Lesson Plan 4

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Lesson Number: _4__

Institution: Centro de proyección social Universidad Santo Tomás
Pre-service teacher’s name: Laura Daniela Lombana Barrera // Javier Ricardo Rojas Reyes
Grade/ Level: A1
Date of implementation: 25-03-23 Duration: 3 hours

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe people, places, animals, and things
through the use of basic general adjectives.

Use of Language:
Students will be able to use general adjectives for description to show it to the class by doing a short
speaking presentation. Also, they are going to reinforce the use of personal pronouns and possessive

Warm up
Procedure Time
Game Name: "Who or what am I describing?”

In this stage, students are exposed to the vocabulary of animals, places, people, or things. We
will teach them on slides and didactic material such as flash cards.

We will review the vocabulary with the previous topics and we are going to play as follows:

"What animal am I? What place am I? What person am I? What object am I?" We start by 20
showing: look at a card but don't show it to anyone. Then act out that animal (also making minutes
sounds), for example, by saying "moo!" (for cow), to imitate a famous person, imitating a place
or an object. Students can raise their hands if they know the answer. If you answer correctly;
Show a card and we ask you to take the action. Again, the student who answers correctly gets to
make the next person, animal, place, or object. We continue until everyone has guessed. Finally,
they keep the material.

Stage 1
Procedure PPP Time
In the first stage, students will focus on recalling the vocabulary of the main topics which are:
described people, animals, places, and things. Following by this, we’ll concentrate on explaining
the related grammar: general adjectives for description, the use of personal pronouns, and
possessive adjectives.


People: Beautiful - Pretty - Ugly - Attractive - Funny Etc..

Animals: Adorable - Heavy - Lazy - Playful - Cute Etc.. 30
Places: Exciting - Notorious - Famous - Fantastic - Popular Etc.. minutes
Things: Big - Fast - Abundant - Small - Abundant Etc..

After that, the basic concepts focused on vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation will be
reviewed with the students so that each one of them focuses on all the important parts of
constituting the language.

In this way, it is important that students in the first stage acquire the basic concepts presented
during the class, and also understand simple sentences and vocabulary shown in class where
the practical theoretical part is ideal for its development.

Recovered from: https://engdic.org/adjectives-to-describe-a-place/

Stage 2
Procedure Time
In the second stage, the students already have the tools that they acquired in the first stage. So,
they can create exercises among themselves and can interact in which they are able to explore
and create sentences related to the main topic where they use the resources they have in their
During the class, the writing, reading, pronunciation, and listening work is essential in which
they use the exercises to demonstrate their learning with the four skills where they have an
active participatory and practical role in the class individually or in groups.

Name: William Age: 24 Height: 185 cm Weight: 78 kg

William is a handsome/beautiful boy. He is young/old. He is short/tall and he is fat/of medium minutes
weight. He has got short/long , fair/black hair and green/black eyes.

Recovered from: https://www.englishwsheets.com/describing-people-1.html

Speaking prompt Exercise 1

You need to complete the sentence with adjectives :

Question: Zebras are?
Answer: a) Black and white b) weak c) Dangerous

Question: Snakes are?

Answers: a) Fat b) Aggresive c) Slow

Recovered from:

Speaking prompt Exercise 2

Question: Is your house large or small?

Answer: My house is small…

Question: Is your office beautiful or boring?

Answer: My office is beautiful.

Recovered from:

Speaking prompt Exercise 3

Question: A window is?

Answer: a) transparent b) made glass c) used for looking through

Question: An eraser is?

Answer: a) small b) big c) delicious

We are going to do the following with the latest question with the other demonstratives (That,

Recovered from: https://www.teach-this.com/images/resources/describing-objects.pdf

Followed by this is the application of the exposed knowledge.

A 20-minute break

Stage 3
Procedure Time
Based on the previous activities, students will show a 5-minute description of a person, an
animal, and a thing using the vocabulary and the structures studied in class.

1.Recovered from: minutes

2. Recovered from: https://cdn.britannica.com/86/34386-050-25B31B35/Great-horned-owl.jpg

3. Recovered from:
4. Recovered from:

Key vocabulary:

People: Beautiful - Pretty - Ugly - Attractive - Funny Etc..

Animals: Adorable - Heavy - Lazy - Playful - Cute Etc..
Places: Exciting - Notorious - Famous - Fantastic - Popular Etc..
Things: Big - Fast - Abundant - Small - Abundant Etc..

Assessment and evaluation (How the student will be evaluated through the activities proposed)
Based on the previous activities are going to describe three nouns, a person, a thing, a place, and an animal using the
vocabulary and grammar structures studied throughout the lesson.

They are going to be assessed based on the following summative rubric.

5 4 3 2 1 0
Spoken ideas Clearly Expresses their Describe people, Uses learned Provides Not
Expressed expresses their ideas in a places, things, phrases basic Submitted
correctly ideas without coherent way and objects to describe information
long pauses in using grammar using basic people, places, about
their speech and accurate details. things, and people,
using accurate vocabulary. objects very objects,
vocabulary. briefly. places, and
Language Form accurately Uses accurate Begins to use Uses a limited Begins to use Not
constructs: detailed word some vocabulary number of basic Submitted
phrases with order, with words and the grammatical pronouns,
Verb tense the errors. The verb to be in the constructions with
Sentence verb to be, Student doesn’t present tense. and assistance.
structure adjectives, use the The Student memorized (e.g. I, she,
word order personal adjectives with neither uses the phrases, the you). The
pronouns, and their adjectives nor Student neither Student
possessive corresponding the pronouns uses the doesn’t use
adjectives. pronoun or and possessive adjectives nor limited
possessive adjectives. the pronouns grammar
adjective. and possessive forms and
adjectives. expressions.
studied in

Taken from https://www.srsd119.ca/wp-content/uploads/SSS/Gr_1-4_CFR-Speaking-Rubric.pdf

Resources / APA References (Write the resources references according to APA rules)
Warm up


Stage 1


Stage 2





Stage 3






T Johnson, K Cavanaugh, M Chan, M Ormiston, C Pankewich and E Vandenberg. (2016, september). SPS EAL
Speaking Rubric. Saskatoon Public School. Recovered from:


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