Chatter Management at Cold Rolling Mills Today

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AISTech 2019 — Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference

6–9 May 2019, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA

DOI 10.1000.377.173

Chatter Management at Cold Rolling Mills Today

Matthias Krüger1, Sebastian Richard2, Michael Peretic3

SMS group GmbH
Wiesenstraße 30, 57271 Hilchenbach, Germany
Phone: +492733292411
SMS group GmbH
Wiesenstraße 30, 57271 Hilchenbach, Germany
Phone: +492733291563
SMS group Inc.
100 Sandusky Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212, USA
Phone: 4122378861

Keywords: Cold Rolling Mills, 3rd Octave Chatter, 5th Octave Chatter, Chatter Management, Genius CM Chatter Plus, Active
Vibration Damping, Anti Chatter Device (ACD)

Chatter is one of the most crucial phenomena in strip rolling and especially in very fast operating processes such as cold
rolling. Bringing mills to the maximum of their operational capacity without entering Chatter areas is not only a challenging
task for all producers of steel and non-ferrous strip but must also be comprehensively supported by plant manufacturers.
This paper gives an overview of the theoretical background of different Chatter phenomena and components of an effective
system of Chatter Management including some details of the Genius CM Chatter Plus condition monitoring system. The
latter is used for comprehensive vibration analysis and to control Chatter-related functions of the plant’s electrical and
automation system which is required to avoid Chatter marks and strip breaks. The paper concludes with an introduction to
SMS group’s Anti Chatter Device (ACD), a successful application of modern control theory combined with an active
damping device using piezo actuators.


1. Chatter and vibration issues in high-speed cold rolling mills

Chatter or vibrations from mechanical plant components or from strip can adversely affect the quality of cold-rolled strip and
particularly with regard to:
• Thickness
• Shape
• Surface quality
Depending on the most important quality parameter different products (e.g. auto sheet, can stock, etc.) can be affected by
different vibration issues.
The rolling speed of single-stand or multi-stand mills for steel, aluminium, and other non-ferrous materials is often restricted
as a result of vibration issues. Customer specifications frequently require maximum rolling speeds higher than 1500 m/min
which in many cases is a huge challenge in terms of the mill design and operation.

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For this reasons Chatter Management today is an indispensable component of high-speed cold rolling mills.

2. Classification of vibration issues, mechanisms, and examples

2.1 Classification of characteristics of vibration issues from a mechanical perspective

The majority of Chatter-related phenomena that occur can be categorized into two main groups:
• Externally excited vibrations: These vibrations are mainly caused by an external excitation, e.g. variations in the
surface quality of the rolls, clearances, or kinematic errors and can be divided into two classes: avoidable and
• Self-excited vibrations: If disregarded, self-excited vibrations (e.g. resonance modes of mechanical structures) may
leave marks on rotating parts (e.g. bearing races or backup rolls) which in turn cause externally excited or self-
induced vibrations. As a rule, the presence of self-excited vibrations in mechanical systems cannot be avoided.
Other well-known vibration phenomena that may occur in cold rolling mills include:
• Friction-induced vibrations that sometimes can be observed during the operation of rolling mills under high loads
when the gap lubrication system fails to produce a stable lubricant film in the roll gap.
• Torsional vibrations of drive components which in most cases are not directly related to the majority of Chatter
problems in high-speed cold rolling mills and are not discussed in detail here.
Since the 3rd Octave and the 5th Octave Chatter are the vibration issues that affect quality and production most of all during
cold rolling this paper focuses primarily on the mechanisms and countermeasures associated with them.

