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Recent international reports confirmed Egypt’s leading position in the

information technology field and ranked it as the first country in the Middle East,
North Africa and Europe (MENA’s Powerhouse of Innovation). In addition, Egypt
obtained International recognition and merit certificates in supporting the
export of its IT products and services because of business Environment,
Competitive costs, Egyptian professionals are multi-lingual. All these factors led
to attracting investment to Egypt in the field of technology, led to brimming with
new opportunities and tech-driven businesses. The one aspect that sets Egypt
apart from other nearshore destinations in Europe, as well as on a global
comparison, is the possibility to implement service centers on a meaningful
scale, like the Philippines and India we will explain it in detail below:

Testimonials …
" German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel"
there is no other place on earth that has as many German
foreign schools as there is in Egypt. He added that it is a matter of
pride that Egypt has so much confidence in Germany with regard
to youth education. Gabriel described the university exchange
between the two countries as "really wonderful". Aug 2017

World Economic Forum “confirmed that Egypt improved in business

dynamics & innovation capabilities” Oct 2019

World Bank Group “Egypt progressed 6 places among economies

with most improved in ease of doing business”
Oct 2019

International Monetary Fund “IMF” “Egypt is the only country in

MENA to witness positive real GDP” May 2020

United nations “Egypt is Africa’s top first FDI destination” June 2021
Why invest in Egypt?
 Linguistic factor
Arabic is the mother tongue in Egypt, so it can provide information technology
services to 300 million Arab consumers all over the world, including the local
market. Also English is the main language in the IT sector and it considered the
second official language in the country with more than 90000 graduating in
English every year, 80% of the working population neutral accents for 20
languages (17 million people speak English fluently as a second language and 1.7
million people speak German), graduates complete college education with
proficiency in many languages and the total number of German graduates is
3438 (look the graphic)

The total number of university graduates for German language departments is

1264, The number of German language and literature departments in Egyptian
universities colleges increased from 13 in 2016 to 24 now, in addition to 10
specialized institutes for translation, the numbers are still increasing.
Graduates from German university are 2174 Therefore, the German university in
Cairo ranks first among all German transnational educational institutions (TNEs)
outside Germany, with more than 40% of students. It also ranks the first among
other foreign universities in Egypt, even surpassing American universities with
13000 students.
The German Foreign Ministry conducts research every five years indicated that
Egypt is in a leading position among countries of the region. since 2015, the
number of students learning German in Egypt has increased by 60%, the total
number at all levels of education becomes to 405262 learners, and this
increasing because of the cooperation with German institutions and
organizations, the Ministry of Education and universities in Egypt, the main
reasons are the dynamics of the labor market, the good German education
system, and mutual cultural interests, last but not least, people who study
German in Egypt are very willing to.

Egypt is an important location for German schools with 30896 students as

 There are 7 German schools supported by the German Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in foreign countries The teaching language is German which is the
same number in Spain, this makes the two countries have the largest
number of German schools in the world.

 31 schools under the Future Partner School Initiative “PASCH”, their courses
of study include German teaching at different levels.

 The Goethe-Institute (is the largest institute to promote the German

language in Egypt) sponsors 20 schools to expand German learning, and
awarded (Fit) certificates

 The Central Authority of German schools abroad (ZfA) sponsors 14 schools in

Egypt to learn the German language and gives German language diploma

Egypt have 3099 official language schools and applied a plan to study a second
foreign language from the first grade of junior high school, and the students
have to choose between German and French and note there are large number of
student study German, this plan has been launched and distributed to other
public schools
Scholarships and student exchanges between the two countries continue to
increase which The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) gave
Scholarships and research for 5265 Egyptian in different programs Last year
2021, so with all the previous confirms the power of German language in Egypt.
The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the
Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) developed
strategies of building capacities to boost the skills and qualify our human
resources for meeting the expanding needs of the ICT market “Languages are
among the top requirements” especially German, so it’s created a database of
trained and qualified cadres in German in Upper Egypt, This data helps global
companies to invest in the south region of Egypt and Graduates will be linked to
available job opportunities in contact centers and offshoring service centers for
an average monthly income of more than 10,000 EGP.
The Goethe-Institute implements this initial phase and tracks are to be embedded
within the study period, vacations via integrated learning – online. Goal is to uplift
the level of students from beginning (A1) to advanced level (B2) in German
language proficiency.
Among these the Human Capacity Development programs the "Training
Academies" that provides training with the aim of qualifying job seekers to join
companies working in the field of IT outsourcing and creating new job
opportunities in cooperation with these companies to bridge the gap between
supply and demand for companies' needs for qualified cadres who can speak
German. The program aims to train 1,000 job seekers to master the German
language and employ 80% of them in the outsourcing sector by the end of
November 2022.
The University Council and Goethe Institute reached an agreement for training
about 100 teachers and their assistants in Egyptian universities to teach by the
latest German teaching methods. In March 2022, Goethe Institutes celebrated
with the graduation ceremony of the first batch, and another three groups are
currently being trained.
 Location fundamentals
 Pivotal Location
Being in the center of the world, Egypt is at the crossroads between Europe, Asia
and Africa and the heart of EMEA. It is considered as a nearshore location to
Europe. Egypt is also in an Eastern European Time (EET) zone. This is eligible Egypt
offers seamless business continuity with the US and Asia to Take advantage of
time difference (Follow-the-Sun approach).

