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Mixtures of Ideal Gas

Ideal Gas Mixtures

• m = m1 + m2 + m3 + · · · + mk = i =1 mi
Properties of Homogeneous Mixtures & Psychometry mi Pk
mfi ≡ :⇒ m i =1 mfi = 1
• n = n1 + n2 + n3 + · · · + nk = i =1 ni 0
Dr. Md. Zahurul Haq, Ph.D., CEA, FBSME, FIEB

ni Pk
Professor Yi ≡ n :⇒ i =1 Yi =1
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
mi = mass of component i
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh m = total mass of mixture
ni = number of moles of component i
n = total number of moles in mixture
mfi = mass fraction of component i
ME 6101: Classical Thermodynamics Yi = mole fraction of component i Mi = molecular mass of component i
M = apparent molecular mass of mixture i

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Mixtures of Ideal Gas Mixtures of Ideal Gas

mi = ni Mi : m = nM
Conversion: Mass fraction (mfi ) to Mole Fraction (Yi )
m m1 +m2 +···+mk n1 M1 +n2 M2 +···+nk Mk Pk ni

• M= n = n = n = i =1 n Mi

mfi /Mi
M= i =1 Yi Mi Yi = M =P
Mi mfi /Mi
Dry air: 78.08%N2 , 20.95%O2 , 0.93%Ar , 0.03%CO2 :
mfi mf /M
M = 0.7808 · 28 + 0.2095 · 32 + 0.0093 · 39.94 + 0.0003 · 44 = 28.95 kg/kmol i mfi Mi Mi Yi = P mfi i /Mi i
• Apparent gas constant, R = Ru H2 0.10 2.0 0.050 0.6250
8.314 O2 0.48 32.0 0.015 0.1875
For air: R = 28.95 = 0.287 kJ/kg K CO 0.42 28.0 0.015 0.1875
• M= m
n = Pk m
= Pk m mi  = Pk 1mi /m  = Pk

1.00 - 0.080 1.0000
i =1 ni i =1 Mii =1 Mi i =1 Mi

M= Pk mfi

M= P 1 = 1
= 12.5 kg/kmol.
i =1 Mi mfi /Mi 0.080

• mfi = mi
= Pni Mi = Pni Mi /n = PYi Mi :⇒ mfi = Yi Mi • If mi ’s are given:
m ni Mi ni Mi /n Yi Mi M
• mi −→ mfi = Pmi = mi
mi m
Yi Mi PYi Mi mfi Pmfi /Mi • n= M
mfi = M = Yi Mi : Yi = Mi M= mfi /Mi • ni = Yi n
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Mixtures of Ideal Gas Mixtures of Ideal Gas

Conversion: Mole fraction to Mass Fraction P-v-T Behaviour of Gas Mixtures

Yi Mi Yi Mi Dalton’s Law of Additive Pressures

mfi = =P
M Yi Mi The pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pressures each gas
would exert if it existed alone at the mixture temperature and volume.
i Yi Mi Yi Mi mfi = PYYi Mi Mi i
H2 0.6250 2.0 1.25 0.10 Pk
P = P1 + P2 + · · · + Pk = i =1 Pi (T , V )
O2 0.1875 32.0 6.00 0.48
CO 0.1875 28.0 5.25 0.42 Pi = partial pressure of component i .
1.00 - 12.5 1.0000

M= Yi Mi = 12.5 kg/kmol.

• If ni ’s are given:
• ni −→ Yi = Pni ni T281
ni = n
• m = nM
P = PA + PB
• mi = mfi m
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Mixtures of Ideal Gas Mixtures of Ideal Gas

