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1st August 2022 to 13th September 2022

Place: Hooghly

Submitted to: Mr. Kuldeep Bairwa

(Asst. Professor, TIU)

Submitted By: AKSHAY ANAND

ID: 181001501007

(BBA LLB 10th Sem )


The internship opportunity I had with the District Legal Service Authority (DLSA),
Serampore, Hooghly organised by State Legal Service Authority (SLSA), West Bengal was a
great chance for learning, professional development and helped me to discover my potential.
I have had so many rich experiences and opportunities that I personally believe will forever
shape and influence my professional life while fostering personal growth and development.
Therefore, I consider myself as a lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be
a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and
professional who led me through this internship period. My internship would be possible with
the contribution and collaboration of others. I am using this opportunity to my deepest
gratitude and special thanks to the Registrar- cum-Deputy Secretary of SLSA, Sukumar
Mondal and Secretary of DLSA, Smt. Sarmishtha Ghosh, who whole heartedly gave us a
opportunity and in spite of being busy with his/her duties, took time out to hear, guide and
help us on the correct path and allowing us to learn a number of things which we were
unaware of. I also thank her for her guidance which was a remarkable force that enable me to
successfully complete the internship program. I express my deepest thanks to the Respective
Staffs of DLSA, Serampore, Hooghly who arranged all facilities and spent time with us to
make our internship effective. It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards to
my co-intern who had made the internship period warm and fun. I perceive as this
opportunity as a big milestone in my career. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge
in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement. Hope to continue
cooperation with all of you in the future.

I Akshay Anand, hereby declare that the presented report of internship is uniquely prepared
by me after working as an intern for a period of 30 days under The Secretary, District Legal
Service Authority, Hooghly.

I, also confirm that the report has been prepared only for my academic requirement and not
for any other purpose.


BBA LLB 10th Sem.

ID: 181001501007

Address: A D R Centre Hoogly at Serampore, Sub-Divisional Court Compound, Serampore,

Hooghly, 712201.

Name : Smt. Sharmistha Ghose , The Secretary, District Legal Service Authority, Hooghly

Constituted under the Legal Service Authorities Act of 1987, the National Legal Service
Authority of India was established to create a nationwide network uniform in nature that
would provide competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society at no cost. The
Authority came into force only in November 1995.

In 1987, Legal Services Authorities Act was enacted, but this Act was finally enforced on 9 th
November 1995 after certain amendments were introduced therein by the Amendment Act of
1994 and it has been placed on the statute book of India. The constitution of Legal Service
Authorities to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker section of the society
ensure that opportunity for securing justice is not denied to any citizen for reason of
economic or other disabilities.

Article 39A of the Constitution provide that the State shall secure that the operation of the
legal system promotes justice, on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall, in particular,
provide free legal aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that
opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other
way, to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason
of economic or other disabilities. With the object of providing free legal aid, Government
had, by a resolution, dated 1st September, 1980, appointed the ‘Committee for Implementing
legal Aid Schemes’ under the chairman of Mr. Justice P.N. Bhagwati to monitor, and
implement legal aid programme on a uniform basis in all the States and Union territories. It
evolved a model scheme for legal aid programme applicable throughout the country by which
several legal aid and advice boards have been set up in the States and Union territories.
Section 12 of the Legal Service Authorities Act, 1987 prescribes the criteria for giving legal
service to the eligible persons. Section 12 of the Act reads as under: Every person who has to
file or defend a case shall be entitled to legal services under this under this Act if that person

(a) member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe;

(b) a victim of trafficking in human beings or beggar as referred to in Article 23 of

the Constitution;

(c) a woman or a child;

(d) a mentally ill or otherwise disabled person;

(e) a person under circumstances of undeserved want such as being a victim of a mass
disaster, ethnic violence, caste atrocity, flood, drought, earthquake or industrial
disaster; or

(f) in custody, including custody in a protective home within the meaning of clause
(g) of section 2 of the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (104 of 1956); or in
a juvenile home within the meaning of clause

(g) of section 2 of the Juvenile Justice Act , 1986 (53 of 1986) or in a psychiatric
hospital or psychiatric nursing home within the meaning of clause (g) of section 2
of the Mental Health Act, 1987 (14 of 1987); or

(h) in receipt of annual income less than rupees one lakh or such other higher amount
as may be prescribed by the State Govt., if the case is before a court other than the
Supreme Court, and less than rupees twelve thousand or such other higher amount
as may be prescribed by the Central Govt., if the case is before the Supreme
Court. (Rules have already been amended to enhanced this income ceiling).

