London and South Western Railway was conceived as
t96) : bnu ~ ry_Defi~n t t~r,et tu, convenion.
Mareh-Buufi,hte:r moell. June-l ancuter mods.
the London and Southampton Railway and was opened
throughout in 1840. After a gauge wa r wi th ilS neighbour the :- Jul y_Hetnke l I1 1Z ,Iider conversion.
196<4 : O ctober-h. 88 and M4 Crab conver·
Great Western, the LSWR exlended westwards through Salis- :z: lions. N ove m ber-Conversions with the Airfix
Centurion. 1965 : Ju ne-Bulldln, a Hector from
bury, reaching Exetc:t in 1860. 11te book includes a detailed Q the Alrfix Hawker Hlrt. Jul y_ Motorisin, the
accou nt of the history of the line, wi th special attention to such
U Almx City of Truro. O cto be r- Modifying t he
fealures as the development of Southampton harbour, rebui ld-
ing Wa terloo and the pioneer developmen t of the London
suburban electrification, and of course attention is given to
O. S. Nock's favou rite subj«:ts, locomotive performance and
!ignalling. The book also includes a fine coloured plate, folding
....-::.::: A1rfix GI~diator. N ovembe r-AjOll cruiser ~nd
LI,htnln, converSions. 1966 : Ma rch-Firefly
WOI.lld rtllde" pltllse nOle Ihol the (ol/owlnr ;s 0
route map and is ill ustrated with many hi therto unpu blished r e vised /In o( luucs !hol ore o( print : 01/ 1960
edllioos; jOlluory. February. March, April, May,
photogra phs. June. july, Aurust. 1961; january, February ond
No~ember. 1962; February. April. Aurun, Sep!embC'r,
Slim lInes October ond No_ember. 1963: januory. Februa ry,
Morc/!. April. MoY~I",e:. July, Aurust. September and
R OUND nil! WORlD os 'TlU: N"-RROW GMJGl. b)' P. B. II'hi/t'- December, 1964: nuary, February. March, Ap"I,
ho~ ancl Prlrr AI/t'''. P"blishrd by /rill Affun Ltd, Trr",illul Moy. june, July, rU$!, Seplember ond Decembel
JlOUH, Shrpprrlon, Midd.~. Price 6J$. 1965: January February April "nd May 1966.

T HJS is another of those albums that lan AlIan do so well.

