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Identification of a specific problematic situation

Presented by

Marlin Rubiela rivas lobon

Code: 1007545131

Cluster: 151021_19


Carolina Jaime Rodríguez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Programa de Administración en Salud

Course: Geopolitics and environmen

March 2023

Chocó is the department of Colombia richest in fresh water per inhabitant. However, causes

such as mining, the absence of aqueduct and sewerage, and stagnant water wells have

caused its inhabitants to suffer from diseases related to water contamination.

Mining has become the main source of economic resources for Chocó; This has generated

that its inhabitants live next to the main fluvial sources of the department, from where they

extract the elements of exploitation and acquire the water for their consumption.

The exploitation of gold, platinum and zinc includes the use of chemicals that are

subsequently disposed of in the department's water sources. One of the main elements of

contamination is mercury, which after contact with water is consumed by the inhabitants of

the sector, since there are no water purification mechanisms. This generates diseases and

genetic mutations in its consumers.

The mining process also includes the creation of stagnant water wells, which causes the

appearance and development of pests that threaten the well-being of the ecosystem and the

health of the inhabitants of the sector. The most common diseases are malaria, typhoid

fever and dengue.

The third cause of diseases due to the consumption of contaminated water is the non-

existence of aqueduct and sewerage in most of the area of this department. According to the

ombudsman's office, more than half of the population uses rainwater for consumption and

food preparation.

The consumption of non-potable water generates diseases such as acute diarrhea and

gastroenteritis. The main victims are children, a percentage of them do not receive medical

attention on time due to lack of financial resources and die as a result of these diseases.




The impact of the population on the planet's

ecological systems has become more

apparent in recent years, revealing the close

relationship between levels of environmental

pollution and the health of the population.

Infectious diseases pose a great risk and are

the leading cause of death in children and

young adults. According to information provided by the World Health Organization,

considering only diarrheal diseases frequently associated with the consumption of

contaminated water or food, approximately 2 million people die each year, mostly children

under 5 years of age.

Within infectious diseases, viruses are the main cause of outbreaks related to water and

food contamination, where improved wastewater treatment treatments have reduced the

transmission of most bacterial pathogens


According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that 10%

of the world population consumes food irrigated with untreated wastewater, and that 32%

of the world population does not have access to adequate basic sanitation services ,

generating 280,000 deaths associated with water-related diseases. It is estimated that 4% of

all deaths in the world are related to the quality of water, hygiene and sanitation. In Latin

America and the Caribbean, acute diarrheal diseases (ADDs) are one of the ten main causes
of deaths per year , due to water quality problems, mainly due to inadequate wastewater

management (Rev. public health- 2016 )

According to studies carried out by the research group on Drinking Water and Basic

Sanitation of the Technological University of Chocó “In Quibdó, the capital of Chocó,

water contamination is the main cause of infant mortality, gastroenteritis being 16%,

dehydration 12 4%, acute diarrhea 3.8% and malnutrition 3.8%, malaria, the main causes of

annual mortality in children 6 months of age.


The department of Chocó is the only one in Colombia that has coasts on both oceans, with

the highest rainfall, which makes it have its own conditions that favor the health problem,

the geographical characteristics also favor vulnerability factors.

The main causes of morbidity for the general population of the department of Chocó

according to the stipulated life cycles are: for early childhood the greatest percentage

changes were communicable and nutritional conditions and non-communicable diseases

associated with environmental contamination in water, leading to that the vectors will be

published in that population.

The mortality rate for communicable diseases in the department of Chocó was represented

by intestinal infectious diseases, diseases transmitted by vectors, such as malaria, which is

endemic in the region; vaccine preventable diseases, acute respiratory infections; High

mortality rates are observed, observing persistence of high mortality rates in all these years

due to environmental contamination, especially in water sources, such as rivers, streams

and the stagnation of wells. In the regions which serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes

that cause all these diseases.


 That the community action boards seek the help of the municipality and ESPA, to
create awareness in the locality regarding the necessary hygiene measures for
stagnant water.

 Monitor the experiences that are being carried out.

 Education programs, community participation to raise awareness among the
inhabitants of the problem to which we are exposed and provide solutions.

 Support cleaning campaigns, cleaning can serve to eradicate dengue.

 Campaigns where the community in general is involved in the elimination of vector


 Manage resources for prevention, through cleaning brigades in the areas where the
largest number of cases per year occur.

 Epidemiological fences through the use of nets for infected patients.

 Care campaigns for children and immunocompromised people.

Bibliographic references

Spanish magazine of Public Health Online version ISSN 2173-9110 Printed version ISSN

1135-5727 Rev. Esp. Salud Publica vol.79 no.2 Madrid mar./apr. 2005

Rev. public health. 18 (5): 738-745, 2016 738


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