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Killing for Sleep


Our main character, while out late one night at a store, is clobbered over the head and
knocked senseless. Defeated, he returns home. Over the coming days a ringing begins to
pervade his everyday life, getting louder each day. Eventually he takes to smashing his
belongings just to bring a little bit of peace in order to sleep. The next night, while suffering
from intense ringing decides to buy alcohol to dull the pain but is confronted with an
opportunity to get revenge on the thug that beat him the other day. But as it happens, he kills
the thug instead. With the impending threat of police finding him and the body, a moment of
clarity as he notices the ringing is gone.

Waking up in the dumpster in the morning next to the dead body, realising he must have
fallen asleep, the main character freaks out and returns home thinking the police are
definitely onto him now. Over the next week or so, he constantly checks over his shoulder,
reading the news every day for details. Nothing.

A month goes by, slowly the ringing returns to its deafening and insomniac inducing trill. He
remembers the clarity that killing the man did for the ringing. So decides to kill again.

It comes to a point where our main character is comfortable with killing. He goes after bad
guys and that's ok. But he is soon forced to make a decision, he cannot find any "bad guys"
but finds instead a vulnerable person.

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