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o PRACTICE 11. Frequency adverbs.

(Chart 1-3)
Directions: Add the word in italics to the sentences. Put the word in its usual midsentence position.
Write () if no word is needed in a blank.

1. usually Ann I.\S1.\",1\ Y stays I

~ at night.
2. usually Ann ~
is !.\s "",1\ y at home at night.
3. always Bob stays home in the evening.
4. always He is at his desk in the evening.
5. usually He doesn't go out in the evenings.
6. always But he doesn't study every evening.
7. sometimes He watches a little TV.
8. never He stays up past midnight.
9. never He is up past midnight.
10. usually Does Ann study at night?
11. always Does Bob study at night?
12. always Is Bob at home at night?

o PRACTICE 12. Frequency adverbs. (Chart 1-3)

Directions: Add the given words to the sentence. Put the adverbs in their usual midsentence
position. Change the verb from negative to affirmative (i.e. statement form) as necessary.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to class on time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to class on time.
to class on time.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to class on time.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to class on time.

on time for class.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on time for class.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on time for class.
on time for class.
on time for class.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on time for class.

Present Time 7
<> PRACTICE 13. Frequency adverbs. (Chart 1-3)
Directions: Use the given information to complete the sentences. Use a frequency adverb for each

Kim's Day S M T W Th F S
1. wake up late X X X X X X X
2. skip breakfast X X X
3. visit friends X X X X X
4. be on time for class X X X X
5. surf the Internet X
6. talk on the phone X X X X X X
7. do homework X X
8. be in bed early

1. Kim
2. She
3. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friends.
4. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on time for class.
5. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Internet.
6. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the phone.
7. She - - - - - - - - - - - - homework.

8. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in bed early.

<> PRACTICE 14. Frequency adverbs. (Chart 1-3)

Directions: Complete each sentence with an appropriate frequency adverb from the list.

always often OR usually sometimes

never seldom OR rarely

1. I watch TV in the evening five or six times a week.

2. I let my roommate borrow my car only one time last year.

--+ I sel~<'1M OR V'l:'\V'ely let my roommate borrow my car.

3. Maria eats cereal for breakfast seven days a week.

4. Four out of five visitors to the museum stay for three hours or longer.
-+ Museum visitors stay for at least three hours.

5. We occasionally have quizzes in Dr. Rice's history class.

-+ Dr. Rice gives quizzes in her history class.

6. If the teacher is on time, the class begins at 8:00 A.M. Once in a while, the teacher is a few
minutes late.
-+ The class begins at 8:00 A.M.

7. The train from Chicago has been late ninety percent of the time.
-+ The train from Chicago is on time.

8. In the desert, it rains only two or three days between May and September every year.
- - - - - - - - - - rains in the desert in the summer.
9. James asks me to go to the sailboat races every year, but I don't accept his invitation because I
think sailboat racing is boring.
-+ I go to sailboat races with James.

10. Every time I go to a movie, I buy popcorn.

-+ I buy popcorn when I go to a movie.

11. Andy and Jake work in the same office and are friends. They go to lunch together four or five
times a week.
-+ Andy and Jake go out to lunch with each other.

12. Most of the time Andy and Jake don't discuss business when they go to lunch with each other.
-+ They discuss business during lunch.

o PRACTICE 15. Frequency adverbs. (Chart 1-3)

Directions: Complete each sentence with an appropriate frequency adverb from the list and the
simple present of the given verbs.

always often OR usually sometimes

never seldom OR rarely

1. Every time Pat rents a video, she chooses a comedy.

-+ Pat (choose) el\lWel\~s chooses
2. I almost always watch soccer matches on TV. I go to a soccer match only once a year.
-+ I (go) to a soccer match.

3. I take the bus to work once a week or once every two weeks.
-+ I usually carpool to work, but I (ride) the bus.

Present Time 9
4. The doctor told Mari to exercise four times a week, but she works long hours and exercises
only a couple of times a month.
---+ Mari (exercise) _

5. My roommate eats only vegetarian food, and I like beef and chicken. We always cook separate meals.
---+ I (eat) my roommate's meals.

6. The little boy in the street is begging for food. He comes from a poor family and never gets
enough to eat.
---+ The little boy (be) _______________ hungry.

7. On most Sundays, my family gets together for a big dinner.

---+ My family (get) together for a big dinner on Sundays.

8. Usually Jane can get right to work on her computer when she turns it on, but every once in a
while she gets an error message.
---+ Jane (get) an error message when she turns on her

9. Peter tries to finish his homework before he goes to bed, but he usually falls asleep.
---+ Peter (finish) his homework before he falls asleep and
decides to go to bed.

10. My friends like to play video games, but I don't join them because the games are too violent.
---+ I (play) _______________ video games with my friends.

11. Jenny's job starts at 8:00. Most days of the week, Jenny arrives around 7:30.
---+ Jenny (arrive) at work early.

12. I like to relax every night by taking a long, hot bath.

---+ I (take) _______________ a long, hot bath in the evening.

o PRACTICE 16. Simple present: final-S/-ES. (Charts 1-4 and 1-5)

Directions: Write -sl-es in the blanks where necessary. If the verb does not need -sl-es, use 0.
Change -y to -i if necessary.

1. Alan like S to play soccer. 9. Yuki go to school at seven.

2. My son watch es too much TV. 10. Tina get her work done on time.
3. Rita do es n't like t coffee. 11. Tina and Pat get their work done.
4. Monkeys climb ~

trees. 12. Do Bill get his work done?
5. Do you like to climb 13. Eric do n't get it done on time.
trees? 14. Ahmed carry a briefcase to work.
6. Do - - - Paul like - - - to cook? 15. Janet play tennis every day.
7. Paula like - - - to dance. 16. A turtle is another animal that live _
8. Mike wash his own clothes. near water.


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