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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 8 Project Proposal

Name Holli Harris
Pathway Level 3 Performing and production arts

Project Title
FMP variations
Section 1: Review
Entering this course, I was looking for more skills to expand my knowledge on acting and theatre, I
wasn't quite sure of what pathway I wanted to go down, whether it was theatre, film acting, etc.
And being exposed to all the skills I have learnt in the past 11 units: I am now even more confused!
But I think now is a good time to be, I love working with a range of different professional
practitioners that help me grow in a variety of areas.
I have grown more confident in a crowd and know what to make my voice heard, and that's a good
skill to have especially in this career path, as its very competitive Confidence is also something I
really wanted to improve on, also being more positive. I always used to put myself down and tell
myself I can't do it, but all that negativity has changed, especially because of my peers. I do want to
try to pursue a career in film and TV acting as that's what I’ve wanted to do for a while, just never
had the right resources and access to it, but this course is really helping.
Section 2: Project Concept
In my FMP we are doing the play Variations by Katie Hims. Our Rehearsal and final production are
being directed by Sophie Cottle.
Variations is a play covering the concepts of Multiverses, Glitching into reality and String theory, all
three of these themes have really made their way into our rehearsal space, our practical lessons,
and the concept behind them all link to one of these themes, this tells me that these themes are
important and hold the play in one.
When reading through the play for the first time you can see the characters in your head, but you
cannot put a face to them, when we get casted, I think this will be even easier to put a face to a
character, then to evaluate on the play a lot more.
What I want to get out of this play and performance is, happiness and satisfaction within myself
and to be proud of what I have shown to an audience. To achieve this, I will have to make the effort
to use my independent study times, and put them to use, something that is important to me
throughout the rehearsal times and intensive, would be to have the whole group be able to rely on
each other, this meaning everyone helps each other learn lines, be on time, do what they need to
do. And to be able to work well as a team will make such a better production for everyone.
Section 3: Evaluation
To evaluate on my progress for my FMP I will keep a diary of notes and also a video diary, this is
helpful for mw to look back on and see where I have gone wrong or had a bad rehearsal, meaning I
can learn from my mistakes.
I will also take a lot of pictures and videos of rehearsals, including movement rehearsals, so we can
look back the next lesson and see what we can take, and improve from it.
When I work with my group collectively it really changes my view on how I see the performance
coming along, some rehearsals, we need more of a warmup so get our heads into the day. I’m not
sure whether this is because it’s a Monday when we have our main rehearsal, but this should not
be distracting our rehearsals times and sometimes it does.
After our final rehearsal I will start my final reflection task, this will be the overall task that will
really make me think into my whole journey, including the performances on the night and how I
think they went.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
Found 10tth March 2023.
Found March 27th 2023
Found March 27th 2023
Found March 27th 2023
Found 27th March 2023
Found 27th March 2023
Found 27TH March 2023
Found 31st March 2023

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

1 We read through in a collective circle and Get folder for script

20th talked about themes that come up, these
February being: Glitch, Multiverse, Variations, Free
2023 will
2 We made posters of a chosen character and Develop further research on characters
27th picture them to our peers, this included
February information about they’ve personality,
2023 interests.
3 Played with themes in movement and two
6th march different themes, Glitch and identity. What
2023 those meant to us and how us individually
morning could move those words into movement.

We then worked in groups creating a small Being open to new ideas and take
6th march movement piece combining all our individually more notes to evaluate on in website
2023 movements and incorporating them into a
afternoon scene of the script. My group did the stage
4 A lot more theory this lesson, we started off by Looking at character development and
13th march creative writing and wrote down anything that came
to mind when thinking about the play, then got into create a playlist.
smaller groups, and wrote a poem/song/written
words to show the rest of the class.
5 Devised an opening and ending to the play, soph We have been casted, so read through
20th march gave us a rough idea about what she thought it
could look like, but we had expand on that and script again and try pinpoint main
make it bigger and bring it to life. acting ideas.

6 27th march We read through the script as our characters Learn lines over half term.
2023 and it brought a face to them, after we had
read through once, we started line rehearsing
and got into smaller groups and made a
manifesto for half term
7 14th April This is our first day of intensives we had a Run lines when nothing else to do
2023 look at model box set designed and brief
costume ideas and ran scenes 1-2.
15th April Not in auditorium tomorrow.
2023 We did scene 1 and 2 run through and sorted
transitions 1-3 and opening ideas, I really
focused on developing my character today

16th April Did more scene work 3-5 and transitions 4-6, Bring more water!
2023 as in roper room it was harder to do lifts in

17th April started to get more props so less miming

2023 Work more with props.
without objects, we worked a lot more on
previous transitions and introduced liminal
spacers. did scenes 6-8 and ending.
We did a full stagger through with the
18th April
props we had and with all transitions,
didn’t have any finalized music.

8 24th April
2023 Recap transition 6-7 then lots of line
running and worked on transition 6-7,
needed a lot of work. Then we
recorded lines with joe for the making
of music for scene 7.

25th April Costume fittings, ran scene 4-5 with

liminal spacers then did scenes 1,2 and
3 with line tests, then practiced safety
dance as a robotic version.
26th April
2023 Whole day of movement with deeps,
we finally got the boxes for the set,
and had to work with the size of them
as they are huge!

27th April Safety dance work and ran the 80s

2023 scene with music, a lot of line running.

28th April Run through, final one before tech

Get lots of rest over weekend for
2023 week. Practiced scene 7 with recorded tech week!
music joe made, was really hard as
quite fast paced.

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