 High- quality infrastructure

In line with 2030 Vision and Digital Transformation, Egypt has invested $2bn in
internet infrastructure upgrades. This investment supported the surge in demand
for ICT services for remote work, digital payments and e-commerce platforms
during the pandemic.
Because it is located in the center of the global cable network and because of
using high-quality submarine cables, so Internet connection has been greatly
improved and enabled Egypt to provide external cloud services to Europe, the
Middle East and Africa with the least transition time, this makes the country a
"digital channel". In the past two years the speed has increased 3 times and This
makes Egypt the third largest country in Africa and These efforts are being
supplemented to further improve efficiency.
 Egypt ranks fourth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) cyber
security index released by the International Telecommunication Union
 It advanced nine places +9 in the digitization index
 It also advanced to eight positions +8 in improving the network readiness
 Egypt advanced 55 places in improving the government's AI readiness

Egypt is a hub for internet submarine cables, with 13 cables and 5 under
construction transiting through the country, connecting 60+ countries. 90% of
Europe-Asia Data Flow goes through Egypt’s internet cable. Egypt is establishing
largest fiber optic factory in the MENA in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone).

 Transportation
1) Egypt has 26 airports nationwide 11 international airports, 5 international and
domestic airports, 5 domestic airports, BOT Airport with three airports in Cairo

• Cairo International Airport (East Cairo) offers both domestic and

international flights to 40 million passengers annually. Cairo Airport has
non-stop passenger flights scheduled to 92 destinations in 50 countries. It
is the second busiest airport in Africa after Tambo International Airport in

• Sphinx International Airport (West Cairo) was inaugurated in 2019 with

domestic flights and started international flights in January 2020. There are
plans to increase international flights in the next 2 years. This airport has a
capacity of 900 passengers per hour, with plans to more than double by
the end of 2021.

• Cairo Capital International Airport was inaugurated in July 2019 in the

New Capital, offering domestic and international flights. It has a capacity of
1 million passengers annually.
2) The metro network and public bus systems connect passengers to most areas in
Cairo and currently expanding to reach greater Cairo and the New Capital. The
Ministry of Transportation is switching to electric buses to move closer to a
greener Egypt.
3) A major monorail project is under construction to connect the New
Administrative Capital, east of Cairo, with 6th of October city, west of Cairo. It will
provide a qualitative boost to the transportation sector.
4) There is a number of ride-hailing apps covering major cities such as Uber and
Careem for cars, and the homegrown startup, SVWL, for busses, then followed by
Uber and Careem busses.

 Huge manpower and labor force in the field of information

 Abundant talents
 Egypt ranked 13th in the world with an estimated population of 104 million,
it considered the largest Arab population
 Egypt have abundant talents because 73% of the population is under 40 so
Egypt offers the largest and youngest Skilled of gender-diverse in the Middle
East and second largest in EMEA region
 With more than 600,000 annual graduates from over 70 universities and
100 institutes (the exact number is 643,778) from them 44,610 graduates in
IT-related fields
 total number of IT students is 160,300 & there are 174,000 Engineers and IT
experts working in this sector, therefore engineers are an important part of
Egypt's human capital.
Egyptian universities (public and private) have rich expertise in the sector of IT
with 39 colleges and 34 institutes. In addition, in 2022 "EUI Egypt University of
Informatics" is established in cooperation with major international universities
and Last October, the university welcomed the first batch of students in four
colleges (The Faculty of engineering, the Faculty of computing and information
science, the Faculty of business information and the Faculty of digital arts&

