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UNSJ - Facultad de Ingeniería

Departamento de Ingeniería Civil

Inglés Nivel 1
Prof. Ana Irene Atienza

Trabajo Práctico N° 3 Prof. Marcela Mora

Prof. Laura Zuliani

1. Examine el siguiente glosario y analice las frases subrayadas. Resalte el sustantivo núcleo en
cada una de ellas. ¿Cuál es la interpretación en español de cada frase?


abrasion, to abrade the process of being rubbed away by friction, to rub away
abrasive, n, adj a substance that abrades, abrading
acid a chemical, usually a sour liquid, that contains hydrogen with a pH of less than 7
adhesive n, adj, a substance used for joining surfaces together, sticky
to adhere, adhesion, n
alloy a metallic substance that is composed of two or more elements which keep the
same crystal structure in the alloy
ambient temperature the temperature of the air above the ground in a particular place; usually room
temperature, around 20 – 25 °C
aqueous watery
assumption here a belief that sth is true
axle a supporting shaft on which wheels turn
bearing a device to reduce friction between a rotating staff and a part that is not moving
binder a polymeric material used as matrix in which particles are evenly distributed
blast furnace the oven in which ore is melted to gain metal
boundary the interface separating two neighboring regions having different crystallo-graphic
brick a rectangular block of baked clay used for building
china high-quality porcelain, originally made in China
to clad to cover a material with a metal
clay a kind of earth that is soft when wet and hard when dry
combustion the process of burning; here of fuel
commodity article of trade
compound a pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms/ions of
two/more different elements that cannot be separated by physical means
conductivity ability to transmit heat and/or electricity
constituent phase one of the phases from which a substance is formed
corrosive, n, adj a corroding substance, e.g. an acid
to corrode, corrosion
to counterfeit to make a copy of sth with criminal intent, to fake
counterpart here sth that has a similar function
crack, n, v a break, fissure on a surface
creep, n time-dependent permanent deformation of materials at high temperatures or
to cure to improve the properties of polymers and rubber by combining with, e.g.
sulfur under heat and pressure; cf. to vulcanize
to damp(en) to make sth less strong, to soften
to decompose to change chemically, to decay
denomination a unit of value, esp. for money

- the process of being rubbed away by friction: el proceso de ser quitado por fricción.
I. Eisenbach, English for Materials Science and Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-3-8348-9955-2,
© Vieweg+Teubner Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2011
- A chemical, usually a sour liquid:__________________________

- A mechanical substance: ________________________________

- The same crystal structure in the alloy: ____________________

- A device to reduce friction: __________________________________

- The oven in which ore is melted: __________________________

- A rectangular block of baked clay used for building: ____________

- A kind of earth that is soft when wet and hard when dry: ________

- A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms/ions:


- One of the phases from which the substance is formed: ________

- Sulphur under heat and pressure: _________________________

- A unit of value: _________________________________


Ahora teniendo en cuenta los ejercicios anteriores, complete las siguientes actividades en español.

3- Observe las imágenes que acompañan al texto y trate de predecir el tema del texto.

“The term civil engineering describes engineering work performed by civilians for non-military
purposes. In general it describes the profession of designing and executing structural works for the
general public and the communal environment. Civil engineering covers different areas of
engineering, including the design and construction of large buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railway
lines, airports, water-supply systems, dams, irrigation harbor, docks, aqueducts, and tunnels.”
“The civil engineer needs a thorough knowledge of surveying, of the properties and mechanics of
construction materials, of the mechanics of structures and soils, and hydraulics and fluid mechanics.
Today civil engineering includes the production and distribution of energy, the development of
aircraft and airports, the construction of chemical process plants and nuclear power stations, and
water desalination.”

Adapted from: Brieger, N. & Pohl, A. Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar. Oxford: Summertown, 2002. P. 44

4- Identifique número de párrafos y fuente del texto.

5- Elija el mejor título para el texto.

a- Design and construction

b- Civil engineering

c- Construction materials

6- Defina civil engineering según el texto.

7- Observe las dos frases nominales subrayadas en el texto y resalte la palabra más importante o núcleo en

cada una. Luego, provea la interpretación en español de ambas frases.

8- Complete con información del texto.



el diseño y _____________________


grandes edificios ___________________

_____________________________________ y túneles

9- ¿Cuál es la rama de la ingeniería civil que más le interesa y por qué?

10- Extraiga las palabras o términos específicos de la ingeniería civil para comenzar a elaborar un glosario en

inglés teniendo en cuenta las guías de trabajo.

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