Brand Up

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Brand UP

How to build a Brand that shines!

Hasan Demo
Brand Up - Hasan Demo


Imagine you're at an event and

someone asks you what you do for
a living.

"I'm an affiliate marketer," you say


But when they ask what products

or services you specialize in, you
draw a blank.

It's easy to see how lacking a

specialized skillset or career can
be detrimental to your success as
an affiliate marketer.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Having your own skills and expertise

not only helps you stand out and
establish credibility with your
audience, but it also allows you to
provide valuable information and
insights to your followers.

And when it comes to promoting

products or services as an affiliate,
having a deep understanding of a
particular topic can help you make
informed and effective
recommendations to your audience.

But it's not just about impressing

others – having your own skills and
expertise can also help you diversify
your income streams and make you
more valuable to potential partners.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Maybe you have a talent for creating

beautiful handmade crafts.

Or perhaps you're an expert in a

particular software and can offer
consulting or coaching services.

The possibilities are endless.

So before you decide to affiliate for

any product, make sure you have
something to call your own.

It will not only command respect

from your audience and potential
partners, but it will also set you up
for long-term success as an affiliate
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Wondering why I started with the

(so-called) Affiliate Marketers?

It is what is relatable to everyone as

it is sad to see people wasting their
potential for only a few bucks -
while getting trapped in the

So, what is the solution?


Yes, you are the best BRAND.

And in this guide, you will make it


-- Hasan Demo
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

The Core Truth:

Do you want to be seen as a main

person, and not just an alternative.

Whether in a relationship, place of

work, or anywhere at all, you
understand that being the spotlight
will earn you the respect you

This is because positioning yourself

in a smart way makes you a valuable
and respected individual wherever
you are.

So, why is it important you position

yourself as an attractive BRAND?
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

There you have it!

1/ It helps you build a great network

of valuable people

Establishing yourself as a brand

helps you to amass a reasonable
contingent of people.

People who are aware of your good

leadership skills, and the
indispensability in the qualities of
your services will always be keen to
support you and return favours,
when necessary.

A good networking is super

essential, and positioning yourself as
a leader will soften the rock for you.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

2/ It helps to win people’s trust

If you’re new on the scene, then

people aren’t going to know what
sets you apart from all the other
people or brand who are offering
the same service.

People need reasonable reasons to

turn to you.

And by establishing yourself as a

leader, you’ll be helping to give your
company instant credibility.

Using Elon Musk Tesla company as a

practical example.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

No one had even heard of Tesla a

few years ago.

It seemed impossible that a new car

company could come in and rival
the existing big players.

But Elon Musk quickly showed the

world who he was, and that was

3/ It turns your passion into a

profitable business

Creating contents or sharing tips to

people about a particular subject
matter can actually help you to
create a business and start to make
cool money.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Let's say for instance, you share

educational tips on diets and
health, and it works for people. This
can turn them to eventually
become your clients.

People will come to you for more

tips, counseling and advices,
whereby they pay for the services.

4/ Free advertising

Another great benefit of

establishing yourself as a brand is
that it helps you to indirectly sell
yourself, and makes more people
become aware of what you do.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

For instance, if people know you to

always post or promote outstanding
contents, such as real life stories,
health tips, beauty care tips,
inspirational contents etc.,

... chances are that they would refer

you, share your posts, and tell
friends and families about you –
indirectly making a broadcast of
your posts.

And even without you having to pay

for any ads, you have an ORGANIC
TRAFFIC already.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

5/ It opens door of opportunity

Establishing yourself as a good

brand can help to open doors of

As a leader per excellence, it's

important to showcase your skills
and expertise.

This makes people want to get

involved with you.

People can only vouch for you when

they know you enough to deliver
exceptional services.

They know you won't jeopardize the

trust they have in you and they will
always get in touch whenever there
are opportunities.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

With this, establishing yourself as a

brand is no more a choice, it is
nothing less than compulsory – if
truly you want to make greater
impact and income.

If you;

(1) Engage in meaningful marketing,

(2) Increase your product's quality,
(3) Create contents consistently,
(4) Build a strong personal brand,
(5) Show your clients' results...

Go and price your favourite car,

because the number of clients that
will troop in and beg you to collect
their money would be
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Branding Yourself:

Have you ever experienced a

situation where people laughed so
hard at someone just because of the
way they look...

... but they immediately stopped

laughing when they heard the
person speak?

This is often the case when silent,

humble, yet intellectual persons
walk into any room.

There is already a contingent of

people who will quickly judge them
based on their skin colour, their
dress, their expression, among
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

I couldn't say it better than Dale

Carnegie when he said;

"You can make more friends in two

months by being interested in
them than in two years by making
them interested in you.”

The moment you pick an opposing

side whenever somebody shows up,
you already neutralised any
centripetal or gravitational force
that might bring about friendship,
business and even love.

As humans, we are naturally

interested in people who in one way
or the other show interest in us. To
put simply, we like people who like
us. Period!
Brand Up - Hasan Demo


Quick one:

I used the words "Centripetal" and

"Gravitational" in the previous slide
not because I needed them, but
because I haven't used them since I
left school. At least if I can't apply all
the physics (I did countless night
classes for) in real life, I should be
able to borrow and use their words
for no reason sometimes. I can't let
my parent's money go up in flames.

If I catch you laughing... (winks).

Brand Up - Hasan Demo

So, if you've always desired a

percentage of followers in real life or
on social media, you need to be
genuinely interested in people –
their wants and values.

If you want your spouse to

unconditionally love you, you
shouldn't give him/her nothing less
than outstanding care, attention
and love.

"Growing up is when you

understand you get what you give,
not what you're given." – Guy
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Lesson learnt?

You don't have to bother about

getting and receiving. Just
concentrate and put your soul into

Develop interest in others and the

odds are that they will equally be
and extremely interested in you and
whatever you do.
Brand Up - Hasan Demo

Final Note:

The way you dress is undoubtedly

the way you'd be addressed.

People will always judge a book by

its cover, and it's completely fine.

So you need to position yourself

uniquely as a valuable asset to the

Just as you opt in for brands like

Samsung, Nestle, MTN, Oraimo, etc,
instead of lesser-known companies,

... clients also want to offer their

projects or do business with
professionals with proper personal
Brand Up - Hasan Demo


The majority of Entrepreneurs

and even Sale Gurus DON’T
know what you’re about to

Click here to get BRAND UP

(Like A Pro) today or visit to learn

Hasan Demo.

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