 Low labor cost

The reason why Business process outsourcing companies are attracted to Egypt is
not only because of Egypt's educated labor force and geographical location, but
also because of it has the lowest cost. The average annual salary of Egyptian
software developer is 7500$ is down considerably from $20,000 in Romania and
Bulgaria, and $24,000 in Poland
Egypt provides highly competitive operating costs without affecting the quality of
services provided. The average cost of employing junior software developers is
6400 euros per year this means Hiring Egyptian talents saved more than 60%
Comparing with the annual operating (cost of FTE Full Time Equivalent) in
European markets including Eastern Europe

The average salary of the call center agent is approximately at $402 per month
and for call center managers estimated at $950 per month According to survey
“All-Africa Global Business Services Benchmarking”
 Improve the global competence of graduates
Egypt is a center for producing knowledge and distinguished highly skilled
professionals in IT sector, it trains these graduates to become human cadres with
global competitiveness in the field of information and communication technology,
highly knowledgeable and proficient in emerging technologies such as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and Robotics, they equipped
with different perspectives and open to new cultures, they can maneuver their
way around the different nuances within a global marketplace

ITIDA has implemented a number of digital transformation initiatives among

government entities and private enterprises propelled Egyptians for learning and
acquiring new digital skills to increase their IT competence, to overcome all kinds
of subtle differences in the global market. have certified high-value training on
more than 30 technology tracks targeting more than 100000 youth in
collaboration with online learning platforms, multinational companies and leading
universities as follows:

Next Technology Leaders 6676 Grads

Egypt Future Work 73000


Digital Egypt Builders Initiatives Annual1000 Grads

 Egypt provides an ecosystem for companies to grow rapidly

Egypt has experienced an extraordinary 2021 so far, with the $404M raised by
startups from the country as of end of September, representing a 158% increase on
2020 figures. 60% of the funding came from foreign investors supporting Egyptian
startups in 2020.this ensure that Egypt have A Fast-Growing Ecosystem

Nearly 40% of Egyptian technology start-ups have experienced some form of

acceleration or incubation. This is an impressive statistic, which positively
illustrates the local environmental support system, including: Governments,
companies and universities.

These start-ups are also supported by a strong investment ecosystem. Since 2015,
318 Egyptian start-ups have raised nearly $800 million, it is reported that the
capital flowing to the ecosystem is increasing year by year, the amount of
156,248,000 USD raised in 2020 increased by 1.716% compared with USD 6.8
million raised by banks in 2015, up till now more than 80 Egyptian start-ups have
raised more than 400 million dollars this year.

 according to Global startup environment report (GSER) Cairo was ranked

the 1st in the MENA for regional ecosystem affordable talent and among
the top 15 for global ecosystem affordable talent, which is measured by
the ability to hire tech talent.
 Cairo is also the second-ranked country among the five major ecosystem
environments in the MENA, which is based on the Global Resource
Information System 2022 Research Report on Emerging Companies of
Clean Technology, which measures innovation through research activities
and patents.

 In addition, Egypt ranks fifth in the global innovation index GII released by

 according to Wamda’s report Egypt was recognized to have the largest

number of registered startups in the MENA, with 33% share of the total
number of startups in the region

In 2016, the Government of Egypt (GOE) embarked on a plan to establish new 6

science and technology parks across tier 2 cities. Tech parks encompass a
collaborative ecosystem of government entities, ICT companies, research and
academia, and entrepreneurs. Four parks are currently in operation.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) established

CREATIVA Innovation Hubs together with public universities. Hubs reside inside
the universities campuses with external access to support students as well as
start-ups to meetup, innovate, access resources, and develop digital
transformation solutions.
Alpseast company acts as a catalyst for business between
government, the private sector, universities and
entrepreneurial ecosystems and offers integrated programs to
support startups to enter the market and strengthen
connections with venture capitalists in the region and the
world, Alpseast Helps entrepreneurs transform their
technology business plans and product models into successful enterprises and
create more employment opportunities by using technology to improve and
improve living standards

In 2017, the UNDP selected Egypt to accommodate its regional UN Technology

Innovation Lab for Africa (UNTIL). The lab, hosted in Alpseast, aims at developing
innovative technology solutions to challenges in Africa for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, so Innovation is at the heart of Egypt’s

 Advantage living in Egypt

Egypt is a country that resides the center of the world. Its great geographical
location creates a mild favorable weather and a rich, diverse and inviting culture.
With a perfect fusion of history, hospitable ambience and forward-looking
lifestyle, Egypt continues to attract travelers from all over the world and remains
an ideal destination for many expatriates.

