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Welcome to the first issue of Crux: The Pandemonium Scriptures! This publica-
tion was inspired by TSR's Dragon and Palladium's Rifter. However, Crux is sold
at-cost, meaning that no matter how many copies are sold, I won't see a nickel of
profit (now watch this fucker sell a thousand copies).

Anyhow, the magazine is a sourcebook for the Books of Pandemonium, written by

the fans, for the fans. When I feel inspired, I'll contribute, but only if there's room
in the current issue. If enough content is submitted, then I'll limit my involvement
to editing and layout.

If you want to contribute to Crux, just email me at I'm

always on the lookout for artwork, articles, ideas, actual play reports, scenarios,
new demons, new weapons, fiction, and poetry.

Keep your powder dry.

Spaniard out.

Neoplastic Press
Cary, North Carolina
Enrique Cachafeiro, Writer Anthony "Ars Mysteriorum" Holtberg, Writer
Enrique is a frequent contributor to the Neoplastic Born in Billings, MT and raised in Sioux Falls, SD,
Press forums, where he posts under the name Anthony Holtberg is very familiar with the term "the
Dremmen. Middle of Nowhere." Naturally, this lead to playing
RPG's as much as possible in his youth (a youth
Adam Chowles which extended into his adulthood, and he hopes it stays that way). Anthony is preparing to go to gradu- ate school, where he will attain his Master's Degree
Adam was born and raised in the seaside town of in Western Esotericism, and from there a Doctorate
Torquay, England. He had an interest in drawing and in Theology. Armed with these lofty pieces of paper,
fantasy art right from an early age, and it's something he hopes they will aid in his subtle takeover of the
that's stayed with him and been a driving force in his world. Until that point he's content to have aspira-
life. So it's fantastic to now have a career that allows tions of helping to found a fully accredited Esoteric
him to indulge in both. He graduated from Plymouth Studies program and to bring a candle of scholarly
University in Graphic Design in 2001 and since then learning where mostly ignorant fears, stereotypes,
he's been slowly building a freelance illustration and superstitions reside. If he manages to create, or
career with an aim of making it a full-time job. help create, a few RPGs and RPG supplements
Chowles has also recently been involved in Raging along the way... Well, all the better!
Psycho Comics' Night Warrior online comic project
as an Art Director and it's already enjoying success, Alexandre "Kobayashi" Jeannette, Writer
with a print issue released and a PSP UMD release
scheduled for release next year. He has high hopes
for Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium, and with Alexandre Jeannette lives in France where he works
any luck, it will see the beginning of his career as a as a freelance journalist in the videogame industry.
freelance fantasy artist. When he's tired of killing people on his PC and is not
busy reading or watching movies and TV shows, he
George Cotronis, Cover Artist studies Shiatsu and Systema. He has already written two short rpgs and plans to write some more. He
George Cotronis is the main designer and artist hopes to play a role in Rafael Chandler's scheme to
behind Helvete Studios, a design studio based in boost the twelve-sided dice production industry by
Sweden. Helvete Studios provides artwork and writing and designing game aids for Dread: The First
design services for the music and RPG market. Book of Pandemonium.

Raven Daegmorgan, Artist David "Mordren" Russell, Artist
Raven Daegmorgan has over a decade of experi- David Russell is a fine art photographer residing in
ence as a professional illustrator and graphic design- Melbourne, Australia. He first discovered the endless
er. He chooses to work mainly with small-press pub- possibilities of digital photography while studying
lishers today, though in the past he has served as Fine Arts Painting and hasn’t picked up a paint brush
lead web and print designer for various domestic and since. His inspiration is primarily drawn from film,
international companies. \Mainly self-taught, he uses music and nature. David has mainly produced work
numerous hardware and software tools to create for the music industry field but has recently ventured
each piece of art. In his spare time, he writes fiction into the realm of illustrated children’s books, for
and philosophy, is a student of humanity and tech- adults. Through the medium of photography he
nology, wishes he had time to do a whole bunch of attempts to convey a sense of magical realism and
other interesting things, and gets paid to play music hopes one can interpret their own story from the
for thousands of people he can't see. visuals he produces. Other forms of expression
include composing music, and David hopes to one
Huey Hoague, Writer day combine the two art forms into one hideous mul-
Enrique is a frequent contributor to the Neoplastic timedia monster of digital doom.
Press forums, where he posts as cyberhuey.

Carnation, by Rafael Chandler........................................4

Optional Rules, by Alexandre Jeannette...............................6
Optional Rules, by Enrique Cachafeiro................................7
The Good, the Bad, and the Disciple, by Alexandre Jeannette...........8
The Demon Bride, by Alexandre Jeannette.............................10
The Thin Dark Line, by Alexandre Jeannette..........................14
A Cold Day in Hell, by Alexandre Jeannette..........................18
Unnatural Selection, by Rafael Chandler.............................22
Keilow Demon, by Huey Hoague........................................28
Avomiad Demon, by Rafael Chandler...................................29
Epexiant Demon, by Rafael Chandler..................................31
Druthua Demon, by Rafael Chandler...................................32
Keradhon Demon, by Rafael Chandler..................................32
Akastiec Demon, by Rafael Chandler..................................34
Na’Vaad Demon, by Rafael Chandler...................................35
Spell Cards, by Anthony Holtberg....................................37
Implements of Destruction, by Anthony Holtberg......................44
Director's Cast, by Alexandre Jeannette.............................45
Equipment List, by Alexandre Jeannette..............................46
Character Sheet, by Alexandre Jeannette.............................47

Editing and layout by Rafael Chandler. ILLUSTRATIONS

All content copyright © 2008 by its original George Cotronis: cover art
creators. Clip art images (c) 2008 www.cli- Additional artwork © 2008 Adam Chowles: page 25
Jupiterimages Corporation. This book was
published by Neoplastic Press in Cary, Raven Daegmorgan: pages 10, 13, 28, 29,
North Carolina. Requires a copy of Dread: 30, 31, 32, 33, & 34
The First Book of Pandemonium to play.
This book is intended for mature audiences David Russell: page 35

No part of this book may be reproduced, in

part or in whole, without permission from the
publisher, except for brief quotes used in
reviews. All content is fictional, and any sim-
ilarity, real or imagined, to persons living or
dead, is coincidental.
Fiction: Carnation

by Rafael “Spaniard” Chandler

Christina Rood walked the streets at room, drawn by some urge that she didn't
night. Dead city. Dead man staggering know how to ignore. She turned on the light
towards her, mouth a crimson hole, crushed and stared at herself in the mirror. Her face
and broken. Arms mangled, bone and was dark in spots that resembled bruises.
shredded muscle roped with yellowish Yet, she had no recollection of being struck.
strands of fat tissue. He hissed, wailed. It was something to ponder on anoth-
She blinked, and it was a homeless er day. Something was amiss, just beneath
man shuffling out of an alley. Bottle clutched her skin. The way her jaw rang, like some
to his breast like a stillborn infant. Reek of bell struck gently, was strange, somehow
vomit, cigarettes, and whiskey. alien, and yet vaguely familiar. She imag-
Christina walked past him. Twenty- ined her mouth full of loose teeth, the roots
one, dark eyed, dark haired, she saw the turned to rotted strands of stringy flesh,
decay around her the way that no one else gums bleeding. Absently, she probed an
could. She could smell the stench of putre- incisor with her tongue, and stiffened as the
faction on the sweat that dried on sheets tooth gave way, accompanied by the cop-
after sex. She could taste the rot in her food. pery tang of blood. She spat a crimson wad
Everything spiraled into the grave, where into the sink, mystified, and opened her lips.
she knew that the dirt would keep her warm. In her reflection, she saw blood ooz-
She stalked the city at night. Steam ing from her gums, trickling over teeth which
from manholes, insects buzzing around pointed in various directions, skewed at odd
streetlight in the black summer heat. Distant angles. Curious, she reached up and took
sounds of traffic, air conditioners humming, hold of one tooth, slippery with blood and
music from a nightclub booming muffled a saliva. Clutching the sink with one hand,
block away. she carefully wiggled the tooth. There was
There was something, an itch, a sub- no pain, only a numb warmth mixed with
tle vibration in her lips and tongue. She spurts of guilty pleasure. She tore the tooth
ached to assuage it, but wasn't sure how. from its socket. Leaning over so that the
She climbed the stairs of her apartment now steady stream of blood would trickle
building and wondered at the sense of antic- into the sink, she lay the tooth on the ceram-
ipation that charged her body. What revela- ic toothbrush-holder under the mirror.
tions did her flesh contain? Trembling with anticipation, Christi yanked
Christina would need it later. She out the cuspid adjacent, and then the next
stripped and crawled into bed. In her tooth and the next. For moments, the only
dreams, she saw a monstrous toad with a sounds were her rapid breathing, occasion-
woman’s face. It spoke to her of liberation. al gasps, and the soft wet wrench of sun-
She listened. dered roots, followed by the tiny clink of
Hours later, she emerged from bed enamel on porcelain.
tired and cold. She went straight to the bath- When it was done, Christi stared at

Fiction: Carnation

the glistening strawberry ruin of her mouth, ran her palms up and down her ribs, prepar-
bleeding worse than before, but pure and ing herself.
soft and scarlet, devoid of intruding white All inhibitions abandoned, she dug
bone. The purple spots had intensified and into the meat just above her larynx and
were now spreading with alarming speed. At pulled. The sensation was akin to that of
their origins, about her cheekbones and removing a splinter from her flesh, minus
mouth, the skin was softening, like that of a the pain.
plum ripened past maturity. Yet, under the She continued to yank gobbets from
skin, did there not lurk more intransigent her throat, peeling back skin to expose
bone? Christi began to grasp the signifi- ropes of maroon muscle, yellowish fatty tis-
cance of what she was doing. Gently, she sue, and bluish veins. Her nipples hardened
tucked two fingers under her tongue and as she felt the slow wet warmth of blood
pushed the heel of her other hand under her spreading down her breast to her belly, her
upper jaw. Eyes squeezed shut, braced for thighs. Had she been capable of sound, she
agony, she shoved. There was no pain. might have moaned, but she could not; she
Instead, she felt an almost unbear- lurched and trembled, and her eyelids flut-
able frisson that ran along the inside her tered. Finally, she reached the last impedi-
mouth and down the length of her esopha- ment: her sternum. As if acting on their own
gus. Gasping, jaw askew, she again volition, her fingers peeled the flesh from
grabbed the sink, this time with both hands, the hard breastplate with a veteran sur-
nearly unable to stand. Waves of pleasure geon's skill. The spasms of delight that
washed up her thighs and ran warm, strong exploded in her nerve endings weakened
fingers under her rib cage and across her her knees and hastened her fingers. Intent
belly, bringing muffled cries from the red on savoring each surge, she forced herself
wreck of her mouth. Shuddering, she ripped to pause and catch her breath.
the clumsy jaw off and dropped it into the Her hands opened another door, slid-
sink. Too good, too sweet, too bright; tears ing under the sternum, the left hooking
of ecstasy blossomed in her eyes and she between the clavicles, and the right cupping
unknowingly ground her hips against the her xyphoid process from beneath. With a
cold white ceramic of the sink. Awed by the grunt, she yanked the plate of hard bone
sudden exposure of flesh's mystery, Christi from her chest and dropped it into the sink.
stared at the wound. Her tongue, thick and This dark red fruit, this fluttering delicacy,
purple, dangled from it; irritated, she ripped was her salvation. There, pulsing amidst the
it out and dropped it into the sink. carnage, was her sweet heart, her
Bliss. This cleansing was bliss. For true love, and she stared at its reflection in
several minutes, Christi just admired her the mirror with wondering eyes. This was
handiwork. Warmed by afterglow, she neat- the absolute bliss of self-love, self-discov-
ened the hole by tearing off wet strings of ery, and it was her happiness that guided
flesh surrounding her cheeks and throat. her fingers now.
Her bra ricocheted off the beige tile on the Tears of joy streaming down her
wall and hung from the hot water knob; her face, she eased herself from her cavity and
shirt landed in the bathtub. Satisfied, she lifted herself up to the light.

