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20190048 Sujin Kim

20190057 Chaerin Song

20190069 Haneum Jang
20200616 Taeneung Jo

Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.


001 Definition and Background of Comfort Women

002 Japan, Korea and China's position on

Japanese Military Comfort Women

003 The Issue of Compensation

004 Solution plan

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Definition and Background of Comfort Women

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1 Definition of Comfort Woman

Definition of Comfort Woman

-Women who were placed in comfort facilities by the
Japanese military and Japanese government during the
Sino-Japanese War and the Asia-Pacific War in order to
solve the Japanese military's sexual desire, prevent
sexually transmitted diseases, maintain public order, and
prevent rape.
-In the case of Joseon, ordinary rural women were the main
targets, and many women were mobilized without knowing
that they were engaged in prostitution locally.

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Historical Background of the Japanese Military Comfort Women System

WW2 The Nanjing Massacre Sex Disease

The Japanese Empire, which During the occupation of Nanjing in late The need to prevent rape and the
1937 after the Sino-Japanese War, spread of sexually transmitted
established a modern emperor
Japanese soldiers massacred civilians diseases became more urgent, and
system and dreamed of and raped women on a large scale. As as a result, the Japanese Empire
invading the continent, faced an international criticism arose for this, the expanded the military comfort
economic crisis in 1929 and Japanese Empire felt the need to
facilities system.
caused WW2 to overcome it. systematically manage the sexual
problems of the Japanese military.
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1 Comfort facilities life

Comfort facilities life

-Comfort facilities were directly established and managed by the military, and sometimes
entrusted to civilians. Civilian-run comfort facilities were guarded, supervised, and tightly
controlled by the military.
-Victim women usually lived in comfort facilities and were sometimes moved to other units or
regions due to military needs.
-The 'comfort women' victims had to deal with the soldiers regardless of the rules, and in some
cases they were beaten or even killed if they refused the soldiers' demands. According to
regulations, beating military 'comfort women' was prohibited, but assaults by soldiers and
managers were common.
-In fact, the victims still retain the scars of that time and are complaining of the aftereffects of
living as a 'comfort woman'.

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Mobilization method

-Ships were under the jurisdiction

employment fraud and supervision of the Japanese
police and military.

kidnapping intimidation
-A significant portion of the
money needed to mobilize these
women was procured by the
Japanese government.
lower-ranking officials
were involved
human trafficking

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1 Remaining survivors

Remaining Survivors
위안부 피해자 이옥선 할머니 별세
…생존자 10명

Lee Ok-seon, a victim of Japanese military comfort women,

passed away on December 26, 2022.

The death of Lee left only 10 survivors out of 240 victims

registered with the government.

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Japan, Korea and China's position on
Japanese Military Comfort Women

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2 Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

What does Japan think about

comfort women?

The comfort women occurred before 1979, when the Freedom of Rights Act took effect,
so it is not appropriate for it to be mentioned at the United Nations. Furthermore, it has
already been finally resolved under the agreement of the foreign ministers of Korea and
Japan on 12th, 2015. Therefore, the expressions of forced labor and sexual slavery are
not true and it was done by a private organization. So the Japanese government was not
involved and there is no accurate evidence over time.

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

What does Korea think about

comfort women?

Yohei Kono (Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan)

Statement of Kono in August 1993

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

What does Korea think about

comfort women?

Yohei Kono announced that the brothel was installed at the request of the military
authorities at that time, and the former Japanese military was involved in management of
the brothels and the transfer of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery from Korea or other Asia
countries. He admitted and apologized for their wrongdoing and this statement of Kono
admitting harsh living under forced condition revealed that sexual slavery is true.

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

In addition, Most related records were destroyed in the history of the Japanese imperial
army at that time. But we have interviews and testimonies of victims, which can be the most
accurate evidence of all.
And the legal basis to prove this can be found in the Japanese Army Ministry's revised

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

Japanese Army Minister’s revised regulation

Article 1 of the rules of the operation of the compound store designed to sell various goods
to soldiers at low prices on the battlefield. Article 1 The purpose of the concession stand is to
sell daily necessities, food, etc. necessary for soldiers, military personnel, and especially
those who are permitted to serve in the war zone or at a place where events have occurred at
an accurate and low price.
“Necessary comfort facilities other than the preceding paragraph may be (installed) in the
compound store.“

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

Japanese government created these separate provisions to legally operate brothels and
treated comfort women as daily necessities for the welfare of the Japanese military. This
regulation was settled based on a resolution of the Japanese State Council. We can know
that the Japanese government was involved in the establishment of a brothel.