Egypt is home to world’s greatest wonders and is one of the best countries known
for its recreational, outdoors activities and sightseeing, known for its distinctive
destinations, Egypt has different strokes for different travelers. From exploring
the mighty pyramids, and marvelous artifacts, to visiting its exquisite beaches and
diving spots, to adventuring in desert safaris and enjoying a vibrant nightlife,
many travelers are enchanted with the unique and memorable experiences they

Cairo is the amongst the top 20% least expensive cities in the world, it is
estimated that on average it costs an individual a month cost of only $500 to live
in Egypt. Expats living in Egypt can choose from different housing options,
whether residential compounds offering recreational spaces and facilities, private
villas, apartments, or studios with High quality infrastructure, high international
standards, affordable prices, entertainment facilities, international restaurants
and shopping centers

 Egypt received the following ratings:

Egypt is a member of WTO wtoWTOWTO

a founding member of GAFTA

the current Chair of Common Market for

the current Chair of Common Market for
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

is a party to 112 bilateral investment treaties and has trade agreements

with over 70 countries

represented by ITIDA in the Global Technology and Business Service

Council (GT&BSC)

 Stable economic environment

Egypt maintains a high degree of stability and economic flexibility, according to a
report of the World Bank, Egypt leads in economic growth by 8 places to rank 120
from 190 countries in 2020 that Egypt's economy has achieved sustained growth
and significant progress over the past decade and it has declined in the past two
years Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to be GDP 3.6%
It is expected that Egypt's economy continued to expand within its stability
improved under the witness of international financial institutions (The World Bank,
the International Monetary Fund, European banks like European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development & European Investment Bank) they all reported
that Egypt has successfully implemented economic reform and Transition from a
subsidy based service economy to a more competitive economy, It is expected that
the growth rate will continue to grow at an unprecedented rate as shown in the
figure with green . This makes Egypt one of the fastest growing economies in the
Egypt’s BPO market is experiencing a shift in its services portfolio as providers
move from multilingual contact center services to high-value niche services, such
as product development and R&D. With help from outsource. Egypt succeed to
establish itself as an outsourcing destination has created thousands of jobs, with
the BPO workforce expanding from 169,000 in 2017 to 240,000 FTEs in 2020,
These jobs are filled by employees with specialized skills

Egypt is Africa’s top FDI recipient and one of the leading countries for FDI inflows in
the Middle East, as of UNCTAD in 2021. Egypt maintains significant stability and
economic flexibility. The country is growing stronger and becoming more resilient
after economic reforms began in earnest in 2016.

Cairo ranks first in Africa in following Strategies to attract foreign direct investment
according to the report "The Future Technology Business Environment in Africa" in
2021-2022 Published by FDI Intelligence” Financial Times
ICT Sector
 Fastest growing sector
ICT industry is known to be the fastest growing sector in Egypt and The largest
contributor to GDP that recording a growth rate of about 16.3% outpacing all the
state’s economic sectors during the fiscal year 2021/2022.

The sector hit new heights which its contribution to the GDP has increased from
4.4% in 2019/2020 to 5% in 2020/2021.The sector has retained its leading
position as the highest-growing sector over its peers for the fourth consecutive
fiscal year 2019/2020 showing strong and resilient performance despite the global
economic downturn and uncertainty as shown in the figure:
According to a report issued by the Ministry of Planning and Economic
Development on performance indicators of the Egyptian economy during the
same period, the ICT sector has come at the forefront in the number and value of
acquisition & merger deals in the MENA region during the first half of 2022.

It is creating 280K jobs (30%+ women participation). This has been fueled by the
increased number of MNCs setting up in Egypt and the exponential growth of ICT
exports reaching $4.9 billion in 2021/2022. Capitalizing on the pivotal location,
abundant talent pool (low attrition rates 10-15%), cost-competitiveness and
government support, high growth companies are directing their attention to the
uprising ICT powerhouse in the region.
 Hub to high-growth companies
Egypt is home to 500 Fortune companies with the likes of Amazon, Microsoft,
IBM, Uber as well as tech-powered startups like Instabug, Vezeeta and Swvl. The
country is leading the innovation scene in the region. It is attracting business
moguls chasing tech-powered solutions to today’s global challenges.