Optional Rules

by Alexandre "Kobayashi" Jeannette

Life points Fury uses

Life points are now equal to 10 + Strength, Adrenaline rush (2): the Disciple act first this
this should give Combat types an edge. round.

Lore: If a character has a sense score of 5
or 6 then he has access to the Discipline of
Lore. This is recorded in the Discipline field
on the character sheet. During gameplay
the Lore discipline can help the cabal to
identify the demon. Each time the use of
one of his skills gives the player a clue
about the demon, he makes one mark. The
player can then choose to roll one die for
each mark he has. As I love my dice con-
ventions to be consistant (rolling high is
good), each dice giving a result superior or
equal to 10 gives a clue about the demon.

A new option for advancement: Signature
weapon: one of the disciple's weapon
inflicts one additional damage point. This is
applied to a weapon the Disciple has used
to slain a demon. It now cannot be lost or

Fighter with the highest Combat score goes
first, then the next highest score, etc. In Headquarters
case of a tie, Disciples act before NPCs. Definitely useless for a one-shot, but detail-
ing the Cabal's headquarters could come in
Armor handy if you're planning to run a campaign.
Do not roll armor. Damage is directly sub- Once character creation is done, players
tracted from the armor value. can define the Cabal's headquarters (see
p. 152). They have 3 points to spend in facil-
ities for their headquarters. Each facility has
three levels. One point buys one level.

Optional Rules

Garage: each level gives the Disciples one OPTIONAL RULES

used car or van. Each additionnal level by Enrique "Dremmen"
allows to put one point in the Swerve,
Recover, or Ram stat or add 5 points to the
Body stat of the Cabal's vehicle.
Demonic Armor
Defiler and Stalker demons can be chal-
Occult library: this gives the Investigator a
lenging opponents, due to their abilities.
+1 to his rolls per level in this facility.
Hunters can be made more dangerous by
giving them natural armor. For example, try
Medical supplies: once per game session
a Phoriag with an armor of 6.
Disciples can patch themselves and regain
1 life point per level in this facility.
Multiple Enemies
When fighting multiple combatants, pool
Weapons locker: first level gives each
their dice in attack. For instance, if five
Cabal member one weapon with a maxi-
goons with machine guns fire at you,
mum cost of 7. Second level gives each
instead of rolling 2 attack dice against your
Disciple one concealed armor. Third level
6 defend dice five times, roll 10 Attack dice
gives a second weapon per Disciple.
against your 6 defend dice once.
Workshop: Disciples gain a +1 bonus to
their Repair skill per level in this facility.

Dressing room: each level gives one type

of disguise (Cops, Telecom company, Pest
control...) for every Disciple. Fake ID's are
not provided with the disguises.

As Disciples, headquarters gain 1xp per

session and get a "facility point" every 13
Setting: The Good, the Bad, and the Disciple


written by Alexander "Kobayashi" Jeannette


Every western directed by Sergio Leone or

Clint Eastwood.


Demons are attracted to humanity's cruelty,

hypocrisy, and violence. What better place
for them to thrive than the Wild West?

There are many books and RPGs about the
Wild West. Don't miss Pinnacle's You are the last survivor of a tribe wiped out
Deadlands, PIG's Coyote Trail, or Kenzer's by the US Army, or a former slave, or a bit-
Aces & Eights, to name a few. Last but not ter Confederate soldier... You were nearly
least, grab a copy of Vincent Baker's Dogs killed by a demon, then saved by a mysteri-
in the Vineyard; this should give you inspi- ous mentor. He taught you how to fight back
ration for Dread, no matter what era you and send the demons back to Hell. Saddle
choose to play in. And, of course, don't for- up!
get about the biggest online RPG source-
book: Wikipedia. SKILLS

The Driving skill is replaced by the Riding

skill. As you have probably guessed, the
Computer Use skill is not used in this era.

Jobs: US Cavalry, Cowboy, Gaucho

You know how to handle a horse in extreme

situations (gunfights, fires). You also know
how to pack a mule, and to tend cattle and

Gameplay: When a Disciple must drive a

wagon in a crowded street at full speed, or
stop a herd from stampeding innocent peo-
ple, he will use this skill.

Setting: The Good, the Bad, and the Disciple


There’s no armor in the west, so keep your head low or shoot first.


Brass Knuckles 1 1 1 -
Knife 1 1 1 -
Club 2 1 1 -
Tomahawk 2 2 1 -
Whip 3 2 1 -
Saber 4 1 2 -
Spear 3 2 1 -


Short bow 6 2 1 2


Derringer 3 2 1 1
Peacemaker 4 2 1 1
Shotgun 5 2 2 2
Winchester 6 3 3 2
Gatling 12 3 4 4
Dynamite (1 stick) 8 3 4 1


Horse 9 10 4 2 1
Carriage 11 20 2 2 2

Scenario: The Demon Bride


written by Alexander "Kobayashi" Jeannette


1. Protect the village

2. Eliminate the outlaws
3. Find and save the men
4. Eliminate the Tezcatlipoca cult


More than three hundred years ago, an

Aztec priestess was raped and killed by
conquistadors. Her followers mummified her
body and took her to a hidden city in the
north. They decided to lay low, waiting for a
sign from the bods to reclaim their ancient

One year ago, a Daemuil demon (Dread,

page 182) took possession of the dead
priestess' corpse. Pretending to be an
avatar of Tezcatlipoca (a god associated
with discord, war, and strife), it ordered the
surviving followers to hunt down and cap- The Jaguars hired a band of outlaws to
ture the descendents of the conquistadors carry out the task. The prisoners were taken
that raped the priestess. to an abandoned mine with an underground
river leading to a half-buried pyramid. The
This mission was carried out the priestess' Daemuil demon plans to kill the descen-
guards: the Jaguars. After a year of ram- dents one by one, and leave the remainder
paging in Mexico, the Jaguars found that to be sacrificed by the Jaguars.
the last descendents of the conquistadors
were living in a village near the US border.
The Daemuil became impatient and
demanded tht all males from the village be
brought before it.

Scenario: The Demon Bride


The Disciples are traveling in the region,

their mentor appearing as a crow with glow-
ing green eyes. He just sits on a road sign
indicating the US-Mexican border. On their
way, they find the corpse of a young
woman, apparently shot in the back. No
other marks, no message, nothing. The vil-
lage is up ahead, and the US Army fort is to
the west.

What do you do?


The Aztec woman was a priestess of

Tezcatlipoca. She was protected by elite
guards who wore the hide of the jaguar.
Gwen Morris, beautiful village doctor
After her death, they continued to dwell in
A beautiful woman in her late thirties who
the half-buried city of Yohualli Èecatl ("night
will do all that she can to help the Disciples.
wind"). The Daemuil was very amused to
Don't forget that beautiful women have a
see these men mistaking it for an avatar of
tendency to attract bullets in combat situa-
their god, leading them on a crusade of jus-
tice. The demon never leaves the pyramid
corridors, where it tries to lure the Disciples,
Jeff Palmer, nefarious outlaw leader
to take them out one by one.
A former Confederate officer, now leading a
band of American and Mexican deserters
and cutthroats. A very good tactician, clever
and cunning.

James Wilson, jaded US Army captain

The captain is a man who's seen too much
blood during the Civil War. He asked to be
assigned here so that he could finish his
military career peacefully. He just wants to
be left alone. He tells the Disciples that the
village is not on US soil, and therefore he
will do nothing. If the Disciples don't get too
judgmental with him, he may help them indi-
rectly by providing weapons and ammo.

Scenario: The Demon Bride


If you can picture the pyramid at the end of
The Village From Dusk Till Dawn, then you've got it
The women are held as prisoners by the right.
outlaws, who plan to use the village as their
new base of operations. It's up to the Abandoned Mine
Disciples to free the village without wasting Watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of
innocent lives. There are 20 outlaws at the Doom again. Then add 20 outlaws and an
village, and 20 more at the abandoned underground river leading to Yohualli
mine. Èecatl.

Scenraio: The Demon Bride

HOSTILES The Jaguars

Their faces are painted black, with yellow
Outlaws stripes. They wear jaguar hides. This has
Big guys with loud mouths, big guns, and led to many bizarre sightings of "jaguar-
low IQs. Their base of operations is set near men" around this region.
an abandoned mine. Strength 3, Sense 2, Soul 2
Strength 2, Sense 2, Soul 1 Weapons: Obsidian blades 2
Skills: Riding 2
Weapon: Revolver 2 or Winchester 3 The Jaguar Leader
A hulking brute armed with two obsidian
Jeff Palmer, Outlaw Leader blades
Years of raiding during the Civil War have Strength 4, Sense 2, Soul 1
made Palmer a dangerous man to pick a Weapons: Obsidian blades 2
fight with (for normal humans, that is).
Disciples should be able to kick his ass to
Kingdom Come.
Strength 3, Sense 2, Soul 3
Skills: Military 3, Riding 2
Weapon: Revolver 2

Setting: The Thin Dark Line


written by Alexander "Kobayashi" Jeannette


Iron Cross; Hellboy; The Bunker; The Thin

Red Line; Band of Brothers' 6th episode,
"Bastogne"; and of course, The Dirty


The year is 1944. Allied Command has

been receiving more and more reports of
strange events: whole squads disappearing, martial because they shot an officer who
only to be found, torn apart, in blood-stained was possessed. Some can even be found in
caves; soldiers and officer displaying odd psychiatric wards, rambling about some
behavior; sightings of strange creatures monster that ate their buddy's heart. But
hunting resistance fighters... now it's payback time: their gruesome train-
ing as Disciples and special operatives has
It's enough for the Allies to permit the cre- turned them into living demon-grinding
ation of a special unit dedicated to investi- machines.
gating these events. But, weary of wasting
resources on what they consider to be a SKILLS
wild goose chase, the unit was staffed with
all of the Army's loose cannons and black The Computer Use skill becomes...
The candidates were selected and trained Jobs: radio operator, intelligence analyst
by various officers grouped into a new OSS
branch: Special Operations Group 7. Wanna crack that German code? Need to
Unknown to the hierarchy is the fact that the decipher an occult message? Need to
unit commander is actually a Chraleddim. repair that radio? Then put some points into
Handpicking a few candidates, he supervis- that skill, dammit!
es the final stage of their training, forming
them into a Cabal of Disciples. Gameplay: The enemy is listening to your
communications. You pick up the field
CHARACTERS phone and start to speak in Navajo, order-
ing your team to blast the German troops
The Disciples are soldiers who were con- north of your position. The bastards will be
fronted by a demon and survived. They're blown to pieces before they can decipher
often accused of desertion, or facing court- that.