And the agreement in 2015 is incomplete and the Japanese government is trying to solve
the problem with compensation, not a sincere apology.
We hope that the Japanese government will offer a sincere apology and acknowledge its
true history.

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Japan, Korea and China's position on Japanese military comfort women.

What does China think about

comfort women?

The forced recruitment of comfort women is a serious anti-humanitarian crime

committed by Japanese militarism during World War II. There are many
internationally recognized historical facts and related evidence. So, China should
remember the painful comfort women and Japan should reflect on its history and
deals with this issue in a responsible manner. And everyone in the world, as well as
China, is clearly watching the issue of the forced recruitment of comfort women.

Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.

The Issue of Compensation

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003 The Issue of Compensation
3 Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea, 1965
[한일기본조약, 1965]

Korea gives up its claim to Japan in exchange for the

Japanese government’s offer of $500-600 million to Korea.

It has already given money!!

It was provided by naming

“Economic Cooperation Fund”
“Independence Congratulatory Money”

‘Comfort Women’ issue was not socialized at the time,

it has not been completely resolved.
Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.
003 The Issue of Compensation
3 Asian Women’s Fund [아시아여성기금]

In 1994, the Japanese government compensated

the victims of ‘Comfort Women’.

This was not an official compensation from the Japanese

government, but a consolation money(위로금) from a
private organization called the Asian Women's Fund.

If the Japanese government wanted to apologize sincerely,

it would have paid compensation in the name of the
Japanese government, but paying it in the name of a
private organization means that

the Japanese government is not responsible.

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003 The Issue of Compensation
3 Korea-Japan ‘Comfort Women’ negotiation, 2015

Fumio Kishida, Japan's foreign minister

1. Officially apologized and reflected on the issue of deeply hurting the

honor and dignity of many women under the military's involvement
at the time.

2. Following the establishment of a foundation to support victims by the

Korean government, the Japanese government paid 1 billion yen to Korea
with their government budget.

3. On the premise of steadily implementing the above measures, he said he

would confirm the final and irreversible resolution of ‘Comfort Women’
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003 The Issue of Compensation
3 Why is it still a problem?

1. The
2. The Korean
content government
of the handled it arbitrarily without asking for
‘Comfort Women’ issue was a matter that deeply hurt
Undeniably, this of
the opinions was‘Comfort
an act,Women’
with the victims
involvement of the
or giving the honor and dignity of many women under the
any information.
military authorities of the day, that severely injured the involvement of the military at the time, and the
honor and dignity of many women. The Government of Japanese government felt responsible from this point of
Why there was no prior notice?
Japan would like to take this opportunity once again to view.
extend its sincere apologies and remorse to all those, As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe once
irrespective of place of origin, who suffered again expressed his sincere apology and remorse for
immeasurable pain and incurable physical and all those
Because of the urgent who suffered
progress as holiday
after the ‘Comfortperiod...
Women’ and
psychological wounds as ‘Comfort Women’. suffered wounds that were difficult to heal both mentally
and physically.
The agreement was virtually destroyed by measures such as the
Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono, 1993
dissolution of the foundation in 2018 after a review in three years.
Korea-Japan ‘Comfort Women’ negotiation, 2015

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003 The Issue of Compensation
3 Is compensations that important?

“Apology” should basically be the first.

“Compensation” should be made within the legitimate scope of
the recovery of the damage.

It is justified that there should be adequate compensation for

the victims for the extreme human rights crime of “sexual abuse.”

Nevertheless, most of the victims want a sincere apology from

the Japanese government rather than compensation.

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Solution plan

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4 Solution plan

Not using anti-Japanese sentiment

-The deeper the emotions of each other by stimulating anti-Japanese emotions, the further away
they are from solving the problem.

-I think it's better to have constant attention from members of society or policies that can actually
help victims than to induce anti-Japanese emotions.

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4 Solution plan

Exclusion of the parties concerned

-The comfort women issue is a matter of little time.

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4 Solution plan

• Regardless of ethnicity and nationality, I think the only

way to solve this problem is to face what has
happened to a human being, admit wrongdoing, and
comfort the victims. It's they who really need comfort.

Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.

20190048 Sujin Kim
20190057 Chaerin Song
20190069 Haneum Jang
20200616 Taeneung Jo

Copyrightⓒ. Saebyeol Yu. All Rights Reserved.

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