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Approves the Technical Regulation for the Measurement of

Petroleum and Natural Gas, which establishes the
conditions and minimum requirements for the petroleum
and natural gas measurement systems in order to
guarantee accurate and complete results.

legal powers conferred by Law no. 9,478 of 6th August 1997, jointly with the PRESIDENT OF
QUALITY - INMETRO, using his legal powers conferred by Law no. 5,966 of 11th December
1973, make public the following act:

Art. 1 Approval is given to the Technical Regulation for the Measurement of Petroleum
and Natural Gas. This Regulation is annexed to the present Decree and establishes the
conditions and minimum requirements for the petroleum and natural gas measurement
systems, in order to guarantee accurate and complete results.

Art. 2 The design, installation, operation, testing and maintenance in perfect working order
of the following measurement systems are subject to the Technical Regulation for the
Measurement of Petroleum and Natural Gas approved by this Decree:

I - measurement systems in which physical volumetric measurements will be taken of the

petroleum or natural gas produced in the fields, as referred to in section IV of art. 3, art. 4 and
art. 5 of Decree Law no. 2,705 of 3rd August 1998;

II - measurement systems in which volumetric measurements will be taken of the

petroleum or natural gas for the operational control of the volumes consumed, injected,
transferred and transported;

III - measurement systems in which physical volumetric measurements will be taken for
the operational control of the petroleum or natural gas imported and exported; and

IV - measurement systems in which volumetric measurements will be taken of the water

for operational control of the volumes produced, captured, injected and discharged.

Art. 3 A maximum period of 24 (twenty four) months from the date of publication of this
Decree is granted for the measurement systems already installed and in use, to be modified to
meet in full the Technical Regulation for the Measurement of Petroleum and Natural Gas
approved by this Decree.

Art. 4 Any party failing to comply with the stipulations contained in this Decree will be liable
to the penalties provided for in Law no. 9,847 of 26 October 1999 and in complementary

Art. 5 This Decree comes into effect on the date of publication.


Director-General of the ANP President of INMETRO

Published in the DOU of 20/06/2000

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1.1 Purpose
This Regulation establishes the minimum conditions that must be met by measurement
systems applicable to:

1.1.1 Production of petroleum and natural gas;

1.1.2 Transport and storage of petroleum and natural gas;

1.1.3 Import and export of petroleum and natural gas.

1.2 Scope of Application

1.2.1 This Regulation applies to all the measurement systems in the pipeline or in tanks,
equipped with devices intended for the measurement, calculation and display of the volume of
petroleum and natural gas produced, processed, stored or transported, and used for : Fiscal measurement of the production of petroleum and natural gas in the
production installations on land or in the sea; Measurement of production of petroleum and natural gas in long duration tests in
the petroleum and natural gas fields; Measurement for the allocation of production of petroleum and natural gas in the
wells and fields; Measurement of production of petroleum and natural gas in test wells, whose
results are used for allocation of production to the fields and wells; Operational measurement for controlling production of petroleum and natural gas
from a field; Operational measurement at the entry and exit of natural gas processing units; Operational measurement for control of movement in transport and storage of
petroleum and natural gas; Operational measurement in the import and export of petroleum and natural gas.

1.2.2 This Regulation does not apply: To measurement systems that, as part of production, storage and transport
installations, have purposes other than those described in sub-item 1.2.1; To measurement systems in the refinement of petroleum and to the
measurements of liquid derivatives of petroleum and natural gas; To systems of distribution of piped gas; To vehicular systems using natural gas.

1.3 Standards and Regulations

The standards and regulations to be adhered to are referred to in the corresponding
sections of this Regulation.

1.3.1 Requirements laid down in Decrees, federal technical regulations, ABNT standards,
the recommendations of the OIML, ISO standards and standards issued by other institutions
must be complied with in this order of priority.

1.3.2 For the purposes of definition in this Regulation, the instruments and measurement
methods are those regulated by the Decrees referred to in this Regulation, notwithstanding the
incorporation of other instruments and methods that may have been declared as standards

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ANP National Petroleum Agency
INMETRO National Institute of Industrial Metrology, Standardisation and Quality
ABNT Brazilian Association of Technical Standards
OIML International Organisation of Legal Metrology
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
API American Petroleum Institute
AGA American Gas Association
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CNP National Petroleum Council
INPM National Institute of Weights and Measures

For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions are adopted, in addition to the
definitions that appear in Law no. 9,478 of 6th August 1997 and in the Concession Contract for
the Exploration, Development and Production of Petroleum and Natural Gas:

3.1 Fiscal measurement Measurement of the volume of production subject to fiscal

control, carried out at a metering point in the production as
referred to in section IV of art. 3 of Decree Law no. 2,705
of 3/08/1998.
3.2 Shared fiscal Fiscal metering of volumes of production of two or more
measurement fields that are mixed together before the measurement
3.3. Operational measurement Measurement for production control that includes the
measurement of petroleum and natural gas for
consumption as fuel or for any other use within the field; of
gas used for artificial lifting, injection, storage, or that is
ventilated or burnt as a flare; of water produced, injected,
captured or discharged; of petroleum transferred; of
natural gas for processing; of petroleum and natural gas
that is transported, stored, moved with transfer of custody,
imported or exported.
3.4 Measurement for Measurement to be used to determine production volumes
allocation to be allocated to each field in a group of fields where
there is shared measurement or to each well within a
single field.
3.5 Measurement report Document advising the measured volumes, the correction
factors and the volume confirmed during a measurement
3.6 Fiscal meter The meter used for fiscal measurement of the production
volume of one or more fields.
3.7 Volumetric table Table indicating the volume contained in a tank for each
level of filling.
3.8 Calibration factor of the Quotient between the gross volume measured using a
meter calibration system, and the volume recorded by a fluids
meter during a meter calibration test.
3.9 Recorded volume Variation in the record of the totaliser of a fluids meter
between the start and finish of a measurement
3.10 Effective volume Volume of product recorded by the calibration factor of the
3.11 Effective volume under Effective volume corrected for the reference conditions of
reference conditions pressure and temperature.
3.12 Net volume Volume of petroleum under reference conditions after

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discounting the volume of water and sediments.