Setting: The Thin Dark Line


Just because it’s a war doesn’t mean you can have armor. Duck and cover! The
Disciples’ equipment is supplied by the Army, but they can try to obtain more by
using Cash.


Knife 1 1 1 -
Bayonet 1 1 1 -
Shovel 1 1 1 -


Revolver 4 2 1 1
Pistol 5 2 1 2
Shotgun 5 2 2 2
Rifle 5 3 4 2
Assault rifle 7 3 4 4
Submachine gun 5 3 3 3
Machine gun 9 3 4 4
Bazooka 9 3 10 1
Flamethrower 10 2 5 1
Grenade 6 3 4 1
Satchel charge 7 3 10 1
Tank main gun - 3 20 3
Anti-tank mine 10 1 20 1


The Office of Strategic Services The SS was Hitler's military Germany's armed forces were
(OSS) was an American intelli- organization. They served as known as Wehrmacht. The four
gence agency formed in 1942. his personal guard, and as the branches were Wehrmacht
OSS operatives ran spies and Nazi party's Shield Squadron. Heer (army), the Kriegsmarine
assisted resistance movements. Founded on Nazi ideology, the (navy), the Luftwaffe (air force),
It was disbanded in 1945, but SS was responsible for numer- and the Waffen-SS, the combat
was reformed as the CIA in ous horrific war crimes, includ- arm of the SS.
1946. ing the Holocaust.

Setting: The Thin Dark Line


Motorcycle 9 10 4 1 1
Jeep 11 20 2 2 2
Truck 12 30 1 2 3
Tank No! 40 1 2 5
Tiger Tank Nein! 50 1 1 5

Field telephone 2
Hidden camera 4
Metal detector 5
Silencer 4


Nothing will destroy a tank except for another tank, a bazooka, or a mine (or a grenade tossed
inside it, so that we have all of our Hollywood cliches).
* Firing at the front of the tank, the player determines damage as usual
* When firing at the back of the tank, damage is doubled
* When firing beneath the tank, damage is tripled

Any target that a tank fires on (except another tank) is destroyed. If it's a building, any person
inside is allowed a Strength check against difficulty 9. If failed, the margine of failure indicates
how much Life is lost.

Sneaking up on the tank may require some roleplaying, or a successful Strength or Driving
check, depending on the situation.

Setting: The Thin Dark Line


Cover fire is cool. Throw your combat dice.

The result is the Strength check difficulty
that's required in order to cross that field of
fire. Anyone failing his roll loses Life equal
to the margine of failure. Yes, running in
front of a machinegun is a bad idea.


A group of Nazi officials founded the

Siegfried Order, unknown even to Hitler.
Led by a powerful Hexen (sorceress), they
used ancient rituals that allowed them to
summon and bind demons. Although the
armies of Hell appreciate the sudden surge
of souls brought to them by the wars of
men, they are quite unhappy to see demons
being used by fleshbags.

This could trigger the final war, and it's way

too soon. Once again, some demons are Castle Siegfried
sent to Earth to train humans to fight their Home of the Siegfried Order, the castle is
brethren. But this time, they also have home to Beatrix Conrelissen, and is guard-
another objective: find and kill all members ed by SS Commandos who will fight to the
of the Siegfried Order. last. A direct attack is unfeasible. Once
inside, the Disciples will discover that
HOOKS Beatrix is using her bound demon, a
Vouzire, to protect herself.
The Demon Has Landed
The Disciples are ordered to exfiltrate a top- EPILOGUE
ranking SS Officer who wants to defect to
the Allies. The problem is that his OSS con- After you've finished with World War II, you
tact is actually a Laiamas demon. may still play in the aftermath. What hap-
pend to SOG 7 after the war? Did some
Year Zero members of the Siegfried Order survive?
A Red Army variant for Dread. After the fall Cold War and demons could make a very
of Berlin, Soviet Disciples run after a disturbing mix.
QaVaad roaming the city while Siegfried
Order members try to escape the city.

Scenario: A Cold Day in Hell


written by Alexander "Kobayashi" Jeannette


1. Defend the village The village where the Disciples are sta-
2. Find the spy tioned is plagued by a Vuiloma demon
3. Destroy the Tiger tank (Dread, page 233). It has possessed the
4. Kill or capture the Summoner mayor of Soulmagne. However, the demon
doesn't know that there is a Nazi spy in the
TRIGGER village. He was wounded on his way back to
the German lines, ad he took refuge in the
Winter 1944. The Disciples are stuck with a village, posing as an escaped French POW.
US Army platoon in the Belgian village of
Soulmagne. They are ordered to stop a part One of the American soldiers saw him sab-
of the 5th Panzer Army heading in their otage their communications equipment, and
direction. While they're waiting for the was killed before he could raise the alarm.
German troops, the dead body of a commu-
nications officer is found in the village. The And for the good news:
comm equipment has been sabotaged. * The weather is too cloudy for an airstrike
and there's no artillery support yet.
What do you do? * The Cabal is an independant unit;
Disciples cannot give orders to other sol-

Scenario: A Cold Day in Hell


Here's a rough breakdown of the scenario in

day-by-day events:

Day one

The first day will start with a massive

shelling of the village. The Disciples may
wish to help people around the village.
They'll find the body of the communications
officer. The artillery strike will be followed by
a ground assault, mostly consisting of recon
teams trying to spot American positions in
the village.
Second night
Evidence: Disciples may find that the
comms officer was killed by a professional. The Vuiloma creates a Vuiloac. Born from
the nightmare of the resistance leader, it will
First night have the form of an SS soldier, and it will
start moving from house to house, butcher-
All villagers will be victims of terrifying ing everyone it sees. The demon will hide in
visions induced by the demon. Some will the sawmill (which is owned by the mayor).
lose their temper and become violent. Some
will accuse the "French refugee" of beign a Third day
Nazi collaborator. After all, he's the stranger
here... He will try to escape during the night The Germans launch an all-out assault with
and get to the German lines. ground troops. A small group of SS com-
mandos will find its way into the village, led
Day two by the sorcerer from the Siegfried order.
Surviving Disciples should be more than
This day will see the intervention of a Tiger happy to kick their Nazi asses.
tank, which will destroy two of the three
Sherman tanks. It will be up to the Disciples The weather will clear up as the day pro-
to save the day. gresses. In the afternoon, the German posi-
tions will be bombed by P-51 Mustangs.
Evidence: The Disciples will learn that many Case closed.
villagers lost their sons during the war. If
they dig a little deeper, they'll learn that the
mayor lost all of his sons. His wife never
leaves home, crushed by grief. If they inves-
tigate his house, they'll find her dead body,
butchered by the demon.

Scenario: A Cold Day in Hell


Besides their role as Disciples, the players Farrel, nervous Lieutenant

will take command of the troops defending No communications, not enough men, not
the village. enough ammunition, not enough experi-
ence. You'd be nervous too.
Once each day, the players and GM will
play out the combat between American and Kowalski, tough-as-nails Sergeant
German forces: Not really the type of guy you want to have
* American troop strength is 3 beside you at a party. But in a war? Yeah,
* German troop strength is 6 sure you do.

Each clever tactic the players use gives Barnes, crazy medic
them one additional die (up to 3). Examples Pick your favorite character from M.A.S.H.
include preparation of kill zones, the use of and there you go.
mines, and sniper attacks.
Failure means that the group loses a num- Johanna, pretty dumb girl
ber of men equal to the margin of failure. This one fell in love with the French refugee
Half of them are too wounded to fight. (Werner) and will do anything to protect him.

American troops: 40 men, 3 Sherman tanks, Werner, Nazi spy

and 2 bazookas with 2 rounds each. A A very good actor. A shame for Hollywood
Sherman tank gives an additional die that his path will cross the Disciples'.
against ground troops. If used on the first
day, the Shermans will be destroyed by
artillery fire and Panzershreks (German
equivalent of a bazooka). The player will still
get one additional die for each Sherman
used in battle. Unused Shermans will
remain intact.

If the American troops don't change posi-

tions between day one and day two, they'll
lose 10 men on the morning of the second
day, due to artillery fire using the coordi-
nates obtained by recon teams the day

The players cannot divert troops to help with

the hunt for the demon. The commanding
officer won't allow it.

Scenario: A Cold Day in Hell


Watch any good war movie (see the inspira- Wermacht soldiers
tions on page 14) and fill in the details as Strength 2, Sense 2, Soul 2
the game advances. Some things to keep in Life 5, Armor 0
mind: Skills: Soldier 4
* It's a freezing winter Weapons: SMG 3
* The village is surrounded by a thick forest
* The village population is old, with a few Waffen SS
young women Strength 2, Sense 2, Soul 2
* The villagers are tired of the war; they've Life 5, Armor 0
buried most of their sons. American soldiers Skills: Soldier 2, Intimidation 2
just mean more trouble and more deaths. Weapons: SMG 3 or rifle 4

Some places of interest: SS Commandos

* The Church Strength 2, Sense 2, Soul 2
* The Town Hall (used as a command post) Life 5, Armor 0
* The sawmill (the demon's last refuge) Skills: Soldier 1, Hunting 3
* The school (used as an infirmary) Weapons: rifle 4

Scenario: Unnatural Selection


written by Rafael Chandler

OBJECTIVES Eventually, Dave moved in with Christy.

