Seam Finals

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You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, "Man overboard starboard side".

You should
instinctively ________.

A. give full left rudder

B. give full right rudder

C. put the rudder amidships

D. throw a life ring to mark the spot


You are on watch at sea on course 090 deg. A man falls overboard on your starboard side. You
immediately start a Williamson Turn. Which step is NOT a part of a Williamson Turn?

A. Step 1: Come right full rudder until the vessel heads 150deg.

B. Step 2: Stop the engines until clear of the man.

C. Step 3: Shift the helm to left full rudder.

D. Step 4: Continue with left rudder until on course 270deg.


You are doing a Williamson turn. Your vessel has swung about 60 deg. from the original course heading.
You should ________.

A. put the rudder amidships and check the swing

B. stop the engines and prepare to maneuver to pick up the man in the water

C. shift your rudder

D. increase to maximum speed


Which statement is FALSE, concerning the Williamson turn?

A. In a large vessel (VLCC) much of the headway will be lost thereby requiring little astern maneuvering.

B. When the turn is completed, the vessel will be on a reciprocal course and nearly on the original track

C. The initial actions are taken at well defined points and reduce the need for individual judgment.

D. The turn will return the vessel to the man's location in the shortest possible time.

You suspect that a crewmember has fallen overboard during the night and immediately execute a
Williamson turn. What is the primary advantage of this maneuver under these circumstances?

A. You will be on a reciprocal course and nearly on the track-line run during the night.

B. The turn provides the maximum coverage of the area to be searched.

C. The turn enables you to reverse course in the shortest possible time.

D. You have extra time to maneuver in attempting to close in on the man for rescue.


In a Williamson turn, the rudder is put over full until the ________.

A. vessel has turned 90 deg.from her original course

B. vessel has turned 60 deg.from her original course

C. vessel is on a reciprocal course

D. emergency turn signal sounds


The maneuver which will return your vessel in the shortest time to a person who has fallen overboard is

A. a single turn with hard rudder

B. engine(s) crash astern, no turn

C. a Williamson Turn

D. two 180 deg. Turns


A man was sighted as he fell overboard. After completing a Williamson turn, the man is not sighted.
What type of search should be conducted?

A. Expanding circle

B. Sector search

C. Parallel track pattern

D. Datum-drift search


While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry "man overboard". Which type of
maneuver should you make?

A. figure eight turn

B. Round turn

C. Racetrack turn

D. Williamson turn


Which statement about the Williamson turn is FALSE?

A. It requires the highest degree of shiphandling skills to accomplish.

B. It is the slowest of the methods used in turning the vessel.

C. It is the best turn to use when the victim is not in sight due to reduced visibility.

D. It returns the vessel to the original track-line on a reciprocal course.


A seaman is reported missing in the morning and was last seen after coming off the mid-watch. Which
type of turn would you use to return to the track-line steamed during the night?

A. Williamson

B. Racetrack

C. 180 deg. turn

D. Anderson


A racetrack turn would be better than a Williamson turn in recovering a man overboard if ________.

A. the man has been missing for a period of time

B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible

C. there is thick fog

D. the wind was from astern on the original course


The maneuver which will return your vessel to a person who has fallen overboard in the shortest time is

A. a Williamson Turn

B. engine(s) crash astern, no turn

C. a single turn with hard rudder

D. two 180 deg. Turns


You are on watch and see a man fall overboard. Which man- overboard turn should NOT be used in this

A. Scharnow

B. Single turn

C. Racetrack

D. Williamson


Besides saving distance along the track line, another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the
Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation is because ________.

A. it is faster

B. it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations

C. in fog, if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over, the vessel will be at the point where he
went over when the turn is completed

D. it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course

You receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. You should FIRST

A. notify the Master

B. put the wheel hard right

C. put the engines full astern

D. sound the man overboard alarm


The key to rescuing a man overboard is ________.

A. good communication

B. a dedicated crew

C. good equipment

D. well-conducted drills


The single turn method of returning to a man overboard should be used ONLY if ________.

A. the man is reported missing rather than immediately seen as he falls overboard

B. the vessel is very maneuverable

C. the conning officer is inexperienced

D. a boat will be used to recover the man


While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry "man overboard". Which type of
maneuver should you make?

A. figure eight turn

B. Round turn

C. Racetrack turn

D. Williamson turn

One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it ________.

A. is the fastest method

B. is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform

C. requires the least shiphandling skills to perform

D. can be used in reduced visibility


The Scharnow turn should be used in a man overboard situation only when ________.

A. the man can be kept in sight from the bridge while maneuvering

B. the turn is started immediately when the man goes over

C. there has been sufficient time elapsed since the man went over to complete the maneuver

D. the vessel has twin screws to assist in making the turn


Besides saving distance along the track line, another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the
Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation is because ________.

A. it is faster

B. it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations

C. in fog, if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over, the vessel will be at the point where he
went over when the turn is completed

D. it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course


When making a Scharnow turn, the ________.

A. rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over

B. initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over

C. rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240 deg. from the original course

D. man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn

You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, "Man overboard, port side". You should
instinctively ________.

A. give full left rudder

B. throw a life ring to mark the spot

C. put the rudder amidships

D. give full right rudder


The single turn method of returning to a man overboard should be used ONLY if ________.