3.13 Well test flow rate The total production of a well during a test divided by the
time (in hours) of the duration of the test.
3.14 Potential production of The volume of production of a well during 24 hours at the
well test flow rate.
3.15 Corrected potential The volume of production of a well at the test flow rate
production of well during the effective production time of the well.
3.16 Corrected potential Total of the corrected production potentials for the wells in
production of field a field.
3.17 Ratio of gas to petroleum The volume of gas produced to the volume of petroleum
(RGO) produced, both measured under the reference conditions.
3.18 Usual operating flow rate The average operating flow rate, evaluated in the period
from the most recent calibration of the measurement
system or the most recent well test up to the date of
evaluation. Periods in which there was no flow should not
be included in the calculations.
3.19 Usual operating conditions The temperature and conditions, and the average
properties (density and viscosity) of the measured flow, as
evaluated in the period from the most recent calibration of
the measurement system or the most recent well test up to
the date of evaluation.
3.20 Failure Event in which the performance of the measurement
system does not meet the requirements of this Regulation
or of the applicable standards.
3.21 Presumed failure Situation in which there are indications of a failure of the
a) regulation and adjustment taking place that is not
b) variation in the volumes measured that does not
correspond to the variations in the operating conditions of
the petroleum and natural gas installations.
3.22 Master meter Meter used as a comparison standard for calibration of
other meters.
3.23 Fluids meter Instrument intended for the continuous measurement,
calculation and indication of the volume of fluid passing
through the measurement transducer, under the
measurement conditions.
3.24 Pipe prover Open or closed recipient, of known volume, used as a
volumetric standard for calibration of petroleum meters.
3.25 Long duration test Testing of wells carried out during the exploration phase
for the sole purpose of obtaining data and information
about the reserves and having a total flow time of more
than 72 hours.
3.26 For technical terms relating to measurements in general, the applicable definitions are
those in INMETRO Decree no. 29/95 - The Vocabulary of Basic & General Metrology
Terms, and in INMETRO Decree no. 102/88 - The Vocabulary of Legal Metrology.


4.1 The unit of volume in the measurement of petroleum is the cubic metre (m³), under the
reference conditions of 20° C temperature and 0.101325 MPa of pressure.

4.2 The unit of volume in the measurement of natural gas is the cubic metre (m³), under
the reference conditions of 20° C temperature and 0.101325 MPa of pressure.

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5.1 The equipment and systems for measurement must be designed, installed, operated,
tested and maintained in adequate working order to measure, accurately and fully, the
production of petroleum and natural gas for fiscal purposes and the volumes for operational
control of the production, transport, storage, import and export of petroleum and natural gas.

5.2 The measurement points for fiscal purposes must be approved by the ANP, and the
measurement systems for fiscal purposes must be approved by INMETRO and their use
authorised by the ANP before the start of production in a field or the start of a long duration test.

5.3 The fiscal measurement points in petroleum production must be situated immediately
after the production installations for separation, treatment and tanking, and before any
installations for transfer, processing, storage in storage stations, transport or ocean terminals.

5.4 The fiscal measurement point for natural gas production must be situated immediately
after the installations for separation and treatment and before any installations for transfer,
processing or transport.

5.5 The following information must be presented for the approval of the ANP:
a) A schematic diagram of the installations showing the main flows of petroleum, gas and
water, the location of fiscal measurement points, the measurement points for operational control
of production, of gas for processing, and of the transport, storage, import and export of
petroleum and natural gas;
b) An engineering flow diagram of the measurement systems, showing all the pipes,
meters and accessories installed;
c) Specifications and data sheets for the measurement and sampling instruments and
d) A description of the measurement systems, including a description of the equipment,
instruments and calibration systems to be used.
e) A description of the operation of the measurement systems, containing a description of
the procedures for measurement, sampling, analysis and determination of the properties and
calculation of the production volumes.

5.6 The systems for fiscal measuring of production must be inspected by the ANP in order
to verify that they have been correctly installed and are operating correctly before the start of
production of a field or of a long duration test. Inspection of other systems may be carried out at
the discretion of the ANP.

5.7 The petroleum that is measured at the measuring points, excepting the measuring
carried out for allocation purposes, must be stabilised and must not contain more than 1% of
water or sediments.

5.7.1 Measurement of petroleum under other conditions must be approved by the ANP,
and the criteria, parameters and correction factors used to determine the net volume of
petroleum must be presented and justified beforehand.

5.7.2 The measuring system must incorporate detectors and/or operations procedures to
prevent the transfer of petroleum through the measuring point that does not comply with the
specifications of sub-item 5.7 or the alternative specifications approved by the ANP in
accordance with sub-item 5.7.1.

5.8 The measuring instruments, the materialised measurements and the measuring
systems used must be subjected to metrological checks by INMETRO, where applicable, in
order to demonstrate traceability to the INMETRO standards.

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5.9 All the calibration and inspection required under this Regulation is carried out at the
expense and risk of the concessionary or of the party authorised in relation to other petroleum
and natural gas installations, and must be carried out by qualified persons or bodies.


6.1 Measuring Petroleum in Tanks.

6.1.1 For fiscal measuring in tanks, the measuring point for production is normally situated
downstream of the measuring tanks.
6.1.2 The tanks used for fiscal measuring of petroleum must meet the following
requirements: They must be gauged to comply with sub-item 6.2 of this Regulation; They must be equipped with access points for measuring and sampling the
contents. They must be equipped with a measuring table at the bottom and a reference
mark close to the measuring outlet. The filling pipes must be designed to minimise the free fall of liquid and to
minimise splashing.

6.1.3 The liquid level measurements must be carried out using a manual measuring rod or
using automatic level measuring systems.

6.1.4 The measuring of levels of liquid in the tanks must adhere to the requirements of the
following documents and regulations: Manual measurements using a measuring rod:
Decree INPM no. 33/67 - Standard for measuring of the Height of Stored Petroleum
Products in Tanks.
INMETRO Decree no. 145/99 - Approves the Technical Metrological Regulation,
establishing the conditions that must be met by the materialised length measurements for
general use.
ISO/DIS 4512 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Equipment for Measurement of
Liquid Levels in Storage Tanks - Manual Methods. Measurements using an automatic system:
OIML R71 - Fixed Storage Tanks. General Requirements.
OIML R85 - Automatic Level Gauges for Measuring the Level of Liquid in Fixed Storage
ISO 4266 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Measurement of Temperature and
Level in Storage Tanks - Automatic Methods.
ISO/DIS 4266-1 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Measurement of Level and
Temperature in Storage Tanks by Automatic Methods - Part 1: Measurement of Level in
Atmospheric Tanks.