According to section 2(1) (a) of the Act, legal aid can be provided to a person for a ‘case’
which includes a suit or any proceeding before a court. Section 2(1) (a) defines the ‘court’ as
a civil, criminal or revenue court and includes any tribunal or any other authority constituted
under any law for the time being force, to exercise judicial or quasi- judicial functions. As per
section 2(1) (c) ‘legal service’ includes the rendering of any service in the conduct of any
case or other legal proceeding before any court or other authority or tribunal and the giving of
advice on any legal matter.

Legal Service Authorities after examining the eligibility criteria of an applicant and the
exitance of a prima facia case in his favour provide him counsel at State expense, pay the
required Court Fee in the matter and bear all incidental expenses in connection with the case.
The person to whom legal aid is provided is not called upon to spend anything on the
litigation once it is supported by a Legal Service Authority.

In every State a State Legal Service Authority (SLSA) is constituted to give effect to the
policies and directions of the Central Authority (NALSA) and to give legal services to the
people and conduct Lok Adalats in the State. State Legal Services Authority is headed by the
Chief Justice of the State High Court who is its Patron-in-Chief. A serving or retired Judge of
the High Court is nominated as its Executive Chairman.

District Legal Services Authority is constituted in every District to implement Legal Aid
Programmes and Schemes is the District. The District Judge of the District is its ex-officio

West Bengal State Legal Services Authority is actively pursuing works aimed at providing
“Active to Justice for all”. As per NALSA directions, various Legal Aid Clinics have been
started, Para Legal Volunteers have been trained, Legal Literacy Awareness Camps have
been organized and Lok Adalats have been held. In view of the above activities of WBSLSA
and keen interest shown by the students of Law Colleges at various levels, a need for an
Internship Programme was felt so that the students could use their legal knowledge, skills and
boundless energy to take initiatives to reach out to weaker sections of the society and provide
the provide the benefits of Legal Aid Programs to them.

On 1.08.22 we are reported to the DLSA as intern and our day- to- day activities are
described as following :

Day Date Activities

1 01.08.2022 Official activities and Front Office day at ADR Centre and
interacting with the Secretary and Judge of DLSA
Serampore, Hooghly.

Interacted with the people in dispute.

2 02.08.2022 Working with Advocate and attended the cases in Additional

Session Judge 2nd court.

Visiting Serampore Correctional Home.

3 03.08.2022 Attending hearing at JM 2 and preparation of Lok Adalat

official works.

4 04.08.2022 Official work and Preparation of National Lok Adalat.

5 05.08.2022 Official work and attending mediation and cooperating with

the mediator.

6 08.08.2022 Visited to chuchura court for online Registration and

Allocation of cases for National Lok Adalat.

7 10.08.2022 Preparation for Lok Adalat Official works and interacting

with aggrieved party.

8 11.08.2022 Interacting with the aggrieved party and Preparation for Lok
Adalat Official.

9 12.08.2022 Necessary arrangement for Lok Adalat and counselling the

aggrieved party.

10 13.08.2022 National Lok Adalat day.

11 16.08.2022 Interacting with aggrieved party and court visit at Serampore

court to attend trial session.

12 17.08.2022 Visited Uttarpara Juvenile Justice Board.

13 18.08.2022 Front Office work and attending Mediation.

14 22.08.2022 Front Office work and court visit at Serampore to attend trial

Visited to Hooghly Correctional Home.

15 23.08.2022 Assigned at Front Office and interacting with aggrieved


16 24.08.2022 We stood at Front Office and made various procedural works

and helped the PLVs.

17 25.08.2022 Front Office Work and spread the awareness of mediation.

Visited to Chandannagar in Prabartak Seva Niketan

(Children’s Home) and Chandannagar Court.

18 26.08.2022 Assigned at Front Office for interrogating the aggrieved party

and attended mediation.

19 29.08.2022 Assigned at Front Office and interacting with disputed party

and spread awareness for mediation.

20 30.08.2022 Front Office work and went to Serampore court to recollect

knowledge about cases.

Visited to chuchura court.

21 31.08.2022 Visited to Arambagh Correctional Home and court.

22 01.09.2022 Front Office work and interacting with disputed party.

Visited to Konnagar Asha Rani and Anne Elizabeth Sinha

Children and Old Age Home.

23 02.09.2022 Front office work and attending mediation.

24 05.09.2022 Assigned at Front Office for interrogating aggrieved party

and attending mediation.

25 06.09.2022 Observed the process of Fortnight mediation and assigned at

Front Office with interact with aggrieved party.

26 07.09.2022 Assigned at Front Office and interact with disputed party.

27 08.09.2022 Front Office work and interrogating aggrieved party and

attending the mediation.

28 09.09.2022 Front Office work for interacting with aggrieved party and
attending mediation.

