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Section A: Reading
Read the extract from When the Mountains Roared by Jess Butterworth, then answer
questions 1–8.

The leopard knows it’s cornered and faces them snarling. Its body is low to the ground.
‘Run,’ I whisper under my breath. ‘Why don’t you run?’
But then I notice one of its back paws is stained with blood. It can only limp.
My heart leaps; it must be the same leopard I saw before.
5 She growls, warning them not to come closer.
It happens so fast. A click, and then the crack of their guns.
‘No!’ I scream.
My voice is lost beneath the sound of shooting.
And it’s too late. There’s nothing I can do. The beautiful leopard thuds to the ground.
10 I collapse against a tree. And the mountains roar with me.
The leopard lies on its stomach; a sandy-coloured coat covered in black rosettes. Its
front legs are spread in front of it, with its long white tail curled round its side. The coat
has a velvet sheen all over except for the bullet wound in its side.
The men tower over it, clasping their rifles. Stinger kneels, touching the leopard’s fur.
15 ‘It’s not a snow leopard, but it has one beautiful coat,’ says Garjan admiringly. He
removes his sunglasses and rests them on top of his head.
Evidence. This leopard’s death can’t be in vain. With shaky hands I grip the camera and
switch it on. It whirs as the lens pushes out. I raise it on and focus through the leaves.
‘Wait, Ruby,’ whispers Praveen behind me. ‘Wait—’
20 I press the shutter.
The air around me is bathed in bright white light as the camera flashes.
The men look up in our direction, dazed for a split second.
I forgot about the flash.
1 Give one word from lines 1–3 that means ‘trapped’.


2 What does ‘My heart leaps’ (line 4) tell you about how the narrator is feeling?


3 ‘A click, and then the crack of their guns.’ (line 6)

What is the effect of the aural imagery used in this sentence?


4 ‘And it’s too late. There’s nothing I can do. The beautiful leopard thuds to the ground.
I collapse against a tree. And the mountain roars with me.’ (lines 9–10)
Give an example of personification from these lines and explain its effect.




5 Explain, using your own words, how the writer uses contrast in the description of the
leopard in lines 11–13.


6 What is the effect of ‘The men tower over it’ (line 14)?


7 Explain, using your own words, what the narrator means by saying the leopard’s death
‘can’t be in vain’ (line 17).

8 How does the writer use structure to build tension the last four lines of the extract
(lines 21–24)? Choose one example and explain its effect.

Structural feature:



Section B: Writing
1 Write the first three paragraphs of a story about someone acting bravely.
You could:
 describe the setting of the story
 include an event involving one or two characters
 explain how it feels to be scared but act bravely.

Space for your plan:

Write your paragraphs:

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