6.1.5 In order to determine the measured volume the following corrections and related
factors must be considered:
a) Volumetric schedule of the tank;
b) Thermal expansion between the measurement temperature and the reference condition
of 20° C. The measurement of temperature and the correction factors for the thermal expansion
must meet the requirements of standards:
INPM DECREE no. 9/67 - Standard for Thermometers for Petroleum and Its Derivatives
When in Liquid State and for Complementary Equipment.
INPM DECREE no. 15/67 - Standard for Determination of Temperature of Petroleum and
its Liquid Derivatives.
CNP - Resolution no. 06/70 - Volume Correction Tables for Petroleum and Derivatives.

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ISO 4266 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Measurement and Level and
Temperature in Storage Tanks by Automatic Methods - Part 4: Measurement of Temperature in
Atmospheric Tanks
ISO/DIS 4268 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Temperature Measurements --
Manual Methods
c) Water and sediment content, determined in accordance with sub-item 6.5 of this

6.1.6 All the pipes connecting the measurement tanks at their entrance and exit points, as
well as those connecting to the other tanks and drain points, must be provided with valves that
can be sealed in the closed position and are installed as close as possible to the tank. The
valves must be tested periodically to check they are free from leakage.

6.1.7 The tanks must be operated in cycles of filling and measurement: During the filling cycle, the valves that control the exit of petroleum from the tank to
the measurement point must be closed and, in the case of fiscal measurements, must be
sealed. After the end of the filling cycle, the contents of the tank must be allowed to rest in
order to release the vapour retained in the liquid or generated during the filling and for possible
decantation of water. Before starting the measurement cycle, all the valves must be closed that connect
the tanks to the filling entry points, to other tanks or to the exits to points other than the
measurement point. In the case of fiscal measurements, the valves must be sealed in the
closed position. Sampling must be carried out in accordance with sub-item 6.5 and the average
temperature determined in accordance with the standards that apply. The initial level must be measured according to the standards that apply, and then
the valve(s) for the exit of the petroleum to the measurement point must be opened. After the transfer of the petroleum has finished, the valves for the exit of the
petroleum to the measurement point are closed and the residual level in the tank is measured.
In fiscal measurements the valves must be sealed.

6.1.8 The calculation of the liquid volumes must follow the recommendations of the
following document:
Chapter 12.1 Calculation of Static Petroleum Quantities, Part 1, Upright Cylindrical Tanks
and Marine Vessels.
Chapter 12.1.1, Errata to Chapter 12.1 -- Calculation - Static Petroleum Quantities, Part 1,
Upright Cylindrical Tanks and Marine Vessels. First Edition Errata published.

6.1.9 Measurement reports must be drawn up, in accordance with sub-item 10.2 of this
Regulation, containing all the values measured by means of the measuring point and all the
calculations for determining the volume of the petroleum produced, received or transferred.

6.2 Procedures for Gauging Measurement Tanks and Calibrating the Level
Measurement Systems

6.2.1 The tanks must be gauged, adhering to the prescriptions established in sub-item 5.8
of this Regulation, in order to draw up the volumetric table. The volumetric table must be
presented to the ANP before the tanks is approved for measurement purposes. The tanks must
be calibrated according to the following standards:
ISO/DIS 4269-1 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Tank Calibration by Liquid
Measurement -- Part 1: Incremental Method Using Volumetric Meters
ISO 7507-1 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical Cylindrical
Tanks -- Part 1: Strapping Method

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ISO 7507-2 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical Cylindrical
Tanks -- Part 2: Optical-Reference-Line Method
ISO 7507-3 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical Cylindrical
Tanks -- Part 3: Optical-Triangulation Method
ISO 7507-4 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical Cylindrical
Tanks -- Part 4: Internal Electro-Optical Distance-Ranging Method
ISO/DIS 7507-5 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical
Cylindrical Tanks -- Part 5: External Electro-Optical Distance-Ranging Methods
ISO 7507-6 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calibration of Vertical Cylindrical
Tanks -- Part 6: Recommendations for Monitoring, Checking and Verification of Tank Calibration
and Capacity Table OIML R 71 - Fixed Storage Tanks. General Requirements.

6.2.2 The tanks used for petroleum measurement must be inspected both internally and
externally, at the expense and risk of the concession holder or of the party authorised in relation
to the petroleum or natural gas installation, once every three years, in order to determine the
existence of damage, incrustation and deposit of material that could affect calibration.

6.2.3 The tanks used for fiscal measurement must be gauged at least every 10 years or
immediately after any modifications are made that could affect calibration, and the tanks must
be out of use from this time until the new calibration is carried out.

6.2.4 The measuring rods used must be verified annually by INMETRO.

6.2.5 The automated level measurement systems must be calibrated every six months,
using measuring rods verified by INMETRO, at three levels, as follows: maximum, medium and
minimum. The difference between the measurement using the rod and the measurement using
the automatic measurement system must be less than 6 mm.

6.3 Measurement of Petroleum in the Pipe

6.3.1 The systems for measurements in the pipeline must have the following equipment
as a minimum:
a) Fluid meters of the positive displacement or turbine type, or coriolis type mass meters
with an indication of volume. Other types of meters can be used providing that their use has
been previously authorised by the ANP. The meters must have a totaliser without a return to
zero device or, in the case of electronic meters, in which the return to zero is not possible
without operating adjustments that are protected by means of seals or other protection against
unauthorised access;
b) A fixed or moveable calibration system as provided for in sub-item 6.4 of this
Regulation, appropriate for the calibration of fluids meters and approved by the ANP;
c) A system for taking samples in proportion to the flow rate, controlled by an exit signal
from the fluids meter and meeting the requirements of sub-item 6.5 of this Regulation;
d) An instrument or system for measuring the temperature or an automatic temperature
compensation system;
e) An instrument or system for measuring pressure or an automatic pressure
compensation system.

6.3.2 Pipe measurement systems must be designed:

a) To be compatible with the transfer systems to which they are connected;
b) To prevent re-flow through the meters;
c) To protect the meters against transient pressure changes;
d) To protect the meters against shock pressure exceeding their designed pressure;
e) Not to allow passage of gases or vapours through the meters;
f) Not to have a meters contour.