Amagat’s Law of Additive Volumes Gibbs-Dalton’s Law

The volume of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes each gas In a mixture of ideal gases each component of the mixture acts as if it were
would occupy if it existed alone at the mixture temperature and pressure. alone in the system at the volume V and the temperature T of the mixture.
Pk P
V = V1 + V2 + · · · + Vk = i =1 Vi (T , P)
• U = U1 + U2 + · · · + Uk = ki=1 Ui
• U = nũ = n1 ũ1 + n2 ũ2 + · · · + nk ũk = ki=1 ni ũi
Vi = component volume of component i . P
⇒ ũ = Un = Y1 ũ1 + Y2 ũ2 + · · · + Yk ũk = ki=1 Yi ũi
• U = mu = m1 u1 + m2 u2 + · · · + mk uk = ki=1 mi ui
⇒ u=m U
= mf1 u1 + mf2 u2 + · · · + mfk uk = ki=1 mfi ui
• ũ = Yi ũi : h̃ = Yi h̃i
T282 P P
• u = mfi ui : h = mfi hi
V = VA + VB ũ ≡ specific internal energy on mole basis.
Pi (T ,V ) ni Ru T /V ni Vi (T ,P) ni Ru T /P ni u ≡ specific internal energy on mass basis.
⇒ P = nRu T /V = n = Yi : V = nR u T /P
= n = Yi
Pi Vi ni • S = S1 + S2 + · · · + Sk = ki=1 Si
P = V = n ≡ Yi (Ideal gas)
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Mixtures of Ideal Gas Mixtures of Ideal Gas

k k k k [Wark Ex. 10.6]: ⊲ Adiabatic mixing of two streams at two different

• ∆U = ni ũi = mi ui ⇒ ∆ũ = Yi ũi ; ∆u = mfi ui temperatures at 1 bar.
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 (1) Air, ṁa = 1.67 kg/s, 27oC
k k k k • SSSF, P0 = 1 bar, ṁa = 1.67 kg/s
• ∆H = ni h̃i = mi hi ⇒ ∆h̃ = Yi h̃i ; ∆h = mfi hi (3)
• ṁ1 + ṁ2 − ṁ3 = 0
Air + CO2, 57oC
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 o
k k k k
(2) CO2, 127 C • ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3 = 0
• ∆S = ni s̃i = mi si ⇒ ∆s̃ = Yi s̃i ; ∆s = mfi si Cp,air = 1005 J/kgK • ṁa, 1ha,1 + ṁc,2 hc,2 = ṁa,3 ha,3 + ṁc,3 hc,3
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 T797Cp,CO2 = 1008 J/kgK

• ∆ũi = c̃v ,i ∆T , ∆h̃i = c̃p,i ∆T , ∆ui = cv ,i ∆T , ∆hi = cp,i ∆T ⇒ ṁc =0.712 kg/s, ṅc = 0.0162, ṅa =0.0575 mol/s, Ya,3 = 0.78, Yc = 0.22
T2 pi ,2 T2 pi ,2 • ∆sa = 1005 ln(330/300) − 287 ln(0.78) = 167 J/kgK
• ∆s̃i = c̃p,i ln −Ru ln ; ∆si = cp,i ln −R ln
T1 pi ,1 T1 pi ,1 • ∆sc = 1008 ln(330/400) − (8314/44) ln(0.22) = 92 J/kgK
• pi ,1 = Yi P1 , partial pressure of component i at state 1. P
• ṁ1 s1 + ṁ2 s2 − ṁ3 s3 + kj=1 Q j
Tj + σ̇cv = 0
• For ideal gas mixtures without change in composition, ppi ,2 = PP2
i ,1 1
⇒ σ̇cv = ṁa ∆sa + ṁc ∆sc = 343 J/K.s

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Psychometry Psychometry

Moist Air Relative Humidity, φ, Moisture Content, ω

• Atmospheric air contains several gaseous components including water
vapour and contaminants such as dust and pollutants.
• Dry air refers only to the gaseous components when all water vapour and
contaminants have been removed.
• Moist air refers to a mixture of dry air and water vapour in which the dry
air is treated as if it were a pure component.