29 12.09.2022 Front Office work and attended mediation. Then interacted

with disputed party.

30 13.09.2022 Front Office work and attended mediation and visited the
Chandannagar correction home.

Activities of the Internship

Activities includes mediation visiting court, correctional homes, juvenile justice board and
registration and allocation of cases Lok Adalat.

1. Visiting correctional homes :

On the following days we visited correctional homes under the supervisions of our
learned secretary Smt. Sarmishtha Ghosh. We visited the correctional homes that
include Serampore Subsidiary Correctional Home, Hooghly Correctional Home,
Arambagh Subsidiary Correctional home, and Chandannagar Subsidiary Correctional
home. During the visit we observed that our learned secretary madam of DLSA went
to the cells and asked the convicted about their lives whether there is any allotment of
PL or subsidizing convicted who haven’t got bail.
2. Attending National Lok Adalat :
NALSA organised National Lok Adalat in DLSA at ADR Centre. Then they
organised 4 benches cases related to Banks, Private Companies, cases related to NGR
act and MV act. We assigned at 4 benches alternately related to cases. The preparation
of the allocation of the cases and registering. As we were assigned to the Chuchura
District court DSLA chuchura, for the data entry and operating of the cases. We
learned the process of data entry and allocation of cases, writing of summons and
register the cases on the record book. Meanwhile in the Lok Adalat in the Lok Adalat
we observed that the maximum of the negation cases were being done with great
adroitness by the learned justice board.
3. Visiting Juvenile Justice Board :
We went to Juvenile Justice Board for the observation of the Juvenile Justice System
at Uttarpara. Then the principle Magistrate her learned Smt. Passang Lama Sherpa to
the Juvenile Justice Board enlightened us about the cases faced. We observed cases
related to Juvenile that includes Motor Vehicals act, NGR murder cases, related to
property disruption related theft. On the fact we come to know that Hooghly district
has maximum crime rate related to 377 and 376 compared to the other district.

4. Visiting cottages, orphanage and old age homes :

We visited to Prabartak Seva Niketan (children’s homes and cottages) in
Chandannagar and visited to Konnagar Asha Rani and Anne Elizabeth Sinha children
and old age home and interacted with children and visited all cottages inside the
compound except the school building. With our learned secretary madam. There we
observed about various condition of adoption, frostily and also had observed and
interacted with the victims of under pocso act, child marriage, desertion includes
(both children and aged persons).

5. Spreading Awareness about the process of mediation fortnight :

We went to spread awareness about the process of mediation The Commercial Courts,
Commercial Division, Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Act, 2015, was
enacted in the year 2015 with the objective of achieving speedy adjudication of
Commercial Disputes. Moreover, the Commercial Courts (Pre Institution Mediation
and Settlement) Rules, 2018 were also framed in line with the aforesaid act for the
purpose of resolving the matters relating to commercial disputes in an efficacious and
expeditious manner.
The process of mediation was been done by our State Legal Service Authority under
the supervision of National Legal Service Authority is free of cost and also it makes
the matter more confidential. We had an interacted with the locals and the aggrieved
parties and spread awareness about the process of mediation.
6. Attending the process of mediation : We had an interactive session with the mediator
of DLSA of Serampore, Hooghly, and learned Shri Manas Santra sir. We learned the
process of mediation negotiation from the aggrieved parties and how to settle the case
between both the parties which need not to be included by the attorney of the both
parties. We learned to write the summon notice for the absent parties.

7. Visited the courts of the District : We visited the court that includes subsidiary and the
subordinates and the district court of Hooghly that is situated in Chuchura there we
learned by our office staff of DLSA Shri Arup kr. Pal that chuchura has 19 courts and
also we learned about theirs functioning.
In the learned sub-division court of serampore we went to oversee the process of
hearing and trials in the court of Additional Juridical Magistrate (ADJM), Civil Court.
Fast Track Court (FTC) etc. We learned to write prayer by Adv. Subhra Lahiri and
learned counsel of clients under the supervision Adv. Ankshuman Chakroborty.
We visited the court of Chandannagar with the supervision of Secretary Maam there
we went to visit the edgelas of the 9 courts and their functioning.
We visited the court of Arambagh with the supervision of the office staff of DLSA,
Arambagh and learned the function of the court that includes ADJ 2 nd Court, JM 1
Class 3rd Court, JM 2nd court, ACJM, Civil Judicial (Junior Div.) 2 nd Court, Civil
Judicial (Junior Div.)1ST Court, Court of ADJM, ADJ 1st Court, Civil Judicial (Junior
Farewell & Report submission to the WBSLSA
______End of the report______
Thank You

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