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6.3.3 The fiscal measurement systems for petroleum must be designed, installed and
calibrated to operate within a 0.3 class of accuracy in accordance with OIML R117. When
operating the pipe measuring systems it is essential to ensure that:
a) The meters are operated within the limits specified by the manufacturer;
b) The flow rates and other conditions of operation are within the maximum and minimum
in order to ensure that the maximum acceptable errors are not exceeded;
c) The fiscal meters are calibrated each time there is a change in the conditions of
operation that could cause errors greater than the maximum permissible errors.

6.3.4 Installation and operation of the pipe petroleum measurement systems must adhere
to the guidelines of the documents listed below and others that are recognised internationally,
provided that these are approved by the ANP:
INMETRO Decree no. 113/97 (mass meters)
ISO 2714 Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric Measurement by Displacement Meter
Systems Other Than Dispensing Pumps
ISO 2715 Liquid Hydrocarbons - Volumetric Measurement by Turbine Meter Systems
Chapter 5, Metering
Chapter 5.1, General Consideration for Measurement by Meters.
Chapter 5.4, Accessory Equipment for Liquid Meters.
Chapter 5.5, Fidelity and Security of Flow Measurement Pulsed - Data Transmission

6.3.5 The measurements must be corrected for the following factors:

a) Thermal expansion between the reference temperature and the measurement
temperature adhering to the following standards:
CNP - Regulation no. 06-70 - Petroleum and Derivatives Volume Correction Tables
Chapter 7.2, Temperature-Dynamic Temperature Determination.
b) Compressibility of the liquid between the reference pressure and the measured
pressure adhering to the following standard:
Chapter 11.2.1M, Compressibility Factors for Hydrocarbons: 638-1074 Kilograms per
Cubic Meter Range.
c) Sediment and water content in the petroleum, determined in accordance with sub-item
6.5 of this Regulation.

6.3.6 The calculation of the volumes of the liquids measured must be in accordance with
the following standard: ISO 4267-2 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products -- Calculation of
Petroleum Quantities -- Part 2: Dynamic Measurement.

6.3.7 The measurement reports must be drawn up containing all the values measured, all
the parameters and factors used and all the calculations made, in order to determine the
corrected net volume of petroleum in accordance with sub-item 10.2 of this Regulation.

6.4 Calibration of Pipe Meters

6.4.1 Fiscal pipe meters for petroleum production must be calibrated with a maximum
interval of 60 days between successive calibrations. Greater intervals can be approved by the
ANP on the basis of the historic record of calibrations. Other meters may be subjected to
verification and calibration in accordance with sub-items 8.2.1 and 9.3 of this Regulation.

6.4.2 For installations and operation of petroleum pipe meter calibration provers, test
tanks, master meters or other systems previously authorised by the ANP may be used, provided

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that these conform to the documents listed below or others recognised internationally and
approved by the ANP:
ISO 7278-1 Liquid Hydrocarbons -- Dynamic Measurement -- Proving Systems for
Volumetric Meters -- Part 1: General Principles
ISO 7278-2 Liquid Hydrocarbons -- Dynamic Measurement -- Proving Systems for
Volumetric Meters -- Part 2: Pipe Provers
ISO 7278-3 Liquid Hydrocarbons -- Dynamic Measurement -- Proving Systems for
Volumetric Meters -- Part 3: Pulse Interpolation Techniques
ISO/DIS 7278-4 Liquid Hydrocarbons -- Dynamic Measurement -- Proving Systems for
Volumetric Meters -- Part 4: Guide for Operators of Pipe Provers
Chapter 4, Proving Systems
Chapter 4.1, Introduction, Second Edition
Chapter 4.3, Small Volume Provers
Chapter 4.4, Tank Provers
Chapter 4.5, Master-Meter Provers
Chapter 4.7, Field-Standard Test Measures.

6.4.3 The reference standards, working standards and the equipment used in calibrating
the mechanical displacement calibrators, the calibration tanks, the master meters, and other
calibrations systems used, must comply with the provisions established under sub-item 5.8 of
this Regulation.

6.4.4 The master meters, used for calibrating the petroleum meters in operation, must be
calibrated with calibration tanks or mechanical displacement provers in the pipe, in order to
obtain a calibration factor from the master meter, before using this to calibrate the meters in

6.4.5 The master meter must be calibrated with a specific mass of fluid, and with viscosity
and temperature sufficiently close to those of the fluid measured by the meter in operation and
with a flow that is the same as the usual flow of the meter in operation, with a tolerance of
±10%, so that the calibration factor does not present a variation exceeding 0.05% between the
calibration conditions of the master meter calibration and the calibration conditions of the meter
in operation. If a master meter is used to calibrate the different meters that are in operation, with
different conditions and different usual operational flow rates, the master meter must be
calibrated as many times as necessary to meet the requirements for all the meters in operation.

6.4.6 The master meter must be calibrated monthly, with a time interval between
successive calibrations of less than 60 days. Less frequent calibration can be authorised by the
ANP as a function of the operating time of the master meter and of the past calibration results.

6.4.7 Calibration of the master meter must be carried out by means of tests, carried out
and recorded, until the greatest difference obtained for the meter factors in the tests are less
than 0.02%, that is:
a) the results of two consecutive tests, if a calibration tank is used;
b) the results of five out of six successive tests, if a mechanical displacement prover is

6.4.8 When calibrating a meter in operation with a master meter, the latter can be installed
up or downstream of the meter that is in operation. However, it must always be upstream of any
counter-pressure regulation valve or any retention valve associated with the meter in operation
and downstream of filters and gas eliminators.

6.4.9 The mechanical dislocation pipe provers and the calibration tanks must be calibrated
at least once every 5 years using the procedures laid down in the corresponding standards and

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the standards traceable to INMETRO. Copies of the calibration reports, drawn up in accordance
with sub-item 10.2 of this Regulation, must be archived for presentation to the ANP if required.

6.4.10 Calibration of fiscal meters in operation must be carried out using the fluid
measured under the usual measuring conditions, with deviations of less than 2% in the specific
mass and viscosity, 5° C in the temperature and 10% in the pressure and with the usual
operational flow rate, with a deviation of less than 10%.

6.4.11 For calculation of the calibration factor, for the meter in operation, the following
corrections of the measured volume must be taken into consideration where relevant:
a) Variation of the calibrator volume due to the action of the pressure of the fluid on the
walls of the calibrator;
b) Thermal expansion of the test liquid;
c) Variation in the volume of the mechanical dislocation calibrator or of the calibration
tanks due to the temperature;
d) Variation of the test liquid volume due to pressure.