A. the man is reported missing rather than immediately seen as he falls overboard

B. the vessel is very maneuverable

C. the conning officer is inexperienced

D. a boat will be used to recover the man


You are on watch and see a man fall overboard. Which man- overboard turn should NOT be used in this

A. Scharnow

B. Single turn

C. Racetrack

D. Williamson


While you are on watch, you learn that a crewman has not been seen on board for the past three hours.
Which type of turn is best in this man-overboard situation?

A. Round

B. Scharnow

C. Racetrack
D. Single turn of 180 deg.


When making a Scharnow turn, the ________.

A. rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over

B. initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over

C. rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240 deg. from the original course

D. man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn


While you are on watch, you learn that a crewman has not been seen on board for the past three hours.
Which type of turn is best in this man-overboard situation?

A. Round

B. Scharnow

C. Racetrack

D. Single turn of 180 deg.


When making a Scharnow turn, the ________.

A. rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over

B. initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over

C. rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240 deg. from the original course

D. man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn


The Scharnow turn should be used in a man overboard situation only when ________.

A. the man can be kept in sight from the bridge while maneuvering

B. the turn is started immediately when the man goes over

C. there has been sufficient time elapsed since the man went over to complete the maneuver

D. the vessel has twin screws to assist in making the turn


Which of the following statements concerning a man overboard emergency is FALSE?

A. the man can be kept in sight from the bridge while maneuvering

B. The ship pickup is faster than using a small boat

C. You should always place your vessel upwind of a survivor in the water to create a lee

D. the vessel has twin screws to assist in making the turn


You are approaching another vessel and see that it has the signal flag O hoisted. What is your next

A. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF Radiotelephone and begin a search because the vessel has a man

B. Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a pilot.

C. Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because it is disabled.

D. all the choices are correct


You are duty officer on the bridge. A person is reported missing. Which of the following actions are to be
considered as the correct maneuver in this situation?

A. Williamson Turn

B. Direct Turn

C. Scharnow Turn

D. Evinrude Turn


You are duty officer on the bridge. An eye-witness is reporting man-overboard. Which of the following
actions are to be considered as the correct maneuver in this situation?

A. Williamson Turn

B. Direct Turn
C. Scharnow Turn

D. Evinrude Turn


After start of man-overboard maneuver, whom shall be informed?

A. Engine Room

B. Chief Officer

C. Galley

D. Electrician


One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it:

A. is the fastest method

B. is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform

C. requires the least shiphandling skills to perform

D. can be used in reduced visibility


Which spoken emergency signal would you use to call a boat to come assist a man overboard?

A. Urgency signal

B. Distress signal

C. Safety signal

D. None of the above


If a "man overboard" is heard over the radio, what precedes the message?





A vessel which sound on her whistle 7 successive short blast and followed by 1 prolonged blast means:

A. Fire drill

B. Abandonship

C. Boat drill

D. Man overboard


When the code flag OSCAR is hoisted, it signifies:

A. A vessel in distress.

B. I am stopping my engine.

C. I am going astern.

D. A man overboard.


An execution by swinging out of the ship with maximum wheel either port or starboard, and
subsequently reverse the wheel so that them ships head swings out to, but not beyond 60 from the
original course, then continue to swing back with full wheel.

A. Double turn

B. Scharnow turn

C. Williamson turn

D. Single turn


When making a Scharnow turn, the ________.

A. Man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn

B. Rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over
C. Rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240° from the original course

D. Initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over


What maneuver will return your vessel in the shortest possible time to a person who has fallen

A. Anderson Turn

B. Williamson Turn

C. Scharnow turn

D. Any turn will do


What should you do when you see a person fall overboard at night?

A. Throw a red flare to the victim

B. Initiate a "Mayday" call to alert other vessels in the vicinity

C. Put the rudder hard over to the side where the victim fell and start the Scharnow turn

D. Call for help and keep the victim in sight


The maneuver which will return your vessel to a person who has fallen overboard in the shortest time is:

A. Two 180 degree turns

B. A Williamson turn

C. Engine(s) crash astern, no turn

D. A single turn with hard rudder


The Scharnow turn should be used in a man overboard situation only when?

A. There has been sufficient time elapsed since the man went over to complete the maneuver.

B. The vessel has twin screws to assist in making the turn.

C. The man can be kept in sight from the bridge while maneuvering.

D. The turn is Started immediately when the man goes over.


In a man overboard situation, besides saving distance along the track line, what is the other advantage
of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn?

A. In fog, if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over, the vessel will be at the point where he
went over when the turn is completed

B. It can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations

C. It returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course

D. It is faster


When making a Scharnow turn, the ________.

A. Man overboard must be not more than 300 feet astern when starting the turn

B. Rudder must be put over towards the side the man went over

C. Rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240° from the original course

D. Initial turn direction is away from the side the man went over


The best recovery maneuver during clear weather is ______________.

A. Scharnow

B. Williamson turn

C. Anderson turn

D. any turn will do


The best recovery maneuver during a restricted visibility condition is ______________.

A. Scharnow
B. Williamson turn

C. Anderson turn

D. any turn will do


How long does it take to return to the man overboard position when you are doing a Williamson turn?

A. 2-6 mins

B. 8-10 mins

C. 11-17 mins

D. 20-30 mins


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