Within a few months, she'd become addict-
Rescue Roger Vandermay ed to freebase, and she'd lost her job at the
Rescue Vincent Wong restaurant. She started turning tricks.
Rescue Anne Meechum
Stop the hit men Dave's debts became serious a few days
ago, when he lost a great deal of money at
TRIGGERS an invite-only poker game. When it was dis-
covered that he couldn't pay the debt, they
The Disciples might get a call from a contact gave him a week to come up with the
in law enforcement who's involved in the money or they'd castrate him. In a panic, he
missing persons investigation. Or a journal- came up with a plan to blackmail Chapman
ist might get in touch with one of the with some of the photos that Chapman had
Disciples while investigating a strange story taken of Christy.
about three missing people and a girl that
seems to be involved in all three cases. The Three days ago, Chapman's daughter
Cabal might also hear about the slaughter Jenny was possessed by a Phoriag. That
at the Meechum residence, and begin their night, while Jenny and Roger (a classmate
search there. of hers) were studying together at the
Chapmans' living room table, Jenny's
SITUATION mouth split open, revealing a featureless
black face. It ripped its way out of her
John Chapman, a program manager for mouth, grabbed Roger, and dragged him
Apptitude Technologies, started cheating on into Li'Crast, a hellish pocket dimension
his wife two years ago. He met Christy where the Phoriag hunts its prey.
Barton, a waitress at El Dorado, and after a
few drinks, they wound up at her apartment. When Jenny woke, she had no memory of
For the next few months, he bought her Roger's abduction. Instead, she remem-
expensive gifts, and they had semi-regular bered being attacked by him, and she
sex at her place. Then, Chapman's wife was seemed to recall fending him off and driving
diagnosed with cancer. She recovered, but him from her room. Horrified by the memo-
he was crushed by guilt. He broke it off with ries that the Phoriag had planted in her
Christy and never saw her again. mind, she screamed for help, and her par-
ents called the police. A fruitless search for
After Christy moved in with drug dealer Roger convinced the authorities that he'd
Dave Ervin, her life took a turn for the fled out of guilt.
worse. Dave, a compulsive gambler, sold
many of the things that Chapman had
bought her.

Scenario: Unnatural Selection

To make matters worse, Christy contacted As Dave forced open the back door, he saw
Chapman later that night. It was the sim- Jenny. Jenny saw him, dropped the glass,
plest form of blackmail: give me twenty and started to scream. The Phoriag demon
thousand dollars or I tell your wife. But emerged, seized Dave and Christy, and
Chapman knew exactly what would happen. sent them to Li'Crast, then pulled itself back
He'd pay, and Christy would go away, but inside Jenny just in time for the police to
then she'd come back. And she'd keep com- enter the room.
ing back. There was only one way to finish
this, and John knew what he had to do. He She told them that a masked intruder had
told Christy to come by while Carol was at broken in through the back door and had
work and Jenny was at school. After calling grabbed her arm. Preliminary tests revealed
in sick, he loaded his revolver and waited. trace evidence of cocaine on the broken
But while he waited, something was hap- glass. However, the authorities are
pening at school. extremely suspicious at this point. However,
there was nothing that they could charge
While Jenny was talking to guidance coun- Jenny with, so it wasn't possible to take her
selor Vincent Wong, it happened again. This into custody.
time, it happened in his office, and the door
was closed. No one in the nearby offices Last night, the Phoriag took over Jenny's
heard anything, and his door never opened. body and butchered a family of four across
There was no way that Wong could fit town. It tore three of them limb from limb,
through the office's narrow windows. But he and sent the other -- receptionist Anne
was gone just the same. Police investigated Meechum -- to Li'Crast. When the demon
his disappearance as a missing persons has taken one or two more victims, the peo-
case, suspicious of Jenny's testimony. ple trapped in its hell dimension (Christy
Barton, Dave Ervin, Roger Vandemay,
They drove her home, and Chapman Vincent Wong, and Anne Meechum) will be
opened the door expecting to see Christy. hunted and killed.
Confused, he saw Jenny and two police offi-
cers. While they explained what was going Because Dave Ervin seems to have van-
on, Jenny went into the kitchen to get some- ished, a contract has been put out, and col-
thing to drink. lectors are searching for him. It's only a mat-
ter of time before evidence points them to
Dave and Christy, not realizing that there Chapman.
were police at the front door, were preparing
to break into the house. They planned to Jenny is still at large, and no one knows
force open the back door, shoot Chapman, where she's gone.
plant a suicide note and some pictures of
Christy, and convince everyone that
Chapman had killed himself out of guilt. In
their drug-fueled delirium, it made perfect

Scenario: Unnatural Selection

CHARACTERS Carol Chapman

Jenny Chapman Carol is a healthy-looking woman in her

early forties. She smiles broadly and warm-
Jenny knows that there's something wrong ly, and has a firm handshake. Carol is obliv-
with her, but doesn't know what it is. She's ious to her husband's infidelity, and would
convinced that there's something about her be utterly devastated if she found out. She's
that drives men to attack her. As far as she's convinced that her life is as good as it's ever
concerned, all of the men who have van- going to get. Her harrowing brush with
ished are crazed rapists who now stalk her breast cancer jolted her out of the reverie of
and wait outside her home at night. A skin- her past decade, and she's attacking life
ny teenager with thick glasses, Jenny lis- with a vengeance.
tens intently and speaks slowly. If confront-
ed or accosted, Jenny will fall unconscious Roger Vandemay
and the Phoriag will emerge from her body.
If it is attacked, the demon will open a gate A well-built high school senior. Tanned and
to Li'Crast, and everyone in a range of 2 will athletic. Comes across as well-spoken,
automatically be sucked into the portal. educated, and confident. He's terrified and
Anyone outside that range will have two disoriented, but he's not going to wait for
rounds to enter before the portal closes. help. An outdoorsman since childhood,
Roger knows his way in the wilderness, and
John Chapman he is resourceful enough to have stockpiled
a small supply of sharpened sticks, for use
John is aware that something is wrong with as weapons. He's convinced that there's a
Jenny. He saw something awful happen to logical explanation for all of this, and will
Christy and Dave, and he knows that the wait until an answer manifests itself.
other disappearances are somehow relat-
ed. However, he won't do anything that Anne Meechum
might threaten or harm his daughter in any
way. A tanned, fit-looking man in his mid-for- After seeing her family slaughtered, Anne's
ties, John will only resort to violence in order mind shut down. She is completely cataton-
to protect his daughter. ic, and is now wandering through Li'Crast in
a stupor. It will take a lot of therapy to bring
Christy Barton her back to reality, and that's if she man-
ages to escape. A stocky woman in her
A slender, petite blonde with wide blue eyes early forties, Anne is haggard and vacant-
and a ferocious body, Christy is gorgeous eyed.
despite the thick coat of mud, filth, and dried
blood. She looks vulnerable and miserable,
and will say or do anything to get back
home alive.

Scenario: Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection

Dave Ervin Master bedroom

John's briefcase, a photo of Christy, absent-
Caucasian male, early twenties. Wispy ly tucked inside a black ledger. In the photo,
moustache and baggy pants. When the she is smiling at the camera, hands on her
Phoriag dragged him into Li'Crast, Dave lost hips, eyes bright. Above her, the neon
his grip on reality. He's convinced that every screams, "El Dorado." This is the restaurant
person he meets is actually a monster, and where she worked part-time while she was
it's only a matter of time before he opens seeing John. Her former address is scrib-
fire. bled on the back of the photo.

Vincent Wong Kitchen

On the back door, the Disciples will find
Asian male, late thirties. A rumpled, tired- Dave's fingerprints on the doorjamb, and
looking guidance counselor. A costly residual cocaine from his clothing. His foot-
divorce, the lack of interest of his students, steps, and Christy's, end abruptly when they
and the lousy pay have conspired to drive reach the threshhold of the Chapman home.
Vincent to heavy and serious drink. He Anyone using Nimrod, or the Tracking skill,
doesn't understand what's happening to will realize that there's nothing natural about
him, but he's ready to accept any explana- this. There's no place for them to have
tion, so long as he can get home. gone.


CHAPMAN RESIDENCE The reek of sour beer, ashtrays, sweat.

Stains on everything, traces of cocaine and
Living Room cigarette ash.
Football trophies, courtesy of Rick and
Johnnie Junior, in a small wooden cabinet. Kitchen
A fine couch and a large television. A few Several weeks’ worth of dirty dishes piled in
prom photos in expensive frames. A collec- the sink. In a cupboard, under some knives,
tion of unread classic literature. a Polaroid of the Chapman house, with the
address written on the back.
Jenny’s bedroom
Stuffed animals, books on needlepoint, Bathroom
school textbooks, an encrypted diary in her Clogged drains, wads of dark hair, cigarette
nightstand, a laptop, a hastily scrawled sui- butts floating in filthy water. Behind the com-
cide note, written 24 hours before, crumpled mode, a ransom note for Jenny Chapman.
into a wad and kicked under the bed by mis- Newspaper-clipped letters on white printer
take. In her closet, clothing, pictures in little paper: GIVE US TWENTY THOUSAND OR
decorated boxes, unsent love letters, YOURE DAUGHTER IS DEAD NOT JOK-
shoes. ING NO COPS. David Ervin’s prints.

Unnatural Selection

Bedroom Worse, the land is inhabited by Akastiec

Under the mattress, pornography and a few demons (see page 34). It is highly likely that
small bags of marijuana and cocaine. if the Disciples arrive in Li'Crast and try to
Unpaid bills on the dresser. In the dresser, a round up the survivors, the Akastiec
few polaroids of Christy masturbating. A demons will be attracted to the smell of
love note from John Chapman, crumpled, fresh meat, and will attack. In all likelihood,
then smoothed out again. at least one of the humans will be torn limb
from limb by the demons.
The Phoriag demon's realm is an infernal
landscape. Vast roads paved with human Hit men
skulls stretch from one end of the horizon to Strength 3, Sense 1, Soul 1
the other. Immense volcanos spit ash and Armor 0, Life 6
acrid smoke into the sky. Twitching victims Skills: Crime 2
are crucified upside-down on inverted Weapons: Shotgun 2/2/2
crosses. Mass graves are filled with the
nude bodies of withered corpses. The air
reeks of rotting meat and excrement.