6.4.12 Calibration of a meter in operation with a calibration tank consists of carrying out
tests and recording the results until two successive tests are recorded with a difference that is
less than 0.05% of the volume of the calibration tank. The calibration factor must be calculated
on the basis of the arithmetical mean of the two tests.

6.4.13 Calibration of a meter in operation with a master meter consists of carrying out
tests and recording the results until three successive tests are recorded in which the maximum
difference between the calibration factors calculated is less than 0.05%. The calibration factor
must be calculated on the basis of the arithmetical mean of the three tests.

6.4.14 The calibration of a meter in operation with a pipe prover consists of carrying out
tests and recording the results until five out of six successive tests are recorded in which the
maximum difference between the calibration factors calculated is less than 0.05%. The
calibration factor must be calculated on the basis of the arithmetical mean of the five tests.

6.4.15 There must be presumed to be a failure in the fiscal meter if the variation of the
calibration factor in relation to that of the immediately previous calibration is greater than 0.25%
or, if it is not possible to obtain results to determine the previous calibration factor, in relation to
the provisions of sub-items 6.4.12, 6.4.13 and 6.4.14 of this Regulation.

6.5 Sampling and Analysis of the Properties of the Petroleum

6.5.1 When measuring petroleum, samples must be taken for qualitative and quantitative
analysis in order to determine the content of water and sediments, and the specific mass, for
each measurement or measurement period, and to be used in the correction of measured
volumes and for other uses. Analysers in the pipe can be used to measure the properties of the
petroleum continuously or more frequently. The analysers must be calibrated periodically on the
basis of the laboratory analyses of the samples collected.

6.5.2 When taking fiscal measurements of petroleum, production samples must be

collected at least once every month to determine the content of sulphur, heavy metals and cut-
off points, in order to comply with ANP Decree no. 155 of 21/10/1998.

6.5.3 Collection of samples must adhere to the guidelines stated in the following
INPM Decree no. 12/67 -- Standard for Sampling Petroleum and its Liquid Derivatives for
Quantitative Purposes.

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05800NB00418 75 Sampling of Petroleum and Liquid Derivatives for Quantitative

0500NB00174 72 Standard for Sampling Petroleum and Derived Products
Chapter 8, Sampling
Chapter 8.2, Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products (ANSI/ASTM
Chapter 8.3, Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples of Petroleum and Petroleum
Products (ASTM D5854)

6.5.4. Pipe sampling systems must meet the following requirements:

a) The sampling point must be situated immediately up or down stream of the meter;
b) The sampling point chosen must be such that the sample is perfectly representative of
the product. If it proves necessary, a mixing system must be included to guarantee that samples
are representative.
c) The sample collection receptacle must be free of leaks and must have a system for
homogenising the samples.

6.5.5 The samples obtained by the sampling procedures must be mixed and homogenised
before proceeding to measure their properties and to analyse them.

6.5.6 The following determinations and analyses must be carried out: Determination of the specific mass of the petroleum must follow the guidelines
stated in the following documents:
14065 98 Distillates of Petroleum and Viscous Oils - Determination of Specific Mass and
the Relative Specific Mass by the Digital Densimeter.
07148 MB00104 92 Petroleum and Derivatives - Determination of Specific Mass -
Densimeter Method
Chapter 9. Density Determination
Chapter 9.1 Hydrometer Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), or
API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products (ANSI/ASTM D 1298) (IP 160)
Chapter 9.3. Thermohydrometer Test Method for Density and API Gravity of Crude
Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products. Determination of the volumetric fraction of water and sediment, according to one of
the methods described in the following documents:
MB00038 72 Determination of Water and Sediment in Crude Petroleum and
Combustible Oils - (Centrifuge Methods)
MB00294 66 Method of Testing to Determine the Sediments in Petroleum and
Combustible Oils - Extraction Method
14236 98 Petroleum Products and Bituminous Materials - Determination of
Water Content by Distillation
Chapter 10. Sediment and Water
Chapter 10.7. Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oil by Karl Fischer
Titration (Potentiometric) (ANSI/ASTM D4377) (IP 356) Determination of the True Boiling Point using one of the methods described in the
following documents:
ASTM D2892-98b Standard Test Method for Distillation of Crude Petroleum (15 -
Theoretical Plate Column)
ASTM D5236-95 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Heavy Hydrocarbon Mixtures
(Vacuum Potstill Method)

PANP/INMETRO 1/2000 12
ANNEXE - PDF Generated on 09-Dec-2004 10:16AM Determination of the sulphur content using one of the methods described in the
following documents:
ASTM D129-95 Standard Test Method for Sulphur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb
ASTM D1266-98 Standard Test Method for Sulphur in Petroleum Products (Lamp
Method) Determination of heavy metals using one of the methods described in the following
ASTM D5708-95a Standard Test Methods for Determination of Nickel, Vanadium and Iron
in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Atomic Emission
ASTM D5863-95 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Nickel, Vanadium, Iron and
Sodium in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


7.1 Measurement of Natural Gas in the Pipeline

7.1.1 Measurements of natural gas at the production measurement points must use orifice
plates, turbines or ultrasonic type meters. Other types of meters can be used if previously
authorised by the ANP.

7.1.2 The measurements of gas received in a field for artificial lifting or injection must be
considered as fiscal measurements.

7.1.3 The measurement systems for gas must be installed as described in the reference
document and in the manufacturer's specifications for the measuring instruments.

7.1.4 Contours should not be installed in the gas measurement system. Systems with
exchange of orifice plates in flow under pressure are not considered contours.

7.1.5 The measurement systems for gas must be operated with the flow rates between
the maximum and minimum specified by the manufacturer.

