Tools 2

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Obj: "Participa en juegos de rol guiados o situaciones simuladas relacionadas con el

intercambio de información personal, expresiones de saludo y demás utilizando
vocabulario y gramática básica junto con el uso de fórmulas de cortesía en un
ambiente laboral."
Comprende información básica en textos en inglés acorde con nivel principiante.

Let's play


Let's listen

Listen to a conversation between a sales associate and a customer. Mark the following statements as true (T)
or false (F).

1 The customer needs Phillips and flathead screwdrivers _T_

2 They do not sell hand tools individually _F_

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3 Buying tools in a set is less expensive than buying them one at a time _T_


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Let's read

Read and choose where the words best fit the blanks.

Phillips screwdriver flathead screwdriver

A A screw with a flat slot needs a __Flathead screwdriver__

B A screw with a cross-shape on the head needs a Phillips screwdriver__

slip-joint pliers long-nose pliers

A Slip-joint pliers_are adjustable.

B Long-nose pliers have needle-like pincers.

claw hammer tool kit

A Claw hammer_can drive in or remove nails.

B Many tools are included in a _Tool kit_

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Saw:2 scissors: 3 cutter:4 chisels:5 file:1

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Let's play

Work in groups.

Create a problem in your house / at your work and select the tools you need from the hardware store.

For example:

Problem: I need to hang a painting on my wall

Tools: You need nails, a claw hammer, measuring tape, etc…


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Material taken from: Career Paths, Mechanics, Dearholt 2012. Let`s speed up, García, 2012. Designed by: Daniela Lemus.

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