1591argesizc pagcs full of glorious photo&f8Phs of scenes on LLI Bad. cop!.. cou I.... . .c h CI .. c h.d in, POst;,...)
the narrow gauge-that is less than 4 ft Ri in--all over the
a:: for . 1I 1.lu_ U" ... ..... i_h.d i... Au,ult. t"l. f .... m 1Nl. Oft wa.d .. . ha c.... i. 20 _
world. There is such tJl'Tl1('ndous vanely that no one could
hope to be familiar with them all. Well-known favouritcs such
as the Darjc:cling Himalayan. Demer &:. Rio Grande Western
-=: _ . ~I d . PI. .. . .ddr_
il .....
.11 r . . u..u for b ack
coplfl. 1O• • IM r wl.h ",.. r r ....i .......... t o ou r
c:ir .... I•• I_ d....r.m_1 •• SU ~ ~IOG I! . OAWSO N
and the raillOollYS of New Zealand, Japan and South Africa join II OA D . LO N DO N 5 1 1.
)58 AJRFIX ma&ulne
RATF.S :-Sd. per word. Minimum charge for e8ch insertion !Is. 52 piges. Over 70 photos and drawlngl. Close·ups.
Five-colour sldevlews in four pigel of colour. Three vi ews.
' -OR SAI.I·: Cockpit Interiors. Seml·st ift' wn.ppers.
00 se.d e painh:d lIaures. Send 5.a.t. 58 SoulhHelds Drive, UtHt vol: OKA.V I.NATIER. Next : JUNKERS Ju 87.
Stangfound, Peterborough. Available: Me 109, KI84. P40, Het62. PIl/ HB, P47.
Airfi~ M agazi nn, No 1 (June 1960) 10 Ma)' 1966. offers. SHORTLY: ARMOR SERIES In same format. Vol. 1-
11)'in& Review, No\'cm!xr 1963 to Ju ne 1966, 1/ 3 each. All TIGER TANKS.
above in good condition. Rawlings, 8 flrnntlsby Gro\'c,
Wurpio:s: Tanl.. photographs. New Iin just 01,1\ includes Ger_ Vol . l . Paul Mau's Superlative G.A.'s
man aClion shots. Send 6d for completely new t;:alalolue. All obtoinable at ll/6 toch POST FREE with O4Ir MW armour
Note new addr~; 11 Llo)d Road, Birmingham 20. and I«hnlcol /ist$ (rom :
I'hwic airtTdf l kils from Japan! Ki-IOO, Cu rtiu P-J6A, W . E. H ersant Ltd., 1lI Archway Road, Lond on, N .6
Hellcat, Myrt, Norm, Seiran, Sam, Hack, Shinden, etc., WE BUY BOOKS
scale 1170- 1/75 at 7/-. Ta miY8 li\s 1/ 50 at 121" all poSI
free. Asl for list horn M. l'l oddc, Lex Allholfstraat 24,
WW ) I German, Italian and J apanese bad,es, unifo nns,
hc:lmel'S, etc. Ri, new list 1/ 9; )() Durham Road, 8romlc).
Plastics direct from V.S. at areat savings. Slot cars: AMT,
Monoaram, Hawk, Cox, Tyco, Atlas. New 1966 line of disl?1ay
car models: AMT, Aurora, MPC, Hawk. Also complete lines
of plastic airp1ane kits. Send fOf details: Townsley'! ModeIs.
P.O. Box 2O 18, San Francisco, California, U.s.A. 94126. To : AJRFlX MAGAZINE (Advert Dept.)
Mialioo books, map.zines, photos. Sales list 4d. Bookshop,
116 Bohemia Road, St. Leonards, Sussex. J...4 St. Andrew's HiU, London, E.C.4.
"Model supplien to the specialist collector" Aviation books.
Current and out of print editions. Aviation magazines. Scale Please insert the fo llowing advertisement in tbe nexl
drawings to any scale. Any aircraft. Research dept. avai lable issue of ATRFIX MAGAZINE. I enclose my
for all types of work. Miniature Aviation Servkes Inc., 18
Ebmy Road, Rickmansworth, Herts.
WAf'It'Tt: O
Airllx Magazi nes, May 1964. Apr il. Ma y, AUiust 1965.
remittance or ............ s ............. d. (5d. per word)
David G reen. 5 R}-Iands, White Rose Lanc. Wo ling, Surrey.
Airllx MagllZinl'lO, February, Jul)' 1964. R. Hardcaslil:, 40
Liebcnrood Road, Reading.
All y i"rurmaliOf' IInd phOl~ on World War 2 planes.
Straw50n, 17 Ranbury Road. Oxford, O\"on.
Airllx No I·March 1%5. Binders O.K. R. Hills,
58 Southllelds D rive, Slanground, Peterborough.
Calling aU aircraft eDl husillSls., whet her moddler, collector
or hLslorian you will find 50rrLelhing 10 inlerest )'ou on t~
laleSt lists. pecimcn phologr.iph IInd lists 1/ 6. Gem,"1
Aerofot05 (Dept. Aimx). I Copland Place, Tile H ill,