7.1.6 The instruments for measuring the flow rate, differential pressure and flow pressure
and temperature must be selected and operated so that the value measured is within the
measurement band and its accuracy is compatible with the accuracy necessary to obtain the
uncertainty specified in this Regulation. If these requirements cannot be met by using a single
instrument, two or more instruments must be installed covering the measurement band

7.1.7 In the measurement of natural gas using orifice plates the requirements described in
the following documents must be met:
NBR ISO 5167-1 Measurement of Flow of Fluids by Means of Pressure Instruments - Part
1: Orifice Plates, Nozzles and Venturi Tubes Installed in Circular Transversal Section of Forced
ISO/TR 5168 Measurement of Fluid Flow -- Evaluation of Uncertainties
ISO/TR 9464 Guidelines for the Use of ISO 5167-1:1991
Chapter 14.2. Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Gases (A.G.A. Report no. 8)
Chapter 14.3. Part 1. Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters (A.G.A. Report no. 3)
(GPA 8185-90)
Chapter 14.3. Part 2. Specification and Installation Requirements. Reaffirmed May 1996
(ANSI/API 2530)

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Chapter 14.3. Part 3. Natural Gas Applications.

7.1.8 In the measurement of gas using turbines the requirements described in the
following document must be met:
Measurement of Gas by Turbine Meters, A.G.A. Report no. 7.

7.1.9 In the measurement of gas using ultrasonic meters the requirements described in
the following document must be met:
Report no. 9 Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters

7.1.10 Fiscal measurement systems for gas must be designed, calibrated and operated so
that the uncertainty in the measurement is less than 1.5%. Other systems for measurement
must have a measurement uncertainty of less than 3%.

7.1.11 Fiscal measurement systems for natural gas must include devices to compensate
automatically for the variations in static pressure and in temperature. Such compensation must
include the variations in the coefficient of compressibility of the gas caused by the variations in
pressure and temperature.

7.1.12 Variations in the composition of the gas recorded during periodic analyses in
accordance with sub-item 7.3 of this Regulation must be compensated immediately after each
new analysis, for the purpose of subsequent measurements.

7.1.13 Fiscal measurement systems for production of natural gas that have a maximum
flow of less than 5,000 m³ per day can dispense with the automatic pressure and temperature
correction devices, and the pressure and temperature used in calculating the flow must be
recorded together with the average temperature of the gas during the period determined by
means of a minimum of three readings per day. The uncertainty in the measurement in these
systems must be less than 3%.

7.2 Calibration and Inspection of Natural Gas Meters

7.2.1 Gas meters must be calibrated according to the criteria of standard NBR ISO 10012-
1, with an initial interval between successive calibrations of no more than 60 days for fiscal
meters and not more than 90 days for other meters.

7.2.2 Reference standards, working standards and the equipment used for calibration of
the measuring instruments and systems of measurement must meet the prescriptions
established in sub-item 5.8 of this Regulation.

7.2.3 Turbine type gas meters and meters of the ultrasonic type must be calibrated with a
flow equal to the usual operating flow, with a measurement accuracy of ±10%. The pressure
and temperature instruments used for the pressure and temperature compensation must be
calibrated so that the accuracy of measurement is within the limits to obtain an uncertainty in
the measurement results of less than that specified in this Regulation.

7.2.4 In orifice plate measurements, the differential pressure, the flow pressure and the
temperature instruments must be calibrated to an accuracy such that the pressure, temperature
and differential pressure measurements are within the limits to obtain an uncertainty in the
measurement result less than that specified in this Regulation. If the accuracy of measurement
is outside these limits, the instruments must be regulated or adjusted.

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7.2.5 The orifice plates used in fiscal metering of natural gas must be inspected annually
to verify that they are within the dimensional tolerance specified in the applicable standards.
The sections used for fiscal metering intended for the fiscal measurements must be inspected
internally and externally every three years to determine whether the dimensions of the pipes
and the internal roughness of these is within the limits established in the applicable standards.

7.3 Sampling and Analysis of Natural Gas

7.3.1 Samples for analysis must be taken at least once a month at the natural gas
production fiscal metering points. Pipe analysers can be used to measure the properties and
composition more frequently. The analysers must be calibrated periodically using the laboratory
analysis of samples collected. Sampling of natural gas must meet the requirements of the
following documents:
Chapter 14.1. Collecting and Handling of Natural Gas Samples for Custody Transfer.

7.3.2 Gas samples must be analysed qualitatively and quantitatively to obtain the
composition of the gas, its specific mass, calorific power and its inert gas and contaminants
content, in order to comply with the requirements of ANP Decree no. 41, of 15/04/1998 for
corrections in the measurement of volumes and for other uses. The methods described in the
following documents must be used:
ASTM D 1945 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas
ASTM D 3588 Calculating Heat Value, Compressibility Factor, and Relative Density
(Specific Gravity) of Gaseous Fuels
ASTM D 5454 - Standard Test Method Water Vapour Content of Gaseous Fuels Using
Electronic Moisture Analysers
ASTM D 5504 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Sulphur Compounds in
Natural Gas and Gaseous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and Chemiluminescence
ISO 6626 - Natural Gas - Determination of Sulphur Compounds. Parts 1 to 5
ISO 6974 - Natural Gas - Determination of Hydrogen, Inert Gases and Hydrocarbons up
to C8 - Gas Chromatography Method


8.1 Shared Measurements

8.1.1 Systems of shared metering of production of two or more fields must be authorised
by the ANP before production starts. The documentation for authorisation must include a
detailed description of the methods for allocation of the production to each field and of the
measuring systems used to achieve this.

8.1.2 In shared measuring systems, the production of each field must be determined by
allocation carried out on the basis of the production measured in allocation meters, or estimated
on the basis of the well tests in each field and the production time of each well during the

8.2 Measurements for Allocation

8.2.1 Measurements for allocation of petroleum production must comply with the
requirements for fiscal measurement, with the following exceptions: The petroleum may be not stabilised and may contain more than 1% by volume of
water and sediments. In the case of measurements in tanks, the automatic level measurement systems
must be calibrated every six months, using measuring rods verified by INMETRO, at three

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levels: maximum, medium and minimum. Any discrepancies between the measurements with
the rod and the measurements with the automatic measurement system must be less than 12
mm. In the case of measurements in tanks of a volume of petroleum production of less
than 50 m³ /day, with tanks of a capacity that is less than 100 m³, the gauging of the tank can be
carried out using a simplified procedure based on the principal dimensions of the tank. In these
measurements, use of the external measurement of the level of the tanks taken using a rule is
permissible; but must be to an accuracy of ±20 mm, including reading errors due to the position
of the observer. Pipe meters must be designed, operated and calibrated in order to obtain class 1.0
accuracy in accordance with OIML R 117. The meters must be calibrated at intervals not
greater than 90 days. The ANP may authorise greater intervals between successive calibrations
on the basis of past calibration records. In the case of calibration of pipe meters, as described in sub-items 6.4.12, 6.4.13
and 6.4.14, the difference between the meter factor values in the different tests should not
exceed 0.4%.