• P = Pa + Pv T285
• Relative humidity, φ ≡ Pv
• n = na + nv Pg T ,P : Pg = Psat @T
• m = ma + mv • Moisture content, ω ≡ m v
• Ya = nna : Yv = nnv ω= m Pv VMv /Ru T Mv Pv
≃ 0.622 PPva : 18.0/28.95 = 0.622.
ma = Pa VMa /Ru T = Ma Pa

• Pa = Ya P : Pv = Yv P
ω = 0.622 PPva = 0.622 P−P
= 0.622 P−φP g

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Psychometry Psychometry

[Borgnakke Ex. 11.5]: ⊲ Cooling and dehumidification in a cooling coil of an

Moist Air Enthalpy, h Air-Conditioner.


• H = Ha + Hv = ma ha + mv Hv • Mass balance: ṁa1 = ṁa2 = ṁa : ṁv1 = ṁv2 + ṁf 2

• h ≡ mH = ha + m
ma hv = ha + ωhv
v • Energy balance: Q̇cv + ṁi hi = ṁe he
Pv φP
• hv ≃ hg (T ) :⇒ h = ha + ωhg • φ= Pg
: ω = 0.622 P−φP g

• ha = cpa T = 1.005T [kJ/kg da] • ha = 1.005T : hv = hg = 2501.7 + 1.82T : hw = 4.186T

• hw = cpw T = 4.1867T [kJ/kg water] Q̇cv
⇒ ṁa = (ha2 + ω2 hv2 ) − (ha1 + ω1 hv1 ) + (ω1 − ω2 )hw 2 = −41.64 kJ/kg da ◭.
• hg = 2501.7 + 1.82T [kJ/kg water vapour] ⇚ T in o C.
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Psychometry Psychometry

Dew-point Temperature, Tdp Adiabatic Saturation Process

T286 T287

When the temperature of a cold drink is Constant-pressure cooling of moist air
below the Tdp of the surrounding air, it and the dew-point temperature on the • hv (T ) ≃ hg (T ), hv (Tas ) ≃ hg (Tas ), ω = mv /ma , ω ′ = mv′ /ma
sweats. T-s diagram of water. • ma ha (T ) + mv hg (T ) + (mv′ − mv )hw (Tas ) = ma ha (Tas ) + mv′ hg (Tas )
ha (Tas )−ha (T )+ω ′ [hg (Tas )−hf (Tas )] gp (T )
Tdp = Tsat (Pv ) ω= hg (T )−hf (Tas ) : ω ′ = 0.622 P−P g (Tas )

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Psychometry Psychometry

Wet Bulb Temperature, Twb and Psychrometer Estimation of Psat and φ

Adiabatic saturation process provides a

• Psat (T ) = Pc × 10k(1−Tc /T ) = 22.10 × 10k(1−647.3/T ) (MPa)
mean to measure humidity content of 2 3

moist air, and the process can be • k = 4.39553 − 6.2442 1000 + 9.953 1000 − 5.151 1000
approximated by using a wet-bulb Psat (Twb )−Pm
• φ= Psat (Tdb )
Tdb −Twb Twb −273.2
• Pm = P 1514 1+ 873
• Wet-bulb temperature, Twb is read from a wet-bulb thermometer, which • Psat (Twb ) ≡ saturation pressure corresponding to Twb
is an ordinary liquid-in-glass thermometer whose bulb is enclosed by a wick • Psat (Tdb ) ≡ saturation pressure corresponding to Tdb
moistened with water.
• Pm ≡ partial pressure of water vapour due to depression of w.b.t.
• Dry-bulb temperature, Tdb refers simply to the temperature that would be below d.b.t.
measured by a thermometer placed in the mixture. Often a wet-bulb
thermometer is mounted together with a dry-bulb thermometer to form an
instrument called a psychrometer.
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Psychometry Psychometry

Psychrometric Chart
Example: ⊲ Tdb = 25o C & Twb = 20o C , without using psychometric chart:
• Pg (T ) = Psat @T :⇒ Pg (Tdb ) = 3.169 kPa, Pg (Twb ) = 2.339 kPa
φ2 Pg (Twb )
• φ ′ = 1.0 & ω ′ = 0.622 P−φ ⇒ ω ′ = 0.0147
2 Pg (Twb )