"A" SIooet. Gt:JlMAN ACES. ConIr>lete insla:nbo Manoil,,/Wid,1

MoIden and till Gruppon J(iS4. On .... NOW. 1nl ""ioo ' 1"'-.
1/48 ""ioo 1/. pOll f_ U.K. U.5.A. Pd c.-da $1 50 pOll frt"f!·
All GC'- _ I .... POSt ;i'",. I... II.od: NOW.
N.. 2 s.... G£JlMAN EM8U!.\1S, .........,.. r.,.. .... """ lI.,..eln
JG 2I5 1152 Pd S",ka n pi", Slw-b M "".h r.,.. 1\(.110 ~
IljZ076. I'riao ' I· poo.I rreo U. K.
$1.2:1 ,,"' {tN. In IIoc:k NOW.
""'If. U.S."- and Canada
No. J SIoNf. JAPANESE lail omblems r.,.. KI4)·S4. I""blemo r.,..
M~202 and CR42: MS"} and R."-F. M,*!uilo. Price 1(72
"601.. 1/.... 71· U.K.. only. U.S."- and Canada " .50 .hl>et oalc
...... r... All otl>et _ntrios f'DJ' .~,.... On ..1e LATI!. July.
n- n:vioal prica optn.. i ... rrom 10, JuJy. 1966.
ALL -'-'" arc MATT and FllEll S LIDE. Chall .. I!h uch.
er ...... OVERSI!AS ONLy)
Smd P.O .. IM .O . .,.. AmeriauI E..prcII ()"Jcr '0:
60, Abbey House,l, Victoria Street, Lond on, S. W . I
(No peno.IIal eallen a' oIfice, pie...,)
July. 1966
SOO ..... I~ avallabla.
Seria 7---hKpfw III F. J1 41 Gorilla
SU as Shoarman V.C. Fi.-.ft,
Price per Mn.. 4/_
Boolt ""',mound V.~ld .." 1/_ h.c pool
Colour T ... k Prlnu (oe. 01' ..... r) I'" ine pOOl


Whiw _ . " - "
.hM< for ........1

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A MW li ... 01 ""'""' .. ilIu.ry .... ptoc_nu
Ju ... (odnrt)
N ow .... ilable 114 115 117 888 J /_...,b NEW H.1O CHURCH W ITH GRAVES 17/-
pip 'Id o ..... t. Addition ...... ld. BellQfl1 Scenic Model CaulOlue, 6<1 •• post frH_ Dept. A/JL
Full lin of abo ... Inch.d ... with" • . M erbcrlclI Lld., HawUlorn l-liU, DOlckneU, Berks.


are ready now-send for yours TODAY
w. "ne "'''''I:''' for &ulblnd Lld. 10 .,,,.pl, ,.,... 1a4iDI: CUM le aU ,...<1,",1 .too

wltb 10 "'lain \1101, _ I l l .or 'UIUl"a rer • .n«.
Tb' £AsrBINDBR It ClllllnN 10 bind COP'" 01 AII\I'I" ~G.u:1NB .. 70" rKaLu I"c m
hIQ3!~c:'.:::rL.':"-:0":::::~,-~r:~4In&: J!. b::,.u::~ ~~n=I::~ug'7' ~0fl.r:U~~~~'I~nd
IfKhd ,,,. ., . ... '~bU' br I ~, .. du'.,.. till' IU." Ill. 1>111_ ICI . _ ""DIl"e,el7
~~U::~I:C-:J':: ~~~ JI>:"~ ~~~ :: tI::~,t":~~fi&.H=,. In , ....
n, JlntdIISb",.. PUIIlk.u... Utn) U<I•• :J/. It. AII4rew'. Hili, KCof.
p _ _ _ ..................... ,uanx 1U.0A%lIf_ ...UltMero at 1ft. _ _
I ......... dltoqu ...... O. for ........ _......... 1\eII. . . ................................................. .
u.WI!; ............................................................. ............................ .................. .

sw . lODIUtIS ................... .. ..................................... ...... .............................. ... . . . .... .

THE EASIBINDER- 1716 each post paid


Indl-Novl Ferlusan, In kit-form I/llnd lule.

Cat. No. 727. Pr ke a Os. 3d. plus 61. Bd. tax.

Four Wheel Orlve with MK 11 ibll R,u Mo tor.

Inject.ion Mould Body in A.B.S. m'terlal, finedeuil.
Steerinl. Bevel Gears. and chrome ac:ceuories.
Choauis u in our well-tried Mercedes 154 GP.

The above ur com plete Rtady-to- Rac:e. Rear Drive only. powered by o ur 3-Pole Motor, w ith steering etc. u above.
Cat. No. 726, Price ).is. 3d., plus Ss. Bd. tax.


A m.m!>.r of dI. AlrII. Group
29, A,III., 110-.1 .....c.m ....................dI *"
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·········-· .. ··· ~·~ · ;.;~ ·~ ' ,;;;t ·~~k ·Ai·~· ,~~ ·;;;,· -.; ·,;;~· ;;;;.;i · ~ ·i;,;ji;W:.:. . ~~................ .

