Inlges Final 97

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2
What is a modal verb would? ..................................................................................................... 3
Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 3
The use of the modal verb would be .......................................................................................... 3
1. Use of "would" to express past habits ........................................................................... 3
2. Use of "would" to express unrealistic conditions ......................................................... 3
3. Use of "would" to express courtesy ............................................................................... 3
4. Use of "would" as a way of making invitations and suggestions ................................ 4
5. Use of "would" To Express the Future ......................................................................... 4
The meanings of the modal verb would be: .............................................................................. 4
1. Simple Past........................................................................................................................... 4
2. Conditional........................................................................................................................... 4
3. Wish ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Offer ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion.................................................................................................................................... 5
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 6

Before we explore the different uses of "would", it's important to understand what a modal verb
is. Modal verbs are a special type of verb that are used to modify or change the meaning of other
verbs in a sentence. They are used to express ability, possibility, permission, obligation, among
others. Some examples of common modal verbs include "can", "could", "may", "might",
"should", "must" and, of course, "would". One of the most common modal verbs in the English
language is the verb "he would be". In this work, we will discuss in detail the function, usage
and meanings of the verb "would".

What is a modal verb would?
A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that expresses an ability, possibility, or permission. The
most common modal verb is 'would', which is used to express future tense or to talk about
hypothetical situations.

Modal verbs are used to modify the meaning of other verbs by expressing degrees of possibility,
necessity, or permission. They are also used to express ideas such as obligation, permission, and

The structure of "would" is simple: subject + "would" + verb in infinitive without "to".

For example: "I would like to go to the beach" becomes "I would like to go to the beach."

The use of the modal verb would be

The use of the modal verb "would" is wide and multifaceted. It can be used in a variety of
contexts and situations. Some of the main uses include:

1. Use of "would" to express past habits

One of the most common ways to use "would" is to describe past habits. For example:

When I was a kid, I always played with my brothers in the backyard.

Before I had my car, I walked to work every day.

In these cases, "would" is used in the simple past to indicate a habit or action that occurred
frequently in the past.

2. Use of "would" to express unrealistic conditions

Another common use of "would" is to express unrealistic or hypothetical conditions. For

If I were rich, I would buy a huge house.

If I could, I would travel all over the world.

In such cases, "would" is used in the conditional to express a condition that is not true or
possible at the present time.

3. Use of "would" to express courtesy

"would" can also be used as a way of being polite or polite in English. For example:

Could you help me with this box, please?

Would you like some tea?

In these cases, "would" is use to politely make a request or offer something.

4. Use of "would" as a way of making invitations and suggestions

Also, "would" can be used as a way of making invitations or suggestions. For example:

Would you like to go to the movies with me?

How about we go out to dinner tonight?

In these cases, "would" is used as a polite way of making an invitation or suggestion.

5. Use of "would" To Express the Future

The modal verb 'would' is commonly used to express the future tense. For example, 'I would go
to the store tomorrow' indicates that the speaker plans to go to the store in the future.

Another common use of 'would' is to express a polite request. For example, 'Would you please
pass the salt?' is a polite way of asking someone to pass the salt.

The meanings of the modal verb would be:

The modal verb "would" can have a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is
used. Some of the main ways "would" can be interpreted include:

1. Simple Past: When used in sentences describing past habits, "would" can be interpreted as
the simple past of the verb "will".

For example: "When I was a kid, I ate ice cream every day."

2. Conditional: "would" is often used in conditional sentences to express a hypothetical


For example: "If I had more money, I would buy a new car."

3. Wish: "would" can be used to express a wish or a hope.

For example: "I wish it would stop raining."

4. Offer: The "would" can be used to make an offer or an invitation.

For example: "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

In summary, "would" is a modal verb with several functions in the English language. It can be
used to express a hypothetical action in the present or future, courtesy or request, a habit or
repeated action in the past, a future condition or result, a desire or preference, and a past plan
that was not carried out. Understanding the different functions of "would" is important for
communicating effectively in English and understanding the nuances of the language, with
practice paying close attention to detail, you can use modal verbs with confidence and



Students: Teacher:
Isselbacher Bomba n º: 19 Jaime Congolo
Issula Gulube n º: 20



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