New Demons

KEILOW DEMON a mouth full of teeth so it can eat its prey.

by Huey "Cyberhuey" Hoague
The Keilow demon lives for causing right-
eous indignation and other strong emotions
Type: Stalker Anima Demon caused by its tricks. It feeds on the horror
and disgust generated by its Anima. It seeks
Strength 2 Strength 5-12 out symbols of goodness and happiness
Sense 8 Sense 2 and turns these into an army of destruction.
Soul 5 Soul 5
Life 15 Life 5-12 The bigger the Anima, the more time it takes
Wrath 25 Wrath 0 for the drool to cover the object. Also, the
bigger it is, the stronger it is, and the harder
The Keilow, when it is seen, looks like rep- it is to kill. The Keilow must supply all
tilian-skinned fire plug of a body riding on Wraith, because its creations do not have
very bug-like legs. One of its most promi- any of their own. Since it feeds on the feel-
nent features is a wide, drooling, mushy ings of the people seeing its Anima, those it
mouth. It usually sends into crowds and into the light of day,
hides in the shad- a cover up will be
ows, skitters up required later.
walls and even
across ceilings, Typical animations
anything to avoid are: a Civil War
being seen. Its hero on his horse,
constant drool has manger scenes in
a citrus smell to it. front of churches,
It usually has at and yes, it would
least 1 or 2 Anima seek out the Stay-
demons around it, Puft Marshmallow
since it is not man if such a stat-
much of a fighter. ue existed, but
one would hope it
The Animas are would be smaller
the creations cre- or it will be drool-
ated by the Keilow. The Keilow drools on ing for a week on
some inanimate object, covering it with a cit- it, and it would have a Strength and Life of
rusy syrup, which then hardens into a reptil- over 12.
ian skin much like its own. These animated
objects have a mobility limited by their phys- The Disciples would get pulled into the
ical structure. A man-shaped statue can investigation with missing statues and such,
walk, a pencil would crawl like a snake, and and then when these objects would later
a bird can fly. Regardless of its original attack people. The Keilow will almost never
shapem the new construct will have or grow be seen and it will take some serious work

New Demons

by Rafael Chandler

Type: Stalker

Strength 1
Sense 9
Soul 5
Life 19
Wrath 20

The Avomiad befriends weak, bullied peo-

ple, and patiently drives them to murder and
suicide. Appearing to its victim as a small,
talking animal (such as a kitten or squirrel),
the Avomiad offers reassurance, promises
vengeance, and vows to bestow great pow-
ers. Ordinarily, even someone mistreated
on a daily basis might well begin to question
his sanity when confronted with a talking
for the investigators to find it. Their best bet animal; however, the Avomiad slowly and
is to kill all of its Anima so the Keilow will gently begins to assert control of its victim
need to come out and make more. Another from the first word.
option would be to lay a trap using an all-
too-tempting object of affection. Initially, the demon merely chats with its vic-
tim. It sizes up the victim's potential, and
The Keilow can see out of its minions’ eyes tries to determine his state of mind. Could
and use its Wrath for them. If it is found and he be persuaded to kill? Is he so full of hate
cornered, it will cower and look for an and frustration that he could commit mur-
opportunity to run. The Keilow will drool on der? Could he be driven to suicide?
anything it can reach so that it will animate
and help the demon. If the demon concludes that its victim is suit-
able, it will begin to plant dark ideas in his
mind. Even after the demon has bewitched
its target, the victim may be confused or
frightened. Therefore, the demon only visits
when the victim is alone.

New Demons

Unfortunately, this does not have a cathartic

effect on the victim. Instead, it only serves to
last him into a blind fury, and the victim
begins to daydream about violent revenge.
After days, or even weeks, the victim
obtains a weapon. Generally, the Avomiad
prefers cutting or stabbing weapons, so the
victim typically procures a knife or axe.

On the morning of the onslaught, the victim

wakes up with red eyes. The irises are
blood-red, though the cornea and pupil are
still white and black, respectively. In addi-
tion, over the course of the next few min-
utes, the victim's body will be altered by the
Avomiad's magic. Horns will sprout from his
brow, or his nails will become long black

Exhilirated, the victim will take his weapon

to the place of torment, and will immediate-
ly begin the slaughter. Without thinking, he
It claims to be an angel, and says that it has
will slash and stab, covering himself in
come to free the victim from his suffering. It
blood and gore. Silently, invisibly, the
promises respect and accolades, admira-
Avomiad watches, enjoying the carnage.
tion and leadership. It then plants visions of
When finished, the victim will commit sui-
brutality, scenes of revenge taken for all the
cide as quickly and efficiently as possible.
petty slights and misdeeds of the victim's
tormentors. In those visions, the victim
However, if the victim is in any way imped-
stands, covered in blood, in a room full of
ed or accosted, at any time, the demon will
corpses, smiling.
attack. If Disciples question the victim, try to
restrain him, or take away his weapon, the
Over time, the Avomiad begins to push its
Avomiad will do its best to slay them all.
victim to the edge. For weeks, it visits the
Swift and reptilian, the demon has long nails
victim, at a certain time of day (a lunch
and teeth, which it uses in combat.
break, or late at night), and it chats with him.
It asks him to divulge everything -- all the
humiliations and abuse of the day, all the
insults and frustration.

New Demons

by Rafael Chandler

Type: Defiler

Strength 5
Sense 3
Soul 7
Life 15
Wrath 24

The Epexiant is a five-foot-long serpent with

glistening emerald skin. The demon's single
eye is blood-red, as are the serrated hooks
at the end of the demon's seven tentacles.

It preys upon those who are so racked by

grief that they are unable to move on with
their lives. For days, the demon will hunt for
a suitable victim, someone who has lost a
loved one and is crippled by the sorrow.
Typically, the victim mourns a spouse or By midnight, the victim will be nearly unrec-
child who passed away some time ago. The ognizable. Awakening with an unslakable
demon prefers to torment those who can't thirst for blood, she will leave her home at
let go of the sadness and get on with the once. Wandering aimlessly, she will attack
business of living. anyone she encounters, without hesitation.
Once she has killed, the skell will drink as
When a victim has been selected, the much of the victim's blood as possible.
demon will visit at night. After sneaking in,
the demon will vomit up a small quantity of Inside her, the demon will grow. A mon-
greenish ichor into the victim's mouth. strous worm the size of a man's forearm,
Inside the victim, the ichor will begin to the Epexiant swells in her abdomen. At
spread, overtaking healthy tissue like a can- dawn, the victim will find a quiet place to
cer. The victim's body will begin to change; sleep and hide. For twelve or thirteen hours,
eyes and skin will be tinted green; hair will she will hibernate, gorged with blood. In the
fall out in clumps, revealing a bright emerald meantime, the demon will continue to grow.
scalp; and fingernails and teeth will loosen
and slide out. At dusk, she will split open to reveal a new
Epexiant demon, which will begin to repeat
the cycle.

New Demons

DRUTHUA DEMON If they follow, they will eventually reach the

by Rafael Chandler lair of the demon. Deep in the sewers, or in
some other remote place, the demon will
lurk, waiting to snare another unwary tres-
Type: Hunter Parasite passer in its coils.

Strength 9 Strength 3 The Druthua feeds on those who will not be

Sense 5 Sense 1 missed. However, if threatened, it will kill
Soul 1 Soul 1 anyone, regardless of social status.
Life 21 Life 10
Wrath 14 Wrath 6 If attacked, the creature will first unleash
parasites made from the corpses of its other
The Druthua demon lurks below the city, victims. Hairless creatures with stumpy
feeding on its dregs. The homeless person, white limbs, they will swarm over the
the alcoholic, the addict -- all these fall prey aggressors while the demon attacks.
to the creature. It wraps its victim in its
writhing tentacles and slowly crushes the
life from the struggling body.
by Rafael Chandler

Type: Stalker

Strength 1
Sense 9
Soul 6
Life 19
Wrath 20

The Keradhon demon haunts lonely places

and lonely people. It casts its thoughts far
away, until it has found a victim lonely and
desperate enough to feed it. Then, it slowly
drives him mad, planting thoughts of murder
in his mind.

An amorphous blob of tissue, covered in

screaming mouths, the demon has several
large tentacles growing from its central
mass. It typically hides in a sewer or forest,
Then, it absorbs the victim’s memories, and but rarely bothers to conceal itself. If it is
begins to summon those whom the victim discovered, it will kill and devour its victim.
knew. Other people who knew the deceased
will see him standing on a corner, beckon-
New Demons

The Keradhon will finally appear to the vic-

tim, in the form of a numinous person with
feathered wings, and it will identify itself as
a guardian angel. Then it will command its
victim to find and punish the wicked. At first,
the victim may resist, but the Keradhon is
patient, and will wear him down. It knows his
weakness, and it will persist until he does as
it commands.

The Keradhon will also speak to the victim,

from miles away, whispering in his ear. It will
tell the victim that he is special, that he is
loved, that he is important. It will insist that
those who belittle or ignore him, those who
think that they’re better, will all perish in due

Then, the visions begin. The victim will

begin to see short acts of violence, perpe-
trated on beautiful, successful, or wealthy
people, typically members of the opposite
sex. With time, the visions will get longer
From its remote hiding place, the Keradhon and longer, and more grotesque. First, the
will cast out its mind, sifting through nearby victim will see a shooting. Then, a stabbing.
towns and cities, hoping to find a lonely per- Then, hours of torture and ritual impale-
son, someone with neither friends nor family. ment.
Its victim will ideally match the following
description: a quiet drifter with no steady job or After the first murder, the victim will be
personal life, who lacks any sort of focus or directed to obtain transportation by any
ambition. means necessary, and will then be guided
to the place where the starving Keradhon
Upon finding a potential victim, the Keradhon waits, coiling its tentacles in anticipation.
will begin to sing to him, in a voice like that of Devouring the food that its victim has
a small child. Only the victim will be able to brought, the Keradhon will thank its victim
hear this music. After a time, the visions will and send him back out into the world to pro-
take their toll. Unable to hold down a job or cure more food. If discovered, the demon
make regular appointments at the soup will attack with its rubbery tentacles.
kitchen or unemployment office, the victim will
be told, time and again, that only one person

New Demons

by Rafael Chandler

Type: Stalker Numeac

Strength 2 Strength 4
Sense 8 Sense 1
Soul 5 Soul 1
Life 15 Life 12
Wrath 25 Wrath 12
The Akastiec demon resembles a twelve-
foot tapeworm with serrated teeth. Native to
the blasted plains of Li'Crast, the Akastiec is
a massive serpentine demon that coils
through the dusty rocks of that hellish realm.
The demon's body is covered with glittering
purple and crimson scales, which make it
visible from a great distance at it undulates
rapidly towards its prey.

The demon feeds on any kind of flesh, but it If cornered or outnumbered, the Akastiec
prefers to consume those who are dying or will flee, preferring the taste of meat that
injured. Near battlefields and hospitals, the doesn’t fight back.
demon slithers in search of fresh meat.
If two or more demons are gathered togeth-
Slow-witted and easily confused, the demon er, however, or if the Akastiec has allies of
will also attack when startled or discovered, some kind, it will go into a battle frenzy and
and it is quite powerful. The Akastiec tends fight to the death.
to crush its victims in its powerful coils.
However, though it typically prefers the
The demon also bites with its jagged teeth, meat of those who are near death, it is also
and can sting with the barb at the end of its fond of that which was only recently born,
tail. By killing two points of Wrath, after a and regards newborns as a delicacy.
successful tail attack, the demon can lay an
egg in the skin of its host. Within seconds,
the egg hatches, and the larva within grows
to full-size: the Numeac, a six-inch insectile
parasite with a dense and near-impenetra-
ble exoskeleton. It can perform this maneu-
ver over and over again.

New Demons

by Rafael Chandler

Type: Hunter

Strength 8
Sense 6
Soul 1
Life 27
Wrath 12

The Na'Vaad Demon is a doppel-

ganger, albeit an incompetent one.
Disguising itself as a human, the
creature walks in lonely places at
night, seeking the blood of self-
destructive people.