Egypt has established 150+ export delivery centers serving 100+ countries across
North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia catering for ITS, BPS, KS and
ER&D global demand.

Business leaders continually looking to grow their global footprint and provide
client-centric solutions and services, will find Egypt as the frontier GBS/SSC
destination for EMEA that offers high-tier capabilities such as business continuity,
digitally skilled multilingual workforce and high-value services like IT, HR, finance
& accounting, supply chain, and procurement.
 This sector resilient & agile
with its recent performance in the Economist’s Normalcy Index, Egypt was ranked
4th positioning itself among the top 10 countries showing resilience during
COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, owing to the governmental investments in
internet infrastructure upgrades, MNCs were able to migrate 50-80% workforce
successfully to WFH within 2 weeks only without disruption in business processes
and services as well as achieving their target revenues for 2020.

 Engineering, research and development services

Equipped with abundant highly-skilled talents, innovative hubs, labs & centers
and increasingly heavy government support, the ER&D segment is progressively
growing. Large players like Valeo, Siemens, IBM and BrightSkies are leveraging
Egypt’s top tier capabilities in areas such as electronics design, embedded
software and systems for their global delivery.

Supports to set up business operations in Egypt?

Alpesast cooperates with the Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology to organize and lead the development of the local information
technology industry to boost investment, generate economic growth, create more
jobs, and unlock entrepreneurial potential. By providing motivation and support
for those who want to establish or expand business in Egypt. We provide a full
suite of incentives and other support to enable a seamless investor journey to
help in maximizing the benefits of investing in Egypt.

 Financial support
Egypt's tax system supports the development of software industry and external
services, and provides special convenience for investors:
 Value added tax on export oriented services = 0
 Foreign ownership =100% for companies
 foreign representatives =100% in the board of directors
 Full rights to the profit and dividends distributed in any currency
 Protection against expropriation
 Prevention of double taxation through international treaties
 Protection against forced pricing

Incentives are applicable for foreign and local companies, on new establishments
as well as expansions, provided that services are being exported and A quantum
of incentives in the form of annual reimbursement on OPEX per new hire with a
declining scale between 2022 and 2026 and are tiered according to the scale of
hiring as shown in the tables below
 Support for Electronics Design & Development
 30% to 50% Corporate Tax reduction; up to 80% of total paid capital
 Customs and tax exemption on machines, tools, and equipment in Tech Parks
 Up to 50% subsidy on cost for Design Offices and Manufacturing in Tech Parks
 5% to 10% export overhead rebate, based local-value 50% freight cost subsidy
to Africa
 15% local product cost advantage for governmental purchases
 Fund over 3 years of HR development for enterprise staff (local/overseas); up
to $10K/person
 Professional and vocational training programs
 Grants for R&D projects up to $320K

 support and incentives from Alpseast

 Funding capacity building for new employees in amounts up to $10K per
 3-year exemption from rental fees, internet costs and utilities. After 3 years,
companies will enjoy highly subsidized rental fees for two years.
 Financing the transportation cost of new/existing employees to the Knowledge
 Companies can enjoy the Center laboratories services at no-profit cost.
 Incubation of startups at no cost in addition to receiving $65K grants.
 Dedicated customs port for legislation issues.

Alpseast is firmly committed with the Egyptian government to the 2030 National
Agenda & goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Intellectual Property Office was established for developing a business-friendly
environment that attracts foreign investment and high-growth companies even in
challenging times, for improving awareness of intellectual property rights, for
Ensuring that laws and regulations are implemented

Digital Egypt Strategy for the Outsourcing Industry 2022-2026

Egypt has made great strides in its DX journey where ICT has become a salient
feature and one of the key building blocks for development. This has fueled the
local ICT sector growth being the fastest growing sector with 16.3% growth rate
during the fiscal year 2021/2022, and demonstrated resilience through COVID-19
pandemic. This has augmented Egypt’s global appeal for investors and encouraged
more demand from global enterprises choosing Egypt as their reliable Outsourcing
destination and business services hub.
Building on this momentum, the Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology (MCIT) has launched “Digital Egypt Strategy for the Outsourcing
Industry 2022-2026” to propel the sector on a higher growth trajectory.