2.2 3rd Octave Chatter

3 Octave Chatter normally occurs within the frequency range of 100 Hz - 160 Hz. The well-known root cause of 3rd Octave

Chatter is the instability of the process in the last or penultimate mill stand causing the destabilization of a vertical
mechanical mode of vibration of the roll set resulting from what is known as the tension feedback effect (influence of the
entry tension on the rolling force). In addition to a corresponding fluctuation in the entry tension this also leads to
fluctuations in the exit thickness of the rolled product in conjunction with a high risk of a strip break. Figure 1 provides a
schematic overview of the mode of vibration with the process (tension) and product (thickness) fluctuations mentioned

Figure 1. Influence of the 3rd Octave Chatter on the plant and product (general overview).
Furthermore, also operational measurements, like shown in Figure 2, prove the theoretical descriptions of the 3rd Octave
Chatter phenomenon. The left part of the figure demonstrates impressively the resulting thickness fluctuations in case of 3rd
Octave Chatter occurrence (refer to the third measurement record). Also the influence of the tension feedback effect can be
seen in the second measurement record. Here one can see that the last and second last mill stand excite each other because
they are coupled via the interstand tension. In addition, the right part of the figure shows measurement records of a vibration
measurement performed in a six-high mill stand where the typical 3rd Octave Chatter mode of vibration is clearly visible. In
particular, the second and third measurement record show the antiphase vibration of the top to the bottom roll set which leads
to the thickness fluctuation in the rolled product.

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Figure 2. Influence of the 3rd Octave Chatter on the plant and product (in detail).

2.3 5th Octave Chatter

By definition, 5th Octave Chatter influences the cold rolling process in a frequency range above 440 Hz. 5th Octave Chatter
vibrations are caused by poorly dampened natural modes of vibration of the roll set which occur in large numbers within the
frequency range of approx. 650 - 1050 Hz. Since related with 5th Octave Chatter there is no feedback loop, which may
potentially cause instability vibrations, such as these are in general externally excited. The presence of the relevant sources of
excitation (e.g. tooth mesh frequencies in gear stages) often causes several modes of 5th Octave Chatter vibration, which are
attributed to natural modes of vibration of the roll set. By contrast, with 3rd Octave Chatter, the vibration does not usually
cause strip thickness variations, however, it does affect the shape (cf. Fig. 3) and surface quality.

Figure 3. Influence of 5th Octave Chatter on the plant and product (general overview).

5th Octave Chatter is normally associated with the problem of Chatter marks because in most cases it affects the strip surface
quality by creating visible variations in the roughness. In order to create visible surface defects on the rolled strip the latter
requires an external source of vibration (e.g. marks on the roll, faults in the drive system, etc.). The mechanism of 5th Octave
Chatter, which is also well-known from machine tools, works in the following way: An external excitation frequency, which
is usually proportional to the rotational speed, acts like a forced vibration to excite a mode of vibration of the roll set at a
specific speed within the 5th Octave Chatter frequency range and thereby creates marks on the roll barrels. These marks again
excite the original (at the same rolling speed) or other vibration modes and consequently amplify themselves so that they
finally become self-exciting. As the final consequence, possible 5th Octave Chatter marks on the roll barrels are transferred to
the strip and adversely affect the shape of the strip, e.g. in case of marks on the backup roll barrel in a four-high mill stand
these marks will be first transferred to the work rolls and then to the strip. A typical 5th Octave Chatter mode, for example,
results in the work rolls moving in phase between two backup rolls in the vertical stand plane. This mode is illustrated in the
left part of Figure 4 which shows strong work roll (WR) movement by using the work roll’s deflection lines while the backup
rolls (BUR) almost remain undeformed. As a result of these movements marks are created on the BUR barrels. The right part
of Figure 4 gives an example of related Chatter marks on the strip surface.