The demon is drawn to those who

abuse themselves, mutilate their own
bodies, or continually place them-
selves in situations where they are
sure to come to harm. However, as
its appearance looks like a hazy
approximation of a real person, it
only appears at night, and always
approaches from a distance.

When it is close to its intended target,

and its sham is discovered, the beast
unravels and displays its true form: a
In lieu of an attack, the Na’Vaad can cast a spell by
deformed humanoid entity with rot-
killing a point of Wrath, which results in a seething
ting greyish skin and vaguely reptil-
swarm of insects which emanate from the demon’s
ian features.
blurry hands. Flying unerringly towards the victims’
mouths, the insects vanish upon contact with the tar-
The Na'Vaad is murderously strong
get, only to be followed by a torrent of blood from the
and fast, and takes great delight in
victim’s teeth and gums. The demon can target as
tormenting its prey before killing.
many as three people with this spell; to cast it, the
Director must make a Soul check against the victims’
Defend checks.

These resource documents will help you streamline
your Dread game.

From Anthony Holtberg, we have the Spell Cards.

Photocopy these, then cut them up and distribute
them to your players as needed. It will help them
keep track of their spells, particularly during combat
when the dice are flying. These are followed by
Holtberg’s Implements of Destruction, which lists
critical information like Fury, Equipment, and
Vehicles in an organized fashion.

Courtesy of Alexandre “Kobayashi” Jeanette, we

have the Director’s Cast, a resource that allows
GMs to keep track of all of the characters (including
the Cabal, Hostiles, and the Demon) in the scenario.
Then there’s the new-and-improved Equipment List,
which presents all of the weaopns, armor, and gear
in a new, easy-to-access layout. It also features new
weapons like the sniper rifle and the squad assault
weapon (SAW). Finally, we have a new version of
the character sheet, which includes an improved
tracking system for Fury, Life, and Armor, as well as
notes on Fury usage.
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Amanuensis Anvil Aphasia Ares Armistice
Investigation Attack/Defense Manipulation Attack Defense
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 6 rounds (30 seconds) Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 1 Range: 2

Summary: Re-write what was last Summary: Your skin and body Summary: The victim’s speech Summary: You gain mastery of Summary: Anyone within 10 ft. of
written with a writing implement become dark grey, hard, and becomes babbling or grunts and hand-to-hand combat. Reroll all you, including yourself, cannot
(pen, pencil, typewriter, computer heavy, like iron. You gain +1 to his writing becomes gibberish. It attack and defense dice lower attack for the duration.
keyboard, etc.) unarmed attacks and immunity to is impossible for the target to than 5.
metal weapons (bullets, knives, communicate with others for the Limit: Arms may still be pulled
Limit: The writing (if by hand) will etc). duration. Limit: If the reroll is still under 5, it back for a punch and guns may be
be your own, not the last user of counts as a 5. aimed. Also, this spell does not
the implement. Limit: Weapons not made of metal Limit: Target can still understand effect demons.
(punches, kicks, wooden others.
weapons, fire, magic, etc.) do
damage to you as usual. Roll: Magic vs. Soul.

Askance Astarte Barricade Bête Noir Bile

Manipulation Manipulation Defense Manipulation Grotesque
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 5 minutes Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: Immediate Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 2

Summary: The target perceives Summary: The target becomes Summary: A ten-foot high, ten- Summary: You learn a secret kept Summary: You vomit up stinging
everyone (even loved ones) as an enamored of you and will foot-wide wall of invisible force by the victim (computer acid and blood into the face of an
enemy, trusting no one with any reasonably do anything you ask. appears. The wall can shape itself passwords, names locations) the opponent. If successful the victim
valuable or personal information. After 5 mins the relationships to fit smaller spaces when cast. target would never willingly is blinded and disoriented and
Every question will sound like an reverts to whatever it was before. This barrier acts like armor at divulge. loses 2 dice on all successive
interrogation and he will refuse to rating 9 and lasts until destroyed actions for the duration.
cooperate with anyone for the Limit: The target will not harm the duration elapses. Limit: The Director will inform you
duration. himself or others. what secret your character has Roll: Magic vs. Defend
Limit: The wall’s shape cannot be learned.
Roll: Magic vs. Soul. Roll: Magic vs. Soul. changed after the spell is cast.
Roll: Magic vs. Soul.

Bracers Burgeon Cacophony Caliban Cancer

Defense Special Crowd Control Manipulation Grotesque
Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: Immediate Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 1

Summary: Mystic green fire coils Summary: You temporarily Summary: A deafening clanging Summary: The victim perceives Summary: Your hands transform
around your hands allowing you become superlative in every way. sound erupts from your mouth another (selected by you) to be into massive, crab-like claws. For
to deflect attacks. For every point
The round after you cast this, add stunning all those within 20 ft. repulsive, and will do anything to the duration, you receive an extra
you drop your Attack Score you 6 dice to your next roll, regardless (except your allies who only hear avoid him, regardless of their die for all attacks with the claws,
gain two dice to your Defend rollswhether it’s a skill check, attribute you yelling). For the duration all previous relationship. The victim which inflict +4 damage.
for the duration. check, or combat. After that, you those effected lose 2 dice to any may become hysterical or violent
return to normal with no side- rolls made. if forced to stay in the person’s Limit: You will not be able to drive,
Limit: The number of points effects other than a slight presence. open doors, or hold a flashlight
dropped from your Attack Score is headache. Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each while the spell is in effect.
static and must be determined affected. Roll: Magic vs. Soul.
when you cast the spell. Limit: The 12-die maximum still
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Capaneus Carapace Carnation Char Chela
Attack Defense Defense Attack Non-lethal Combat
Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: Immediate Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 3 Range: 1

Summary: You become utterly Summary: Blood seeps from your Summary: A large, blood-colored Summary: A glowing sphere Summary: One of your hands
proficient with whatever weapon pores and hardens outside your cloud pours from your mouth and appears around a small, inanimate becomes a massive, lobster-like
you’re holding. You gain +2 dice clothing forming weightless, solid floats towards a wounded ally to heal object (a gun, grenade, steering claw. The claw is bright, silvery
whenever attacking or defending armor of any shape you like. You him. Between 1-9 wounds are healed, wheel, etc.) rendering it brittle and and intangible. If it makes contact
with a weapon in hand. This gain an extra die when defending but you take some damage in return. useless. Picking the object up with a person, it will pass through
means a kick receives the same against physical attacks and an You take 1 wound for healing 1-3 makes it crumble into ash. The them and drain a point of
bonus as long as you’re holding a extra two when defending against wounds, 2 for 4-6, and 3 for 7-9. The spell has a range of 50 ft. and can Strength. If the victim reaches 0,
weapon. magical attacks. cloud moves 20 ft. per round despite affect an area up to 3 ft. in then he loses consciousness for
winds and obstacles. diameter. roughly 24 hours. Strength returns
Limit: If you lose or don’t have a at a rate of 1 point per day.
weapon, the bonus does not apply Limit: The cloud cannot go through Limit: Living tissue is not affected.
until you procure another. solid objects, like an airtight window.
However, If the window has cracks in
it, the cloud can seep through.
Chelicerae Chiaroscuro Cognito Confession Confound
Grotesque Investigation Manipulation Manipulation Manipulation
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 5 minutes Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 2

Summary: A monstrous pair of 4- Summary: For the caster, all the Summary: You immediately Summary: The victim spills his Summary: The target becomes
foot, insect-like mandibles erupt color in the world fades to black and become a familiar and friendly guts, answering and confessing to confused and unable to remember
from your torso. The initial pain white. One person the caster face to whoever sees you. Anyone every question you ask without what just happened. He will
causes 1 point of damage to you. chooses (human only) becomes seeing you will recognize you as a hesitation. believe any explanation and is
You gain 2 dice to your Attack bright red. The caster can see this friend, family member, co-worker, extremely impressionable for the
score and +2 to the damage you person through any object (walls, etc. and will respond accordingly. Limit: The victim knows duration.
inflict. When the spell is over, people, etc.). If far away, the person something has been done to him
whatever you’re wearing is is a red dot on the horizon. If close Limit: If someone sees you cast He may think he’s been drugged Limit: After the duration ends, he
shredded, but the mandibles enough, the caster can see what the the spell, they will see your face or hypnotized. When the spell will greet further explanations with
retract into your abdomen leaving person is wearing and doing. melt and change. Also, you have ends, he may hate you or even skepticism, but will believe
no scar. no idea who the person sees. react with violence. anything you told him the first 20
Limit: The caster must have met the Lastly, if you walk into a room with secs.
person face-to-face and must know many people, each of them sees a Roll: Magic vs. Soul.
his name. different friendly face.
Crepusculus Culebra Denial Diablerie Discern
Attack Attack Defense Manipulation Investigation
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: Immediate
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 2

Summary: A demonic shadow Summary: Your left hand becomes Summary: You become immune to Summary: Demonic apparitions Summary: You can see the secret
rises from the ground. It attacks the head of a snake. Your gain 1 all magic and supernatural effects appear to attack anyone within 30 nature of a person (drug use,
anyone threatening or attacking die to attacks with the snake head for the duration. This includes ft. of you causing everyone suicidal urges, etc). If the victim is
you with an Attack score equal to and +2 to damage. The victim spells cast by humans, Demons, around you to run or collapse on a demon, haunted or being stalked
your Soul and damage +1 with its takes an additional point of and Angels. the ground in terror, reducing their by a dark entity, it is revealed in
tentacles and fangs. All other damage the following round from Strength scores to 1. shimmering images in the air
attributes are at 1. the snake’s poisonous venom. behind the target’s back.
Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each
Limit: It has only two modes: affected. Roll: Magic vs. Soul.
attacking and standing still. No
other commands may be issued.
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Dresden Duress Eloign Emeute Energumen
Crowd Control Demon-bane Attack Crowd Control Attack
Duration: 1 round (5 seconds) Duration: 1 round (5 seconds) Duration: Immediate Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)
Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 3 Range: 2 Range: 1

