Astronomy Myths

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Dahlia Castro

Math 1

Mrs. Valle

Myths of Astronomy

Speaker: Thomas Targett

Stem Cafe Level 1 Presentation

April 13 2023


I went to the last stem cafe.There was a speaker named Thomas Targett. He was going to

tell us about different myths in astronomy and how Hollywood has been using those myths in

movies and tv shows. There are six myths that he explained to us. The six myths are: “Asteroid

Field are Dangerous” (myth 1) , “The sun really yellow” (myth 2), “Meteoroids are really hot”

(myth 3), “Great Face “(myth 4), “Star Twinkle” (myth 5), and the last one is “Explosions in

Space” (myth 6).


I thought it was outrageous how Hollywood created myths in movies and tv series.I never

knew how the twinkle twinkle little star song was a myth about astronomy. Also how our brains
think weird like if you think you see a face that’s not really a face though. I like the speech

because I got the chance to learn about astronomy. I thought that it was cool that you can’t have

explosions in space. I never knew about meteorites being really cold.


In this article, they were talking about the milky way. They show how stars are a line

going to the milky way and how it is 12,000 and 13,000 light years away from the center of the

galaxy. There is a team named GLIMPSE and they are able to see more of the stars of the galaxy.

They are saying how with this dara they are going to work with astronomers to find out more in

the galaxy. Astronomers are gaining a deeper understanding with having the portrait being 360


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