 The new digital strategy is designed to achieve the following

 Triple the export revenue for Egypt from digitally-enabled offshoring services -
with 19% CAGR (2022-2026).
 Create and increase sustainable employment opportunities in the offshoring
services industry with a focus on high-value services adding 215,000 jobs over
the next five years.
 Establish a recognizable brand name for Egypt in emerging digital
services/technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Advance Analytics
and Embedded (SW and chipset design).

Alpesast cooperates with Information Technology Industry Development Agency

(ITIDA) and they committed to develop a strong, collaborative business
environment to drive the next phase of growth in Egypt’s Offshoring Sector, their
strategy focuses on developing and implementing on main pillars:

1) Ecosystem Development
 Redesigned incentives to improve attractiveness and increase adoption
 Enhanced engagement with existing investors as well as talent and support
development of local companies
 Evaluate commercial office space to support future growth

2) Talent Development by developing new and strengthening current

upskilling programs:
 Employability enhancement programs for student pool
 Upskilling and reskilling programs for employed pool

3) boosting talent development ecosystem:

 Partnership /collaboration with academia and industry
 Develop investment attractiveness for professional institutions in the field of
education players
 segments targeted in 2022-2026 to contribute to the success of
the strategic objectives:
 Contact Centers
 Embedded Software
 Corporate Services
 Testing
 Vertical BFSI
 Vertical Hi-tech

 Alpseast introduces easy-to-administer incentive scheme to:

1) attract foreign investors
2) empower local companies
3) encourage establishments of new businesses
4) support expansions of high-value technologies
5) create more job opportunities for both men and women.

Egypt makes electronics initiative

(EME) is a presidential initiative of Egypt's communication and information
technology industry, focuses on two main scopes:

1) First is the superior design and production of electronic circuits and systems
with high added-value and backed with a high level of tech support.
2) Second is creating a labor-intensive electronics manufacturing industry.

 the purposes of launch(EME) are :

 contributor to double the Egyptian exports
 reduce imports of electronic and electrical appliances to the local market
 provide hundreds of thousands of jobs for researchers, engineers, skilled
technicians, and workers.
 Industry Segments:
 Product/System Definition & Design
 IC Design & Development
 Contract Manufacturing (ODM/OEM)
 Semiconductors
 Logistics, Repair & Recycling

 Industry Products:
 Smart Phones, Tablets, and GPS LED Lighting/Displays
 Smart Meters Solar Systems
 IoT Devices/Smart Solutions Industrial Electronics

Examples of leading MNCs Successful in Egypt
Egypt is the global center of information technology industry and services based
on technological innovation, it is the home of the world's leading MNCs, providing
outsourcing services for international IT They can establish and expand their
business because of more facilities, a faster market strategy and business
continuity, multinational companies were investing heavily in Egypt achieving
global scale efficiency, growing their business operations and finally reaching their
target revenues.

Dell's success and Continuously provide services to customers

without disruption because Egypt has stable infrastructure
and it has been a leading example for demonstrating
resilience and driving business continuity, the government’s
investment in continuously improving the IT infrastructure
over the past decade
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) signs agreement
with Dell Technologies to enhance the skills of young talents in data science, data
analytics and artificial intelligence as part of the national Digital Egypt Builders
Initiative. Egypt supports more than 14 languages, the most important of which
are English and German

Henkel decided to invest 50 million Egyptian pounds to expand SSC's

business in Cairo, establish a global information technology center
and support the implementation of Henkel's digital strategy Because
Egypt is the export center of the Middle East and Africa as a whole.
in addition, Egypt is one of the main strategic countries that Henkel
is committed to achieving business development to meet the growing market
demand in Egypt. German is one of the languages supported for Egyptian labor
Vodafone emphasizes the quality and skills of Egyptian technicians
and strongly welcomes attracting these talents into its business,
the services in Egypt now serve all Vodafone activities around the
world like cloud native application development, supply chain
business intelligence analytics, and machine learning. In Egypt,
there are many supported languages, the most important of which
is German.

"‫الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة واالحصاء "النشرة السنوية لخريجي التعليم العالي‬ 
"‫سفارة جمهورية ألمانية االتحادية "دليل المؤسسات التعليمية األلمانية في مصر‬ 
" Outsourcing Destination Guide Egypt " ‫وزارة االتصاالت وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ 
‫البنك الدولي‬ 

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