• ha (Twb ) − ha (Tdb ) = 1.005(Twb − Tdb ) : hw (Twb ) = 4.186Twb

• hg (Tdb ) = 2547.2 kJ/kg, hg (Twb ) = 2538.1 kJ/kg
ha (Twb )−ha (Tdb )+ω ′ [hg (Twb )−hw (Twb )]
• ω= hg (Tdb )−hf (Twb ) = 0.0126 ◭
φPg (Tdb )
• ω = 0.622 P−φP ⇒ φ = 0.635 ◭
g (Tdb )

• h = ha (Tdb ) + ωhg (Tdb ) = 57.23 kJ/kgda ◭

• Pv = φPg (Tdb ) = 2012.5 kPa
• Tdp = Tsat @Pv = 17.59o C ◭

Psychrometric charts are prepared for atmospheric pressure.

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Psychometry Psychometry

Psychrometric Processes

T291 T292


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Psychometry Psychometry

Heating & Humidification of Air Cooling & Dehumidification of Air

Cengel Ex. 14-6: ⊲ Estimate the required rate of heat and moisture removal.
Cengel Ex. 14-5: ⊲ Estimate the required heat transfer and water spray rate.

• Pv1 = φ1 Pg 1 = φ1 Psat,10degC = 0.368 kPa   

• Pa1 = P1 − Pv1 = 99.632 kPa

69 6
Pa1 V1
• ma = Ra T1 = 0.92 kg/s
• ω1 = 0.0023 kg/kg d.a.
• ṁw = 188.6 kg/day
4 5 • Q̇ = ṁa (h2 − h1 ) = 11.2 kW
4 55 5  4 4 • Q̇ = 8.5 kW ≃ 2.5 RT.
• ω2 = ω1 4556278
2  223
2! • ω3 = f (T3 , φ3 ) = 0.01206 kg/kg d.a.
494 695  4577 123
0496 123 69 • ṁw = ṁa (ω3 − ω1 ) = 0.775 ton/day.

 6 2 5955   4   4
4 5 6    4 0  
4577      27

© Dr. Md. 3 56 Haq (BUET)

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Psychometry Psychometry

Adiabatic Mixing of Two Moist Air Streams Mixing of Conditioned Air with Outdoor Air
Cengel Ex. 14-8: ⊲ Estimate state 3.
70 0 
50 10467
  522 • Dry air : ṁa1 + ṁa2 = ṁa3  05
5 "
1  855
• Water vapour : ṁv 1 + ṁv 2 = ṁv 3 !4 15
51 ⇒ ω1 ṁa1 + ω2 ṁa2 = ω3 ṁa3 1245267 2

• ṁa1 (ha1 + ω1 hv 1 ) + ṁa2 (ha2 + ω2 hv 2 ) = 0242
 5  • T3 = 19o C

51 51952
ṁa3 (ha3 + ω3 hv 3 ) • φ3 = 89%

⇒ ṁa1 h1 + ṁa2 h2 = ṁa3 h3



50 1 ma1 ω2 −ω3 h2 −h3

5 2

7 71 ⇒ ma2 = ω3 −ω1 = h3 −h1 
52950 2 1 2
0 6 72970 70
T289 T1430 67 5267
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Condensation at Air-Compressor: ⊲ Air at 30o C and 80% RH is isothermally

compressed to 1.0 MPa. Estimate the psychometric condition of the compressed
air. If same atmospheric air is expanded to 0.01 MPa, estimate the psychometric
condition. Try to solve the problem using psychrometric chart.
a : Compression process:
• Psat = 0.00425 MPa, ω1 = 0.02166 kg/kg d.a.
• If ω2 = ω1 → φ2 = 7.88 » 1.0
• So, water condensation occurs, and final state is φ2 = 100% at 30o C.
• ω2 = 0.00265 kg/kg d.a.
• ∆ω = 0.019 kg/kg d.a.
b : Expansion process:
• ω2 = ω1 = 0.02166 kg/kg d.a.
• φ2 = 79%.

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