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Solitaire Mass Effect Edition

Requires 1; 52 Deck Of Cards

The goal of the game is to reach the bottom of the deck before the enemy cards overwhelm you.

Set the Commander Shepard card and Normandy Card in front of you. (If playing with a standard deck of
cards, choose what suit will be your crew members. I personally use Hearts)

Shuffle the deck and it place face down to the side.

Create a battlefield by drawing cards from the deck face down in a 3x3 grid of 9 cards.

Draw a Starting hand;

5 Cards (Normal)
4 Cards (Hard)

When you are ready to start, flip the battlefield cards over.


● Player Action ←
↑↓ Ready Up
● Enemy Action →


RIFLE column
SNIPER single

Choose to perform one of the following two options;

● Battle
● Command

Battle →
First select a target from the front row in the battlefield. Then choose as many cards from your hand that
would be equal to or greater than its value to defeat it.

If you choose cards to deal damage greater than the target's number, you may deal the excess damage
you to an adjacent card. (The left, right or up, but never diagonally.)

Be aware! Enemies hiding behind other enemies require more points of damage to defeat.

The modifiers are as such;

Row 1 (Front)
● No modifiers
Row 2 (Middle)
● Require 1 additional point of damage to defeat
Row 3 (Back)
● Require 2 additional points of damage to defeat.

Non-numbered suits.
Aces while on the board count as 1
Jack's count as 11
Queen's count as 12
King's count as 13

Aces have special abilities when you play them from your hand. If used with another card when being
played to defeat an enemy, it copies the value of the other card. Otherwise if played on their own, it's
value is 1.

Once a battle is complete, you earn EXP! Draw a card for each enemy you defeated!

Example of Play!
(The board)
Left Center Right

Back K(13) 2 6

Middle 3 7 A(1)

Front 2 4 5

(In hand)
2, 2, 3, 4, 7.

Currently, In order to defeat the King(13) we need 21 damage. (2) + (3 +1 Defence) + (13 +2 Defence).
Our hand can only deal 18 Damage.
One option we can do is instead use our 7 to defeat the front 5 and the middle Ace.

Command →
When using the command action, Select a crew member from hand or battlefield.
From Hand;
If you have any crew cards in your hand, you may secure them. Simply place them face up next to the

From Battlefield;
If there are any crew members in the front row of the battlefield, choose 1 card from your hand to discard
to move the crew card to the Normandy.

Once you have completed your action, enemies now act.

From the front row, the lowest value enemy card attacks the commander. If there is a tie for lowest, the
next possible lowest card is used. If all 3 cards have the same value, you choose which one attacks. Then
resolve the following

● Discard a card from your hand.

○ The enemy card retreats to the back row.

● If you have no cards in hand, the commander takes damage

○ Place the enemy card face down under the commander.
○ Resolve remaining enemy actions then proceed to Ready Up

Enemies then group up, move any cards forward to fill spaces, then draw cards from the deck to fill
remaining spaces (filling from front to back)

After placing the enemy card under the commander, if this is the 5th damage card it's game over.
Otherwise, draw a new hand of 5 cards start the next player action phase.

Ending the Game//

If at any point you would draw the last card from the deck, the game ends immediately.


Paragon or Renegade?
To find out what alignment you are, add up the total score of your rescued crew members then add up the
total score of lost crew members. Deduct the lost crew score from the rescued crew to give your total.

91 - 61 Paragon
60 - 31 Neutral
30 - 0 Renegade

SOLDIER Character suits - Sniper Rifle Damage, Ignore Shields

VANGUARD Character Suits - Shotgun Damage Doubled

ENGINEER Character Suits - Add Damage to pool, shuffle hand into deck, Draw 4 and End Phase.

BIOTIC Character Suit - Add damage to pool and reveal the top card of the Deck. Add damage to pool
equal to revealed cards value (Ace = )

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