Historia de La Creacion Resumida

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On the first day God created the heavens and the earth.

The earth was disorganized and empty

and the darkness covered the face of the abyss, so I create the light and separate it from the
darkness; I call the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day; God said: "Let there be something firm in the middle of the waters, to
separate some waters from other waters!" 7 And God made a vault, and some of the waters
remained above the vault, and some of the waters remained below. God called the vault

On the third day, God gathered the waters under the heavens, discovering what was dry and what
was dry he called the earth and the set of waters he called seas. Then God created the plants and
that's how the third day ended.

On the fourth day, God created 2 great lights to separate the day from the night and serve as signs
for the seasons, days and years. So it was. God created 2 great lights: The sun to be the king of the
day and the moon to be the queen of the night.

On the fifth day God created birds to fly in the sky and great sea monsters and blessed them
saying: «Reproduce, multiply! Fill the waters of the seas! Let the birds multiply on earth! " And so
the fifth day ended.

On the sixth day, God created living beings on earth of various species and also on the sixth day
God created man and woman in his image and likeness and blessed them with these words
«Reproduce, multiply, and fill the earth! Master it! Be the lords of the fish of the sea, of the birds
of the sky, and of all beings that crawl on the earth! " And so the sixth day ended.

Thus were the heavens and the earth and everything that exists ended. God finished on the
seventh day the work he did; and on that day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the
seventh day, and made it holy, because on that day he rested from all his work.


Between both theories, there are several differences, but today I am going to talk about 3 of them:

1. 1. In the theory of genesis, as they realized, it talks about a God who created the entire
universe and everything in it, but instead Charles Darwin's theory of evolution suggests
that we come from the monkey
2. 2. Evolution in nature is not incompatible with the notion of creation, because evolution
requires the creation of evolving beings
3. 3. One theory is based on science while the other is based on religion and faith.

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