Honduras Review

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Student: Maryury Berenice Mazzoni Velasquez



Brief History Review

Honduras, officially Republic of Honduras, is located in Central America situated between Guatemala
and El Salvador to the west and Nicaragua to the south and east. Honduras is the second largest country
in Central America, following Nicaragua. Its Capital is Tegucigalpa.

Honduras was first sighted by Europeans when Christopher Columbus arrived at the Bay Islands very
close to the island of Guanaja on 30 July 1502 on his fourth voyage. On 14 August 1502 Columbus
landed on the mainland near modern Trujillo. Columbus named the country Honduras ("depths") for the
deep waters off its coast.

Later on Honduras gained independence from Spain in 1821. The country was then briefly annexed to the
Mexican Empire. In 1823, Honduras joined the newly formed United Provinces of Central America
federation, which collapsed in 1838. Honduras declared its absolute independence on November 5, 1838.

Honduras Now

As the Constitution states Honduras is a State of law, sovereign, constituted as a free, democratic and
independent republic and it ensure its inhabitants the enjoyment of justice, liberty, culture, and social and
economic well-being.

Government & Economy

Citizens of Honduras vote for a president who serves a single four-year term. The president appoints 18
governors to run administrative departments. The departments are further broken down with localities
being the most local subdivision of government. People in each locality are able to elect a mayor.

A third of the economy in Honduras is derived from agriculture, with coffee being the biggest export.
Bananas also contribute a significant percentage of the money brought into the country.

Honduras Tourism

Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America. It attracts tourists with its natural beauty and
diversity of wildlife. There are many places to see and activities to do, but it would be better to
distinguish a few. An exciting place for tourists to visit is the city – Copan, the most studied Maya city in
the world, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Interesting elements include a ball platform, a
unique temple with the longest known Mayan text, and Acropolis with carved reliefs of the 16 kings of

Not far from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras is the country’s first national park – La Tigra. This
untouched area of Central America’s tropical jungle is home to ocelots, pumas, and monkeys. Moreover,
the park is also a haven for many surprisingly bright and beautiful birds within its borders, including
toucans and trogons. It is one of the most visited parks in Honduras, and it is worth a separate excursion.
Along the main road between San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, is the natural attraction of Honduras –
Lake Yojoa. It is the largest natural lake in the country and the primary habitat for birds in this Central
American country. Apart from the places mentioned above there are many other beautiful places you can
visit in Honduras.

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