Summary: Everyone around you Summary: A demon recoils in pain, Summary: You commence an Summary: Victims see apparitions Summary: You’re energized, and
within 30 ft. (except allies) unable to attack for the duration and attack, disappear in a brilliant of ghouls and skeletons rising your speed and reflexes are
experiences the horror of the will answer any questions asked. flash of light, and reappear behind from the earth. Guillotines are augmented. Your movements
Dresden firestorm of 1945. your opponent to finish the attack. erected, and tearful nobles are become a blur and your body
Overcome with horrific Limit: Any offensive action breaks If your opponent is within 100 ft. in decapitated while a bloody crowd seems to vibrate. For the duration,
hallucinations, the targets take 2 the spell and the demon can move any direction, the spell succeeds cheers. The nobles and masses Strength is 7, but Sense and Soul
wounds, are unable to act for that (and attack) again and my attack the automatically. are all decaying, gore-covered are 1. When the spell ends, all
round, and will act last the caster of Duress automatically. corpses. All targets within 30 ft. scores return to normal.
following round. Answers to questions cannot be Limit: If your opponent’s back is (except allies) drop whatever they
lies, but may be indirect. Confronted to a wall, you appear in front of are holding and Strength is Limits: Conversation and thinking
Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each with yes/no questions, the demon him. If there’s no place for you to reduced to 1 for the duration. are difficult in this manic state.
affected. must answer yes or no. appear or he’s over 100 ft. away,
the spell fails. Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each
Roll: Magic vs. Soul. affected.
Excoriate Fortress Frostbite Gaunt Gird
Attack Defense Attack Stealth Attack
Duration: Immediate Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: Immediate Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)
Range: 3 Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 1 Range: 1

Summary: The victim is engulfed Summary: Your hands blaze with Summary: An icy wind strikes Summary: Blood sprays from your Summary: Great blades of stone
in a cloud of splinters and chunks green flame making you an your target, paralyzing him nose and your skin tightens, turning appear in your hands. The blades
of wood. These begin to whirl impregnable fortress. You can completely. the victim loses a greyish-blue. You can now walk deal +1 damage, like normal
around him in an ever- now block punches, kicks, arrows, point of Strength, falls to the through solid any solid objects, swords. however, while holding
accelerating vortex, shredding blades, and bullets with ease. For ground, and loses consciousness including people, vehicles, and walls them, your Defend score goes up
skin and fabric. the duration, your Defend score is for 10 secs. The blast of wind can and can climb or descend through by 1 and you gain an additional 2
an 8 against any type of attack, be move through walls and go solid matter. dice when defending against
Limit: Range of 50 ft. it physical or magical. around corners. magical attacks (for a total of 3
Limit: Clothing and anything carried extra dice vs. magic).
Roll: Magic vs. Defend, damage Limit: If you attack, the spell ends Roll: Magic vs. Soul. drops to the floor and cannot be
equal to the difference if you’re immediately. taken with you. If you are still Limit: While these blades are
successful. moving when the spell ends, your weightless for you, they weigh 100
Life drops to 1 and you return to lbs. each for anyone else
where you started. attempting to use them.
Glossolalia Hemophage Inferno Jade Leviathan
Special Grotesque Attack Attack Manipulation
Duration: Immediate Duration: 2 minutes Duration: Immediate Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 2 minutes
Range: 2 Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 2

Summary: Your tongue snakes out Summary: You create dozens of Summary: A great wall of flame Summary: One of your hands Summary: The victim sees you as
of your mouth like tentacle and eyeless, white, foot-long leeches converges on the victim, burning becomes a shimmering blade of a horrifying demon with fangs,
wraps itself around the throat of that crawl over the victim’s body flesh, clothing , and possessions. translucent, incorporeal jade. Any claws, wings, and/or burning eyes.
the victim. Then it snaps back into draining blood and strength. The The Disciple must be very close to successful hit paralyzes the victim
your mouth, and for the next victim loses consciousness briefly the victim, and thus suffers 3 for 2 rnds (10 secs) making him Limit: To everyone else, you look
minute your victim is unable to (2 minutes), and wakes up with no points of damage. unable to move, speak or cast normal.
speak and you can talk with his/ memory of what happened. spells. It’s possible to paralyze
her voice. To someone on the Roll: Magic vs. Strength, damage two targets before the duration Roll: Magic vs. Soul.
telephone, or over an intercom, Roll: Magic vs. Soul. equal to twice the difference if ends.
you sound exactly like your you’re successful.
victim. Limit: Paralyzed targets can still
see and hear as normal.

Roll: Magic vs. Defend.

Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Levin Malison Malvado Miserere Moloch
Non-lethal Combat Demon-bane Attack Crowd Control Defense
Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute)
Range: 2 Range: 2 Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 2

Summary: Arcs of lightning Summary: Your words damage Summary: You grow thick spikes Summary: Red rain falls from the Summary: A thin sheen of
converge on the victim, draining demons. Any demon within 20 ft. of bone all over your body. It’s height of roughly 50 ft, affecting shimmering flames spreads over
his Soul score. If teh victim’s Soul of you suddenly sports grotesque painful, but you take no damage. any within 30 ft (except allies). your body emitting light, but no
score drops to 0, he becomes wounds when you speak. Anyone who touches or strikes Victims become weak and heat. 2 points of damage are
utterly catatonic. Any Soul points you takes 1 point of damage. If confused with Strength and Sense subtracted from any damage you
lost when this spell is cast will be Roll: Magic vs. Soul, damage you attack someone with bare scores falling to 1 for 2 rounds (10 receive.
restored within 30 secs (6 rounds). equal to the difference if you’re hands, then you get +2 to damage. secs).
successful. Limit: The armor disappears once
Roll: Magic vs. Soul, damage Limit: The rain is an illusion, those it absorbs 10 points of damage or
equal to the difference if you’re standing in it do not get wet. the duration runs out, whichever
successful. comes first.

Mute Nacreous Nephilim Nimrod Nodule

Stealth Defense Flight Investigation Grotesque
Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 6 rounds (30 seconds) Duration: Immediate/4 rounds Duration: 10 minutes Duration: Immediate
Range: 2 Range: 2 (20 seconds) Range: 3 Range: 2
Range: 1
Summary: Absolute silence falls in Summary: Iridescent, mother-of- Summary: You can track prey Summary: A tumor swells to the
a sphere around you. Within 20 ft. pearl scales cover your body. Your Summary: A pair of vast black through any terrain, regardless of size of a lemon at the base of your
of you, there is no sound. This Defend score goes up by 1, and if wings erupts from your back. For weather or trail conditions. Your throat. When ripped and thrown it
spell may be cancelled by the an enemy attacks you 20 secs., you can fly fast enough target’s footprints glow with pale, acts as a flesh grenade, with a
caster prematurely. unsuccessfully, the force is to keep up with a car, or catch a violet light, as do your eyes. flash and a bang. Victims are
returned and inflicts a point of person falling from a great height. stunned and may take no action
Limit: You won’t be able to hear damage on the attacker. In addition, dive-bomb attacks Limit: To cast the spell, you must the following round.
anything while the spell is in gain an extra die. be aware of at least one place
effect. Limit: This spell does not work your target was, make a Magic Limit: You take 1 point of damage
against ranged weapons or magic. Limit: If you’re in the air when the check (below), and then stare at and bleed all over.
spell wears off, prepare to go the ground until you see the
sidewalk diving. prints. Only you can see the trail. Roll: Attack vs. Defend of each
Roll: Difficulty 8 Magic.
Noesis Nyctalgic Octave Oracle Ordal
Special Stealth Special Investigation Special
Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 20 minutes Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate/ Special
Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 3 Range: 1 Range: 3

Summary: You can absorb the Summary: You develop narrow Summary: A massive force rises Summary: You’re able to see brief Summary: You and your victim are
skill of anyone you touch. For the pupils, like a cat and can see in from the ground, flinging anything images from ten to thirty minutes in trapped inside a 50 ft. diameter
duration, you can absorb and use almost no light. With drastic it touches into the air. This force is the future for about five or six sphere of energy that extends
as many skills as you want. changes in light, your eyes accompanied by a deafening seconds. even underground. Nothing can
respond immediately where mot boom. If cast at a person’s feet, enter it, and nothing can leave.
Limit: You must touch the skin of other would be blinded. that person will be flung 30-feet Limit: The Director describes the Any other living creature caught
the person who has the skill, high (with applicable falling images you see. You’re able to see inside the sphere is shunted out
memories or personality are not Limit: In total darkness you are damage). A heavier object, like a faces (unless they’re obscured), by inexorable force. The sphere
absorbed. blind, as usual. In the dark you vehicle, will spin out of control locations, and clues . remains until either you or your
cannot see colors, only in sepia- and crash. The spell effects victim are dead.
and-white. everything within a 10 ft. radius of Roll: Difficulty 8 Magic. If the roll is a
the blast. 12 or higher, the player can control Limit: This spell cannot be
the vision to a limited degree (focus, reversed.
POV, and vision length).
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Phantasmo Refuge Schatten Sclera Scossa
Special Demon-bane Attack Manipulation Non-lethal Combat
Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 9 rounds (45 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds) Duration: 6 rounds (30 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 2 Range: 1

Summary: You become invisible Summary: A sphere of glowing Summary: Your enemy is attacked Summary: Your eyes turn Summary: Your eyes turn jet black
and inaudible to everyone but energy, 15 ft. in radius, surrounds by his own shadow, which you completely red and you can with pale, wispy clouds racing
your victim for the duration. you. So long as you are in the control. Your mind is transferred paralyze a victim with your stare along the surface. For the
You’re not intangible or spectral, sphere, you are immune to magic. into the shadow, with your Soul so he can’t move or speak. The duration, you can deliver kicks
it’s just that no one else can see Demons and Angels are also used as the shadow’s Combat victim will no necessarily fall over.
capable of knocking anyone
or hear you. unable to physically enter it. score. unconscious in a single blow in
Limit: You must be able to see the addition to normal damage. The
Limit: None, except that it lasts a Limit: People may leave the Limit: The spell ends when the victim (though the victim need not victim regains consciousness in
minute. sphere, if someone enters it, the shadow takes takes 6 points of see you) and be within 30 ft. 2-3 mins.
spell is cancelled. You must also damage. If your body is disturbed
maintain the sphere, any other in any way, the spell ends. Roll: Magic vs. Soul. Roll: Magic vs. Soul.
actions end the spell. Demons and
Angels may also throw damaging
objects into the sphere. Like a car.
Seismos Sentinel Smilodon Sombra Stratus
Attack Defense Special Stealth Flight
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 6 hours Duration: 5 rounds (25 seconds) Duration: 12 rounds (1 minute) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 3 Range: 3 Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 1
Summary: Black waves of shadow Summary: For the duration, you
Summary: You punch the ground, Summary: An invisible sphere, 50 Summary: Your eyes glow softly converge on you, transforming you can jump 30 ft. straight up or 40 ft.
sending shockwaves that shatters ft. in diameter, is created around green and your pupils narrow to into a cloud of dark smoke. You across. With a running jump, you
glass, crushes trees, and stuns you. For the duration, any creature cat-like slits. Your skin pales, your cannot be harmed by physical attacks can leap a distance of 60 ft. A
victims (only those you specify) more than 2 ft. high/long or teeth lengthen and sharpen, and in this state and can move 10 ft. per jump kick with this spell deals +2
for 10 secs. For the first round The weighing more than 30 lbs. claws of bone erupt from your round Through openings as narrow as damage.
target is knocked prone and may passing through the field cause an fingertips. For the duration, you a pin’s head. You can cancel the spell
take no action. For the second alarm (only audible to those within can: see clearly in the dark, detect at any time, but if in mid-air, you will Limit: A running jump requires 10
round, victims take –2 dice to all the sphere to sound. a heartbeat 50 ft. away, use the take falling damage. You may revert ft. of clear space.
back and forth for the duration (each
actions. Hunter skill with a score of 2 (or transformation requires 1 round).
add 2 to your existing score), and
Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each your claws deal +1 damage. Limit: You may not attack or cast
affected. spells while transformed and any solid
objects (including clothes) on your
person are left behind.
Sunder Swarm Sycorax Tirade Valence
Special Defense Attack/Defense Manipulation Defense
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 3 Range: 2 Range: 1