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Figure 4. Influence of 5th Octave Chatter on the plant and product (typical vibration mode).
The following example shows a typical analysis method for detecting 5th Octave Chatter (cf. Fig. 5). The primary analysis
tool for this is the so-called colormap which is shown in the fourth measurement record. A colormap is a two-dimensional
way to illustrate the height of vibration levels in a specific frequency range over time whereby the vibration level is
represented by a color scale. The figure below shows the colormap of an acceleration sensor signal during a performed speed
test during which the rolling speed was increased with a slow acceleration rate. Within the frequency range between 800 and
950 Hz high vibration levels, represented by dark color, indicate 5th Octave Chatter vibrations in the named frequency range.
Furthermore, it is visible that these frequencies are excited by a speed-proportional mode of vibration because the areas of
dark color follow the speed increase over time. A comparison with the gear mesh frequency of the reducer stage of the mill
main drive identified the latter as the excitation source (see boxed areas in the figure below). Further tests proved the
hypothesis that Chatter marks on the strip surface can be created by the identified excitations out of the reducer stage.

Figure 5. 5th Octave Chatter caused by excitation from the gear toothing.

3. Improvements and solutions

As described, Chatter is not a phenomenon caused by one single root but by a combination of different causes and
mechanisms. Therefore various tools are required that enable mill operators and suppliers to avoid Chatter by eliminating the
sources (if possible), by monitoring unavoidable sources by means of early warning systems, and by being ready to
implement countermeasures in cases where Chatter occurs. All this calls for an integrated Chatter Management System which
ideally consists of the following components:

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• Online Chatter monitoring system with additional early warning functions.
• Optimized mill design to minimize susceptibility to Chatter.
• Gradual improvements in maintenance and service to prevent the mill from rising Chatter levels over its lifetime.
• Use of passive vibration damping equipment so that vibrations can be reduced as much as possible by implementing
simple and cost-effective measures without affecting product quality.
• Active vibration damping to optimize the productivity of the mill and further improve the quality of the rolled

3.1 Online Chatter monitoring system with additional early warning functions
Basic and necessary functions of an online Chatter monitoring system like the Genius CM Chatter Plus from SMS group:
• Vibration measurement using acceleration sensors on top of the mill housings on operator and drive side.
• Dedicated Human Machine Interface (HMI) for online visualization of the current, real-time Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT)-analyzed vibration amplitudes of all mill stands.
• Long-term storage of vibration and assigned process data in various formats so that the vibration status of the mill
and the development of vibration levels can be quickly surveyed or analyzed in detail at any time.
• Automatic slow down (ASD) of the mill in the event of sudden 3rd Octave Chatter. By contrast with manual
deceleration of the plant by the operator, which is invariably delayed due to his or her perception threshold and
reaction time, automatic deceleration is performed within 100 ms after having reached the relevant alarm level as the
signals are analyzed in real time. This means that strip breaks caused by sudden 3rd Octave Chatter can almost
always be avoided.
• Automatic attachment of the backup roll pusher cylinders allows a controlled increase of housing friction and,
initiated by the Chatter Monitoring System, allows the plant to be operated just below the 3rd Octave Chatter speed
threshold, without increasing the risk of strip breaks.
Advanced functions, which are currently available or planned, can provide tools that allow the operator to run the mill in a
safe mode regarding vibrations, which is a prerequisite for the maximum utilization of the mill’s production capacity.
Examples for this are functions that inform the operator about “bad” speed levels, which can potentially cause 5th Octave
Chatter marks on the backup roll barrels and ultimately on the strip surface (refer to chapter 2.3), or functions which provide
extended options for the quality documentation of each strip produced in terms of the various vibration-related influences.
The following example shows a HMI page of SMS group’s online Chatter monitoring and analysis system Genius CM
Chatter Plus with some explanations (cf. Fig. 6).

Figure 6. HMI for plant operator for online visualization of vibration amplitudes and Chatter events.

