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Día de ayuno y oración

Happy Sabbath, I hope this day can be special for each of you.
As you know, today we are in a special program of Fasting and Prayer. This morning I
would like to take a few minutes to explain what fasting is from a biblical perspective.
It seems that it is not always clear what its meaning is. It is not the same “what people think
fasting is” and what it really is according to the Bible.
What is the relationship between fasting and God answering our prayers?
Is fasting a merit before God? Is it like coming before God and saying something like: I am
in a complex situation, I need your help, here is my payment: the fast, now answer me!
Although not everyone says it or does not verbalize it, it seems that some believe it.

Let's start from the most basic.

What is fasting? The most basic definition is: Refraining (Refréining), totally or partially,
from eating and drinking for a period of time.
In the area of health, fasting is necessary because it allows us to regulate the body and the
work that our entire body does so that it works in good conditions.
But there is a more interesting reason regarding the consequences of fasting, especially on
the mind and brain. You want to know?
First answer me a question
How does God communicate with us? exactly, through our mind.

1. Some knowledgeable (NÓLEDGBL) people in this area say:

2. 2. Fasting periods have been shown to have protective and therapeutic properties
(PRÓPERTIS) for our brain. Because for the brain, fasting is like exercising and
that explains why when we do fasting diets (DÁIETS) we notice greater mental
clarity and better concentration.

3. BDNF is a protein that interacts (INTERÁCTS) with neurons in the hippocampus,

cortex, and forebrain (FÓR BREIN) (the parts of the brain that regulate memory,
learning, and cognitive function, features unique to humans). When BDFN levels
are low, the brain is more prone (PRÓN) to Alzheimer's and depression, while
when it's the other way around, levels rise, preventing neuronal death, cognitive
decline and memory loss. That is why when fasting we can observe a better
efficiency of our brain.

So the main idea is that by fasting our brain is better able to understand, learn, and work

If we combine this idea of what happens in the brain with spiritual life, then we understand
that by fasting our brain and mind are better able to receive God and understand his
Now! we are fasting regarding the accreditation of our school. So by praying and fasting we
are saying to God: Lord, the non-accreditation of our school is a problem for us. And we
see that the solution is the acreditation. But!! ¿Lord, do you have other plans for this place
that we still don’t understand? Please answer us.


I want to share 3 aspects

1. How fasting is understood in the Bible

2. Duration of the fast
3. And types of fasting.

1.How fasting is understood in the Bible.

Isaiah 58:6-7 Read:
So, as you can see, the focus of this text is not on ourselves. but rather (RÁDER) in others.
Every time we fast we are saying to God or we should say to the Lord: help me so that my
life is more focused on you and my neighbor than on myself. And refraining from eating
and drinking, remember that God is our sustainer. He is the owner of life and the universe.
So, by fasting, we are also saying to God: I need you, because you are God and you are
almighty. So fasting is a way of worshiping God.
But also fasting is related to other things, for example:
1. Fasting is closely related to prayers for healing and deliverance (Ps. 35:13)
2. With worship (Acts 13:2)
3. As an expression of devotion to God (Luke 2:37).

2. Duration of the fast

In the Bible we have several examples of people who fasted for short periods of time
without eating or drinking (Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9).
In Leviticus 23:14 fasting is mentioned with the possibility of drinking water so as not to
become dehydrated.
I like this text because it makes it clear that it is not God's plan that we mortify ourselves or
that through fasting we tell God: Look at my sacrifice, I am willing to do this. Please
answer me.
It is clearly not so.
In the same way the Bible tells us, that some people:
fasted for 40 days ------ Deuteronomy 9:9
fasted 7 days----------- -1 samuel 31:13
ayunaron 3 días---------- Ester 4:16
y el mejor ejemplo, Jesús ayunó por 40 días

I like the definition given by Dr. Ángel Manuel Rodríguez. he says that it is not easy to
define fasting for every situation. but he says: "

Fasting seems to be an outward (OÚTWERD) expression of the person’s inner

total commitment and reliance (RELÁINCE) on God’s preserving
(PRÍSERVING) and rescuing (RESKÍUING) power.

From this perspective I believe that we must recognize today that we need the Lord.
You need the Lord, I need the Lord. Our school needs the Lord.
I am certain that if we seek the Lord he will help us, to show us what we should do. You
probably need a new approach in your life. The Lord can give it to you.
or there are probably decisions to be made in our school, by our school. The Lord will
answer us.
God bless you and may you allow God to speak to your mind today.

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