Summary: Your hands are imbued Summary: A glowing swarm of Summary: Your skin becomes Summary: Your victim begins to Summary: A spinning disc of
with power. You can punch locusts whirls around you. For the rough and brown, like tree bark, scream uncontrollably, causing energy, 8 ft. in diameter, appears
through steel, stone brick, wood, duration, when you fail to defend and you can lift small objects up everyone within 20 ft. to drop what before you and drains kinetic
and people. Your bare hands deal against an attack or a spell, you to 100 ft. away with your mind and they’re holding. Your victim energy of anything passing
+3 damage (or +1 to a weapon’s may make a second attempt with wield them as weapons or call continues screaming, but is through it. You gain 3 dice to
existing bonus). half as many dice, rounded up. them to your hands. Your tough otherwise paralyzed for the Defend for the duration. You may
Example: A failed roll with 4 dice skin also subtracts 1 point of any duration. Everyone else is free to cast this on another person.
Roll: Punching through solid results in a second attempt with 2 damage you take. act after the initial shock.
objects requires a Strength check: dice.
Wood – Difficulty 2, Brick – Roll: Magic vs. Soul (victim only).
Difficulty 4, Steel – Difficulty 6.
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Veneno Viscera Vore Warstorm Wither
Attack Grotesque Non-lethal Combat Attack Manipulation
Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds) Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds) Duration: Immediate Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds)
Range: 1 Range: 2 Range: 1 Range: 1 Range: 2

Summary: Your hands trail black Summary: Glistening serpents Summary: Your teeth elongate and Summary: You blur, lit by ghastly Summary: The victim suddenly
streams of venom that float in the air and lampreys erupt from your your mouth widens grotesquely. white flames. You can attack up to withers and shrivels up. His hair
like blood in water. Make a Magic vs. abdomen, never fully exiting your For the duration, a bite attack six opponents in one round, each turns white, his eyes become
Soul check to attack. If successful, body. These serpents can crush does normal damage, but also with your full Combat score (plus milky, his muscles shrink, and his
you poison your enemy, who suffers and bite any target within 6 ft. drains 1 point of the victim’s applicable bonus dice). skin sags. For the duration, the
a point of damage upon contact and Strength and restores 3 points of victim may only roll one die for
each round after for the duration. The Roll: Magic vs. Defend, damage damage to you. At 0 Strength, the Limit: You take 2 points of damage any physical activity, including
effects are cumulative, so multiple equal to twice the difference if victim passes out. for each opponent you attack. Combat and Strength checks.
attacks can result in a maximum of 6 you’re successful.
points of damage on one target (1st Limit: The effect is only an
attack - 3 points over 3 rnds., 2nd - 2 illusion.
points over 2 rnds., 3rd – 1 point).

Roll: Magic vs. Soul.

Wormwood Castigation Emesis Gadarene Litany
Grotesque Exorcism (see pg. 104) Exorcism (see pg. 104) Exorcism (see pg. 104) Exorcism (see pg. 104)
Duration: 2 rounds (10 seconds) Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)/ Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate/12 rounds Duration: 4 rounds (20 seconds)
Range: 2 Until Dispelled Range: Touch (1 minute) Range: 2
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Summary: You projectile vomit Summary: You imprison a defiler in a Summary: The skell vomits a huge Summary: You strike the skell with an Summary: Your spoken words
foul-smelling spray drenching cage of invisible energy. You have quantity of blackish mucus that object (no larger than three feet in any cause harm to the demon and
anyone within range (except three rounds to touch the demon and forms into the demon after 1 dimension) and dozens of holes enrage it. When the skell’s life
allies). For the duration, the succeed at the following Soul check. round. appear in his body. Thick green liquid score reaches 0, the demon tears
nauseous victims must subtract If successful, the demon is paralyzed splashes out and the object absorbs itself from the carcass and
the highest die rolled. for 2 rounds, or until you release or Limit: Victims of this are usually it, and the demon. The holes close attacks. The victim’s wounds heal
destroy the demon. While trapped it repulsed, will think you mean to causing no permanent damage. For completely. This is the only
Roll: Magic vs. Soul of each cannot move or attack, though it can harm them and may not be the next minute, the demon is ranged Exorcism.
be injured. imprisoned in the object, thereafter
affected. cooperative. the object bursts, releasing the
Limit: Each failure of the Soul check demon. Roll: Soul vs. Demon’s Sense,
results in 2 point of damage. Roll: Standard Attack roll to touch, damage equal to the difference if
then a difficulty 10 Soul check. Roll: Standard Attack roll to touch, you’re successful.
Roll: Standard Attack roll to touch, then a difficulty 10 Soul check.
then a difficulty 10 Soul check.
Phthisis Salvation Unction Spell: Spell:
Exorcism (see pg. 104) Exorcism (see pg. 104) Exorcism (see pg. 104) Type: Type:
Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate Duration: Immediate Duration: Duration:
Range: Touch Range: Touch Range: Touch Range: Range:
Summary: The skell’s skin blisters and
rots until it sloughs off and the body Summary: The skell’s body splits Summary: Light pours from the skell, Summary: Summary:
rapidly decomposes. A wisp of smoke open from neck to crotch. Black erupting from the eyes, mouth, and
from the skell’s mouth enters yours. smoke pours forth filling one fingertips. Wild shadows are cast
The demon is now within you, but you corner of the room. There, it slowly against every surface, some moving
are not possessed or controlled. Any forms into the demon. The victim’s of their own volition. The light turns
damage inflicted on you is doubled on body is completely healed. to streams of blood, which are
the demon. After that round, the suspended in mid-air, and then crash Limit: Limit:
demon is expelled in the form of blood Limit: Victims of this are usually to the ground. All shadows disappear
from the caster’s orifices which
coalesces into the demon’s form. repulsed, will think you mean to but one, which forms into the demon.
harm them and may not be
Limit: This spell kills the skell and the cooperative. Roll: Soul vs. Soul, the demon is cast
caster still takes damage from the hits. out of the skell if successful and the
Roll: Standard Attack roll to touch, difference is subtracted from the Roll: Roll:
Roll: Standard Attack roll to touch. then a difficulty 10 Soul check. demon’s wrath.
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium Spell Cards
Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell:
Type: Type: Type: Type: Type:
Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration:
Range: Range: Range: Range: Range:

Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary:

Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit:

Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll:

Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell:

Type: Type: Type: Type: Type:
Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration:
Range: Range: Range: Range: Range:

Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary:

Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit:

Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll:

Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell: Spell:

Type: Type: Type: Type: Type:
Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration: Duration:
Range: Range: Range: Range: Range:

Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary: Summary:

Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit: Limit:

Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll: Roll:

for each point of Fury killed. This Knife ...................... (1/1/1/-)
can be done as much as the player Lead Pipe................... (1/1/1/-)
wishes provided the Disciple has Hatchet..................... (2/1/1/-)
Night Stick................. (2/1/1/-)
enough Fury.
Arrow....................... (2/2/1/-)
• KILL SHOT (1) – Gain one extra die on Battle Axe.................. (3/2/1/-)
an attack. Just one. Broad Sword................. (3/1/1/-)
• SECOND CHANCE (1) – Re-roll once per Revolver.................... (4/2/1/1)
round. Bonuses for Coolness and Fury Katana...................... (5/1/2/-)
must be earned/spent again to apply to Short Bow................... (6/2/0/2)
the re-roll. Crossbow.................... (6/3/0/2)
• COCK PUNCH (2) – Underhanded, gory Longbow..................... (6/3/0/2)
maneuver allows the player to steal Pistol...................... (6/2/1/2)
the Director’s highest die and add it Shotgun..................... (7/2/2/2)
to his pool. Submachine Gun.............. (9/3/3/3)
• SUICIDE RUN (2) – Futile, guaranteed- Grenade..................... (10/3/4/1)
Assault Rifle............... (11/3/4/4)
to-fail maneuver allows the player to
roll two dice and add them together ARMOR (COST/DAMAGE)
for the result. No modifiers allowed. Jacket......................... (2/3)
• CLUSTERFUCK (2) – A desperate, last Concealed...................... (4/5)
ditch attack allows the player to roll Tactical....................... (6/7)
one die and use the Director’s lowest SWAT........................... (8/9)
die rolled to determine success. Ceramic Plate.................. (10/11)
• BULLSEYE (2) – An automatic 12 on any
skill or attribute check. This cannot GENERAL GEAR (COST)
be used with combat or spell rolls. Bolt Cutters..................... (1)
• MIDDLE WAYNE (3) – Brutal, merciless Duct Tape........................ (1)
Flashlight....................... (1)
maneuver allows player to add two Highway Flare.................... (1)
extra dice to the roll and the Binoculars....................... (2)
Director rolls as normal. Even if the Fingerprint Kit.................. (2)
Disciple fails, he still deals the
difference in damage, plus weapon CLOTHES/DISGUISE/ESPIONAGE (COST)
bonuses. Boots............................ (1)
• BOHICA (3) – The Disciple performs Army Camo........................ (2)
completely insane, suicidal maneuver Police Uniform................... (3)
and loses all but 1 Life. The player Three-piece Suit................. (6)
rolls as normal, but the Director gets Designer Dress................... (7)
Fake ID.......................... (7)
only 1 die. If the roll is successful,
NV Goggles....................... (8)
the Disciple deals double damage. A Fake Badge....................... (9)
Disciple with only 1 Life left Hazmat Suit...................... (9)
performing this maneuver Retires.
Disposable Cell Phone............ (1)
Two-way Radio.................... (2)
VEHICLE (BODY/SWERVE/RECOVER/RAM) Digital Camera................... (3)
Motorcycle.............. (10/4/1/1) Camcorder........................ (4)
Car...................... (20/2/2/2) GPS Navigator.................... (5)
Laptop........................... (6)
Truck................... (30/1/2/3) High-end PC...................... (10)

Motorcycle, Used................. (9)
Car, Used........................ (11)
Truck, Used...................... (12)
You survived the Slasher Epidemic of the 1980s.
The government captured you and froze you in cryogenic stasis.
Believe it or not, things are about to get a lot worse.

retrograde. a new game by rafael chandler. coming in 2009 from neoplastic press.

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