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3.2 Mill design optimization
From a Chatter-related perspective the following aspects must be taken into consideration when designing mechanical
equipment for multi-stand cold rolling mills (new and upgraded plants):
• Pusher cylinders for pressing the roll chocks against the wear plates in the housing window; this is used to increase
the stand friction in a controlled manner and thereby reduce the mill’s susceptibility to Chatter.
• Optimized and accurate adjustment and control of clearances in the mill stand.
• Optimized horizontal work roll offset to ensure a stable rolling process by stabilizing the roll chock positions and
friction conditions.
• Appropriate choice and dimensioning of roll bearings and bearing clearances.
• Vibration-optimized toothing in the main drive’s gearboxes to ensure the lowest possible excitation levels from the
gear mesh (cf. Fig. 7).
Figure 7 provides an example from a cold rolling mill where Chatter marks occurred due to excitation from the main drive’s
gear reducer stage. After the change of the wheelset, where the teething quantity was changed and the teething shape was
optimized, a significant reduction of the excitation levels could be observed. This fact is illustrated in Figure 7 with the aid of
a colormap where the frequency axis has been replaced by an order axis in comparison to the colormap shown in Figure 5.
The order of a rotating component related to another one, e.g. the order of the tooth meshing of the gear reducer stage related
to the turning frequency of the backup roll, is given by division of the frequency of the one component by the turning
frequency of the other. Due to the changed quantity of teeth the order of the reducer gear stage (related to BUR rotational
frequency) changed from 145 to 111. This representation has the advantage that a related (speed-proportional) signal,
independent from speed changes, gives a horizontal line in the colormap. Furthermore, the order of a component can be used
to determine the vibration frequency referring to the component and the distance of possible Chatter marks on the strip if the
component is the excitation source (example for the order 111 related to the BUR turning frequency of the changed reducer
gear stage: vibration frequency = 111 x current BUR turning frequency and Chatter mark distance = circumference of BUR /
111). In Figure 7 the reduction in the excitation levels can be clearly seen by the lighter colors around the order of the reducer
gear stage (boxed areas) in the right colormap compared to the left colormap.

Figure 7. Reduction in excitation levels by optimizing a set of gear teeth in respect of 5th Octave Chatter vibrations.
Other influences, which may increase or reduce the mill’s susceptibility to Chatter vibrations, can be attributed to the rolling
process itself. Nevertheless, these depend directly on the mill design or surrounding assembly units or equipment. The most
important process-related influences are as follows:
• Pass schedules with pass reductions, strip tensions, and rolling speeds.
• Roll gap lubrication and roll roughness (composition, application, and cleaning of the coolant; useful life of the
work rolls).
• Grinding process optimization for work, intermediate, and backup rolls.
Finally, the mill design is affected by the use of active and passive vibration damping equipment which has to be attached at
specific locations inside or close to the mill stand. An example of the integration of an active vibration damping device into

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the mill stand will be given later in this paper. The topic passive vibration damping, which mainly is based on the dissipation
of vibration energy within a structure by means of external damping devices or internal material damping, will not be part of
this paper.

3.3 Maintenance and service

A rolling mill has a large number of parts that are subject to use-related wear over the course of its lifetime and this may
result in surface contours being damaged or dimensions exceeding their permissible tolerances. Typical components affected
by this include:
• Roll bearings, gearboxes, etc.
• Roll chocks and wear plates
• Guides and sliding liners
It is essential that the mechanical equipment is in good condition to ensure stable rolling at high speeds. Therefore, many
components that are worn or out of tolerance due to wear may encourage or excite vibration modes (e.g. 3rd Octave or 5th
Octave) in the rolling mill and increase the general vibration level (cf. Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Reduction in vibration amplitudes thanks to proper maintenance (example of worn spindle centering rings).
In terms of the mill’s productivity and attainable speed the aim of all maintenance scheduling and execution strategies should
be to minimize avoidable excitation levels.
An integrated Chatter Management System offers one solution of keeping the causes of vibration issues, which can be
influenced by maintenance and service, at an acceptable level. It automatically displays a message when worn components
need to be replaced and uses a closed loop between the Condition Monitoring System and maintenance scheduling and
execution systems.
The before mentioned Chatter Management System, in conjunction with features of the related Condition Monitoring
System, will be the next step in the development and implementation of a predictive maintenance tool for numerous high-
speed cold rolling mills all over the world.

