Onboarding MVP Engineer

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Our policy and metric for success: over the finish line. We complete tasks -- getting it done. The
most important thing is to see that a job is complete. Is the deliverable ready for client review? Is
this feature complete? Is this ready for handoff to another employee to do their piece? This is what
we mean by over the finish line, completed ready for the next step.

Our values, in order.

Competence Communication Compassion

We are all experts at what Asynchronous working, Treating each other with
we do. Getting it done audio, text. Communicating respect and understanding
independently is top needs, delays, questions. the humanity of your
priority. Clear and direct coworkers.
communication is needed.


1. Every employee of MVP Engineer starts with an interview and a test task unpaid, usually
15 minutes.
2. Afterwards they are given 1 or 2 hours to prove they have the skills required for the
position they are applying to. These hours are paid. After the employee reports on what
was done, if the results are satisfactory we will increase your hours and start working on
the projects assigned by your manager. The Upwork manual timer will always be off. After
establishing a successful work relationship and there is more work available for the
employee there is a possibility of a new hours increase.
3. Ongoing relationship, with checkins on making sure you have what you need, freedom to
work when and how you want, need consistent competent delivery.
4. We work asynchronously, questions are asked and will be answered when they are seen.
Always ask your question, make an assumption for the answer, continue working, and
when you deliver the work, state your assumption (question and answer) and the delivery.

Questions to answer in onboarding chat:

1. What do you do when you reach a blocker (something that prevents you from continuing?
2. What do you do when you run out of upwork time?

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