8.2.2 In the case of measurements for allocation of un-stabilised petroleum production, the
shrinkage factor due to release of vapours after measurement when the petroleum stabilises
must be considered. If these vapours are recovered in the treatment unit, the production of gas
must be computed, estimated on the basis of the volume of petroleum and the RGO of the
petroleum under the conditions applied to allocation measurement.

8.2.3 When the shrinkage factors, the RGO and the correction factors for the production of
gas are used in determining the volumes of production, they must be determined monthly at
intervals of not more than 42 days and in accordance with the methods described in the
applicable standards.

8.2.4 If there is free water in the petroleum when this is measured under tank conditions,
its volume must be determined by decantation and by means of the pipe metering, by using an
analyser to determine the total fraction of water or by obtaining representative samples.

8.2.5 Measurements for allocation of the production of gas must comply with the
requirements for fiscal gas measurement, but with the following differences: Measurement uncertainty must be less than 2%. Gas analyses must be carried out quarterly. In the case of measurement systems with a maximum flow of less than 5,000 m³
per day, the criteria described in sub-item 7.1.13 of this Regulation apply.

8.2.6 In the case of measurements for the allocation of production of natural gas when the
gas is treated, account must be taken of the correction factors resulting from the separation of
components and from condensation occurring after the measurement has been taken. The
correction factors must be calculated on the basis of a direct measurement of the separated
volumes or on the basis of the composition of the gas flows and the balance of material in the
treatment units. The volumes of condensate must be allocated as petroleum production.

8.2.7 Measurements for allocation must meet the requirements of the following document:
Chapter 20, Allocation Measurement of Oil and Natural Gas
Chapter 20.1, Allocation Measurement

8.3 Well Tests

8.3.1 In cases where the results of the well tests are used for allocation of production to a
field, each well in production must be tested monthly, with an interval between successive tests

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not greater than 42 days, or whenever there are alterations in the operating conditions or when
variations in production are detected.

8.3.2 In cases where the results of the well tests are used only for allocation of production
to wells, each well in production must be tested monthly, with an interval between successive
tests of not more than 90 days, or whenever there are alterations in the operating conditions or
when variations in production are detected.

8.3.3 Tests must be carried out using test separators or test tanks. Other testing methods
must be previously approved by the ANP.

8.3.4 The test conditions must be the same as the usual operating conditions. If this is not
possible, the flows obtained must be corrected to allow for the usual operating conditions.

8.3.5 The tests must last for at least four hours and be preceded by a period of production
under test conditions of not less than one hour, for the purpose of stabilising the operating

8.3.6 During the tests, measurements must be taken of the volumes of petroleum, natural
gas and water produced. The measurement of the gas can be estimated if the ANP has
authorised the ventilation or burning of natural gas produced in the field, or if the well in
question is one with intermittent gas lift. The measurement of the water can be estimated if
there is no production of free water or if estimation has been authorised by the ANP. In this
case, production of water must be determined by measuring the content and by measuring the
water and the sediments in the fluid produced.

8.3.7 The measurement systems used for the well tests must comply with the
requirements of the systems of measurement for allocation.

8.3.8 Reports of the well tests must be drawn up as described in sub-item 10.2 of this

8.4 Allocation of the Production to Wells and Fields

8.4.1 Production measured at the measuring points must be applied to the wells in the
field on the basis of the well tests. The production allocated to each well will be the same as the total volume of
production of the field multiplied by the corrected potential production of the well and divided by
the corrected potential production of the field. This criterion will be used for the allocation of the petroleum and natural gas

8.4.2 The allocation of the production measured at a measuring point shared by two or
more fields, when this is carried out on the basis of the well test, must take account of the
following: The calculation of the corrected potential production of the production of the wells
of all the fields involved. The allocation of the production to each well, that is the same as the corrected
potential production of the well multiplied by the total production of all the fields that share the
measuring point and divided by the sum of the corrected production potentials for all the fields. The production allocated to each field is the same as the sum of the production
values allocated to the wells of that field.

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8.4.3 Production must be allocated monthly, on the basis of the most recent production
test on each well. A check must be made that the production times of all the wells relate to the
same period of a calendar month.

8.4.4 When measurements for allocation of production are taken at a shared measuring
point the production allocated to each field is the same as the total production volume,
multiplied by the volume measured in the respective measurement(s) for allocation and divided
by the sum of the volumes measured in all the measurements for allocation of the fields that
share the measuring point. The allocation of the production to the wells must be carried out for
each field as described in sub-item 8.4.1 of this Regulation, using the value of the production
allocated to the field as the total volume of the field production.



9.1 The main process variables in the production, movement and transport, storage,
import and export of petroleum and natural gas for processing must be measured and recorded
to enable monitoring of operations.

9.2 The instruments and systems used in the measurements taken for operational control
must be those appropriate for such measurements and must be compatible with the operational
conditions. Measurements at the transfer of custody points for petroleum and natural gas must
comply with the requirements for fiscal measurements as stated in this Regulation, as a

9.3 The instruments used in the measuring systems for operation control must be
subjected periodically to checking or calibration in compliance with a programme that must be
submitted to the ANP.

9.4 The following volumes must be measured:

9.4.1 Volumes of petroleum and natural gas used as a fuel or for any other purpose within
the field. The use of estimates for measurement of these volumes must be previously approved
by the ANP. These measurements must comply with the requirements for the measurements for

9.4.2 Total volumes of gas used for artificial lifting and intended for injection into the wells. The allocation of volumes of gas for artificial lifting or gas injected into the wells,
using dedicated instruments or by means of tests, must be carried out in accordance with the
procedure used for allocation of production described in sub-item 8.4 of this Regulation.

9.4.3 Volumes of gas ventilated or burned in flares. The estimation of these volumes by
balance or other procedures must be previously authorised by the ANP.

9.4.4 Total volumes of water produced, injected into wells or discharged. The allocation of the volumes of water produced and injected in each well,
achieved using the instruments intended for this purpose or using periodic testing, must follow
the procedure used for allocation of production as described under sub-item 8.4 of this

9.4.5 Volumes of petroleum held in intermediary stores within the production systems.

9.4.6 Volumes of petroleum stored in terminals within the transport system.

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9.4.7 Volumes of petroleum or natural gas being transported.

