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1- What is the weather like today?

2- What is your favorite season?
3- When is it sunny/ rainy/cold in your country?
4- What are you doing now?
5- What are you studying now?
6- When are you going home?
7- What are you wearing today?
8- What is your favorite food / drink?
9- What type of transport do you use for fun?
10- What type of transport do you use to go to school?
11- When were you born?
12- Who was your first teacher / friend?
13- What did you do yesterday?
14- Where did you go last weekend?
15- Who did you talk to before the class?
16- When did you start school?
17- When do you get scared?
18- When do you get tired?
19- What did you buy in the shopping center last month?
20- What did you eat for breakfast /lunch / dinner?
21- Where do people from your country go when they travel?
22- What kinds of TV programs do you like?
23- What kinds of TV programs do you not like?
24- What are your favorite TV programs?
25- What did you watch on TV last night/ yesterday?
26- Who would you like to interview on a chat show?
27- What can you do to help at home?
28- What is the most dangerous/ poisonous animal in the planet?
29- How can you help save the planet?
30- What can you recycle?
31- What animals are in danger?
32- What team do you support?
33- How do you like working in class: in groups, in pairs or individually?
34- What are your favorite sports?
35- What subjects are you interested in?
36- What are the rules at your school?
37- What are the rules in your house?
38- What can/ can't you do in class?
39- What must you do in class?
40- What is you favorite music group/band?
41- Who is your favorite singer?
42- What do you do for fun?
43- What holidays do you like?
44- What are your plans for the summer/winter?
45- What are you going to do tomorrow?
46- When are you going to travel?
47- Where are you going to go on vacation?
48- What are important festivals in your country?
49- What celebration is the most exciting: Christmas or Carnival?
50- Did you like your English classes this semester? Why (not)?

Topics for discussion:

1- Holidays (fun, activities, places, transport)

2- Entertainment (music / TV programs )
3- Helping (animals in danger / environment )

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