3.4 Active vibration damping

The main idea behind active vibration damping is to eliminate vibrations by applying a counteracting vibration to a
mechanical system.
As a basic rule, an active vibration damping system calculates a correction signal based on a measured vibration signal. The
correction signal is applied to the vibrating system in such a way that, in the best-case scenario, it fully eliminates the

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vibration at the point where it originally occurred. From the mechanical point of view this mechanism is equivalent to an
increased system damping. Therefore active vibration damping is, in principle, always able to counteract both self-excited
and externally excited vibration phenomena.
The following components are required to implement an active vibration damping system:
• Sensor to measure the vibration signal (e.g. acceleration).
• Actuator to apply the counteracting signal (installed at a suitable location in the mill stand).
• Control system to calculate the actuating signal for the actuator in real time taking into account the transfer behavior
sensor  process  actuator.
As part of a R&D project a system of active vibration damping for the suppression of 3rd Octave Chatter was developed,
built, and pilot-installed in the last stand of a four-stand tandem cold mill (TCM) for aluminium. The so called Anti Chatter
Device (ACD) from SMS group is based on piezo actuator technology installed in an actuator box which replaces the
conventional load cell for force measurement underneath the bottom backup roll chock in the flow of forces of the mill stand
(cf. Fig. 9). The development, manufacture, workshop testing, and initial installation of the Anti Chatter Device was
successfully completed by SMS group and another partner from Germany by March 2017.

Figure 9. Arrangement of the active vibration damping system in the mill stand.
The optimization of the performance of the active vibration damping system and the integrated force measurement, related
tests (cf. Fig. 10), and improvements to the mechanical design were completed by April 2018. The below figure shows the
general capability of the Anti Chatter Device to keep vibration amplitudes under control and indicates that an average
actuator load of only 15 % was necessary to reach a speed level of 1700 m/min. With the Anti Chatter Device switched off a
strip break occurred at a rolling speed around 1640 m/min. Trial operation of the system is ongoing since April 2018 in order
to prepare it for permanent use during daily rolling for other applications in customers’ plants.

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Figure 10. High-speed rolling trials with an Anti Chatter Device installed in a four-stand TCM, Jul./Aug. 2017.

Even nowadays the production and product quality of cold-rolled aluminium and steel is strongly affected by 3rd Octave and
5th Octave Chatter. The mechanisms behind this and the effects they have on the quality of the rolled strip have been
described and illustrated by operational results. Consideration must be given to the following aspects in order to meet the
current requirements regarding mill productivity and product quality in high-speed cold rolling mills:
1. Availability of an online Chatter monitoring and analysis system, e.g. Genius CM Chatter Plus.
2. Modification of the mill design to minimize its susceptibility to vibration issues.
3. Improvements regarding maintenance and service to keep vibration levels at an acceptable level.
In addition to the aspects mentioned above newly developed methods of predictive maintenance together with the use of
passive and active vibration damping systems promise to be the next evolutionary step as part of an integrated Chatter
Management System for high-speed cold rolling mills.

1. Source of all figures (Figure 1 - Figure 10) and illustrations: SMS group
2. Christoph Häusler, Sebastian Richard, Matthias Krüger, Chatter Management in Cold Rolling Mills – Background and
Solutions, in Light Metal Age, South San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2018, pp 10.
3. Christoph Häusler, Matthias Krüger, Chatter Management today at cold rolling mills. Theoretical background,
integration into Genius CM condition monitoring, link to plant automation, European Steel Technology and
Application Days 2017 – ESTAD 2017, Vienna, Austria, Proceedings pp 2213.
4. SMS group Newsletter, Active Chatter Damping, Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 2016 (04/2016), pp 46.

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