9.4.8 Volumes of natural gas for processing.

9.4.9 Volumes of natural gas stored in storage systems.


10.1 Procedures in the Event of Failure of the Measuring Systems

10.1.1 Real or presumed failure of a measuring system may be detected: During operation, if the system is showing problems in operation or is supplying

incorrect results, or if it is confirmed that regulations or adjustments that are not authorised are
taking place; During calibration, if the system shows errors or variations in calibration that
exceed the limits, or if the instruments cannot be calibrated.

10.1.2 If a meter is found to have a fault it should be taken out of operation in order to be
regulated or adjusted and calibrated, and it must be replaced by another meter that has been
calibrated. The production between the moment of the failure and the time that the meter is
taken out of operation will be estimated on the basis of the average hourly production preceding
the failure. If the failure is detected during periodic calibration, the production affected by this
failure is considered to be the production from the time of the previous calibration, or during the
21 days immediately prior to the calibration.

10.1.3 The ANP must be notified in writing within 48 hours of the occurrence of a failure in
the system for fiscal metering of production, as well as of any operational incidents that have
caused an error in metering, or if there has been complete or partial interruption of metering.
Such notification must include an estimate of the volumes affected.

10.2 Measuring, Testing, Calibration and Inspection Reports

10.2.1 All the measurements, analyses and calculations made in order to determine the
fiscal production of a field must be recorded in production reports. The production reports must
cover one load or one day's production, whichever is the lesser. When a production
measurement is taken in a tank of petroleum that corresponds to more than one day's
production, the volume measured must be allocated to the number of days' production in
proportion to each day's production time.

10.2.2 The model for the fiscal measurement reports and for the measurement for
operational control of production must be presented for approval to the ANP. In the case of
reports compiled electronically, these must contain all the calculation formulae used.

10.2.3 All the measurements, analyses and calculations carried out to determine the
measurements for operational control of other activities must be recorded in reports for those

10.2.4 The reports of fiscal measurements and for allocation must include, at the least:
a) The name of the concession holder or the authorised party;
b) Identification of the field or of the installation;
c) The date and time the report was compiled;
d) The period of production or of the movement of the fluid;
e) Identification of the measuring points;

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f) Values recorded (totals, levels, temperatures and pressures);

g) Gross, gross corrected and net volumes of production or movement;
h) Results of laboratory analyses;
i) Correction factors with the parameters and methods used to determine these;
j) Signature of the person responsible for the report and of their immediate superior.

10.2.5 Reports must be compiled of the production tests carried out on the wells,
immediately after the tests have been completed. The reports of the well tests must
include, at the least:
a) The name of the concession holder;
b) Identification of the field;
c) The date and time that the report was compiled;
d) Identification of the well;
e) Identification of the equipment and system used for measurement during the test;
f) The date and time that the well was brought on line for testing;
g) The date and time that the test started;
h) The date and time that the test ended;
i) Values measured (volumes, pressures, temperatures, levels) at the start, every hour
and at the end of the test;
j) Gross production volumes, gross production volumes under standard conditions and net
production volumes of petroleum, gas and water;
k) Results of the analyses of properties of the petroleum, gas and water;
l) Correction factors used and the parameters and methods of calculating these;
m) Production volumes per day of petroleum, gas and water;
n) Test flows of petroleum, gas and water;
o) Ratio of gas to petroleum;
p) Signature of the person responsible for the report and of their immediate superior.

10.2.6 Calibration reports must be produced for all the measuring instruments and
systems. The reports must be compiled immediately after calibration has been carried out and
they must include information to allow verification of traceability to INMETRO of the instruments
and systems used for calibration.

10.2.7 Reports must be issued of inspections carried out to tanks and measuring systems.

10.2.8 Measurement and testing and calibration reports must be archived for 5 years and
be available for examination by the ANP or its representatives.

10.3 Inspections

10.3.1 The ANP has free access at any time to the petroleum and natural gas installations
in order to inspect the systems for measurement, to make a check on operations, and to inspect
the measurement reports.

10.3.2 Inspections can include, but are not limited to:

a) Verification that the measurement systems are installed according to the standards and
regulations applicable and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
b) Inspection of the condition of the measuring systems and instruments;
c) Verification of the seals and the corresponding control forms;
d) Monitoring of the tanks and measuring systems inspections;
e) Monitoring of the calibration of systems and instruments;
f) Monitoring of measuring operations;
g) Monitoring of production tests;
h) Verification of the calculation of volumes;
i) Monitoring of the operations of sampling and laboratory analysis;

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j) Verification of the measurement, test and calibration reports.

10.3.3 All the instruments, equipment and personnel necessary for the inspections must
be provided by the concession holder at no charge to the ANP.

10.3.4 If the ANP asks to make inspections that do not involve routine operations, the
concession holder must programme these operations to be carried out within 2 working days of
the request from the ANP. If the inspection includes monitoring programmed operations, such
as the calibration of the measurement system or well tests, the ANP will state its intention to
inspect these operations and the concession holder will confirm the date and time that these
operations are to be carried out at least 7 days in advance.


11.1 The fiscal measurement systems for the petroleum and natural gas production must
be protected against unauthorised access in order to avoid damage, failure or loss of calibration
of the instruments and components of the system.

11.2 Seals must be installed to avoid unauthorised access to the operations that could
affect the performance of the instruments and the measurement systems. For operations
carried out as through programming, passwords or other means must be included to avoid
unauthorised access to the systems and programmes used for configuration, adjustment and

11.3 The automatic sampling systems must be sealed to avoid alteration of the samples.

11.4 The valves of the tanks must be provided with seals, as described in sub-item 6.1.6
of this Regulation.

11.5 A form must be made out recording the sealing provision for each measurement
system; this must list all the seals installed in instruments, valves and other devices, the
function of each seal and the operations for which it is necessary to remove the seal.

11.6 The seals must be numbered. A register must be drawn up of all the seals used,
indicating the location, date and time of installations and removal of each one. The register must
be kept up to date at all times and be available in the production installation for inspection by
the ANP or the representatives of the ANP.
The register must contain, as a minimum:
a) The name of the concession holder;
b) Identification of the concession and of the field;
c) List of all the points where the seals are located, with the number of the seal at each
point and the date and time that it was installed.
d) Historical record of the operations of removal and installation of seals, with the date,
time and identification.

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