360 AlRFIX maa;ulne

Thrills, sPllis. B)(cit ement ... all the tense drama 01 Grand Pm:
racing. AlrfiK bnngs you such realism. Press the Ihloule and
you 're 1&Clng away In e Mini -Cooper or a Fe.rari. Lap alter lap Ifs
high -speed lun. Real dnvirlQ skill (and daring) needed 10 win!
Runs oH mains 01 ballary. Every AlrfiK set has a rigid , double-lane
track, two speed -controllers and banking supports. One Includes
8 PERFECT FIGURE 8 with Cl swoopmg, load -hopping flyover.
All Airlll! authentic 1/ 32nd. scale models have Ackermann
steBrlng for nawlal cornering. Jom the Airfix racing drivelS 1
M.R. 1Z5 ..t includn: Z Mini· Caop"" I.p r.corder, manull C4ntlolllrs

"t -
I nd 12i t"t 01 ri lli d IlIck. ONLY £6.6.Od •

~/T-sro:P;ESS - - - - - --
stOP Variable Speed CootrolJer I Compl". prite list
DESS Gives extra sensitive 8CO!lera- I IVlillbl, from toy IhoPI,

P " tion and braking control for
,,:;,,:,::~"'}r· competition racing. Operates
continuously for hours without
I metd'~ .nd hobby Ihetpl.
Of WTlt. to
overheating--even on heavily I AIRFIX PRODUCTS LTD .•
curved tl"llcks. Supplied with I HAlOANE PlACE.

universal dynamic bl"llking
and wiring diagram. 15 or
30 ohll'l5. Wild. each.

Produ«dby M.R.R.C. Ltd., Qm~m«roltM AirjixGroup


'tlnled by Old • ., , Son (Wind.., lId_. ,." Vlu"" SI . WIoocIIO'

EASIEST OF £.u",p~:
_th of ,00<1.
o... labl<o 10.-Oft',
EASY TERMS 51' ....U, (pa,-
...... _thly).
o..J, 10 pot. Cln,
witb ,! I. "' 4."""t.

NEW Kit N o 11 . 47 ton bAttle t .. nk 29/6 FOR RELEASE
Complete with motor and fully Illustrated In.
structlon sheet In Enclllh.
3'6 2'- EACH
1172 .. d I'UTISH MAII KI N GS
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CI'.r. ' 901 .... d I9I~ G.'. MI .. ood ...
Utll.t " •••
CP.}. 1\01.....1\0'<. Ph"tom I.
nOll · ... · 1· (wi'''''''' t"llow Cl',). V.12 H",.. ...... $uiu.,
~J')..:~:' ,:::"""'' lO- CP. ~ I .... .,. XK S..... .
CP.5. Lando.lOr )ll ... d o4(l h.p.
nOt 4 •...·1· (with ,ollow rin ••)
"p. roundo" ~' o<u.,1 CI'.4. 0 ...... """., J _ SI.
CI'.' .... ~tIe, It ."" ~I ........
CP.'. Va"wall.
nolS ' C' !J!HI round,l. It" Ind
J6~ 0< ....1 ,i ••. CP.'. Au"",, . ..
Cp.IO. 11,,'0";
T," lJ GP.
1201i hr', and I... 0,,", 11"
11..... fo.. ........ 'wo •• , ..... CP.". A"'" SPftd Tw .... '
T ..... Q--II ••
CI'.I1. Fe....; T,po 4U • ...t SSS
a.n. 11od•• T. fo ....
LATEST A.B.T. DECAL cP.1 4. Alia lI._llJ90.
cP.IS. M.G. KJ Mq.......
T 10 1$ III ...... ,. .. s.... ~ T..,k ""ith _
U f'
Uf '
5...... No. It. S..n IfS4
H . M . ~.
CI'.14.............1....... I ......
CP.". o4(l; SO NOC>Mr.
Cl'. I •. 0. ....
Cl'''. S-Typol"..;cta.
I" ... G.I'.


A"" Ri.VELL I / .d. SHfIt........ N N 4 TANk
... ,u............... It,,
'1/' be" ."" CI'.lO. fna.r-N ..... l. " -


U." .C. ' (n"d
"'-<I,ed cat
.1"11, ....
' / 11
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